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98eff0  No.278068

tsk tsk tsk trying to rip off more gullible Christians?

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98eff0  No.278069

Jim and Ron were profiting off the retarded Q idiots the entire time, with their cheesy pathetic crappy trinket merchandise

Now that everybody knows the truth behind the entire Q faggotry, it looks like they decided to go for one last final scam….

The timeless "I'm running an unwinnable campaign for Congress so send me untraceable hidden payments of cryptocurrency" scam…

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2f6428  No.278070

File: 804a6c5b0fe589a⋯.gif (2.24 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Trump_Supports_Ron.gif)


> untraceable

I don't think you know how blockchain technology works.

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98eff0  No.278071


Trust me, scarecrow…..

I'm aware that it can be traced…

You take everything so literally

That's why you're convinced that you're smarter than everybody else, when you actually just proved how stupid your assumptions truly are

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a3786b  No.278074

File: fb2cfb568203482⋯.png (4.47 MB, 1406x2048, 703:1024, 1.png)


i love ron watkins your donations fund this perfect haven of free speech without defenders of USA first amendment we would all be pic related dead in a mass grave

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98eff0  No.278076

I hid the cryptic clues where Ron can find my Bitcoin in a recent Q Drop

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98eff0  No.278077


lol @ you never getting any pussy

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98eff0  No.278078


you're the ubiquitous cliche….

the frustrated overlooked little boy who nobody wants to play with

so you use predictable cookie cutter techniques to attempt appearing "intimidating"

lol !!!….. weak as fuck

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b9e9d2  No.278081


They're gonna nail him to the wall when they found out it's his dad running the SuperPAC.

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98eff0  No.278083


that'll surely be the first time he's ever been "nailed" before….

these fucking weirdo millennial computer imageboard sissies are all asexual faggots who have no sexual attraction towards women ..

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98eff0  No.278085

it's almost as if something happened in the early 90s, like some form of exposure to a unknown chemical or biological weapon, and subsequently all the male children being born had a bizarre genetic defect that made them effeminate disconnected weirdos who would never develop a sexual attraction towards females.

instead of securing a sexual and emotional relationship with girls, these low testosterone mutants prefer a videogame controller in their hands

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