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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
My name is Nate Higgers

File: 36c2726817a4022⋯.png (479 B, 44x44, 1:1, facebook_2x.png)

287440  No.278446[Last 50 Posts]

Why the hell does this appear every so often when I try connecting to /pnd/ ???

It looks like a script from Facebook's new site Meta!

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en" id="facebook"><head><title>Error</title><meta charset="utf-8" /><meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" content="no-cache" /><meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow"

Here is a sample the full script: https://pastebin.com/mE6VCHc4

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95c6b0  No.278454


lol @ how STUPID you are !!!

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95c6b0  No.278456


the "computer genius" can't even figure out a redirect

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f52f50  No.278457


Are … are you being serious right now? Do you believe Facebook created the term "meta"?

Oh god … your generation just needs to collectively suicide while my generation is still young enough to make more babies.

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95c6b0  No.278465



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95c6b0  No.278466


women literally laugh directly in your face

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95c6b0  No.278468


Watching you (of all people) threatened to have children is a lot like watching you threaten to find a job…

It's the middle of a weekday…

And here you sit in front of your computer, BECAUSE YOU DON'T HAVE A JOB

And you're never going to look for one because you're a mooch

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915f36  No.278470


It said it on the nearly blank white page, "Meta 2021" so I took the html webpage script and posted it. The pic in the OP is the logo that was on the white webpage. I've been getting that error almost every day now.

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915f36  No.278471


And no, I never go to facebook or meta.

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915f36  No.278473


Everyone here is either retired or a lazy bum. And there are only a few who bother coming here anymore. It's me, you, Jerry, Marshmallow Sally and a glow nigger at this point.

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af712f  No.278474

File: 92c63679cedaf8f⋯.png (37.08 KB, 624x175, 624:175, neptune_incestuous_child_m….PNG)


implying you, him, and jerry arent glowniggers

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915f36  No.278477


If I were a glow nigger I would be waaayyyyyy too busy doing my best to bust & RICO corrupt politicians, oligarchs, NGOs and other crooked govt officials to be on this dying board. I would ask any fed who reads all these comments to start doing something productive already and bust the corrupt assholes who are destroying this nation by design.

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915f36  No.278479

Here would be a very good place to start, glowies:



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af712f  No.278483


American agents aren't "glowniggers." That term originates from Russia (((KGB))) who would use a special glowing dust to track foreign spies. In modern times, however, the only agents who metaphorically glow because they're so fucking obvious are GRU and Mossad. You're a GRUSSAD armchair agent who is paid to sit here and prevent a dead board from becoming alive. Threat mitigation. You're here all day, every day. If you were retired you'd be spending your golden years with family and friends or in solitude travelling and banging younger women while you're old cock still works. You, sir, glow.

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505114  No.278491


I was here during 8chan days, this place is my home. 4cucks is censored and they ban Tor & VPNs, no way would I trust those glow niggers. As for /pnd/ I was around for the beginning until I decided to move, and I was offline for a while. I'm back and it pretty much died while I was gone, I had nothing to do with that. But this place is the only place I bother posting news anymore, other sites suck, Big Tech sucks, so this place will have to do.

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505114  No.278492


>If you were retired you'd be spending your golden years with family and friends

I do sometimes, I'm not on here 24/7.

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af712f  No.278493


Aren't you the kike who shills for kike media, like FOX, ZeroHedge, et al.? Sloppy job, GRUSSAD.

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f52f50  No.278534




I don't know who you think you're talking to, but I have 6 children - all with the same woman and who all live with me. What boogieman are you so terrified of that you lash out like this believing anyone who says something you don't like to be that one person?


Sounds like a you problem.

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f52f50  No.278536


>It's me,

I'm not you.


I'm not him


I'm not Jerry

>Marshmallow Sally

I'm not MS

>and a glow nigger

I'm certainly not government

Looks like you're missing someone because I'm in every thread and have been posting since day 1.

