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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 21248fcb6fc2539⋯.png (361.4 KB, 3000x1688, 375:211, Metaversal_Mayflower.png)

732d54  No.277851

What if we just colonized VR and the metaverse so aggressively that the metaverse is just considered a platform for alt-right nazis by the libtards?

We'll steal the future, baby.

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6205c2  No.277853

File: 1757437057aa505⋯.jpg (145.96 KB, 594x841, 594:841, 4a97e2a07e03549c7cfb870cf2….jpg)

Stop using social media, stop playing into their trap. It's not only a saturnine prison but also a scheme to track and trace 'domestic terrorism', 'hate movements', etc - look into organizations like the Institute of Strategic Dialogue; the cyber battlespace is an artificial escape hatch presided by the technocrats. Better, colonize in the real world and don't post about it on the internet. Create extensive private networks.

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0e2d2d  No.277938


colonizing Virtual Reality and the sissyboy "Metaverse" are the ONLY OPTIONS for a creepy awkward shelteredimageboard faggot like YOU

it's not like you're ever going to have a woman let you have sex with her (or even be in the same room as you)

In fact, the only thing you've managed to accomplish with your pathetic empty existence has been sitting in front of your obsolete little computer, pretending like you're part of some imaginary "movement"…

You're a Sexual Failure….

You're a Social Outcast…

You're NOT part of anything….

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0e2d2d  No.277939


same goes for YOU, lonely depressed faggot


hence the videogames, anime & masturbation

your parents hate you

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0e2d2d  No.277940


by the way, what a nice


you chose, just like a self loathing

13 year old Emo Girl…..


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0e2d2d  No.277941


literally one of THE WORST illustrations ever

drawn by somebody with ZERO TALENT

which explains why you found it appealing

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d26239  No.277942

File: 5cb24ef52eaa436⋯.png (649.54 KB, 3000x1688, 375:211, PicsArt_11_29_01_02_54.png)


the fact that you seem to actually think the

"metaverse" is actually going to be a thing

is almost as embarrassing as the fact that you seem to think it's going to be a way for you to finally compensate for your lack of real life accomplishments, and laughable inability to get laid

youre a tiny insignificant man with a tiny insignificant penis

but even if you had a big dick, which you don't, you STILL couldn't figure out how to attract women

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d26239  No.277943

File: c44af3a8d1eaac7⋯.png (737.24 KB, 3000x1688, 375:211, PicsArt_11_29_01_23_15.png)

Operation: Metaversal Mayflower :

obviously, you lack self awareness

otherwise, you'd NEVER admit that you

invented that STUPID embarrassing name


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4b6b61  No.277987




Are you are shilling for a new Facebook company called Meta? No one in their right mind wants to (or will) live in a totalitarian dystopian future where Facebook controls your thoughts and reality. I'm certainly not going to be suckered into living that way. The real rebellion begins with homesteading and becoming more self-sufficient, being an independent and staying away from their institutionalized corruption and usury.


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4b6b61  No.277989


On the contrary Johnny, that was some of the best advice given in the current year. I've also been saying we need to organize with our families, friends and local communities in real life on the local level as much as we can. That is the way we really defeat this "UN Agenda 21" "Great Reset" "Green New Deal" bullshit. Learn from Dave Hodges, he helped kick Agenda 21's ass over in rural Arizona when they tried to land grab private properties around his local community.

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e0aea5  No.278011

just make deep fake porn of the zuck and sell it as nft's

that will piss him off

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db81e3  No.283053


A tech founder compared today's hype around the metaverse with Soviet propaganda he experienced as a child.

Phil Libin, the founder of the note-taking app Evernote and the CEO of the videoconferencing company Mmhmm, made the comments in a podcast hosted by the tech journalist Eric Newcomer released on Tuesday.

Libin expressed deep skepticism of tech companies touting the metaverse and drew a comparison with his experience growing up in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, Russia.

"I went to first grade in the Soviet Union," Libin said. "I was subjected to a lot of Soviet propaganda, and I was told as a little kid repeatedly: 'Communism doesn't exist yet. We haven't built communism yet. We're building towards communism. But it's not communism yet. What you see around you, this horrible, horrible place, isn't communism. We're building towards it. It's going to be great when it gets here.'"

Sound familiar? LOL.

Libin continued: "You know, you can smell a bad idea before it's fully built. So I don't want to hear 'Oh yeah, the metaverse doesn't exist yet. No, no, no, all this stuff, all this stupid, useless, crappy stuff that exists right now, that's not the metaverse. The metaverse is coming — it's coming.'"

The word "metaverse" is borrowed from science-fiction and refers to a future version of the internet accessed through big government surveillance technologies such as virtual-reality and augmented-reality headsets. It has been pushed in particular by Mark Zuckerberg, who rebranded Facebook as Meta in October.

"VR is the thing that guarantees none of this will ever take off, because no one wants to spend any amount of time with a plastic thing strapped to their face," he said.

Killcen highly agrees! Who wants to be strapped to a potential mind control device that fries your retinals with WiFi radiation for a chance to be spied on by Big Tech commies 24/7?

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0d76a4  No.283102


is it possible OP? Do you got any examples of colonization?

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0d76a4  No.283103


toppest of keks

r/ing zuckpr0n anon

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bcd2c0  No.284155


the future you say?

… hmm

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e5c98a  No.284156

Metaverse is a weird thing. Almost as if faceberg is considered a failure so the are scrapping the experiment. Look at how many boomers are q tards. The great propaganda platform not just failed but did so in a spectacular way. Instead of turning everyone into a controlled npc they created anti government npcs.

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f38f0e  No.284157


why do jews always copyright normal english words? Anyone else noticed this. It seems like they are copyrighting more generic words for every iteration of their company.

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5c5263  No.284158


It's not my future, that's for sure. I'm not microwaving my eyeballs and brain stem so the government and Big Tech can treat me as some cattle in a technocratic dystopia with no privacy.


>Instead of turning everyone into a controlled npc they created anti government npcs.

Maybe if the government were not so corrupted that could actually be a problem lol.

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0edb0e  No.285658

Anyways all the fags took the bait as predicted.

Literally belligerent niggatry afoot.

None of the goy are to be trusted and have already outed themselves.

Faggot on side road.

Don't Fuck the whores ill deal with the goy from this point just pretend to be a bitch because these rats are swarming like crazy and it's bout to be an utter rapefest other than that software development before all the indians buy up all the million dollar gas stations then somehow manage to take fucking Microsoft MMOs and google.

This entire timeline is literally fucking retarded for the most part.

Anyways I'm bout to blow his shit apart pedal faster wetbacks goys nigguhs and faggots are rampaging in stealth. If I have to take a jump ill just infinite antichrist snipe like a mother fucker while making them fearless and bold in to their ultimate dreams of infinite money and burgers.

Anyways you see the utter bullshit already.

P.s. tell John Cena to learn Chinese for the lulz the mixtape drops this year.

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586b32  No.285699


Underrated post.

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