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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
My name is Nate Higgers

File: 07083333d5c3515⋯.png (189.67 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 6617754.png)

2dab57  No.277207

Who is this jackass?

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8a1699  No.277209


Your mom.

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928552  No.277212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



On that day the Kremlin is exploded to absolute ruin…

NATO defends Russia… Finality is poison…

What of these nations caught in the race?

I am the devil…

A race into Russia? Further exacerbation of Russia's fragile state in such a scenario?

NATO shall defend Russia.

NATO shall defend Russia… The end…

How automatic be thy arsenal?

Shall The united states use war as a vehicle to destroy these neighboring nations with nuclear force via exchange with Russia?

NATO shall defend Russia… The end…

'They' are too late… I shall move upon Saudi Arabia with this movement in arms. HAHAHAHA

An iron eagle shall fly once more…

I have taken them… They are mine…

With these bodies I shall destroy entire worlds…

I shall use them to 'feel' and 'perceive' this realm…

I shall use them in lands far and wide…

In places of diplomacy and even spaces of politic.

I am in them and they are me… To take as I please…

I must now go into these supposed powers and 'try' them in these ways… HAHAHA

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944fbe  No.277230


I just found it funny everyone else seems to make their own memes on the image boards. Care to share your own meme or are you too much of a jerk?

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8a1699  No.277238


Nobody here makes memes. They're reposted from somewhere else. There has been no true OC since the mid-2000s.

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944fbe  No.277240


>There has been no true OC since the mid-2000s.

What the heck is an OC?

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8a1699  No.277244


… you don't know what OC means?

Jesus. IB culture is truly dead.

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944fbe  No.277247


I found out about 8chan back in 2014 or around that time and started posting real news on /n/. Before that I never visited image boards, only posted on random prepping forums and obscure pastebins to mirror news and prepping tips.

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944fbe  No.277249

File: ead8c64f13abbbb⋯.jpg (102.59 KB, 1080x626, 540:313, millennialbooooooster.jpg)

I typically never went to 4chan but I checked the catalog on /pol/ and found this one, this one is pretty funny: meet the millennial boooooster!

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90ae71  No.277259


I enjoyed that video.

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dc0104  No.277883

That's me, OP! minus the whiskey part. Well done. Now rage that you aren't me, you penniless fuck, whose ass I could ragdoll up and down your mom's street where you live in her basement. Enjoy your gay, jewish teevee while you still can. Soon you will starve to death. That or I shoot you :D :D :D

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5834c5  No.277966


I'm well prepared to kill niggers like you.

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5834c5  No.277967


Ready for the 4th but certainly not the last round clot shot? LOL. Told you glow niggers, it's never going to end because that was not their plan!

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3d9a8a  No.279188

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