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7952dc  No.278554

File: 67a7ce0ed754bb2⋯.jpg (191.42 KB, 768x935, 768:935, Pearls_b4_Swine.jpg)


There's a couple more regulars 'round hereabouts, Killcen…


This anon speaks truth, at least on this one occasion, Killcen.

You forgot the Canuck and the Eurofag.

This is probably the Christfag Canuck (I mean, if one wanted to bandy about some labels for fun and profit! And I do.)

This place is certainly a foetid slough, with less flow than stagnant decay and disease. Fresh input streams are rare, and responses are generally reactive and contrived. Putting forth the effort to contribute something of value here is getting harder and harder to justify to oneself from a standpoint of ROI of time and energy spent.

As for the paranoid current… thinking that everyone "else" is a "glownig", that's kinda par for the course on pseudonymous image boards, and fits in well with the "autismo" stance often employed on these sites. Fear, however, is not always the surest of guides, and can cloud clarity.

Being OK with NOT Knowing can often open one to wider perspectives. But not everyone is well practiced in taking that stance. "Believers" often have the hardest time with Open Stances. They Already "KNOW".

But I digress…

The tl;dr? I wouldn't know. It was tl;dr.

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f52f50  No.278558


>This is probably the Christfag Canuck

Nope. I am literally just "the guy". I'm just … here.

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0e85b8  No.278576


Does CNN, MSNBC and Politico fall under "kike media" too or are you just a leftist? Serious question. And if everything in the news is "kiked", then what the hell is the point of you being on news image boards?


OK, my bad. Are you the purplefag that used to come here? Or the other prepper dude? I can't keep up anymore, there have been many who have come and gone before.


Sorry Jerry. I'm fucking paranoid, hardwired on doom porn and prepping, what else is there to be expected from me?

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f52f50  No.278580


>Are you the purplefag that used to come here?

No. I don't LARP. I'm just here, chit-chatting mindlessly with you folks. Just a rando who stays anonymous.

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af712f  No.278584

File: 783757957df787f⋯.jpg (1.93 MB, 6256x3240, 782:405, jew_media.jpg)

File: 420284fd75ce86e⋯.jpg (81.31 KB, 912x628, 228:157, _FOX_3.jpg)

File: 8019af81704ef11⋯.png (73.47 KB, 857x674, 857:674, _zerohedge_.PNG)


>Does CNN, MSNBC and Politico fall under "kike media"

Of course it does.

>And if everything in the news is "kiked", then what the hell is the point of you being on news image boards?

Countering kike propaganda disguised as "news."


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548296  No.278593


Well that's fine and dandy if you don't agree or believe any of it, from either side, but everyone has different sources for information and viewpoints. Whether you post some news from Europe or the US or Russia, or whether you post left-wing or right-wing or outright conspiracy-ridden sources full of FUD, the fact is a "news board" needs some source of updated information to stay relevant whether or not others agree. That's what commenting is for anyway. I tend to stick to alternative sources rather than corporate myself, I rarely post anything from Fox News or CNN. I like to stick to alt-news aggregation sites, sites like Rense or ZH because they simply put out a TON of news links every single day. CFP and Dissent Watch not so much but they'll have some decent breaking news once in a while. Jim Stone can seem a bit whacky at times but I do believe he puts out some good intel, and he certainly has good prepping tips now and then, an off-the-cuff nut lol.

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af712f  No.278594

File: 1ddf06a032624f5⋯.jpg (4.6 KB, 224x225, 224:225, _jim_stone_JAMES_MILFORD_H….jpg)

File: 269ca0d27e636c9⋯.png (24.1 KB, 1146x251, 1146:251, _Stone_4.PNG)


You're free to post all the Zio-Bolshevik kike propaganda you want. And I'm free to expose and counter it.

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548296  No.278597


Maybe you should focus on exposing why their information or viewpoints are wrong too, rather than just name-calling. Can you give an example of total FUD coming from Jim Stone, what issues or information exactly do you not agree with him on?

