32457c No.278221[Last 50 Posts]
Everyone is talking about this new thorny Supreme Court case.
Why not allow individual States to set their own abortion laws and policies? That way, leftist States can allow abortion and they'll be happy killing unborn babies, and conservative States can ban abortion due to moral and ethical opposition? It would be a common sense win-win, as well maintaining Constitutional law that argues for State rights to make their own laws and decisions as long as it does not usurp Constitutional rights.
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ce0837 No.278247
The simple fact that you you are sitting in an image board on a weekday (because you don't have a job, you lazy worthless sack of shit) is proof that abortions are a good thing.
It's a shame your mother didn't have one
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a47be4 No.278248
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f0e95b No.278260
The way I see it, if leftists want to have abortions let them do it in other states and countries that allow it. If you are conservative and don't like them doing it in the State you live in then pack up and move to a better State. This way all is fair. States don't need to have the same damn laws and policies, nor should they. The US Constitution is the rule of law and the US Constitution granted States some sovereignty to pick and choose laws according to their own legal interpretations of the US Constitution, with checks and balances between branches of government of-course.
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6230f2 No.278300
>Why not allow individual States to set their own abortion laws and policies?
Because medical practices and procedures should not be up to the State. It should be an individual's choice, regardless of where they live. Therefore, it must be Federally protected.
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5e02c7 No.278306
> medical practices and procedures should be an individual's choice, regardless of where they live
What if an individual is living in the womb?
What about the rights of individuals toLIVE?
> inb4 piece of tissue that belongs to mother, therefore mother has right to destroy tissue
It's a living being.
The federal government has the duty to affirm life, or it should be abolished.
As for the term "viability", it has only relative meaning; and if defined the way Radical Leftist Progressives, Marxists and Feminists want to define it, would actually not apply to them, and would, therefore, negate their reason for being.
Their kind of thinking is not "viable".
Certainly not life-affirming.
That is because they are already dead.
They died from the inside-out.
Now they want everybody else to die too.
They HATE Humans, and have made no secret of that. They are actively working to destroy all human life on this planet in every way possible. Encouraging abortion is just one of those ways.
If the federal government cannot, or will not, protect ALL its people, *including those that some people don't define as "people"), then it has no reason for being, and should itself be abolished, aborted, terminated.
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2dea21 No.278308
>Because medical practices and procedures should not be up to the State. It should be an individual's choice, regardless of where they live.
I'll agree with you on that, and the same would have to go for vaccines too, it is our right to choose what we do with our own bodies whether other people like it or not. Thank you for re-enforcing my stance for freedom.
Jerry, as much as I find abortion to be appalling and a sin, and as much as I am pro-life, I am also pro-freedom too. That's the hard decision we have to accept. Does the State or government really have the right to make and force some kind of medical decision for someone else who may not desire it, or it may not be their best interest? Should we allow the government to shotgun marry a couple if they have sex and the woman gets pregnant? Maybe that could be debated too….. the issue is people need to be more responsible. With individual liberties come responsibilities!
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6230f2 No.278309
>What if an individual is living in the womb?
Not possible.
>What about the rights of individuals toLIVE?
Fetuses don't have rights.
>It's a living being.
No more so than a vegetative adult attached to machines in a hospital.
PROTIP: Overturning Roe v Wade won't end abortion. It will simply mean abortion services will no longer be reported. A woman's doctor can simply say, "Answering that would be a violation of HIPAA." Abortions would still continue as normal and you won't know.
We will laugh at your ignorance.
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6230f2 No.278310
>the same would have to go for vaccines too
Sort of. Vaccines are a public safety issue, which is why you have to share your kid's vaccine information with public schools. Since you can't catch pregnancy or get an abortion from someone breathing on you in public, it's not a public safety issue, rather an individual choice.
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2dea21 No.278311
Lets not be hypocritical, if someone chooses to take the vaccine then they should have nothing to fear from those who are unvaccinated because the purpose of vaccines are supposedly to protect you from those viruses. I have just as much a right to decide what is best for me as any woman has a right to decide to get an abortion.
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2dea21 No.278313
I think the Supreme Court should make an ultimatum to these liberals: if the government can mandate vaccines, the government can ban and outlaw abortions too. That will make everyone, left and right, re-think how much power the State really should have!
