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File: 02a9d9dcacd63f6⋯.jpg (163.04 KB, 1080x1065, 72:71, freedom.jpg)

e054f3  No.277220[Last 50 Posts]

America wins! Commies BTFO.

There are more than 393 million civilian-owned firearms in the United States, or enough for every man, woman and child to own one and still have 67 million guns left over.

Those numbers come from the latest edition of the global Small Arms Survey, a project of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva.

The report, which draws on official data, survey data and other measures for 230 countries, finds that global firearm ownership is heavily concentrated in the United States. In 2017, for instance, Americans made up 4 percent of the world's population but owned about 46 percent of the entire global stock of 857 million civilian firearms.

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c412a4  No.277225


Yeah, but most Americans don't own guns. All those guns are generally in the hands of people who own 10+ guns. Only 32% of Americans own a firearm. The reality is that Americans aren't as armed as people fantasize about.

Also, how is that "commies btfo"? You do realize that every Communist take over has been an armed rebellion, right? Or did you think Communists just asked nicely? Communists fucking love guns and don't really give a shit about gun regulations/laws.

"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary." Karl Marx

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604f0f  No.277227


>Yeah, but most Americans don't own guns.

Maybe true in States like California but certainly not true in my State lol.

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604f0f  No.277228


Out where I live I hear nearby residents practice shooting out in their yards almost every other day off in the distance, from the nearby junction road. I typically practice shooting twice a week myself out here. I can't imagine only 32% of Americans own guns today.

Btw, I guess there is ONE thing I can agree with communists and Karl Marx on and that's the right to bear arms.

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604f0f  No.277231

How Many People In The U.S. Own Guns?

Recent surveys find that about 40% of adult Americans own a gun or live with someone who does. A majority of those gun owners cite protection as their primary reason for owning a gun, and most believe the gun or guns they own make their homes safer. … … About 40% of Americans say they or someone in their household owns a gun, and 22% of individuals (about 72 million people) report owning a gun, according to surveys from Pew and Harvard and Northeastern. This figure has declined over time, down from 51% of gun-owning households in 1978. Gun purchases, however, have hit historic highs in recent years and during the COVID-19 pandemic.


America saw 3.2 million new gun owners in the first half of 2021 as record sales continue

The Second Amendment is still going strong. According to a recent survey from the National Shootings Sports Foundation (NSSF), more than 3.2 million people bought their first gun in the first half of this year. The survey also indicated that the 3.2 million figure makes up roughly a third of the firearms purchased this year; this is based on NSSF estimating a total of about 9.8 million background checks conducted for the sale of a firearm from January to June 2021.


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604f0f  No.277232

Holy shit, Missouri not even top ten?


I stand in shame…. wtf? Should I be living in Texas or Florida lol?

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c412a4  No.277237


>I can't imagine only 32% of Americans own guns today.


>Recent surveys find that about 40% of adult Americans own a gun or live with someone who does.

Time to stop trusting your imagination (which we call 'feely-feels'). 32% own guns, 44% live with someone who does, statistical mean: 40%. We really aren't an armed nation. The 2nd Amendment is a right, not an obligation.

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604f0f  No.277241


Well still the most armed nation in the world regardless what if not even half the population owns guns. Hope we can make it back to 1978 statistics, that would be a major setback for the wannabe tyrants and control freaks that plague modern America today.

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c412a4  No.277243


>still the most armed nation in the world

Yes, that is true, but like most things in America, the problem is not quantity, but distribution. America also has pretty much ALL the food, but there are still millions of people who fall under food insecurity. It's a distribution problem.

One man with 20 guns means nothing. He can only use one at a time and, if faced against the military/police force of a tyrannical government, won't get the chance to use a 2nd gun. 20 men with 1 gun each will always beat 1 man with 20 guns.

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8f03f5  No.277253

File: e0408403b134b90⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1090x480, 109:48, screen_shot_2020_07_28_at_….png)


He thinks we have not trained our families in territorial defense and the use of weapons.

