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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 3f360260bd3ce15⋯.jpg (207.07 KB, 986x1118, 493:559, European_haplogroups.jpg)

13c5a9  No.277918

Muh white race is a false concept created by Amerimutt Wignats

There are 5 races in Europe: Slavic, Nordic, Baltic, Alpinid and Mediterranean.

The Mediterranean race is concentrated in countries like Spain, Italy and Greece and they are the most masculine and the ones who have higher testosterone but sadly also the most degenerate socialist governments and the ones who mare more cucked by the EU

The Nordick race is concentrated in Scandinavia and they are the most effeminate faggots, even the LARPagan retards who pretend to be vikings are usually manlets

The Slavic race is concentrated in the Balkans and they are the most nationalistic guys you've ever know, they have third-worlder qualities of life and also corrupt and incompetent governments just like Mediterraneans

The Baltic states consist of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, irrelevant Mongolian rapebabies cucked by Russia

and Alpinids are concentrated in West Europe, their countries are the richer and where people from all Europe flee to live (I'm travelling to Belgica myself this Christmas)

Alpinids are South Eurasian rapebabies

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274998  No.277919

File: cb87beb1f02e4af⋯.jpg (20.77 KB, 289x361, 289:361, herbert_hoover_quote_when_….jpg)

File: 0a98df2349d4610⋯.jpg (153.56 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, clown_world_c_delaney_KsWg….jpg)

Fuckin' Eurofags want everybody else in the world to be as fractured and tribalistic as they always have been, because they see themselves that way. and they want EVERYBODY else to see themselves that way too. Separate. Tribal. Divided, Conquered.

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54e648  No.277920

the human race was created by aliens, who mixed their DNA with various monkey species.

ALL HUMANS are niggers

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13c5a9  No.277944

File: 5102f902a1e3ebf⋯.jpg (139.74 KB, 658x1024, 329:512, 1597372991194.jpg)


La Creatura, El Atrocidad…

>Fuckin' Eurofags want everybody else in the world to be as fractured and tribalistic as they always have been

>Separate. Tribal. Divided, Conquered.

>an Amerimutt saying this shit


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13c5a9  No.277945

File: a193a1c34e6cd14⋯.jpg (34.54 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1465770695357.jpg)




Oh look, it's the schizo grandpa again

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d4f835  No.277960


I only care about freedom and national sovereignty. If a country becomes too corrupt and totalitarian then it's no better than living with a bunch of niggers.

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d4f835  No.277971


Nope, that was Marshmellow Sally doing his "Antichrist" non-sense hoping the western world will die before he does.

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bef13f  No.278007


why are americans so afraid of the concept of "identity" ?

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1ecdb4  No.278017


Many of us just don't care much about Europe or other countries for that matter. We have our own issues with corruption and insane politics that conflicts our own interests and threatens our way of life. Most Americans rather keep out of all the worldly bullshit affairs and live our own lives uninterrupted. If you disrupt our lifestyle or threaten it in the very slightest it tends to lead to worldwide clamor, chest beating and defensive uproar no matter how fucking annoying we may be. We don't really have a national identity, we are more or less massive decentralized economic zones full of drama and infighting.

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020fa0  No.284751

the western world seems quite homogenous. A lot of "Red" there.

That map must be quite old. Don't we have any newer haplomap?

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05f60d  No.284758

File: 7f10d719b105522⋯.png (32.63 KB, 1167x193, 1167:193, white_defined_5.PNG)

piss off kike

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020fa0  No.284760


Can someone explain to me why europeans are called "Caucasians" and anti-jewry is called "Anti-semitism"?

What does this language control mean?

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