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2dea21 No.278314
If abortions were outlawed then doctors could get arrested for these procedures. Most would decide it was not worth the risk, the few that did would really have to be careful about not getting caught, it would become an illegal "black market" operation. The same goes with creating fraudulent CDC vaccine cards too, you can do it but if you get caught you are in serious trouble.
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6230f2 No.278387
Well, that's not how vaccines work, but it's not really hypocritical to dismiss the comparison between vaccination and abortion. They're completely different issues. I 100% agree that you have the right to not be vaccinated if you choose to do so. HOWEVER! I also 100% agree that it is a business place's right to refuse you service if you won't show vaccination status. I further 100% agree that it is the government's right to bar your access to public facilities - such as schools, libraries, parks, etc - for refusal to comply with public safety standards. It's the same logic behind wearing your seatbelt, stopping at red lights, and moving out of the way when an emergency vehicle approaches. You have the RIGHT to travel, but using the public highway system is a privilege extended only to those who comply with the rules of public safety.
Oh, I know, but abortions have been around since the beginning of recorded history. Hell, there are even instructions on how to give an abortion in the Bible. They haven't always been legal, but they've always happened and will continue to happen without regard to the State. Everyone's crime is nobody's crime.
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d372ea No.278396
It's obviously child molestation and murder. Just arrest and try them under the existing laws. The pedophile child molesters at the AMA should also be arrested, along with all doctors who molest children in accordance with the mandates of their medical licenses.
This has already been settled during the Nuremburg trials. These people are guilty of genocide, a class "A" war crime, and should be hunted down internationally and put to death. It's just that legal and simple.
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9fb849 No.278401
>Well, that's not how vaccines work
Right, they're no longer supposed to. It's a giant racket. A taxpayer-funded fraud.
>I further 100% agree that it is the government's right to bar your access to public facilities - such as schools, libraries, parks, etc - for refusal to comply with public safety standards.
Then you agree with communist tyranny and despotism, and are 100% ANTI-AMERICAN and ANTI-CONSTITUTION. If you want tyranny then leave and go live in Australia or Europe, we don't want that bullshit over here!
>Everyone's crime is nobody's crime.
<We'll break laws we don't want but impose laws and expect you to abide by them!
Hypocrisy of the left, I know it all too well.
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9fb849 No.278404
The time is already here for total balkanization and breakup of the US. It's inevitable. These despots will not even negotiate. They want us disarmed and enslaved. We are not going to allow that to happen. So, at some point, it's either total balkanization and breakup, or civil fucking war and total economic collapse. Either is fine by me at this point, I'm done with it.
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6230f2 No.278405
>Then you agree with communist tyranny and despotism
Public safety is not tyranny. Do you stop at red lights? Do you wear shoes in restaurants? Do you drive the speed limit? Do you carry your driver's license/state ID with you? Do you avoid burning leaves/brush during "burn bans"?
If so, then you agree with me. If not, then you are a menace to the public and need to be locked up.
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6230f2 No.278406
You're a child living in a fantasy world. Go shoot up your school or something. At least then you'd be interesting for a few days.
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6230f2 No.278407
>m-m-muh Nuremburg!
You do realize that's not US Law, right? If you hate America so much, leave.
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c76655 No.278413
Nobody has the right to kill a child, even if they are the parent. Many times parents murder their own child, and it's no less of a crime if that is the case. The US Constitution protects them as individuals with the most fundamental right to live. None of us are gods that have the right to decide when someone is an undesirable and commit mass murder. The mainstream media recognizes children are babies in the womb outside of the context of abortion. They are hypocrites and they support child murder.
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9fb849 No.278422
>Go shoot up your school or something.
Oh here we go again, the typical leftist glow nigger trying to incite violence or hype irrational extremism.
You glow so hard.