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94d595  No.277256


It would be pretty difficult to grab the guns from so many millions of citizens if even half of them were willing to fight back you know. Consider the time it would take, the resources (including human resource too), the costs and effort for the government to do that door to door. Then consider if Americans were willing to kill to defend their 2nd Amendment rights, do you think police or military are going to want to risk their lives day after day for a stupid unconstitutional order? Not to mention the political uprisings that would happen, likely another civil war and economic collapse it could cause? That's if only HALF were willing to fight back. And HELL YES I WOULD.

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c412a4  No.277258


Most gun enthusiasts with 20+ guns are unmarried and live alone. you are severely overestimating the impact gun ownership has on the United States. Also, who's the dude in that pic?


>It would be pretty difficult

Are you trying to claim that the US won't do something simply because it's difficult? We went to the moon, built the national highway system, and laid cable across the oceans. We're not a nation of "that's too hard". We're a nation of "challenge accepted".

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94d595  No.277263


And then nearly half of this nation would war against the other half, you'd see defection like we haven't seen since the first civil war and it would take several decades after all the unnecessary bloodshed (over something completely UNCONSTITUTIONAL!) to begin to recover again, not to mention it would collapse the national economy at a time our foreign rivals would drool to exploit at our own expense……


Does that sound like a good plan to you? Would it be worth it?

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c412a4  No.277268


Where do you get this "half" thing? The vast majority of Americans are fine with mandating vaccines and it's already been proven that vaccine mandates aren't unconstitutional through SCOTUS decisions.

It would be a small minority of (admittedly loud) Americans against a huge majority. There won't be any state lines or blue/grey uniforms, so if there were a "civil war", then who the fuck would you be shooting at? Everyone wearing a mask in public? You'd literally draw up and gun down some old woman in a Kroger's parking lot?

Does that sound like a good plan to you?

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c412a4  No.277269


As for gun grabs. If you think it's "too hard" or "would never happen", then you obviously have a New Orleans during Katrina sized memory hole.

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94d595  No.277270


If that happens around my area we'll be ready for it, and we are willing to defend our properties from all enemies, foreign or domestic.

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94d595  No.277271


>The vast majority of Americans are fine with mandating vaccines

Wrong! No we are not. There are over 12 States that sued over it, along with many companies. Many employees have quit over it and many more threatening to. You do not speak for America, you speak for part of America but not all of us. You are not going to force us to take the clot shots and we are not going to give up our guns peacefully, end of fucking story.

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94d595  No.277272


>There won't be any state lines or blue/grey uniforms, so if there were a "civil war", then who the fuck would you be shooting at? Everyone wearing a mask in public? You'd literally draw up and gun down some old woman in a Kroger's parking lot?

No, it would not be State vs State or random acts of violence. It would be citizens defending themselves if push came to shove, it would be citizens that stop paying taxes, many who would squat in their homes armed if need be, also local communities that organize to defend their freedoms and their local markets from intervention and from tyrannical gun grabs from a treasonous corrupt government, it would be States and local counties refusing to enforce such unconstitutional mandates too much like what happened with the lockdowns (many States like my own never locked down and will not enforce vaccine mandates either). We are not willing to give up our freedoms, unlike you cowards. If you want to see this economy collapse and more civil tension breaking out, keep pushing all this bullshit and you guys will eventually wake up to some severe consequences. If 39% of truckers say they're willing to quite hauling goods to the local stores over a vaccine mandate you better pay the fuck attention!

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4a7817  No.277279


No matter how many times people teach you how to spell simple one syllable words, your stupid little dysfunctional brain is incapable of learning…

You always blame it on spell check

Because you're too much of a coward to admit that YOU ARE SIMPLY STUPID


Which means you are human garbage

Nothing you think or say matters

You are solid waste with legs

You serve no purpose whatsoever

Nobody ever comes over to visit you

You have no friends in real life

Because you serve no purpose

And you're stupid

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4a7817  No.277280

Also… Your penis stopped working years before your wife died

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1c1ebc  No.277281

File: 6ea0de47144247b⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1188x1594, 594:797, Comfortably_Numb.png)


He'll just call the truckers "white trash" and end up having to eat his cats.

I guess things could be worse.

Still though, he's just pushing your buttons, Killcen. He knows damn well that that which he advocates for is not only absurd, but INSANE. I think that deep down,THEY ALL KNOW THAT.

