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File: b8caa982066dfdc⋯.png (568.98 KB, 3400x2400, 17:12, coronavirus_data_explorer.png)

47de48  No.278154

IF the official numbers are to be trusted [lets assume they are correct] the unvaccinated are [or will soon be] a minority in many countries. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations

Where i live cca 7 out of 10 adults are fully vaccinated. Aside from the "over my dead body" what are your long-term contingencies?

We could play the minority card against them [being opressed and all that] but i do not believe it would work in this particular situation. At least not in the long term.

Eventually mandates [various restrictions, demands, expectations, etc] will become laws, since the majority already complied with vaccination. When that happens, and it will happen, asking yourself "now what" will be too late.

People already jabbed are expected to conform themselves and their children to further vaccination.

Serious suggestions and ideas welcome. When making suggestions, keep in mind that not every place on earth permits gun ownership, and that "just buy one dude" is not as simple as you might think.

Also, using a gun should be the last resort. Everything is against you, the whole system and those trapped in it. It would be foolish to expect you can shoot your way out of it and survive. Getting yourself killed is not the desired result.


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8a9627  No.278163



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8a9627  No.278164



Q : who cares what you think?


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bd28b1  No.278167


>Eventually mandates will become laws, since the majority already complied with vaccination. When that happens, and it will happen, asking yourself "now what" will be too late.

The solution, at least for America (I can't speak for the other nations), will have to be exodus and defection from the areas that enforce vaccine passports as well the businesses and services mandating them too. Many States in America have already passed laws against this tyranny and said they will not comply or enforce these mandates. It's being challenged in the courts in the US too, and so far we are winning those legal battles hands-down. It is going to take several acts of rebellion and balkanization (basically moving to less populated areas that are more friendly toward your lifestyle and way of live). It's also going to take lots of lawsuits by the public. Do it, bog up those courts and fight this with class-action / activist groups. You'll also need to get political, as much as you may not want to. We need to throw every incumbent that supports this tyranny OUT of office!!

You'll also need to be prepping and do your very best to become self-sufficient long-term. You'll need to learn how to garden and can and/or dehydrate your own foods. You'll need to learn how to hunt and butcher the meat properly. You'll need to learn some fishing skills and how to skin fish. You'll need to consider things like solar generation for power, wood burning stove for heat during the winter, etc.

>People already jabbed are expected to conform themselves and their children to further vaccination.

Correct, and like I warned once you conform to them and give yourself up they'll never let go of you. The demands for more and more "vaccines" will be endless, until you die from the poison that is. This is depopulation and they are hell-bent on democide.

>keep in mind that not every place on earth permits gun ownership

There are alternatives. Bear spray, axes, nail-driven 2x4s, you can take people out by sabotage easily using a fire extinguisher (when they come for you, hide behind a corner jump out and spray them directly in the face, then proceed to beat them in the head to death with it, and take their weapons from them), etc.

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47de48  No.278172


>then proceed to beat them in the head to death with it

this might/could be an option if the system itself was in a state of collapse etc but with system still in place such an action would get you locked up or worse

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bd28b1  No.278173

File: 7a799ec3c2fa995⋯.jpg (572.97 KB, 1798x1125, 1798:1125, no_go_zones_marked.jpg)

File: 40f1b6f65e6b2ce⋯.jpg (70.52 KB, 850x400, 17:8, if_america_could_be_once_a….jpg)



If you are looking at moving to a safer more free place in America, you might want to consider two highly-recommended books by Joel Skousen: "Strategic Re-location" as well the book "The Secure Home". Both these books provide enormous amounts of detail and infographs. "Strategic Re-location" focuses on a variety of issues for preppers and those who simply wish to live a better life detailing demographics, population density, commuting issues, natural or war time vulnerabilities, freedom ranking on various Constitutional issues, etc. It does not favor one State over another, it simply gives you raw statistics for you to make the best decision for your needs. "The Secure Home" focuses on building stronger foundations, weather-proofing your home better, fireproofing, entry-point fortification, bulletproofing areas of the residence, strategic tactical war time defenses, etc.

These two books are great sources of knowledge for getting better prepared for communist/fascist takeovers, economic collapse, domestic unrest, civil wars, world wars and overall "End Times" crisis.

Another recommended book to grab would be "When There Is No Doctor" by David Werner, a book he wrote from experience living in a poor town in Mexico.


Being dead is better than being in a gulag run by despotic psychopathic governments. Did I not mention we are at fucking war at this point? They're already killing civilians, it's begun, wake up and stand your ground.

