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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: d15f552c2567156⋯.jpg (8.56 KB, 250x202, 125:101, trump_epstein_drudge.jpg)

c8aa33  No.278067

We got too cocky, MIGA bros.

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b8a6bd  No.278072


Can you imagine being on that jury and watching all the CP?

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75171d  No.278082

File: 2d755cc1cf38ac2⋯.png (696.26 KB, 1000x1280, 25:32, 20210411_164835.png)


you desperately want to be perceived as being 'intelligent', but it took you almost FIVE YEARS to finally figure out that Trump is a pedophile, and one of Epstein's best customers.

worthless dipshit

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da6273  No.278107

Epstein's Pilot Names Names, Recalls Shuttling Clinton, Trump, Spacey And Prince Andrew

Jeffrey Epstein's former "Lolita Express" pilot detailed several high-profile individuals he recalls among the passengers on Epstein's numerous flights around the world.

While under oath during the Ghislaine Maxwell trial on Tuesday, pilot Larry Visoski Jr. was asked to describe his experience, to which he said "I certainly remember President Trump, but not many people associated with him," adding that he also flew Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, violinist Itzhak Perlman, former Senator John Glenn and Prince Andrew. He said that while he was tasked with 'cleaning up' after one of Clinton's flights, he 'never saw any sexual activity' on the plane.

Trump and Epstein were known to have associated with each other in the 90s as New York City playboys and successful entrepreneurs. As the Daily Mail reports, "It was previously reported that Trump had flown on Epstein's plane from Palm Beach, where both had homes, to Newark, in 1997. Epstein is also said to have flown on one of Trump's private planes."

Trump is said to have severed his relationship with Epstein and banned him from Mar-a-Lago after the pedophile was reportedly trying to recruit a towel attendant in the early 2000s - prior to his conviction for soliciting child prostitution.

According to the Mail, Visoski spent most of Tuesday talking about girls Epstein brought aboard the plane.

"Mr. Epstein brought her to the cockpit. She had piercing power blue eyes," he said of one alleged victim - to which Maxwell's attorney Christian Everdell asked "And beyond the striking blue eyes, you have said she had large breasts, right?"

To which Visosky replied that she was a "mature woman."

When asked if he remembers Virginia Roberts, Visoski replied, 'Yes. A shorter woman with dirty blonde hair.'

'She didn't look young. I mean, whatever you decipher is the definition of young. But she was a woman in my category,' he added.

NOTE that Epstein was a Mossad agent that was blackmailing American corporate big wigs, bankers, celebrities and politicians.

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b8a6bd  No.278128


>someone mentioned Trump without mentioning these other people


Trump will never love you. Stop crying.

>He DID get a blow job IN thw oval office DURING his presidency with NOT his wife

From an adult.

But if it makes you feel any better, the pilot also talked about Clinton. So stop crying.

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21c379  No.278140

File: 8b17df16f5992b3⋯.jpg (341.92 KB, 828x799, 828:799, true_warning.jpg)


I'm getting so sick of the Trump obsessions, from both the left & the right. NO ONE SEEMS TO GET IT. Please see pic, very related. Most of us did not vote for Trump because "we like him" lol. Oh no, no, no. We voted for Trump in an act of rebellion. We are sick of the leftists telling us how to live. We are sick of the leftists treating us like cattle that need to be bossed around and micromanaged. We are sick and tired of interventionist policy that never had any interest in safe guarding or protecting America as a nation. We wanted secure boarders. We wanted real economic recovery. We wanted simply to be able to live our own lives. The problem is many on the left have a major authority complex and they are always looking down on everyone else, thinking they know what is best for us. They don't. It's not about Trump. It never was. Trump got elected in 2016 because people hated being treated like shit. Biden got elected because the left cheated with mail-in voter fraud. The fact is nothing has changed. Either this country faces severe balkanization, or another civil war is inevitable.

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b8a6bd  No.278177


He was President of the United States. After 200+ years, we still talk about George Washington. Trump will be discussed for the rest of time, faggot, and none of your blathering, bloated grandstanding will stop it.


>stop discussing a historical figure


Kill yourself.

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492726  No.278179


Then you are obsessed about Trump with TDS and just as guilty as the Q larping faggots. How often is Nixon or Reagan or Clinton or Bush or Obama talked about these days? In another decade from now will people keep talking about Biden?

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08f662  No.278624

File: 1f7cc50c5825f1f⋯.jpg (297.64 KB, 710x440, 71:44, Epstein_Banned_from_Mar_a_….jpg)


And Trump niggers do the exact same thing, focusing on the Clintons and all the "evil" Demokikes involved, but none of the "BASED" Republikikes.

That retarded Qanon book even features the transcription of an old interview with Jim Rothstein but (presumably) leaves out the fact that he named Trump's mentor Roy Cohn as a boy trafficker.


>When he found out about epstiens sick desires he kicked that snake to the curb. I know you hate Trump.

Epstein wasn't kicked out of Mar-a-Lago until over a year after he was arrested, and the story at the time was that he propositioned the wrong person's daughter.

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674564  No.278633



<Latest Celebrity News, Entertainment News & Gossip

So you are posting kike'd news outlets as your source now, huh?


Pretty funny how that all changes when you post something.

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08f662  No.278635


Nigger, that's where the story about Epstein's Mar-a-Lago ban broke.

And then it went on to be popularized in the book 'Filthy Rich', nearly a decade later. That book was written by James Patterson, who of course also co-authored one with Bill Clinton.

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ff28ce  No.280375


No, that is a jewish lie.

Trump never flew to Epsteine's jewish pedo island, or to Epsteine's jewish pedo ranch.

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b5b1b5  No.280388


lmao there are not george Washington threads dumbazz

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b8a6bd  No.280414


>if it doesn't happen here, it doesn't happen anywhere

Your life must be the saddest thing in the history of sad things.

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6c664b  No.281144


the jews are working overtime to ruin trumps reputation now

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357485  No.281185


Too bad those aren't the only places kids were fucked, and Trump is known to have visited Epstein's Palm Beach home.

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047e12  No.284759

File: 83e891fbc654532⋯.jpg (15.01 KB, 248x255, 248:255, 1639371828264.jpg)


Okay so both biden and trump are pedo's.Guess they got something in common then eh? i wonder if they gave eachother a backrub whilst fidling kids.

Either way dems or reps. it is just a different side on the same shiny shekel because they are both zog.

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c8aa33  No.284764

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19965c  No.284766

remember when he liked the tweet accusing him of doing it on twitter? lmao

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085c0d  No.284772



Autodetected propaganda tactics.




- Propbot v0.1

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