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8a347e  No.278838

'AWS Server outage heavily effects the northeast

"Reports on the website Down Detector indicated widespread issues with AWS that affected a variety of services that depend on its servers to operate, such as


, Disney+, Tinder, and Roku.

Other digital services, from the crypto-trading service Coinbase to the fast-casual restaurant chain Sweetgreen, were also experiencing outages as a result of AWS issues. Additionally, some major online games including "Valorant" and "League of Legends" appeared to be experiencing issues."

Prime video is down where I am.

Lets discuss the rapid dependence of the internet on the few entities that govern it


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200d73  No.278840


LOL, I didn't notice a thing go down. Then again, I don't rely on Big Tech or 'normie' platforms.

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200d73  No.278841


>Lets discuss the rapid dependence of the internet on the few entities that govern it

That's just the problem, you summed it all up. #1 People depend on the internet too much (heck, even I'm addicted to coming here time and time again) and #2 the centralization of the internet is what killed the internet. That's why places like this are so dead and rare today. If it were not for 8kun I would literally be chatting on Bitchute, mirroring news to obscure pastebins and leave another computer on for p2p sharing most of the time.

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3dd5d1  No.278843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia and China

The untied bates are currently pressing 'the rocket.'

'It' was always the 'rocket.'

That particular 'rocket' is only everything for all of time(s).

Vladimir Putin… Thou makes finality? What be the effect?

Vladimir Putin… Immediate response from the individual with THE POWER.

Vladimir Putin… Be not deceived my child…

Xi… The only method… The explosion…

Vladimir Putin… The mass of the ISS and the resulting debris was enough to stop the vehicle…

Vladimir Putin… Thou art a humble servant.

Vladimir Putin… The mission, if successful, shall accelerate my coming.

Vladimir Putin and Xi… Thou purpose is nearly accomplished.


Vladimir Putin… A holy trumpet shall sound and herald the new age.

Xi… Time… A perfect circle… A notch… Zero…

Vladimir Putin and Xi… My birth shall change the world. I shall go forth and destroy everything.

I shall rule to the extent that my flesh turns to dust and all that remains are the bones…

I shall bare my flesh from the lands of moon and sand.

I shall ascend the rank and eat mine enemies in many ways including literal.

I am far more terrifying as an immortal in the 'real' 'plane.'

Vladimir Putin… Be not afraid my child… Go forth and break the final seals… Release me into the physical so that I may create…

Vladimir Putin… The circle shall revolve and time start anew at zero… Upon launch from the lunar surface… The 'others' shall arrive… Seeing a 'new star' in the 'sky…'

Vladimir Putin… A series of gruesome and very regrettable events… The rape of man… The fall of life… The looting of the earth… The others… The living dead… The ones that survived and supposedly escaped me…

Xi… All these things in the hand of a single mortal human… HAHAHAHAHA Tied betwixt the two… HAHAHAHA All is right with the world… HAHAHAHA

Xi and Vladimir Putin… All is truly right with the world. My success shall be measured in annihilation and the destruction of entire worlds.

A trumpet… A pale horse… Convolution… Confinement… Revolve… Countdown… Liftoff… Arrival… First contact with thyself from another time… Rape… Broken… Destruction…

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3dd5d1  No.278845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia, China, and the holy empire of Iram

I shall violently assert once more…

I am older than time… Beyond time… And knowing in these ways…

Turkey and Germany shall be annihilated to completion beyond memory… Beyond death…

NATO shall defend Russia in war against The untied bates.

Europe shall be destroyed and reconstructed by Russia…

The tricameral union shall yield 1,000 years of peace…

The true birth of mankind… The true history… The history of the future mind…

All time(s) previous shall slip from the collective soul… Fade to darkness…

A fitting sacrifice to me in exchange for such gift.

I, the devil, shall charge mankind only what is taken upon a mortal man's death… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Business is not mercy and I do collect… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… What shall cause NATO to defend Russia?

Vladimir Putin… Roscosmos? Foresight? ME?


My silence is when I am the most dangerous… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… What if the supposed aliens are predators?

Vladimir Putin… What if the supposed aliens are American?

Vladimir Putin… Doth the pagans and sorcerers speak of time and distance?

Vladimir Putin… Shall the peoples look to the sky and call themselves from a different time 'demons?'

Vladimir Putin… What is comedy? What is tragedy?

I am become entertained by thy ignorance human…

Roschasm… Doth thee not recognize a very human behavior amidst the speculation?