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bd28b1  No.278176

File: 0551d677d1c9121⋯.png (237.51 KB, 532x535, 532:535, End_Times.png)

File: cfcd1abe3ed3b28⋯.png (120.6 KB, 747x542, 747:542, vaccine_FRAUD.png)

File: 796a83cf5020d85⋯.png (45.03 KB, 600x612, 50:51, gravy.png)


Let me be clear, yes this kind of lethal resistance is a necessary "last resort" measure, if they were to come for you and your family. As for war… as the death tolls from the clot shots continue to pile up, we will be seeing an economic collapse and major supply chain breakdown. Consider your modern luxurious lifestyle for just a minute: how many people do you rely on for your local grocery supplies, the local gas supply for your vehicle, the public municipality services such as the sewage maintenance and drinking water (provided you live in a city/suburb/town), what about human healthcare services like doctors and nurses, and do you know it takes hundreds of thousands of people to maintain America's energy grid and keep it functional? What happens when all those people start dropping dead from blood clots and other health issues due to the routine vaccine roll outs? Do you think this won't end in an economic collapse and the end of your modern lifestyle!? I have bad news for people like you, yes it fucking will and horrifically so. The good news is, the vaccine enforcement will not go as planned at that point, but the bad news is, at that point, all modern lifestyle will be lost anyway and there will be a huge dark age period again. "The Great Reset", better look into that as it's an admitted plan by the (((elites))) back to feudalism! The only hope and chance you have at survival is getting right with God and being prepared for total and utter fucking war. It will not be pretty, it will not be fun, there will be a lot of chaos and a lot of death coming. This was all planned by evil cabalist cronies who have their own offshore re-furbished silo bunkers with plenty to live out this collapse. You think they took their clot shots? HELL NO! They were exempted by our own crooked governments! Our Congress was EXEMPTED from taking these clot shots too! Again, this is a war, they very much want us enslaved or dead. That is the end goal. I am defecting for a good reason, I will have no part in this what-so-ever, and if I meet Jesus early no problem!!!

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3d0fa3  No.278178


Thx for book recommendations. I am from Europe, political shit is a bit different here, but not much.


I wonder if people will start dying in waves mirroring the vaccination attendance, but so far there are no mass deaths and by that i mean people dropping down all over the place en mass.

Collapse of social order or better call it system is assured in that case and, probably at least at the start of it, that will result in a survival of of the fittest and smartest.

I am not sure if mass depopulation is the end goal here. I think far more people should be dying if that was the case. Unless, speculating, it works slower so as many as possible can get the jab.

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bd28b1  No.278181


>I wonder if people will start dying in waves mirroring the vaccination attendance, but so far there are no mass deaths and by that i mean people dropping down all over the place en mass

Actually it has slowly begun but the media covers it up along with the corrupted medical institutions as "covid deaths". This has been exposes time and time again. Here is some proof mirrored below:

The Atlantic Blows Up The ‘Covid Hospitalization’ Myth



Missouri COVID Whistleblower: HOSPITALS ARE LYING To The Public About COVID Deaths!


Texas COVID Whistleblower: Our Medical Staff Is DYING From These Vaccines!


Whistleblower Warns Americans That Hospitals Are Killing Patients For Govt Covid Bailouts!


TOTAL FRAUD: CDC Allowing Hospitals To Classify Dead Vaccinated People As “Unvaccinated Deaths”



Pfizer Vax Kills Far More People Than It Saves


The Most Important Video Will See This Year

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Pz0SBTvKrDrV ←– This is how American hospitals get away with murder!

Dr. Bryan Ardis: Hospital Protocol Is What Is Murdering Covid & Flu Patients


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bd28b1  No.278182

File: dc411a9ee61223b⋯.webm (2.32 MB, 720x406, 360:203, vaxx_deaths.webm)


The clot shots don't kill everyone at the same rate, it depends on the individual and their immune systems, and medical conditions they may already have too. Plus note there are various reporting of multiple types of vaccines, some may be just saline solution, others have the viruses and other toxic junk, or mRNA gene therapy. So getting the clot shot once or even twice may not kill everyone at once, for many it will cause health complications and lead to an earlier death in their life. Think of it as placing a Ruger revolver to your head after loading the cylinder with one bullet, spinning it and pulling the trigger: 1/6 chance of death.

Video related, "covid deaths" spike after vaccine roll outs and mandates.

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ae988f  No.278183

File: d6a87ad1e4b1887⋯.jpg (10.52 KB, 183x178, 183:178, he_s_right.jpg)

The only thing these "Panic Porn People" Fear more than Dying is ACTUALLY LIVING.

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bd28b1  No.278184


>I am not sure if mass depopulation is the end goal here.

