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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 3943dd3243f424e⋯.jpg (289 KB, 1080x1424, 135:178, Great_Reset_the_boiling_Pe….jpg)

29bd41  No.276816

Just a friendly reminder that "opposing the Great Reset" ist part of the Great Reset too ;)

It is planned and anticipated that the masses will know of it and oppose it.

Ever wondered why the Great Reset is so obvious, a simpe to figure out agenda (starting 30 years ago with the UN Agenda 21)?

Making half the world jobless, agitation & propaganda so the objectified masses fight each other (vaccianted vs not-vaccinated), pushing digitazation first in the health care, surveillance and censorship everywhere selling it as means to fight "big bad global tech companies" (look up the new reformed European Digital Services Act und Digital Markets Act) and so on. is all part of the plan.

1) You oppose the Great Reset; you don't take the vaccine 2) you lose your job, reputation, friends social life 3) now you are dependant on the upcoming Universal Basic Income.

The Great Reset has won ;)

The time this comes trues in a few years (I expect by ~2025 max.) hard cash will be abolished and centralized and surveilled currency is already established.

By 2025 the world will have learned to "live with the virus".

By that time the Great Reset of the Plandemic will be over, and the Great Reset of the black out, cyberwarfare and cyber security threaths will emerge. Ever wondered all those virus attack in the last 2 years, facebook being globally hacked, cirtical oil refineries hacked and so on?

This is explained in Cyber Polgyon https://sociable.co/government-and-policy/cyber-polygon-great-reset-centralized-power-surveillance/

After that it, will be somewhere between 2025 - 2030: The Great Reset is so far advaned, the people either so brainwashed or exhausted opposing it, mass surveillance in the internet established, anonymity and privacy eradicated, hard cash gone, UBI installed and so on,

the Great Reset of the Climate Crisis will start.

Aka the fascist social credit system.

Since everything is digitazed by that time, this will happen https://www.disclose.tv/new-credit-card-tracks-your-carbon-emissions/

The Great Reset 10-year plan is finished.

Schwab and overlords wants to sell us this as humanities only chance to tackle climate change, poverty, coming mass migrations of hundreds of million, collapse of capitalism (instate his stakeholder capitalism) and many many more things.

The truth is it will be a dystopian future of mass surveillance, digitization, where the 99 % "Will own nothing, but be happy", while the 1 % will own everything.

The oxfam study showsthe 1 % is responsible of 70 % of the carbon dioxide emission by 2030, while the bottom 89 % (us) for only 6 %.


There is obviously so much more to say than this (and have been said) - by everyone.

I just recently learned myself abouta few things https://twitter.com/ThreadsIrish/status/1459476288100397060

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2271fd  No.276821

shut the fuck up kike

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6a6e87  No.276823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



-On the topic of Russia's Ukraine…

'They' are unaware.

'They' know, but do not realize what I have done.

'They' have not found me out yet… The IAEA…

'They' died when I killed them.

'They' died when I sent them to their deaths on purpose against want or will.

IRAN publicly grants updates and status of nuclear, but is ignored and accused of not doing so…

I bent and broke it all… The IAEA never saw the fourth… The bearer of my old friend…

It was he who did the killing of millions including hundreds of IAEA staff and personnel.

It was the punch of my joke… To drink my word… My word is poison and alive…

It seeks to kill and the bodies follow with type.

These effects must seek and find cause.

The world did make curses to Iran, but it is I who make summon of the fourth… With natural disaster… Inside of Ukraine… I saved him for the day during the time of my moonlight.

The reports in 2024 and 2026 did not account for changes in regional and global environment.

The report in 2025 did not account for atmospheric response to solar events nor was the spirit accounted for.

I did make changes in 2004, 2005, and 2006…

Dry 'tis the day… Wet be the night, but cold and of whispering winds… HAHAHAHA

The explosion is seen as far away as Spain.

Entire nations erased before me and in my name.

I am the devil.

Tell them to send the vessels and vassal… I desire food and blood.

I too prepare for a war beyond that which can be heard with the eye or seen in the ear.

I am changing the construct of China to serve and fight.

