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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: e2f36001bd1be44⋯.jpg (51.51 KB, 668x374, 334:187, voting_has_consequences.jpg)

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08f8c3  No.277526

India Is Bailing Out The United States After Serious Mental Retardation Just Displayed


RELATED: >>276195 ; >>276231 ; >>277118 & most of all THIS: >>276205

Holy crisis you commie niggers are just dumb lol. If it were not for based "poo in the loo" India all you commies would have FROZEN this winter with gas prices over $5 a gallon nationwide, for real nigga lol!!!

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08f8c3  No.277531

File: dcb5d8093d8aa38⋯.png (1.2 MB, 799x600, 799:600, 546425.PNG)

We on the other hand, my family is laughing after I told them this btw, we would have survived just fine because we are preppers! We have a wood burning stove. We have a whole house 15Kw propane generator. We have a solar panel system and we have 12V deep cycles for mitigation if all other alternatives fail lol. All of you who failed to prep would have been crying frozen salt. You better THANK other nations for bailing out our STUPID CORRUPT political leadership!!!

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35f074  No.277536



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35f074  No.277538


8KUN = proof that you can't find anybody who gives a fuck about your beliefs

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08f8c3  No.277539


Thank GOD I prepared for you dumb ass fucking commie niggers!!! India will bail you out, they don't need to bail me out!!!


8KUN = proof that govt controls most other platforms and CENSORS embarrassing news like this!

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35f074  No.277541

File: d3a8321056f773e⋯.jpg (150.82 KB, 1705x1080, 341:216, PicsArt_11_23_10_58_01.jpg)


you are a blue collar white trash menial labor worthless uneducated piece of human garbage

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08f8c3  No.277542

That aside Johnny, I still respect you, I don't actually think you are a dumb nigger, you just behave like one!

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35f074  No.277543



and never rose above the level of a worthless blue collar minimum wage menial laborer


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35f074  No.277544


I actually DO think you're stupid

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35f074  No.277545


you're stupid as shit

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35f074  No.277546

it's not YOUR fault that you can't spell one syllable words

I'm confident it was fetal alcohol poisoning

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08f8c3  No.277547


I am very glad I am not "educated" today, considering the standards of "education" is total communist indoctrination. There was a video going around recently of a 22 year old that could not even open up a can of soup I kid you not!!!

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08f8c3  No.277548


I wish I would have saved that video, it was hilarious, I bet his parents were ashamed to see it.

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08f8c3  No.277551


I, as "uneducated" as I am, at least know how to safely replace a 30Amp breaker or properly re-wire inverters knowing which wire gauge to use!

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08f8c3  No.277553


>blue collar white trash menial labor

You mean the ones you have to call if your pipes leak? You mean the ones you have to call if you want to install a new 120V outlet and have it re-wired through the walls to the fuse box? If you are so smart why can't you DIY? At least when my pipes bust I can use a hose clamp and some gasket to temporarily stop the problem if it's not a dire issue.

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08f8c3  No.277556

You know what is great? I can't wait till you commies really do collapse the economy and you'll be BEGGING US to fix all the damage and chaos. But sorry, we won't be around to bail your stupid asses out!!! You'll have to fix all those problems yourself from now on, AND provide your own food and water too lol. Let alone securing it. Man you commies really are begging for some very bad karma!!!!

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bd6c1f  No.277962


I simply detox after a night to two of binge drinking. I know how to recover naturally, whether people believe it or not it's true. I'll stay around for a while.

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0772ae  No.295873

File: 600db8529d40e91⋯.jpg (36.77 KB, 481x679, 481:679, 150.jpg)

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