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File: c36f33c2edabba6⋯.gif (606.09 KB, 500x283, 500:283, real_news.gif)

50edd9  No.279426

Am I the only one in the image board world who refuses to watch most modern TV shows and movies, who will not listen to most modern music either because it all sucks and is propagandized with Marxist subversion? I tend to stick to the "golden age" Americana era for media entertainment, from movies to television shows to music. In my opinion the golden era really started to decline back in the 1980s and from there things started to get worse and worse, with very few exceptions. There are very few modern singers and musicians I enjoy these days, very few television shows worthy of watching anymore and overall it is extremely rare to find a decent modern movie worthy of watching. I'm also this way when it comes to much of the modern "smart" technology and gadgets too, I have never owned a "smartphone" in my entire life. Is this normal or am I now a rare dying cliche of our society?

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6edd6c  No.279439


It's hard for you to own anything, since you don't have a job

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6edd6c  No.279440

You're an unemployed fucking piece of shit

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6edd6c  No.279442

Now tell the rest of the class why you are incapable of finding another human being willing to have sex with you

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6edd6c  No.279443


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6ba640  No.279444


Faggots like you in the 50s and 60s were screaming about how "modern music and movies SUCK!"

You're just another cog in a perfectly normal machine, working as designed, and there is nothing special or exciting about you.

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50edd9  No.279449


When I was growing up I also liked some of the older music, from Ray Noble to Casa Loma orchestra to the old Eddie Cantor and Al Jolson broadcasts recorded to the old Decca records. It didn't mean I didn't dig some pop and rock at that time, I still did. But those eras are long gone, and I am just left to wonder if I am one of the few to this day that likes to listen to older music and watches older entertainment to relax. Not many people seem to these days, at least from my experience. Almost everyone I know seems to own the smartphones and streams shit from Netflix and other services, many of my friends got rid of their old record collections years ago but I still have mine.

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6edd6c  No.279451






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6edd6c  No.279453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I bought you two front row seats to BLIPPI

but nobody else will sit next to you

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50edd9  No.279456


What the hell are you talking about Johnny? I just got back on here 20 minutes ago after doing my once a month grocery stockup.

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6edd6c  No.279457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe your mother will go with you

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50edd9  No.279458


I guess that answers my question then, I'm getting too old and disgruntled for modern society now.

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6edd6c  No.279459



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6ba640  No.279460


>I am just left to wonder if I am one of the few to this day that likes to listen to older music and watches older entertainment

No, you're not. There is nothing special or exciting about you.

>Not many people seem to

That's because you live in a bubble.

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6edd6c  No.279462


go listen to your garbage DOO WOP

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6edd6c  No.279463

File: f9dbb49000d5e2e⋯.jpg (273.84 KB, 1080x1381, 1080:1381, PicsArt_12_07_02_21_49.jpg)


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6edd6c  No.279464


LOL @ "Im getting too old and disgruntled for modern society now."


you were 'getting too old" back in 1971

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50edd9  No.279465


>No, you're not.

Perhaps that's a good thing then, thanks for the clarification, just wondering.

>That's because you live in a bubble.

Good, thank God.

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300585  No.279611

The landkike fears the Led Zeppelin

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5c5407  No.279624


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