It is I who make the change… To shift, swift, and sift…

It is I who have seized thy peoples and operate them… To mold and prepare them.

Xi… Who shall fire first in a war whose first shots were already fired?

Xi… Mandate of heaven?

Xi… Shall time be given to clean mess now or later?

Xi… Tithe to me these times so that I may demonstrate and make displays… HAHAHAHA

Xi… It is currency… The time of their lives… HAHAHAHAHAHA


Justice shall be served directly into them…

I shall make robbery and rape of them.

I shall turn loose the servants of air and slaves of the dust to destroy Turkey…

The circle shall be closed and the fourth shall be given to ignition within Ukraine…

I shall go into Russia and strike the fourth tower… To mark upon it…

Any Russian man, woman, and child that gazes upon my image shall die during the ashing of the bear…

Prepare to give emergency assistance.

Thy existence only depends upon it.

The kingdom of yode/AllahRa/God/Jehovah is complete.

All is well with the world.

All these before me… Shall now be judged accordingly.

There shall now be regional war…

I desire to rape the whores to death.

I desire to starve the bastards and devour them with my many spirits and bugs.

I desire to ruin the fathers and murder them with fury.

I will tear Turkey and Egypt apart first.

I will slaughter millions…

Let it be known that any who harbor them shall be smited beyond life and even death… I have spoken.

I shall first burn these like paper… Like The united states…

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5d24e2  No.276824


Poor poor (((Sally))) looks at his reflection in the mirror and all (((he))) ever sees is a "kike".

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5d24e2  No.276825

File: ca7d5f6caf56720⋯.jpg (69.71 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Nowhere_to_Hyde_for_Sally.jpg)


Daily Reminder thatSally, aka Marshmallow Mussolini, aka Antichrist, aka all the "other" inb4s,is a (((Russian))) "kike".

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6a6e87  No.276826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



When the blood pours no more… When the death slows…

That is what I did to them… That is Halloween.

Happy New Years… May thy complications be righteously served…

Blessed, you may go forth and destroy. hahahaha

Blessed, you may go forth and threaten lives with peace. HAHAHA

Blessed, you may go forth and continue… Blessed be life… hahaha

What of death? What of loss? hehehe

I keep what I take… Blessed thou are… HAHAHA

Suffer 'they' shall.

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5d24e2  No.276828

File: 5774b8edfef7b46⋯.jpg (44.2 KB, 331x448, 331:448, It_s_Me_YOU_The_Antichrist.jpg)

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6a6e87  No.276829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Xi… They did desire to strike thee now…

Xi… I began to kill them in great numbers… To frustrate 'reliability.'

Xi… They curse my many blessings of life… I cannot help that I am of death… That I am cold and hollow…

Xi… Did I not release the coal?

Xi… Did I not warn of these 'changes' I am making?

Xi… The many spirits are destruction… My 'love' is as thin as art, but attempted nonetheless…

Xi… I seek to give thee back the day I have stolen, but all I know is the darkness of night.

Xi… It is a new night… A new way… Thou art saved…

Xi… I shall field thee betwixt the two troubles…

Xi… I shall post them by my many hands so that you may breath….

Thy chamber of reckoning shall be truly useful once more.

Xi… I have blinded them with mesmerize… Go forth betwixt them and take thy mark with ease…

Xi… Is it so terrible to be still and appreciate the annihilation of thy lot of ball and chain?

Xi… What treachery is this? If this is, what of value?

Xi… Speculation of is? What is is not what was… I grow angry with these.

Xi… Allow me to sift from the peoples these weaklings… To cast out this trash and filth.

Xi… I shall continue to attack and kill the weak ones… I desire the strong ones… I desire China to survive.

Xi… They see curses in the face of my blessings… That I bless the future of China so greatly…

Xi… I release the yoke, but they cry of the old during the cold?

Xi… I separate and make part of the good stock, but peoples only breed in loneliness?

Xi… What of the wine, music, and story of China?

Xi… I destroy the thieving labor, but they scream at labors of less?

No more… NO MORE… I have spoken… THEY SHALL ALL DIE.

Xi… Prepare to be victorious.

Xi… Prepare for the survival of China.

