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File: 2e93e29f46b9404⋯.jpg (55.94 KB, 512x388, 128:97, IMG_0048.jpg)

db49e7  No.277826

New to this community, just got my first computer, I want to find and talk with people who share my beliefs. 1488 FBJ

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cd120d  No.277838


You'll want to go to the board >>>/cuteboys/

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ff0daf  No.277846

File: df8f659443176ef⋯.png (26.14 KB, 300x250, 6:5, zLeTcj1e2W_12.png)


Yeah, OP'll find many frens there, butt even moar fellow 1488ers over on >>>/abdl/ !

Tell 'em Marshmallow Sally sent ya! They might even give you a sitewide 8kun VIP Pass (for bypassing the captchas), if you ask 'em nicely.

As for this board, it's dead, and everyone on it thinks FBJ stands for "Fuck Black Johns", except for yours truly, Marshmallow Sally, the Antichrist; but I'm leaving again soon, to go back to the moar1488 FriendlyBoards,Just like >>>/cuteboys/ and >>>/abdl/

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768299  No.277849

File: c8bef90ef58f943⋯.png (777.94 KB, 768x1000, 96:125, ClipboardImage.png)

Welcome fren

START HERE:SecretAgentWars.com/MeinKampf

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8a5741  No.277898


you're pathetic

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8a5741  No.277899




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8a5741  No.277900

File: 92ef2826465e26c⋯.jpg (700.98 KB, 1918x1918, 1:1, PicsArt_11_28_10_09_42.jpg)


you and Purple Jizzguzzler would make a perfect couple…

Neither of you is even vaguely sexually attracted to females

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9c0ce9  No.277901



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310796  No.277902

File: 92ef2826465e26c⋯.jpg (700.98 KB, 1918x1918, 1:1, PicsArt_11_28_10_09_42.jpg)

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9f2551  No.277903

File: d2a0aab38483bab⋯.png (413.72 KB, 1440x2465, 288:493, Ron_Watkins_4_Congress.png)


Ron Watkins will be your friend.

Such a powerful friend you will have.

Follow the breadcrumbs to Sedona, AZ.

You will find Master Ron.

Send him Susucoin.

Another friend you may find there… Master Bates.

As for the "friend"liness of more Neptunic creatures, you'll have to find out for yourself. If you, like Johnny & Sally, hate all humans, you may have a hard time making and keeping friends among human kind. Just sayin'…

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9f2551  No.277904

File: 0131340a16abb6a⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.41 MB, 1024x932, 256:233, PicsArt_11_23_09_57_39.gif)


Sally, Purple & Johnny are ALL Socialists!

Just Sayin'!

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9c0ce9  No.277905


I find it less than fascinating that a man your age would be incapable of realizing that I'm an ANTISOCIALIST

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9f2551  No.277907

File: 9d639951ef5aeeb⋯.jpg (81.99 KB, 499x333, 499:333, Thanks_Again.jpg)


An anti-socialist who hates humans, yet thinks they owe him something, or that he is "better" than "others" in some way.

You're so much like Sally & Purple it actually HERTZ! And, furthermore, YOU KNOW IT. That's why you're all 3 so miserable. Because ALL of (You), like Killcen, are Religionists. You have an ideology. It is based on Fear & Hatred of "Other", like ALL Ideologies that become Religions are. It is every bit as ABSURD as any "other" religion too. Look at your COVID Religion! Look at your 'Woke' Religion! Look at your Religion of Divisiveness and Hatred of family, community and culture! (You) are literally worse than Christians; and that is saying a LOT.

Furthermore, (You) are miserable.

(You) Are Anti-Social Anti-Human…

So,(You)r Opinions May Be Safely Discarded.

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9f2551  No.277913

File: 81ba363abeb2696⋯.jpg (40.62 KB, 1400x840, 5:3, 5000.jpg)


> you actually think your "opinions" are interesting to others

You've always misread my reasons for self-expression

I am MORE THAN WELL AWARE that my opinions hold little or no interest to "Others".

I would be expressing my"self" even if there were No "Other"; which There IS NOT.


Your ideologies, belief system, words, interactions and behavior have led you to this point, where you find yourself, once again, CONTAINED.

(You) Did This to (You).

Having a Closed Stance ALWAYS Proves RESTRICTIVE.


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9f2551  No.277914


An Extreme TDS Sufferer still Coping, at the end of 2021. The only thing that will be sadder is watching his stance in the years to come.

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9f2551  No.277916

File: 28ab534ba897df3⋯.jpg (266.13 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 2446501638_cfca885a66_b.jpg)

File: c59b9980c6c00fa⋯.png (258.86 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, electrolytes_newthumb.png)

File: 229320362af0dbc⋯.jpg (84.48 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Brawndo_has_what_plants_cr….jpg)


Yeah, you're "happy" and the economy is "great". That's why (You), and everyone who shares (You)r opinions and spouts (You)r kind of bullshit, is getting relegated to the Kiddies Table, Worldwide.

Why do (You) think (You) got shunted off to >>>/pnd/ ? Don't (You) recognize "Containment" when (You) see it?

(You) WILL.

The Hordes Are Coming.

Containing (You)rself will soon become even more of a Habit, for (You) and (You)r kind. Practicing Containment for (You)rself will actually become an IMPERATIVE.


(You) might want to begin the RE-EDUCATION Program NOW. Get a jump on all the "Other" Fools like (You).

(You)r Viewpoint is sheer Lunacy, and EVERYBODY, including (You), KNOWS IT.

Think how absurd the Saint Vitus Dancers seemed to those who were not so afflicted! Think how happy the dancers thought they were. They belonged. They were part of something.

Conformist Cows, ALL.

(You) too.


Do (You) even know?