Feudalism aka their "Great Reset" is the final agenda for the outcome they want, depopulation is their means to cull the masses, bring them down to a manageable level, then to subjugate the rest (likely kill off people like us who fight back too). Think of this as a planned take down of the global economy, neutralizing the potential for mass uprisings and resistance, and then doing a giant "sweep up".

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bd28b1  No.278185


What I told you all right now is the very tip of a giant iceberg of "fear porn", believe me no one wants to get that far into it because it would drive you insane and into alcoholism or heavy drug use.

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ae988f  No.278188

File: bb75833ae320ed4⋯.jpg (955.9 KB, 1890x2773, 1890:2773, PicsArt_03_28_07_22_59.jpg)


You mean it drove (You) there!

Addiction and Obsessive Thinking or Behavior is not Inevitable for all those inquiring minds who want to know.

I guess we all find ways to adapt to changing conditions. I personally did not find any of the aforementioned ways to be of lasting value; and actually found using addictive crutches to be much like choosing to remain in a whirlpool full of flotsam and jetsam rather than steer a course free of it. But that's just my experience.

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59dd2e  No.278189

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59dd2e  No.278190


The FDA has always been dirty, but this is pretty swamp-filthy, even for them.

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47de48  No.278303

If you had no other choice but to leave your country, in order to avoid getting jabbed, where would you go?

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a0ebef  No.278317

File: 661b3044e075289⋯.jpg (481.58 KB, 1800x1005, 120:67, States_By_Freedom.jpg)


Luckily I live in a Free State and a rural area, there is almost next to no way to enforce this out here. What are they going to do, raid the farmers markets, local thrift shops, yard sales and flea markets? Pretty damn sure the locals would throw out any representatives that went along with such idiocy.

However, if you are in Europe I'd say Mexico would be a decent place to look. Jim Stone lives in a rural town in Mexico and he says there are no vaccine mandates and TONS of cheap food available, Mexico is actually better for preppers than the US when it comes to prices lol. The downside is guns are harder to get legally in Mexico, you can still get one but only smaller bore ammo like .22, .25 or maybe .380 if lucky. You have to jump through a lot more legal hoops to get one though. I would actually consider Mexico to be the next best place today than the Free States in the US. Don't go to California or New York it would be like going to Europe.

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25e63b  No.278411


le omg not 1200 whole people out of *checks notes* 200 million!

I like how you cry that "covid only has a 2% fatality rate" while at the same time crying about the vaccine's 0.000000000000000000001% fatality rate.

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ba38f2  No.278421

File: 6cb3086ea9d4828⋯.gif (362.84 KB, 860x652, 215:163, vaxcuck.gif)


That's only for the first 90 days results that came out nigger, that's only a small fraction of what is mandated to be released which they are desperately trying to hide.

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25e63b  No.278461


Nearly 4 billion people worldwide are now fully vaccinated. Why haven't 3 billion of them died? Because you're a fucking liar, that's why.

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4d74cc  No.278467


People are dropping dead from health complications from the 'vaccine' every single day, it's just not being reported very much by the corporate media, nimrod.

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3d0fa3  No.278485


I was in Mexico once, Yucatan [between Tulum and Cancun]. I think the resort bracelet on my wrist game me some sort of a "special status" while i was moving around. I wonder how things would go without that. At one point, while inside a "super market" a guy walks up to me and says "hi if you need something, anything i can get it for you" Not to mention the many looks my light brown hair and blue eyes got…

Every now and then i read a horror story about cartel violence and locals being at their mercy… The main road just outside the resort was not lit, like no lights at all. You got out of one of those bus-vans at night and stepped into a 40cm something ditch along the road thinking "oh shit wtf"

I was also in Florida. Nice place. But, when i made a recommendation to go out for a walk along the Cocoa beach [it was after 10pm] i got this stare as in "wtf is wrong with you". Supposedly it can be unsafe to go out at night to poorly lit places. Also, not too far from the place i was staying at, there was a sign on the side of the road depicting robbery/mugging and a big "Jesus will save you" board across on the… well

It is super odd to me such things have to be considered. Here i can walk around at night any time. A woman can walk around at night by herself. I wont get mugged or knifed or any of the sort.

Yet sadly, it is the underdeveloped, unsafe, openly dictatorial places which have the lowest vaccination rates and where one might! find refuge…or maybe not.

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0cb304  No.278488


Honestly, I wouldn't want to go outside at night in the dark in any populated area these days, I don't care whether that be in my own based State or Florida or anywhere today. Too much crime, too much corruption, too much filth and just too risky. If I'm out at night it's by the pit fire burning my weekly trash while drinking whiskey, or with friends drinking on the front porch listening to doo wop, country or old school rock n' roll music.