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4a7817  No.277282

You are incapable of learning, because you have a defective brain due to a shitty genetics

You couldn't think your way out of a paper bag if your life depended on it

The highest level you ever attained was SUB MEDIOCRITY

And you retired from that amateur status, as if you had actually accomplished something with your life

Your dick doesn't work

You basically have no penis

So you try to compensate with your bullshit fake machismo gun enthusiasm

Nobody cares about anything you say or think

Your own family tries to keep you out of sight and out of mind as much as possible, until they have no other choice but to actually deal with you for a few minutes

No humans want to interact with you

You're like a moldy old piece of bread that fell behind the refrigerator in 1974, and nobody's interested in putting peanut butter on you

We get it we get it…. Guns guns guns, right?

(Like I said your penis stopped working years before your wife died… That's why you've only got one child… It's actually amazing you managed to achieve an erection that night…. But guns guns guns guns guns guns guns… You're a macho badass)


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4a7817  No.277283


I've never met a trucker who wasn't white trash

And I'm simply telling KILL-CENSORSHIP the painful truth everybody's been avoiding

He's a man without a penis, and just like all men whose penises don't work, he compensates with firearm enthusiasm….

Kind of like a 17 year old fat effeminate little sissy, who wants to play Make Believe, so he grabs a firearm and suddenly he thinks people perceive him as a tough guy

He's not a tough guy… He's a little fat girl coward…

But as pathetic as fat girl might be, I'm pretty sure his brain is capable of learning one syllable words

How many hundreds of times do people have to teach you the same thing? How many hundreds of times does it take to learn how to spell a one-syllable word correctly?

If somebody is incapable of learning a one syllable word, then obviously they're not intelligent enough to learn anything worth remembering

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4a7817  No.277284


you're SO stupid, that after all of these decades, you still can't figure out how to be happy

Fuck you

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c412a4  No.277285


>12 States that sued over it

12 state GOVERNMENTS that have sued over it, not people. Do you honestly believe that Gregg Abbot represents the opinion of all 30 million Texans? If you believe that, then you must believe that Joseph Biden represents all 330 million Americans.

>Many employees have quit

4 million people quit their jobs in September, but the vast majority of those people quit because of pay/working conditions, not because of vaccine mandates. Even if a million people quit over vaccine requirements, that is a very, very tiny percentage of the American people. Just because they're loud doesn't mean there are more of them.

>You are not going to force us to take the clot shots

You and your children have already had mandatory vaccines. This is all the proof I need that people (maybe not you personally, but 90+% of people) will happily take any shot necessary to ensure their lives are convenient.

>we are not going to give up our guns peacefully

New Orleans during Katrina proves you wrong. People give up their guns when asked and the police/military are more than willing to take 'em.

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4a7817  No.277286

Maybe it was spell check that made your penis stop working

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4a7817  No.277287


Everything he says and thinks is a product of his epic loneliness…..

He drives people away, which is why he has no real life friends who ever come and visit him, and that includes but is not limited to his family

Everything he types is not only misspelled and a grammatically incorrect, but is also a desperate attempt to convince himself that he is not an irrelevance

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4a7817  No.277288


What wechsler scale IQ score would you give a man who cannot learn how to differentiate between YOUR and YOU'RE, even after having several hundred people try to teach him?

Literally several hundred people have taken out the time to teach him the difference between THERE, THEIR & THEY'RE, but his brain is completely incapable of learning….

I think the wechsler scale score would be somewhere around 40

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4a7817  No.277289


It's almost mathematically impossible to find a human being this desperate, so lonely and needy, that he has convinced himself he is somehow "saving the world" by posting redundant drivel 1971 survivalist advice over and over and over in the emptiest chat room on the entire internet

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4a7817  No.277290


In fact I've never seen anybody in an image board who wasn't white trash

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94d595  No.277291


That's what they'll end up having to do if nearly 1/3rd the workforce quiets, and it won't just be truckers! Remember who else is protesting all this bullshit: pilots, healthcare workers, auto mechanics, military contractors, police, city municipality management crews, etc etc!! These totalitarians have NO IDEA what kind of rebellion this could stir or how it would collapse their modern lifestyles!!!