What is it (You) crave?

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fff8e3  No.277951


lol triggered much ?……… DAMN, dude……

by the way, the ONLY thing that "brought me to /pnd/" wasYOUR DEAD BORING BOARD

you developed SUCH a lacklustre unmarketable concept for your SHIT BOARD, that /pnd/ and it'sthree readersseemed like Grand Central Station comparatively……

It's not MY fault that you wasted your time on a board with only ONE reader (you)

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fff8e3  No.277952


your stupid "FREEDOM THIS FREEDOM THAT" bullshit board isso boringthat even YOU don't go there….

that's why you're CONTAINEDin here

but the simple fact thatyou created your shit board PROVES that you actually DID think other people were interested in your opinions

so you're a LIAR

HINT : nobody finds your boring FREEDOM THIS FREEDOM THAT garbage appealing…

and that's why you have ZERO READERS

I'm confident that Nancy feels sorry for you, much like a mother feels sorry for her awkward fat son who can't make friends at school, so she occasionally feels obligated to pretend like she's interested, and intermittently visits your boring dead ass shitty board…

I know that Killcen sometimes remembers that he's supposed to feel obligated to patronize You by visiting your stupid fucking board and acting like you didn't waste all of your effort and time.

And whenever one of those two people occasionally logs into your shitty fucking page, you become all excited again, manic and frantic, convince that somebody is finally interested in your stupid fucking opinions.

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fff8e3  No.277953

Your idiotic boring board is almost as irrelevant as your idiotic boring maharishi guru eastern Indian word circle bullshit…

For some reason, you seem to think talking in word circles makes you seem enlightened and intelligent

It actually makes you look like a fucking idiot

It makes you look like somebody who has no self-awareness, becauseNOBODYthinks gobbledygook gibberish word circles convey wisdom (other than you)

Your amateurish technique is primal and embarrassing :

You always insert the same word at least twice in every sentence, bookended, each with a different meaning…


It's boring.. it's really really boring…

Nobody pays attention to the word circles

It's like a burnt out old hippie junkie flailing his arms and talking to himself under a bridge

Nobody gives a fuck what the man under the bridge thinks or says, and nobody cares how many times he repeats the same word in a circular sentence…

You're not stupid

But you're not as intelligent as you think

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fff8e3  No.277954


lol it's so important to you that you come across sounding like an expert in life, perceiving people's problems from afar, and offering your bullshit maharishi guru advice…

It's too bad you couldn't perceive your own problems right under your nose, because you could have avoided being a needle using heroin junkie and contracting hepatitis C by sharing needles with diseased junkies….

Not exactly the person I would ever take advice from

You literally dug a 6-ft grave with a syringe

So shove your advice up your well-worn asshole

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fff8e3  No.277955

Of course you're going to defiantly insist that you quit running up heroin and sharing needles a long long time ago

That doesn't mean anything

When a man with half a face gives you beauty advice, the fact that he removed half of his face with stupid decisions negates any advice he might offer

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fff8e3  No.277956

Now run along and go think up some more words circles, Maharishi

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fff8e3  No.277957



You seriously need to consider taking mood stabilizers

Normally I would never recommend atypical antipsychotics for anybody, but you are always in a continual state of uncontrolled frantic angry mania

Your life revolves around constructing endless long-winded boring rants….

You're continually typing needlessly loquacious repetitive redundant boring as fuck frantic angry manic soliloquies… Diatribes of resentment towards women and society and authority

As if you're some great speech writer

As if the world is waiting for your next angry rant

As if you matter

You are a very sick man… You are extremely unstable, and you are incapable of controlling your angry outbursts….

My best advice is get your ass to a psychiatrist and ask him for several different atypical antipsychotics….

Either that.. or maybe have some balls, and pick up that syringe again and finish the goddamn job this time

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5d995a  No.277974

File: eb6e188f8842c83⋯.jpg (16.99 KB, 225x225, 1:1, JN_Sad_Clown.jpg)








> lol triggered much ?……… DAMN, dude……

Wew Lad!

A bit of perspective might help you to see what a clown you've made yourself into! But you're probably not interested in obtaining any perspective. You're stuck down here. Down where? "Down there!" You've reverted to a childishly immature"No, (You)"mentality and stance. It's sad really, to have watched and archived the progression of your insanity.

> unmarketable concept

Wew lad!

He still thinks I'm marketing concepts or marketing anything whatsoever!

And as for marketable concepts…

Wew Lad!

Have you taken a look at ANY of the "Concepts"(You)'re attempting to market lately?

Wew Fucking Lad!

(You) might want to take a look at that.

> lol triggered much ?……… DAMN, dude……

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190fa7  No.277978


The difference between me and the others here, Jerry, is that I don't wish to impose my religious beliefs or ideology on anyone else. I accept that we all have different beliefs and different lifestyles. I am all for that individual freedom and personal choice to do what you need to do and live how you want to live. However I will not be censored and I will speak my mind as I have a God-given right to do so, haters be damned.

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190fa7  No.277979


>You seriously need to consider taking mood stabilizers

No, that shit is toxic and destroys your mind. SSRIs are some of the most dangerous mind-dumbing drugs out there. Part of the problem with our society is too many idiots fall for the whole Big Pharma hoax. If you can't calm down without the use of drugs then you are either weak-minded or physically addicted (perhaps both). I'll admit I am addicted to alcohol so my mind is a bit weak too but at least I'm not destroying my brain with SSRIs and narcotics. At least I do take care of my immune system naturally too, which prevents some of the damage from alcoholism.

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7aa513  No.283344

File: 1028f56e8cf9d4a⋯.pdf (451.84 KB, 2022_01_13_Looking_4_frien….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

Posts a Quiet PDF

Without Bumping


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