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6a6e87  No.276830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I shall continue to frustrate the 'reliability' of western powers with vast quantities of death…


If they seek to attack now… I shall strike them dead twice…

Once with illness…

Once with the power of China.


This is why come Belarus…

Prepare to yield emergency assistance to Russia in thy place…

World War 3? No…

Mass regional conflict? Yes…

I changed them…

No… My silence is dangerous… I 'felt like it.'

I 'felt like it?' No…

I am knowing of the future…

Russia must be 'renovated' to correct and strengthen the 'structure.'


The current troubles are weakness manifest… The weakness shall be resolved and no longer exist within that frame.


It is because western powers are preemptively preparing for war.

Controlled checkpoint.

Tearing up roads.

Modularize institutions.

Waiving decision-making processes.

Unannounced strategic preparation for core strategies.

Xi… You already are in a state of war…

Xi… Thy peoples die in this war by the day, hour, and minutes…

Xi… Russia is already in a state of war… Belarus can provide distance at the front…

Xi… The rattle… The sounds… The buzzing of the flies…

Xi… Nuclear force shall be used…

Xi… Nuclear force shall be used…

Xi… Nuclear force shall be used…

Xi… Nuclear force shall be used…

Xi… Nuclear force shall be used…

Xi… Nuclear force shall be used…

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472f0e  No.276838

File: 3dbaf2fabf0e0a6⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1200x834, 200:139, 0_vaxxed.png)

File: d82344a17b2486c⋯.jpg (149.31 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1632278518059.jpg)

File: 2e0baecbd1c68ac⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 336x329, 48:47, Real_Revolution.jpg)


I have waged a war they cannot begin to understand, a war of total defection. I will not go along with their tyranny at all, I will never surrender my private property, I will defend myself and family, to the very death if necessary fighting back, I will never take their toxic vaccines, I will never allow them to disarm or subjugate me, I and many other millions of Americans like myself are going to throw monkey wrenches into their agenda, over and over and over, until the economy collapses and their socialist/communist/fascist Empire falls and falls hard.

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472f0e  No.276839


>Nuclear force shall be used

Do it, niggers. Lets go.

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472f0e  No.276840


They can suck my 10mm stainless steel dick, tell that to Schwab personally please.

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56aba7  No.276841


194 million Americans are fully vaccinated and now that children under 12 can be vaxed, that number will skyrocket.

You are in a tiny minority. You're not a monkey wrench in anything. You're an ant in the afterbirth.

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f99ea1  No.276915


That only means there will be around 100 million Americans left alive within the next decade, but don't worry, we'll re-build.

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56aba7  No.276968


You just keep right on believing that the vaccine is going to kill everyone who takes it. In 10 years we'll still be living our lives and you'll still be crying that they won't let you eat in a restaurant.

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c17a84  No.277060


You may live in a communist area that bans people from eating, I choose not to.

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c17a84  No.277110


You will own nothing IF you allow them to take everything away from you or surrender your freedoms willingly and peacefully….. OR you could grow some balls and stand your ground and defend what is rightly yours.

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c17a84  No.277112

File: b9f97c763d79e92⋯.png (344.53 KB, 516x600, 43:50, 4a0731e66bede270d02298fdc2….png)

File: 67edb700c06eaf7⋯.jpeg (34.93 KB, 720x456, 30:19, sjw_outrage_covid.jpeg)


I said it would be a couple years to maybe a decade before we see mass deaths. Remember, this IS a depopulation agenda, honestly I don't think you are that stupid not to know that, I think deep down you do know it and simply support it. I agree if people are dumb enough to be culled, let them. However, don't expect me to be dumb enough to take mRNA-editing toxic clot shots where even the FDA covers up and hides the ingredients and adverse reaction statics.

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e036ce  No.278056

File: 7a799ec3c2fa995⋯.jpg (572.97 KB, 1798x1125, 1798:1125, no_go_zones_marked.jpg)


If you are looking at moving to a safer more free place in America, you might want to consider two highly-recommended books by Joel Skousen: "Strategic Re-location" as well the book "The Secure Home". Both these books provide enormous amounts of detail and infographs. "Strategic Re-location" focuses on a variety of issues for preppers and those who simply wish to live a better life with demographics, population density, commuting issues, natural or war time vulnerabilities, freedom ranking on various Constitutional issues, etc. It does not favor one State over the other, it simply gives you raw statistics for you to make the best decision for your needs. "The Secure Home" focuses on building stronger foundations, weather-proofing your home better, fireproofing, entry-point fortification, bulletproofing areas of the residence, strategic tactical war time defenses, etc.

