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File: 03544ad93f59e0d⋯.jpg (136.84 KB, 708x668, 177:167, the_goyim_rebels.jpg)

99053e  No.277518

After Destroying California With Horrible Policy, Nancy Pelosi Moves To Florida!

They really are a parasitic disease!


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6c19c3  No.277549



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6c19c3  No.277550

File: 33a40db879523ff⋯.jpg (79.85 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Travis_McMichael_Gregory_M….jpg)


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6c19c3  No.277557





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6c19c3  No.277593

"I'm 72 years old and still incapable of differentiating between YOUR and YOU'RE"

"I'm intelligent"


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6c19c3  No.277594

Dear Killcen :

If you can teach yourself how to differentiate between those two words by Monday, I will stop calling you stupid

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6c19c3  No.277595


If Monday rolls around and you haven't learned how to differentiate between those two words…


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99053e  No.277616



I do know the difference but sometimes I make typos when I type fast and/or the spell checker will correct them when edited for me and I don't notice.

I won't be here for the weekend due to Thanksgiving celebration and holiday get-togethers with relatives and friends. So half the week and weekend I'll be gone. Maybe I'll drop something here Monday around noon if I have time. Next Tuesday I should be back to my regular routine and scoffing at the breakdown of society.

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6c19c3  No.277617


Excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses excuses

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6c19c3  No.277618

I love you and I respect you and I like you and I admire you and I relate to you

And because I love you I am holding you to a standard of excellence

I don't care if you know the difference

I want you to show the difference

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0edf22  No.277619


I wonder how many votes she’ll cast in the 2022 election.

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99053e  No.277710


After she and her ilk ruined California she'll likely organize an NGO to pay poor Floridians to vote Democrat. You know these kinds of criminal scumbags like ruining one State after another after another, it's not a problem that is going away anytime soon. Either America gets rid of them at some point or we'll become one giant gaping Demonrat-infested shithole. The only reason my State is affordable to live in and has some level of freedom is because we have managed to keep them out. I would absolutely hate living in a lockdown vaxpass gun control State with socialist soy boys and trannies shitting up our towns. God help our country.

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8e7d70  No.277804


You're just butt hurt because you don't have what it takes to make it in California, the greatest state in the entire country…

You don't have any talent

And to make it in California, you need talent

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31d879  No.277842

File: 22500fcf3405a55⋯.jpeg (151.07 KB, 1125x1110, 75:74, REPOST.jpeg)

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8440c3  No.277843


I love how you people focus on California, but forget about the rest of the country.


There are stupid, crazy, horrible people in Congress in every state.

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31d879  No.277848

File: 22500fcf3405a55⋯.jpeg (151.07 KB, 1125x1110, 75:74, REPOST.jpeg)


> you "people"

As opposed to (You).

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ed25d7  No.277985




I would never desire to live in such a corrupt draconian shithole State.

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14bc3e  No.278041

File: acef4c5f873871a⋯.jpeg (64.01 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 33143225_845f_4fd0_82ed_8….jpeg)


Newsflash: Your leftist policies have been absolutely proven to SUCK ASS.

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14bc3e  No.278045

testing 1 2 3

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47ac5e  No.279647


Commies are the niggers of ideologies

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f072e2  No.279648


you sliding the Putin cucking thread?LOL

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33803a  No.279691

bumping real news

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