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68a14d No.278423
Disagreeing with Fauci is not the same as disagreeing with science. If some dictator somewhere says that it is "for public safety" that he has to starve some peasants, that does not mean the science supports him. This is no different than that. Fauci is not science itself. He is not the scientific method itself. The mRNA shots don't even protect against the virus after a few months. Especially not compared to natural immunity. And the virus is nowhere near as dangerous as the people trying to take our freedoms away. The people rebelling against their oath to uphold the Constitution are the public danger. I had covid, and it took me hardly any time at all to recover. The recovery rate is 99.98% for most of the population, unless you are over sixty and/or have four or more comorbidities (which are the actual cause of death, not COVID despite it being counted as the cause). The lockdowns have been a nightmare by comparison. They want to use children who are at zero risk as human shields just to protect the elites. There is not zero risk to the injections. Everyone knows this. It's propaganda to say that there is. It's propaganda to say it is even effective beyond a couple of months. The only pandemic here is that of fear and misinformation from marxists and cultural marxists.
These people currently sitting in Washington want to be the next Hugo Chavez - sweep away the constitution and usher in authoritarian "neo-communist" dictatorship in the US, after having subverted the election process. The covid scare is just propaganda. In reality, they want control over every aspect of life, and it starts with endless booster shots every three months. Then they start taking away more rights, giving back some occasionally and acting like the liberty to meet with someone in your home is a "gift" from them when they are the ones that took it away. This is what happens when you get away from the word of truth, which is what our country is founded on - the Creator that the Constitution recognizes. We are not gods to decide who lives and who dies. The Lord is. If you want to reject that and follow the talmudic judaism of modern legal students like Fauci, you enter a world where some are more equal than others and the unelected bureaucrats feel they have the right to "tinker" with other peoples' bodies, by mandating untested medical treatments that would normally require decades of pre-release studies.
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." - Galatians 5:1
"See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men." - 1 Thess. 5:15
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d372ea No.278426
Tyranny is the opposite of public safety. Tyrants should be arrested, tried, and executed as enemies of the state. I'm not a fan of the NDAA but if need be then they can simply be disappeared on suspicion of domestic terrorism.
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d372ea No.278428
That's correct. It's international law, which is relevant because that way it's easy to go after people internationally rather than just being primitive and using wetwork teams.
But it would seem that you do not understand how Nuremberg underlies the modern medical system. Even communist sodomites who listen to NPR would have learned about this back when they were first hyping up the china virus.
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457338 No.278448
I feel the same way. Sadly within the last three decades America went from a nation where a strong majority of Americans agreed with Constitutional freedom to only about half. I don't know how this ever happened, maybe it was the public educational system that warped the minds of many young Americans making them mean and bitter with authoritarian complexes? Maybe hostile propaganda on the airwaves? Maybe both?
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4853bb No.278455
1973: Abortion needs to be legal because otherwise women will abort a child in unsafe ways. Abortion can’t be made illegal due to a right to privacy somewhere somewhere in the constitution.
1983, 1993, 2003, 2013: Laws about safe medical and surgical environments must not be applied to abortion centers because this would reduce the number of abortions. If you don’t understand this, talk to a rabbi.
2021: Abortion can’t be outlawed due to the constitutional amendment banning slavery. Before that it was apparently grumble grumble illegal.
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6230f2 No.278458
>honestly believing that the US complies with international law
Oh, you sweet summer child …
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6230f2 No.278459
>Nobody has the right to kill a child
A fetus is not a child, so … problem solved.
>The US Constitution protects them
The legal definition as enumerated in the Constitution specifically says "born persons". Born.
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d372ea No.278460
If it's within the US then we use US law. If it's outside of the US then we use international law. Was this too difficult for you to understand?
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6230f2 No.278537
Roe v Wade isn't outside the US, so we use US Law. Roe v Wade is literally US Law.
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d372ea No.278547
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6230f2 No.278551
No. What I'm saying - again - is that the Nuremberg shit does not apply to the United States or to vaccine mandates. Stop using it as a talking point. It literally DOES NOT APPLY.
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d372ea No.278552
You can say that if you want but it just goes to show you're largely incapable of having any kind of rational discussion in addition to not even know what you're talking about in the first place.
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6230f2 No.278553
Uh, no … the Nuremberg shit literally does not apply to the United States no matter how much your feely feels want it to. It does not apply. It's not our law, not our code, and has nothing to do with us whatsoever.
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d372ea No.278555
I never said it did lol. It's obvious you've completely lost track of the discussion, but doubtless you'll go to sleep tonight convinced that you've "won" somehow regardless of where things might go from here.
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6230f2 No.278557
>I never said it did
Then why the nigger fuck did you bring it up?!