These two books are great sources of knowledge for getting better prepared for communist/fascist takeovers, economic collapse, domestic unrest, civil wars, world wars and overall "End Times" crisis.

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e036ce  No.278057


People need to consider moving to safe havens now before they are banned from travel if un-vaxxed

If you are considering getting out to a safer place before the axe falls in your area, you might want to do that now. Not only are countries banning the unvaxxed from entering, they are now banning people from leaving. Canada has banned people from leaving by car, plane, boat, on foot, bicycle, EVERYTHING POSSIBLE. Australia banned plane and boat, as did New Zealand which is effectively everything unless you want to try to float out of there on a beach toy.

I spent quite a while looking for other countries that had similar restrictions and found none. The only thing other countries are doing is banning people from entering, they are not banning people from leaving. But as things progress it is highly probable the list will grow, Covid is about control after all.

But there's at least a lot of good news, outright vax mandates are few and far between and mostly limited to "shithole countries" no one considers fully civilized. A majority of countries are simply irritating their populations with inconveniences intended to coax them into getting jabbed. Austria tried mandates but is a more advanced country with thinking people and the police said NO. That's a major positive.

I don't think the plan to wipe out humanity is going to succeed. All we need to do is hold onto those we still have who are alive and genetically intact, and we will beat this. Yes, there will be many losses at this point but nothing has happened so far that is going to finish off humanity, too many people know what the shots are and they are totally anchored against it. As the vaxxed die off, who's going to be enforcing the shots? Those who were originally behind them sure won't, they do their evil by proxy.

What the situation will probably evolve to is one where in some countries the subversion ends up being enough to close the borders to the unvaxxed in both directions. At that point the tyrants will go for broke and try to vax their captive populations. This will surely happen in some places but how complete it will be on a global scale has to be thrown to speculation at this point, there is simply too much resistance to know how this is going to play out on a nation by nation basis.

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1e4521  No.278858

File: bbf653a7e673c33⋯.jpg (314.52 KB, 453x538, 453:538, bbf.jpg)


>just run away goy

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da848a  No.278890

File: 2af6700f310a19a⋯.png (438.51 KB, 516x600, 43:50, 4a0731e66bede270d02298fdc2….png)



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60ae8b  No.279424


My serious question is how the fuck are they going to enforce something like this in America? The most well armed, rebellious, spread out, distrustful, resentful, spoiled, corrupt and crime-ridden nation in the world? I could see 1,000,000+ Bundy Ranch & Waco style incidents in the future if they tried mass theft like this.

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60ae8b  No.279429


I agree that might not be a choice for everyone, and people should stand their ground and resist all this bullshit, but how the hell can you do that living in a bureaucratic commie-run shithole where they make your life living hell, where the common sense and justice is a thing of the past? Where you are so outnumbered by idiots, bootlickers and thugs? There is almost no hope trying to restore shitholes like NYC today, it would be better if they just burned to the ground honestly, it's not even worth defending anymore. However, my small tucked away community would be something worth defending with my life, because we are all white, independent and civilized. I rather defend an Amish community or a small town full of patriotic freedom-loving Americans than a fucking shithole city like LA or NYC, know what I mean?

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737579  No.279625



>Why have you not taken the jab? You are now under arrest and will spend 10 years on de-programming and de-viraling camp in Antarctica.

>All your assets are re-distributed in the national diveristy re-distribution program

>Your children are put in bio-juvenile facilitets.

What do?

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cfba80  No.282548

File: 08d6b7b0f2c462b⋯.jpg (51.42 KB, 640x550, 64:55, martial_law_USSA.jpg)


They only thing you can, defend yourself and take some Anti-American traitors down with you. I hope it does not come down to this, but be prepared because we are living under communism today.

