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File: e636c84785b2607⋯.png (22.83 KB, 845x546, 65:42, COVID_CURES_THE_FLU.png)

df41d3  No.278054

How would covid-19 suddenly cure the common flu?

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92abf8  No.278064


It doesn't. The reason there were so few cases of influenza is because most people were masking up, washing their hands more, staying home, and socially distancing - all things that prevent the spread of flu.

Crazy how that works, eh?

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825188  No.278065


LOL @YOU(of all people)

Actually considering yourself to be

" insightful "

trust me…. You WOULDN'T make a good detective

So don't quit your day job

oops I almost forgot… It's Tuesday, and hear you sit in front of your stupid little computer at home, with nothing better to do than to postulate ridiculous farfetched hypothetical conspiracy theories


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825188  No.278066

HERE* you sit

God damn speech to text typo

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4c90bf  No.278097


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4c90bf  No.278110

File: f2c0b035cf03160⋯.jpg (100.49 KB, 976x734, 488:367, f2c0b035cf0.jpg)


You may live in a commie shithole with mask mandates and lockdowns but not everyone does. Millions of Americans still lived in Free States with no lock downs or any covid mandates AT ALL…. and most those lock downs in commie-land are over already anyway.

I find it crazy people like you can believe this massive psyop and these propagandists that have yearning to destroy our Constitutional freedoms and livelihoods. Damn that kool-aid must be some addictive stuff!

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4c90bf  No.278111


So the flu can be defeated from masking up, washing their hands more, staying home, and socially distancing…. but covid cannot? Why is covid still around but not the flu?

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12aec6  No.278121


Speech to text? LOL.

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92abf8  No.278122


You're an idiot.


Covid != Influenza, idiot.

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92abf8  No.278123


He lost his fingers to a violent masturbation accident.

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ba7f49  No.278138

File: 90218492f039a74⋯.jpg (402.75 KB, 926x1024, 463:512, wake_up_already.jpg)


>You're an idiot.

I like in a Free State, there were no mask mandates or lockdowns, at least not in 99% of my State. Maybe just St. Louis proper but I don't live near there.

>Covid != Influenza, idiot.

Exactly what the OP was questioning and trying to point out. Covid is literally not much worse than the common flu. In fact, it very well could be the flu all along, and we have all been under a massive psyop ;)

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