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4a7817  No.277292

He is so overwhelmed by his own inferiority and insignificance, that he has manifested a psychiatric disorder in which he needs to continually try to convince himself that he is capable of "predicting the future", even though he's never gotten a single prediction correct in the past 22 years…

And he knows SO LITTLE ABOUT WHAT'S ACTUALLY HAPPENING, that he needs to continually try to reassure himself that he possesses all the secret knowledge everybody else is too stupid to know

It's okay cuz he'll be dead soon, and his daughter can finally turn the house into something nice… Something to be proud of… Instead of an embarrassing albatross she tries to hide from her friends

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4a7817  No.277293


STFU, you brain-injured orangutan

Nobody listens to the advice of a man who can't spell the word QUITS* correctly

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4a7817  No.277294


Rebellion… Totalitarians….

Those are awful big words for a man who struggles to spell YOU'RE"

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94d595  No.277295


I support my State and there are MILLIONS of us that support our States rights!!!!! I am not going to give up my rights, cowards like you may, but many of us will not! Just because you want the vaccine does not mean you have the right to force it on anyone else!! Should I demand you buy a gun if you don't want one? Should I demand you eat the same foods I do? No, I don't do that, do I? Because I am respectable and civilized!!!! People like you are despotic control freaks who want to rule over everyone else with an iron fist!! And THAT is why people like you are having your asses handed to them in those recent elections! And THAT is the same kind of attitude why someone like Trump was elected in 2016 as well!!! We are sick of your demands and your power tripping obsession to control everyone else's lives!!! People like you best stay away from us, leave us alone, or there will be consequences!! Deadly consequences!!!!

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4a7817  No.277296

Don't tell me…

Spell check didn't know the difference between QUITS and QUIETS ?


That excuse has never held water

Your brain simply doesn't function properly

It's kind of like a bicycle without wheels

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94d595  No.277297


You would not be alive if it were not for truckers you fucking fool!!! They are the BACKBONE of our whole national economy!!!!

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4a7817  No.277298



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4a7817  No.277299


Backbone is a funny word for an invertebrate like you to be using

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94d595  No.277300



You fucking despots are really begging for this nation to break apart and balkanize and honestly I think that's exactly what you assholes want. It's obvious at this point. You better be prepared for the consequences if it does!!!!!

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94d595  No.277301



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94d595  No.277302


When Russia or China comes to invade America after the economic collapse, don't come crying to us for help!!! That's all I got to say!! You want to gut our Constitution and way of life? Fine, you're considered just as much an enemy!

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4a7817  No.277303

I understand that most amoebas are also incapable of learning how to spell one syllable words

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4a7817  No.277304


Nobody's invading us… Your predictions of economic collapse have absolutely no value whatsoever


The only thing that's invading America is uneducated idiots like yourself

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94d595  No.277305

File: 8b17df16f5992b3⋯.jpg (341.92 KB, 828x799, 828:799, true_warning.jpg)



And people like you are not paying attention! If you think we are a problem now, you better buckle up for total SHTF!!!!

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4a7817  No.277306

This chat room is pathetic

I've worked some pathetic chat rooms in my life

But this one really takes the cake

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4a7817  No.277307




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94d595  No.277308


S H T F !

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4a7817  No.277309

Have you ever done ANYTHING effectively?

You OPSEC'ed yourself into a corner, where you can't visit any real websites, so you are stuck in the emptiest chat room on Earth

And you've convinced yourself that you are the second NOAH….

Oblivious to the fact that nobody ever listens to anything you say

Because there's only three people in here other than you, and we I have heard all of your garbage a million times over

So nobody clicks on any of your links and nobody reads anything you say

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94d595  No.277310


As long as I'm banned everywhere else online you'll just have to deal with me here, sorry! Blame that on censorship!!!!

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4a7817  No.277311


Your repetitive catchphrases have grown tiresome

Nobody cares

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94d595  No.277312


I can visit most sites except most run by Big Tech companies and the few ones that have tons of HTML5 javascript bloat honestly. But there are certain sites I choose not to go to because they are too insecure or have stupid registration policies.

