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File: 978f6e70c43ef3c⋯.jpg (120.85 KB, 1204x803, 1204:803, 1638643131882_2_.jpg)

c7f022  No.278646

I'm glad to hear that there are still a few havens left where feminist, materialist cultural imperalism hasn't taken hold over mankind's natural urge and need to reproduce.Don't let biased, hateful and medically inaccurate articles like this ruin your appreciation for the way nature works.

Women should breed as soon as they start Turning Red. It's better for their physical and mental health, better for the children,and better for society. Paraguay may have many problems, but they're right about this.

I hope the Socialist-Capitalist conspiracy never takes over this tiny remaining oasis, extolling them with the "joys" of school, industrial work, abortion and childlessness, and they can remain a beacon to the rest of the world until the day comes when the change we want will spread over the world again!


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698e8f  No.278648


>it's totally ok to fuck children, bro

Kill yourself.

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3778b0  No.278658


…..says the man with no girlfriend…….

no wife, no girlfriend, no platonic female friends that come over and hang out with you.

and no prospects…. it's going to remain like this for the foreseeable future…

me?…. I've quite literally never gone more than 4 or 5 days TOPS between girlfriends, one night stands, wives, or casual sexual partner…

not since I was 15, and I moved in with my 36 year old registered nurse girlfriend….

In fact, my number one complaint my whole life has been that I regretted not having more time to myself without a woman clinging to me…

but yeah, I've never had to go looking for another girlfriend, the Universe always handles it for me

I'll break up with a girlfriend, and finally think to myself, "good! Now I'll finally get some time to myself" and sure as fuck, EVERY TIME the next girlfriend will pop up out of nowhere ..

life is rough……

by the way, how's the videogame thing working out lately ?

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3778b0  No.278659

My wife just read your stupid fucking thread, and she said, "this guy is a faggot, literally a closet homosexual, lthough he's not actively engaging in sex with anybody, man or woman, but he's definitely a homosexual, and most likely a childhood molestation "victim"

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a0619e  No.278660


Well I guess about 30 years ago I gave up on the idea of video games because that's when you couldn't really compete just writing your own shit on your own for fun. But it kind of seems like modern tools are bringing that opportunity back even if it's not what makes me excited to write games. I always liked doing it from scratch.

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fea2a7  No.278661

File: 611fe7619be2068⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 170.34 KB, 512x530, 256:265, 2nd_Blt_4th_Mar_Div_MB_USM….jpg)

Seriously you want to breed from any nation of women for your whim? Unless you are a farmer and need labor (That is a Reason), but living in a city you only need a Son. STFU PEDO!

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a869c0  No.278665

OP might be off a bit but not much.

for 50,000 years we can safely assume that women at the age of 15 would be "married", women of that age are perfectly capable of motherhood and have been for thousands of years.

do you know what changed? society decided you need 18 years to be brainwashed enough to be a good capitalist, feminism further encourages women to ride the cock carousal until 30 before "getting hitched".

Those of you who think 30 is closer to a proper age of marriage than 15, congratulations you have been successfully indoctrinated goyim, don't worry the Muslims and Africans will replace you.

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a869c0  No.278666

Oh, gee where did all these autistic teens come from coincidentally has a mom that is already retired.

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37515a  No.278667

women are stupid and I don’t respect them.

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3778b0  No.278668


translation : women find you inferior, and you're resentful

see how easy that was ?

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