Muh white race is a false concept created by Amerimutt Wignats
There are 5 races in Europe: Slavic, Nordic, Baltic, Alpinid and Mediterranean.
The Mediterranean race is concentrated in countries like Spain, Italy and Greece and they are the most masculine and the ones who have higher testosterone but sadly also the most degenerate socialist governments and the ones who mare more cucked by the EU
The Nordick race is concentrated in Scandinavia and they are the most effeminate faggots, even the LARPagan retards who pretend to be vikings are usually manlets
The Slavic race is concentrated in the Balkans and they are the most nationalistic guys you've ever know, they have third-worlder qualities of life and also corrupt and incompetent governments just like Mediterraneans
The Baltic states consist of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, irrelevant Mongolian rapebabies cucked by Russia
and Alpinids are concentrated in West Europe, their countries are the richer and where people from all Europe flee to live (I'm travelling to Belgica myself this Christmas)
Alpinids are South Eurasian rapebabies