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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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File: 58fcd87bdc8ecde⋯.jpg (54.05 KB, 1212x257, 1212:257, banned.jpg)

ad1859  No.276478

I was just banned on 4chan pol and I don't understand why. Is 4chan pol a compromised forum where "free speech" is in fact controlled speech?

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ad1859  No.276480


i believe in absolute free speech? Is that possible anywhere ?

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ad1859  No.276481


where can I go for absolute free speech? Where there are no mods to control the discussion?

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563023  No.276487



You just found a place, although you may have trouble agreeing with others here, and vice versa. You may post anything you want that is "Politics, News, Debate" related. So far only Johnny and the CP glow nigger have been banned for sperging out all over the boards (rightly so).

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aa005d  No.276501

Unplug your modem for 5 minutes then plug it back in again. You are unbanned.

Every time they recruit new modes numerous lefty troons infiltrate and have to be winnowed out. They were banning me for even "posting on a shit thread".

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