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94d595  No.277313


You will care when bad policies come home to roost, and you may never believe me but they will and you'll be left wondering what the fuck happened to this country.

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4a7817  No.277314



I hope you stay here…. I don't want you to leave

You deserve to stay here… This board… This entire website is the most worthless toilet I've ever seen

I hope you die while in the middle of typing "SHTF"

In case you haven't noticed, I barely come here anymore… Wendy and I have been completing the conversion of our box truck, we have the refrigerator installed and the fold out sofa/bed and the cabinets… We're heading out west west soon…

I really couldn't care less whether you stay here or not, and in fact, I secretly hope you remain trapped in this worthless toilet until the day you die

It would be very symbolic of your lack of accomplishment

And I don't blame it on censorship

It has nothing to do with censorship, because you don't say anything new at all, everything you type being the exact same drivel typed by millions of other trailer park white trash scum bags and grandmothers all across America

Nobody censors anything you say…

You just pretend like people try to censor you, in a desperate attempt to convince yourself that you are not insignificant….

Nope … Censorship has absolutely nothing to do with your idiotic decision to build pointless barriers between you and the internet

Nobody cares about you… Nobody thinks you have real knowledge, and no government agency would waste a second of their time keeping an eye on you….

You built all of your stupid OPSEC barriers, and that's why you're incapable of logging in to any website other than this shit hole, and a handful of garbage fake news conspiracy theory websites

You shot yourself in both feet

The same way you flushed your entire life down a toilet and ostracized yourself from any possible friends you might have had, and made your daughter live in shame and embarrassment

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4a7817  No.277315

Somehow you've managed to reach the unenviable pathetic point of actually believing your own bulshit

You think that you are some kind of groundbreaking earth-shaking Patriot, a last and final bastion of Truth

When in actuality, you're nothing more than a boring cliche

You're a dime a dozen

There are millions of stupid conspiracy theory idiots out there, and most of them are miles above you when it comes to idiotic stupid predictable conspiracy theory bulshit

The fact that you've reached your moldy Dusty age, and still haven't learned how to be happy proves that you are stupid as shit

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4a7817  No.277316

This chat room means absolutely nothing to me

Nothing good has ever happened in here, and everybody who comes here is a fucking faggot or a fucking idiot, or BOTH

There are only five of us (total)

And all five of us have our own psychiatric disorders

And there's nothing appealing or alluring about hanging out with sexually inexperienced inferiority complex video game toddler girls who still live with their mommy….

Or and it literate schizophrenic septuagenarian

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4a7817  No.277317

Sorry speech-to-text to typo

I said an illiterate schizophrenic septuagenarian

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94d595  No.277318


I only get angry and defensive when our country is under attack and our Constitution is under attack and it is. I live the life I want to live, but I am going to expose corruption and call out despotism. That's why Big Tech censors people like me and that's why I'm here.

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4a7817  No.277319

Wendy and I have also been enjoying tantric sex lately

I realize that "never getting any pussy, throat or butthole" seems to be a prerequisite in this shit hole, so I won't bother giving you any of the graphic details

But let it suffice to say there are some things even more enjoyable than wasting your existence in a worthless dead empty shithole chat room

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94d595  No.277320


Fair enough, I'll be getting off again too, it's a nice day out and I have vented enough frustration for now.

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4a7817  No.277321


You have never read the US Constitution in your life, and even if you did, you're obviously incapable of actually understanding its true meaning

That's why you don't understand the second amendment whatsoever

You might THINK you understand the second amendment, button the only thing you understand is a patently false parody, bulshit idiotic misinterpretation of its actual meaning

And big tech doesn't give a fuck about you because you don't matter


You are a satire… You are a cheap parody of an idiotic conspiracy theorist

Big tech doesn't give a fuck if you live or die

You're insignificant, and you try to convince yourself that you are important

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4a7817  No.277322


You know that I actually love and respect you very much

I really do believe it or not

I can kind of relate to you

So don't take it personally when I tell you to fuck yourself

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4a7817  No.277323


I'm just giving you a hard time because you deserve it and

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4a7817  No.277324

AND because turnabout is fair play

Because you are the most irritating motherfuker I've seen in a chat room in years