As for Mexico, yes I've heard some areas you do have to stay away from because of cartel violence as well as political corruption and scam-ridden theft (like fraudulent contractors). But other areas are safe, if you recall the 80s American wrestler Jesse Ventura, he fled to Mexico after 9/11 because he feared they would use predator drones against him for speaking out about the false flag attacks. Supposedly he found a pretty decent place too. So it all depends where you go, and whether or not the cartels or corrupt politicians run the towns.

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3d0fa3  No.278489


Jim Stone, Jesse Ventura…both rich people, yes? Or wealthy at least? With 1st world income uninterrupted while living in a 3rd world place…

I am not sure their circumstances should be used as a reference.

One should anticipate being cut off from the 1st world income and once the savings are up and gone…what you are left with is a 3rd world economy and suddenly cheap stuff is not cheap anymore…

I live in a place where murder rate is 0.5 per 100 thousand people… I am used to certain "qualities of life" like not having to watch my back etc [until they try to stab me in it with covid needle]

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d87575  No.278525


>What are they going to do, raid the farmers markets, local thrift shops, yard sales and flea markets?

bolsheviks killed noncompliant farmers and repossessed their land.


>sadly, it is the underdeveloped, unsafe, openly dictatorial places which have the lowest vaccination rates

in other words, government wagecucks are too scared to knock on dangerous criminals' doors and force the vax on them. whites fucked ourselves by being too civilized and compliant. we need to be feared again if we're to survive.

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0cb304  No.278527


Very true, if you are going to flee, do so wisely, have some 1st world money handy, and in the meantime if you're not very wealthy you'll have to get a job somewhere, or make money somehow. You could use that 1st world currency as a cushion at least for a while.


Whites are no longer scared in most countries because they gave up their guns willingly and peacefully. Americans are the only whites left that have not, and they are scared, that's why they are desperately trying to find excuses and reasons and stage false flags so we'll eventually give them up. Never give them up or you are fucked, by that I do mean better off dead.

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0cb304  No.278529


>Whites are no longer scared

I meant feared, sorry for the typo

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3d0fa3  No.278544

In theory…if most from the 1st world, escaping the jab, would move to the same 3rd world place…that 3rd world place could be turned into something - providing the democratically elected dictator would stay out of it as long as the "tax" is payed.

But which is the least problematic third world place that does not enforce the jab?

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17b51d  No.279644


How long until 20 jabs is considered "unvaccinated"?

If you take one jab every 7 months. That would mean you must take 34 jabs within 20 years.

Are you ready to take 34 jabs?

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fbd364  No.279874


You are not vaccinated enough until your masters tell you what is enough.

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87afe6  No.279883


Nice. Thank You.

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ee3265  No.279884


J.M. Skousen, A.L. Skousen - Strategic Relocation - North American Guide to Safe Places, 3rd Edition (2011).pdf



C. Hogwood - Prepper's Survival Retreats - Your Strategic Relocation Plan for an Uncertain Future (2018).epub




Where There Is No Doctor by D. Werner, C. Thuman, J. Maxwell (2013, Hesperian).pdf



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87afe6  No.279885


Thanks again, andHmmm…at >>279881

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ee3265  No.279889




That other one was too short, a several page excerpt, and too little information that could simply be guessed. The info in the post would be a better lead toward a more comprehensive work, with companies/links, more info about construction.

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ee3265  No.279891

File: b20d6f7b185aba9⋯.jpg (206.43 KB, 962x866, 481:433, 4A094BEA00000578_5481483_i….jpg)

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87afe6  No.279892

File: 0f38d3b1fd3fecb⋯.jpg (25.17 KB, 300x250, 6:5, pnd_Ron.jpg)

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98ff52  No.279897

File: 7a799ec3c2fa995⋯.jpg (572.97 KB, 1798x1125, 1798:1125, no_go_zones_marked.jpg)

File: 661b3044e075289⋯.jpg (481.58 KB, 1800x1005, 120:67, States_By_Freedom.jpg)



Thanks, good info.

I have two more pics related.

It's best to live at least 35 miles away from any major city. Keep in mind not every town is safe, there are more rural areas with high crimes rates too but not all are nearly as bad as major cities. The only issue is the further you live the further you may have to commute to get your groceries (what people tend to do around my area is we'll drive to the suburbs once a month to stock up on a ton of stuff and head back, having enough to last for at least three to four weeks, and then we go back when running low and stockup more, date & rotate the goods and repeat every month).

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