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File: 278f604e8cee25e⋯.png (160 KB, 1063x767, 1063:767, 2021_12_02_15_34_19.png)

04513d  No.278747

God is punishing this corrupt failed State pretty hard.

27+ million Californians are about to have their water supply cut off due to dust bowl drought.

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474a0b  No.278755

God is punishing everyone. Right, Left, Fascist, Anti-Fascist are all getting rekt.


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9cf9db  No.278765


idiot detected

there is no "god"

and California is AMAZING

you simply don't have what it takes to make it there

petty, jealous little bitch

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9cf9db  No.278766


but then again, without your family helping your lazy ass, you don't have what it takes to make it ANYWHERE

sitting on your ass playing videogames doesn't pay the bills


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04513d  No.278772


>you simply don't have what it takes to make it there

Correct. I simply would not have the patience to put up living in a communist shithole dealing with corrupt control freak political leadership and their utterly ridiculous stupid policies, high taxes, high crime, burdensome regulations, wildfires and droughts.

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04513d  No.278773


I don't play video games for fun, I shoot at gas cans filled with rusted nails and gravel with my 10mm Ruger for fun.

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0455f1  No.278857


t. trevor phillips

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