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af712f  No.278599

File: 73f1d5102b5a4d2⋯.png (154.45 KB, 1822x990, 911:495, _Jim_Stone_.PNG)


We've reached the stage where merely being a kike discredits you. The time for arguments is nearly over. Nevertheless, MIGApedes are doubly discredited.

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548296  No.278603


So let me get this straight…. both corporate and alternative news are all kike'd, both left-wing and right-wing news is all kike'd, news aggregation sites are all kike'd, conspiracy theories or establishment news is kike'd…. the what the hell is not? What the hell is anyone supposed to read or talk about, exactly? If you had your way, there would literally be nothing at all to talk about, there would be no news updates at all…. In that case, there would be no board for any news or current event, and the news board would literally fucking die. Maybe if you don't appreciate news boards you should figure something better to do with your time (maybe prepping for SHTF, ….or is that kike'd too?)

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47f58d  No.278604


Except thatEVERYBODYis a "Kike" to (((You))), faggot.

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af712f  No.278605

File: 808f4084d1cf1b7⋯.jpg (98.26 KB, 640x719, 640:719, mfw_the_future_is_dawning.jpg)


No, news boards won't die, because you will continue regurgitating false narratives disguised as news and I will happily expose and counter said narratives. A few random anons will see our exchange and no doubt agree with my assessment of your "news," just as they've done these past few years here and elsewhere. Eventually, some of those anons will spread my information outside of th chans, just as they've done, and the narrative will collapse, just as it's now (and has been) collapsing.

If you'd like to spread Zionist and/or Bolshevik propaganda, go right ahead. I will expose and counter it, thereby turning your own propaganda against you and your cause. In fact, without you promoting deceptions I would have no way to promote the truth which can only destroy your so-called people. In short, you and your methods will be what defeats you and your cause.

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039fc8  No.278606


> Except that EVERYBODY is a "Kike" to (((You))), faggot.

That's why (((his))) opinions may be safely discarded.

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039fc8  No.278607


(((You))) are not "promoting" ANYTHING.

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af712f  No.278608

File: b5dca2c779c3d03⋯.jpg (123.47 KB, 673x964, 673:964, mfw_not_for_you.jpg)


What I promote is promoted on a more subtle level, one you aren't capable of recognizing. You only see the destruction of your side without perceiving the building up of mine. Not my problem. I'm off to morning meditation. Don't forget that pic related is not and never will be for (((you))).

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a6f293  No.278609


>polish death camps

What's the problem here? Everybody knows germany just had recreational work camps. At least based polen actually did something about the dirty kikes.

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548296  No.278610


So exactly what have you "discredited"? I really don't see any evidence that you have discredited anything. If you have, then exactly what is it you discredited? inb4 kikes! Please pay attention, what kind of FUD information posted have you really discredited and what is it you talk about to counter that FUD?

EXAMPLES: Do you have evidence that vaccines are working, or opposite, that they are killing people? Do you have evidence that the supply chain is collapsing and inflation is rising, or opposite, is there an economic recovery? Do you have evidence climate change is real, or or the opposite, that it is based on fraud to re-distribute wealth to corrupt governments?

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039fc8  No.278611

File: 375439b03afa0dd⋯.jpg (16.58 KB, 135x175, 27:35, thumb_ganesh.jpg)


(((You)))r "meditation" will continue to suffer until (((You))) drop ALL Attachment; especially (((You)))r Attachment to HATRED & DIVISIVENESS.

Until then, (((You))) will never be taken seriously, and (((You))) will NEVER "Promote" ANYTHING of value.

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548296  No.278612


>What I promote is promoted on a more subtle level, one you aren't capable of recognizing

So nothing, really. You just call everything and everyone you disagree with a kike and the few like you repeat it over and over and over ad nauseam?

>You only see the destruction of your side

LOL. I have it pretty good, I am well prepped, I live in a Free State outside a major populated area, I am becoming more and more self-sufficient… I don't see destruction at all, I see growth around my neck of the woods!

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548296  No.278613



He's thinking about kikes again!