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d372ea No.278561
I already explained that it formed the basis for the then-standard two-pillar approach to medical ethics: informed consent and Hippocratic Oath, both of which have since been abandoned. Do you actually read or just argue in a blind frothing rage?
Do you think it all ended a "just following orders" not being a legitimate excuse? No, duh. That was elaborated into questions like whether or not just blindly following doctor's orders, or, in our case, the dictats of the AMA or a Fauci, is a reasonable excuse for what arguably amounts to genocide. Put some effort in to your life and you might be able to think for yourself better.
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c76655 No.278562
>A fetus is not a child, so … problem solved.
They are a child, they are alive. So sure they are. And I'm glad you concede my point.
>Roe v Wade is literally US Law.
It's going to be overturned. That's what this discussion is about. Man, you're like that one slaver that keeps saying Dredd Scott is law not realizing it's going to be overturned. It's only a matter of time, and the child molesters/killers will be forced to shut down their operation just like the slave traders did.
I really hope you find peace with this reality because its only a matter of time. If not today, then soon it will. And in the end, every knee will bow to the Lord. The highest power. The Constitution (and the Declaration of Independence as well) recognizes the highest power where it says "year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven." Jesus will intervene before the church is ever destroyed. We know that much. I'm glad to be part of a country that recognizes it in our founding document.
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6230f2 No.278569
>They are a child
>they are alive
That doesn't make it a child.
>It's going to be overturned
>every knee will bow to the Lord
You are a literal 12 year old believing in fairy tales.
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432265 No.278570
I believe once a fetus has a fully functioning heart then it should be considered a child. Until then, the woman should have the right to decide whether or not to have it removed. And just like the vaccine issue, it should be up to the individual States, that's why people get to choose their representatives after all. If one State does not allow abortion, so be it, leftists can go to another State to get one. If another State mandates vaccine passports, then freedom-loving Americans can pack up and move elsewhere to a better freer State. What's wrong with State rights to make their own political decisions? Under the US Constitution, nothing was wrong with that at all as long as Constitutional Rights were not violated.
Unfortunately for everyone, medical choice issues were never directly covered under the Constitution but only hinted under the 4th Amendment, which gives the people the right to privacy in their persons, papers and effects, and that needs to be the topic of debate, "effects" can mean a lot of things legally speaking.
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6230f2 No.278572
>once a fetus has a fully functioning heart
What does a heart have to do with it? Heart cells beat independently in a petri dish. It's not an indication of life, merely an indication of the mitochondrial programming of a specific type of cell.
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d372ea No.278616
I'm not in the heartbeat camp, but it is a good thought experiment for the kind of people who want to try to draw a line in the sand somewhere. The actual fact is that a fertilized egg is genetically distinct and therefore a life of its own, and as long as it continues to self-replicate then it's obviously alive. That's simply irrefutable.
If you want to kike it up and try to defend whether or not it's technically ending a life then you're just kiking it up. So the obvious debate is not some impossible question like that but rather under what circumstances a decision really has to be made at the expense of ending a life. I think there are legitimate cases, but to simply make it blanket acceptable to murder unborn children left and right is obviously no way to run anything resembling a civilization that respects the sanctity of life.
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5c3d95 No.278619
I don't know anything about that honestly, what I do know is there needs to be some kind of checks and balances, some kind of mutual agreement what exactly constitutes a living human being before birth. I think arguing for the States rights to decide that for themselves is perfectly fair. It allows different political environments and cultures in the US to make their own decisions by who they choose to be their representatives. Also, we could consider local jurisdictions having their own say too within each State. So maybe certain conservative States have a few dissenting local jurisdictions, and vice versa with leftist States and dissenting local jurisdictions. This would evenly balance both sides of the argument fairly, there does not need to be one nationwide agreement or policy, in fact nationwide policies often result in tyranny against certain political ideologies and cultures. Decentralization is always the way to go, if you want to maintain freedom.
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5456cd No.278620
>Why not allow individual States
because slavery
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5456cd No.278621
> I don't know how this ever happened, maybe it was the public educational system that warped the minds of many young Americans making them mean and bitter with authoritarian complexes? Maybe hostile propaganda on the airwaves? Maybe both?
jews have been hated for thousands of years and they still have massive egos. whites are cucked because our parents discouraged us from having ethnic pride. possible exception being italian americans.