So I'd figured you deserved a little bit of grief

The weather is beautiful outside

Have a good day sir

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4a7817  No.277325

And if you think I'm being unfair to you

Just remember how much I hate the entire human race

And you'll probably realize I'm actually going really easy on you

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4a7817  No.277326

So yeah do yourself a favor and go outside for a little while


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4a7817  No.277327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

YOU CAN GO FUCK YOURSELF for continuing to eat tortured abused and murdered animals

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4a7817  No.277328

I hate you and every other human being who has ever lived

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4a7817  No.277329

You've got absolutely no morals whatsoever

You are a cruel piece of shit who has no compassion for living things

And you deserve to be ground up and turned into dog food

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4a7817  No.277330

and MARSHMALLOW SALLY is the LOWEST form of life I've ever seen


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4a7817  No.277331

I say this all the time (because it's true)


Because he's not heterosexual

And he has such low self-esteem, that anybody who pretended to like him would get free blow jobs out of the deal

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4a7817  No.277332


Voted "most likely to suck another guy's dick" in his Middle School yearbook

(He never completed High School)

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4a7817  No.277333

Marshmallow Sally is the type of guy who wouldn't complain about my testicles smelling like vinegar and vomit

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4a7817  No.277334

If another human being pretended to like marshmallow Sally in real life, it would be such a refreshing change for him, that he would easily drop all of his false pretense, and take the head of your dick past his uvula

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4a7817  No.277335

Personally I would really enjoy meeting him in real life and breaking both of his clavicles and destroying his computer then urinating in his mother's mouth, after raping her and packing my own feces into her vagina

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c412a4  No.277337


>people like you are having your asses handed to them in those recent elections

People like me control every branch of the federal government. So, a Republican won Virginia. Literally one election and we all knew it would happen because it's the way Virginia has always been - elect a governor from the opposition party in the WH. One election in one State isn't having "your asses handed to you".

You're pretending something's happening that isn't happening. You're delusional.

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c412a4  No.277338



Sorry, kid, but the price of living in a society is abiding by that society's rules. If you don't like the rules, you have the absolute freedom to move elsewhere.

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728093  No.277380


If you thought it was only Virginia you were never paying attention at all, which does not surprise me one iota. Texas also flipped back and went completely conservative again. Many areas of Colorado that went commie also flipped back to conservative. Marxists in the school board elections BTFO. New Jersey through out a powerful rich corrupt Democrat leader and replaced him with a fucking poorfag truck driver who spent less than $1000 on his whole campaign lol!!! Politics aside, control freaks like you are not a majority in America, you think you are but you are not. Whether you like it or not, we have Constitutional law and America was FOUNDED AS A FREE COUNTRY. If people like you don't like that, please leave and go back to Europe where you belong!!! You can have all the tyranny you want over there!!

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728093  No.277383


You are the one refusing to accept that our society is a Constitutional Republic, not a dictatorship! Jerks like you can't just say "well I don't agree with the 2nd Amendment, or your 4th Amendment, so I'm going to nullify it!" That is NOT Constitutional Law, that is NOT how our society is supposed to work. There are checks and balances. There is also a separation of powers too. There is also local and jurisdictional and State sovereignty which can Constitutionally, under the law, refuse to enforce tyrannical policies deemed to be unconstitutional. That's why we have sanctuary cities as well 2nd Amendment sanctuaries. That's why many States never enforced vaccine passports or lockdowns either. This is not a dictatorship where you people can get whatever you want or do whatever the hell you want.

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728093  No.277384


>People like me control every branch of the federal government.

Another reason why this country is turning into a divided third world shithole with the supply chains breaking down, gas and food costs going up, inflation on just about everything, crime rates skyrocketing, poverty increasing, political tensions exacerbating, other nations mocking us (which at times I don't blame them and find it hilarious too), the increasing amounts of authoritarianism is as clear as day. Yes, the "fake jews" like you really do fuck up nations. It's pretty obvious the real "jew" problem is always people like (((you))).

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d9694c  No.286197


Go fuck yourself, blackpill nigger. I get the urge to fucking curbstomp one of you every time you open your fat piehole. What will never happen is you will never ever control the Aryan race.

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