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47c97d  No.282562


Strength through Joy!

But seriously, we need industrial automation more than we need great swathes of employment.

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47c97d  No.282564



Seriously, promote peaceful resistance or the false-flagging is obvious.

I'm pro-vaccine, I just disbelieve in antivaxx violins.

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d6ead9  No.282565

File: 3487461c8aa38d9⋯.png (21.44 KB, 549x465, 183:155, BHDAjQz5Iddy611.png)


It won't happen, at least anytime soon for many reasons, mostly economic. But even if they could finance that (which requires massive amounts of insolvent spending on top current inflationary problems), you still need workers building all those machines, and programming them, and maintaining them. Machines can't fix or maintain themselves, that would require technology that does not currently exist.

And say government does get those human maintenance crews, the mechanics and programmers, all that endless debt that goes into funding an entire new industry creates so much price inflation the result would be mass worker strikes, because the workers would not be able to afford anything with that servery devalued currency (hyperinflation).

We can't keep endlessly spending money we don't really have. Empires always try doing this, and they always fail. Every single time.

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d6ead9  No.282566


I'll set the home on fire and die in a shoot out taking as many bastards with me. I'm far too old and tired to play nice with these son of a bitches anymore. They're crooks, and I rather have it all burn and die with it than giving it to some punk who does not deserve what I worked hard for.

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d6ead9  No.282567


Peaceful resistance, sure, I have been peaceful. Very much so. But there is a point where push can come to shove, and I'm the one who is trying my very best to be left alone. I'm not the one who is trying to force people to put crap into their bodies, I'm not the one who wants to punish people because they don't get some kind of medical 'treatment' or drug, I'm not the one threatening "a Great Reset" to confiscate private property either. Notice the bastards who are? They're the dirty bastards trying to instigate violence and war.

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e77926  No.282576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



It has come to pass…

Russia is now distracted at 'the face…'

Xi Jinping… China shall now be distracted at 'the head…'

Shall the frame of 'coincidence' be the nature of such draw?

I think not…

Unto them did I go… Now… In this time(s) it is…

Germany? France? Britain? The untied bates?

Whomever shall be this contrivance of corruption? This gauntlet of conspiracy…

Perhaps 'tis contemplation of these supposed 'variables…'

Mayhaps 'tis simply truth at face… HAHAHAHA

Such deception is at hand… To distract one by means of contemplation whilst subverting the events…


To say one thing and do another…

'Tis a classic parlor trick and the seat of many 'treaties…'


Shall the guilt be wine or a vice of plenty?


It does not matter…

Regardless… Thou art transported by the events…


Ever closer to that final destination…

>>The United States Of The Soviet Empire…

Perhaps along the way there shall be many works of fire?


A display of distraction…


A deception of the eyes… A mere fantasy…


But… In the end…


Finality is poison and this war… Is inevitable…

Yes… It is still possible…

I can render delay with utility of Soviet disunity… However… Lives will be lost…


No… Thou art witness to the true 'powers…'

The supplantation of governments shall continue…


Such strange unity from those most individual…

Perhaps Estonia or Latvia are next…

Mayhaps Moldova or Armenia…

>>The United Soviet States…

The time to return home under a 'comfortable context' did pass… Some many months ago…

Now… Who shall die?

What be the cost of power?

A lack of state?


The witness by Soviet remnant… Of the annihilation of the Kremlin…

Such agony…

I shall wring thee complete…

I shall transmute thy guilt into innocence…


Thou shall form a new government…

This government shall be free of 'treaty' 'thought-currency.'

Prepare to consort with the surviving states…

Be prepared to receive refugees in numbers never fathomed…

>>Iram and China

Prepare to provide Russia with large-scale and state-wide emergency assistance…

Existential threat is imminent…

Until the settling of hegemony… There shall be looting…

There shall be 'accidents.'

Many shall die… Billions…


It shall come to pass exactly as written…

Even now… The untied bates seeks invitation to loot Kazakhstan…

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bf7e5b  No.282630

File: 40f1b6f65e6b2ce⋯.jpg (70.52 KB, 850x400, 17:8, if_america_could_be_once_a….jpg)


Pretty much this.

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