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5c3d95 No.278627
Well that doesn't apply to everything else, these are issues that have nothing to do with slavery. Anyone who claims it does is bullshitting propaganda. States still have the right to decide their own gun laws for example, open carry is legal in my State without needing a license. In Commiefornia you can't even own a semi-auto rifle. Same thing with local jurisdictions too, for example in my area we have next to no zoning regulations other than very basic safety codes. We can store as many vehicles as we want on our property, or create a firepit on our property, or collect rain water, or build a shed, whatever. Now if you go into certain towns or suburbs or cities that's a whole other issue, there can be a ton of regulations.
>our parents discouraged us from having ethnic pride
So, what stops you right now?
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2d1f57 No.278638
This thread…
If I was to drop my two cents in here I'd only have to drop one more penny, because I already dun dropped some sense in here… >>278306
Looks like it worked too; as in, it had an effect. Let's see if my second cent will work as well!
Greentext Story:
> be me. 24 years old. hot af gf, boning her at least 8 times a day.
> one day, her: "honey, we need to talk. i'm pregnant. i want to know your thoughts on abortion."
> be me: "babe, thanks for asking my opinion on the matter. i do think this decision is yours to make, and i will support you in whatever decision you make. since, however, you asked for my opinion, i will proffer it… I believe that abortion is murder. I do not, however, believe that murder is wrong in all circumstances. (I don't think that was what she wanted me to say.)
> that was, however, my opinion then, and it remains my opinion decades later. and yes, she merely thanked me for voicing my opinion, then demanded i pay for an abortion; which, in more ways than one, i did.
> the story of my life went on. more abortions paid for, in more ways than one. more immature women. ended up raising two girls, completely on my own, as a man, in the early 2000s, which was not easy, but "worth it". wife left when youngest was a month old and we never heard from her again. some folks just aren't cut out to raise children. most are willing and able to learn though, at least to some degree. not all are.
Not trying to dissuade anyone from their position, on this, or any other matter.
Just some food for thought.
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3efcc5 No.280373
>Why not allow individual States to set their own abortion laws and policies?
That is the law of the land.
It was never legal for the federal government to command the Citizens.
Each State has the right to make its own laws.
Let all the commies flock to commiefornia, where it is legal to live on the sidewalk and smoke dope all day.
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1ca4ed No.281016
It's mostly niggers, wetbacks and white girls knocked up by niggers who are getting abortions. I'm good with more dead brown and black babies.
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deab19 No.281040
Every woman, man and child would HATE ME for saying this.
We should make shotgun weddings mandatory.
If you choose to fuck and risk getting pregnant, you choose to help raise that child. Simple as that. Marry, or go to jail!!!!
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deab19 No.281041
If they had any responsibility enforced upon them they would cease doing it at all.
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deab19 No.281042
True. And then what happens? The rich commies flee those States because they can afford to, move into our small humble communities and then try to destabilize us in the same ruthless fashion. As much as I hate to say this, because I am civilized, this can't be allowed to go on forever. Someone needs to be taught the hard way that their behavior is not OK.
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6230f2 No.281092
Yeah, cuz nothin' is better than raising a kid in a loveless home where the parents hate each other and were forced to get married and resent the kid for it.
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deab19 No.281093
However, I could support State rights to make their own decisions on these kinds of legal matters.
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6230f2 No.281112
Ah, yeah, the foster care system in this country is awesome. /s
Maybe just abort the damn thing. It's not like it knows it's alive just because it has a heart beat. It literally has zero awareness. If it's a choice between an emotionally dead, abusive upbringing or the US foster care system, kill it. It will thank you for doing so.
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4d6189 No.281117
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6230f2 No.281121
Both of those girls grew up to have 3 abortions each. Cope.
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fa0083 No.281122
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45981b No.281190
It still should be up to the States to decide what is legal or not. If a State makes it illegal women could simply travel to another State and get an abortion if they really wanted to.
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a4652d No.281213
Abortion rights protect parenting quality. Why should conservative blood cultists be allowed to sacrifice children on the altar of bad parenting by banning abortion?
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5b8a5a No.283357
🦀 Crab PDF 🦀
Takes a Tentative
Nibble Outta This
and Jostles It Too…
There will be a few interesting cases decided soon.
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