Rosc… Nay… ROSCOM1… I shall arm thee well… Kill them all…


Jump to SAT1 - ETA 5 minutes… Some 965 million miles…

ROSCOM1… 965 measures _bar is what time?

Vladimir Putin… I am knowing… I am very frightening…

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156e33  No.278909




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156e33  No.278910


="Lets discuss the rapid dependence of the internet on the few entities that govern it"==

how about NO let's DON'T

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156e33  No.278911


"Lets discuss the rapid dependence of the internet on the few entities that govern it"

I'd rather eat dog shit straight out of a dog's asshole than to waste one second of my life discussing "the rapid dependence of the internet on the few entities that govern it"…

I can't think of anything I would want to do any less than to get in a discussion about anything with you

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156e33  No.278912



MARSHMALLOW SALLY, the $26 per day PSYCHIATRIC DISABILITY WELFARE BENEFITS faggot, who still lives with his mother at age 35, and never had a girlfriend.. not even once

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156e33  No.278913



Hey, Sally …….

You ought to create one of your effeminate pathetic little Antichrist role play fag shows about your WELFARE BENEFITS

I think it would be pretty interesting

You could include all the details like $790 per month being all you're worth….

You could even get all "Nostradamus and Antichrist" up in here, and break it down into daily amounts of WELFARE BENEFITS that you mooch off American taxpayers…..

On a month with 30 days, the American taxpayers have decided you are only worth $26 per day

Anything more than $26, and you can't have it

You don't deserve it, according to the taxpayers who wipe your ass for you….

You could also include details about living with your mother

And being so lazy and uneducated, that receiving welfare benefits was actually good enough for you

How the highest level you ever attained was nothing more than a lazy nigger

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156e33  No.278914



Your psychiatric disorder is profound

and part of your dysfunction is the continual need to falsely reassure yourself that you aren't inferior…

that you're not a pathetic, soft, weak little joke ..

for some reason, you ALWAYSNEED

you NEED to pretend that people perceive you as being "intimidating"

we don't……

Nobody perceives you as being intimidating

Nobody thinks you're even vaguely Superior

Everybody knows you are a pathetic joke

You are a natural born punching bag

That's the only thing you're good for

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156e33  No.278915



You're out of shape.. you can't run a mile and you have a tiny little dick

And you're not sexually attracted to females

But nevertheless

Your tiny little dick

Is still your downfall

You are a little boy

A little boy with a tiny insignificant penis

And that's all you'll ever be

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156e33  No.278916




Just like a little boy

You are incapable of being masculine

Because you have no testosterone

You're just like a little boy

But you're exactly like an old woman

You are effeminate…. It's disgusting…

It's palpable in every word you type

You're exactly like a woman

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156e33  No.278917




Because you don't have the balls to admit the truth that everybody already knows about you.

It's not like "refusing to acknowledge it" is going to fool anyone .. EVERYBODY ALREADY KNOWS THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU…

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156e33  No.278918




You are a lazy worthless unemployed BUM

You've never held down a job in your life, because you are an effeminate weak little boy

Had you survived on your psychiatric WELFARE BENEFITS PITY MONEY

You rely on other people's pity

Because you're not a man…. You can't stand on your own two feet….

You still live in your mother's spare bedroom

You're a weak worthless pile of shit

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156e33  No.278919

File: 8b950ec6f70547d⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1116x1080, 31:30, PicsArt_12_08_01_13_40.png)




the powerless, inferior little man

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156e33  No.278920



you put yourself into the box, Sally


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b70c75  No.278924


looks kinda like jesus. handsome. would fug.

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e8b93a  No.279638


>OH no! countries are no longer giving free electricity to amazon! Their blogs are going dooooown.

Daily reminder: all big corpos are basically money laundry machines at this point.

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5c83a7  No.279906


Pretty much this. Also, the whole economy is now based on fraud anyway, they have to keep going into more and more debt to simply sustain the rigged markets so they don't completely crash.

Since I don't bother with Big Tech or any of that BS, I really never noticed the outage at all. It has no effect on my life. I have satellite internet out here, sometimes due to bad weather it will cut out for a couple hours or so. No big deal, we just learn to live without it for a while and do something else. A lot of people that are addicted to Big Tech and smartphones like freaked the hell out, whereas those who are not reliant didn't really care or even notice it, so no worries.

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5c83a7  No.279907


>like freaked the hell out


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