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548296  No.278615

File: c58921a4337204b⋯.jpg (96.71 KB, 735x833, 15:17, jew_shut_it_down.jpg)

Rent free, you know, in the hive mind…..

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af712f  No.278625





Ego is why your side loses.

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548296  No.278629


So are you saying you only see destruction of your side or are you saying actual success IRL is a loss?

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039fc8  No.278630


> your side

appears like another "losing" stance.

the "sides" get sidelined "in-the-mix", and can never vanquish their real foe.

> There is no bond that can unite the divided but love: all else is a curse. Accursed! Accursed be it to the aeons! Hell.

> Let it be that state of manyhood bound and loathing. So with thy all…

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039fc8  No.278631


> All "else" is a curse.

"Other" seems to always be a "problem", as it were…

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af712f  No.278632

File: 3b7981a37027fdd⋯.jpg (178.15 KB, 1024x753, 1024:753, tfw_bird.jpg)


My side will certainly be destroyed, along with yours, but unlike yours mine will rise from the ashes of annihilation.



The virtue of love is not an excuse to permit the vice of Jewry. How can you escape the damnation of Hell?

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548296  No.278634


>My side will certainly be destroyed, along with yours

That's a negative attitude, why not try to better yourself and do what you can to be productive in life and become successful yourself? Why are you so eager for destruction when you could be building something or networking with like-minded people?

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039fc8  No.278636

File: 37a6709204538a1⋯.png (98.85 KB, 350x428, 175:214, orphicEgg.png)


> "Other" seems to always be a "problem", as it were…

It only seems that way, from certain stances in the dance.


You can drop the Jew obsession anytime. It's literally people like you who give (((them))) power. Try a more open stance sometime. You may find it less demanding. You wear that Jew-hate like an albatross around your neck, or like a yoke supporting (((You)r burden.

> None, breathed the light, faint & færy, of the stars, and two.

> For I am divided for love’s sake, for the chance of union.

> This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.

> For these fools of men and their woes care not thou at all! They feel little; what is, is balanced by weak joys…

Also, posting an image like that without having even the slightest clue as to it's meaning seems to be becoming a habit with (You).

Of course, Art can have deeply personal meanings from different perspectives, so carry on…

I'll keep meditating on ABRAXAS.

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af712f  No.278637

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The world is a psycho-spiritual prison that I mean to destroy thereby liberating humanity, whether he be of European stock or something else.


Not an argument. Your ability to defend your position is less adequate than your ability experience the spiritual by way of your own spirituality. You are mentally and spiritually dead, soon your body shall catch up to the rest.

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039fc8  No.278639

File: 8e47fa15461c640⋯.png (289.62 KB, 1496x1496, 1:1, Suffering_an_Escape_from_S….png)


> The world is a psycho-spiritual prison that I mean to destroy…

That is why your opinions may be safely discarded.

The stance you're employing is that of a megalomaniac child.

> Not an argument.

Not arguing.

(You) and "Johnny Neptune" are a lot alike. Little boys calling people names, and casting aspersions everywhere you go… constantly on the attack…

Maybe you'll grow up before you get old. Maybe (You) won't. Time will tell.

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af712f  No.278640

File: 836e7ae07a9acbc⋯.jpg (86.16 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, mfw_r_u_serious.jpg)


"Fake news," propaganda, manufactured culture, watered down religion, and scam after scam creates a psycho-spiritual prison for the human.

>(You) and "Johnny Neptune" are a lot alike. Little boys calling people names, and casting aspersions

You just admitted that you aren't arguing (engaging conversation) and you called me a "megalomaniac child" instead of engaging conversation. Then you proceed to claim I do exactly what you've just done. You aren't even worth the response.

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1aa964  No.278842

postan inna schizo thread

>facebook 'someting went wrong'

DNS fookery



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f97269  No.283345

File: 7a86ab0103a9b81⋯.pdf (572.78 KB, 2022_01_13_Is_8kun_Owned_B….pdf)


> postan inna schizo thread


🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

Posts a Quiet PDF

Without Bumping


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