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4689b6  No.278042

What does /pnd/ think about cryptocurrency? Is it really a solution to the problems of central banking and hyperinflation, or will it be exploited and hijacked to further those same cabalist interests?

I'm neutral on this issue: on one hand I do not oppose cryptocurrency, on the other hand I am skeptical whether or not it will work as intended. Although it has huge potential and could be used as an alternative to fiat currency, it does have vulnerabilities too. Crypto relies on a functioning internet & power grid for example, so what happens during a major economic collapse? Also, under our current corrupt governments what stops them from outlawing it or regulating it robbing us of it's huge potential of an alternative solution? How can crypto become safe-guarded from such nefarious interventions and corruption?

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867f82  No.278047


Anything that you have to convert to national currency/FIAT in order to use for goods/services is meaningless. It's the same thing I tell all those idiots stockpiling gold bullion. If you want to put gas in your car or pay your rent, you have to take some of that gold down to the pawn shop or whatever and sell it for USD before you can pay those bills. You can't just put some gold flakes in an envelope and mail it to your electric company.

Crypto is no different. Now, you CAN make use of that system. Day trading in crypto has paid my rent for the last year and a half with no actual capital on my part except an initial investment that I let grow until it doubled, then took my principal back. From there, it's just a matter of manipulating the various coins, transferring into low coins from high coins. Anyone who has ever "buy axe for 1 gold from X shop then run to Y shop and sell axe for 2 gold" understands the basics.

Is it a solution? Yes. It can be if companies start accepting direct payments from crypto and cutting out the middle-man of FIAT. Yes, of course, if the power grid goes down, then it all vanishes; but every currency comes with the potential for devastating loss. For example, if you barter with your neighbor and you chop/haul wood for him and he provides you with fresh vegetables, what happens if you lose your arm in an accident? No more vegetables.

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4689b6  No.278051


That's very true, which is why my main goal in life is to become as self-sufficient as possible homesteading, everything else is a secondary option or risk. To me wealth is really based on private property ownership, having a family and/or local community you can trust, arms and munitions and useful assets that will always be of some value (tools & construction/workshop accessories, informative books, medical supplies, extra boots/shoes & clothing, long-term rotated food supply, source of clean water, sanitation supplies, etc) Of-course there may be a huge risk in having to defend everything you own when SHTF too.

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0dbb78  No.278073

Stack sats. Never sell. You can't fail. Ignore alts. Hodl in cold storage wallet. BTC will consume all other currencies. No e who bought BTC and held it for 4 years ever lost money… NEVER. EVER.

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a4b049  No.278087


>Never sell.

You can't eat bitcoin. Maybe you meant, "don't sell until you're ready for retirement"

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b9af2f  No.278088


DAY TRADING : unemployed bum

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0922ac  No.278089

File: 61cdf240aa2f0f0⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB, 480x480, 1:1, I_hate_you_00.mp4)


I always take my financial advice from lonely introverted isolated asswipe imageboard faggots.

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867f82  No.278090


>doesn't understand the words "savings" or "supplemental income"

Nigger, if you think you can live on a single wage job without any kind of side hustle, that explains why you still live with mommy and cry all day on incel facebook groups.

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0350f0  No.278092


Russian tech is a more redpilled investment.


>PREDICTION. Huge #FOMO into Russian “Big Tech” in next few years driven by increasing numbers of Russian investors and cheap American money migrating to emerging market for cheaper assets. This will replicate what happened in the US during 2010s. Yandex worth $250B by 2030, Ozon worth $100B. OOM-tier increase across this sector producing gainz rarely seen outside crypto.

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0350f0  No.278093

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What is the probability that Satoshi Nakamoto is an AI?

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6794e8  No.278101


I knew an old friend who was a day trader (yes he was a kike lol), anyway he made a TON of money doing so back in the 90s and early 2000s. He's no longer around sadly, died from a drug overdose.

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6794e8  No.278102


I won't invest in anything Big Tech, if I do "invest" in something it would be physical silver/gold and some bitcoin in cold storage, but with caution knowing to limit my risk. Owning land and some hard assets always come first. Can't defend your S&G and bitcoin copies without surplus ammo, right? Can't eat bullets, got to have some backup food, correct? Basics first.

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6794e8  No.278103


For many today sadly that is the case. Do you have student loan debts and live in a higher taxed State? That would explain the reason why, it's not just price inflation that keeps people down. If you work in the trade and live within your means in a State with lower taxes you would get by just fine without having to day trade.

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e5b57f  No.278994

Silver, Gold and Bitcoin are only for those with the luxury of having extra wealth to invest in and save. Always remember your Number One source of wealth is land and physical essentials and assets to live and survive. You want some shelter, guns & ammo & cleaning/maintenance kits, you want other tools and hardware accessories around, you want sanitation supplies, you want extra long-term food storage & a place to keep it safe from pests and harsh environments, you want a source of clean drinking water or a way to boil & filter outdoor water for drinking, you want extra medical supplies and first aid kits and lots of anti-bacterial lotions to clean wounds, you want alcohol and aspirin as that may be the only pain killer you have if you were to get shot (aspirin could act as suicide pills when all else fails, as they'd thin your blood and let you bleed out while killing some pain), you want a source of energy off-grid like solar generator or solar chargers with 12V batteries and inverters, you want like-minded people and-or loving family with you if anything goes mad max.

When SHTF, and I mean when there is something mad max going to happen, could be nationwide gun confiscation that would lead to civil war, or could be a grid-down scenario from an nuclear EMP strike by a foreign country (either would be considered a hostile attack against the US to us preppers), I'm going to cut down some trees alongside the dirt road and alongside my long gravel driveway to block vehicles from entering the area. I also plan on spreading some shrapnel for those 4x drive off-road trucks, and letting the grass grow very long as another obstacle. That way anyone who wants to enter my turf will have to do so on foot, and I'll be ready and waiting to snipe them from a comfortable distance. Not to mention my motion detection/night vision cameras will be a big help (got an extra 1000 watt inverter with 110Ah 12V to power those suckers and the monitor off-grid ;) Solar trickle charger with an extra 110Ah 12V for routine contingency power switching back and forth for charging and powering.

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4f8cb1  No.284752

If my country was smart it would go 100% in on crypto. (But only its own crypto which itself controls).

I never really understood this culture of blindly trusting a crypto not protected by your own state.

If you are smart you should start your own cryptocurrency and just scam all the gullibles into "testing" your currency. Let the cryptowars aka FUDwars begin.

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