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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 6b16f1921fe99d7⋯.jpg (44.73 KB, 780x439, 780:439, EoXC3XIVgAIC_vU.jpg)

ad0d2d  No.276400

>Good times create weak men

>Weak men bow down to stupid women

>Women take over and fill their cities with crime because empathy and guilt for underprivileged subhuman and trannies

>Fill the army with the mentally ill and drop outs. And women

>Woman becomes lesder of the free world, the number one country

>Goes to fucking war with communist country

>Gets fucking blown out because army is filled with diversity hires and strong men are gone

>America collapses

A dream I had last night or perhaps history repeating itself…time will tell

Pic related a weak man

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1ce33a  No.276407

File: 0ffb727287d5f60⋯.jpg (101.3 KB, 885x516, 295:172, Obama_Era_Military_ROTC.jpg)


Someone made a very good point on Bitchute in a comment about this kind of scenario you mention. Can't find it, but it was something along the lines of what I'll post here. The whole government has become corrupted by "internationalist interests", they no longer have much use for us anymore and certainly do not desire us to keep living high on the hog as free sovereign citizens. They've been working hard to compromise our military for decades and have to a large extent. With all the "woke" "diversity" marxist bullshit they're including in the military these days, as well the new vaccine passports, they've been able to disenfranchise a lot of freedom-minded Americans as well being able to push them out of service. The corruption of the US military is going to be key when they decide to start purging the citizenry, you cannot do that unless you have a compromised corrupted military that would stand down and let that happen. At some point, and they are waiting for the right crisis, the government will come after the guns. At that point they know there will be war and shoot-outs ahead, all over the nation. The purpose won't really be to grab our guns but to simply give a reason to purge us, to wipe us undesirables out. They cannot have a patriotic freedom-loving military that would stand in the way, or instigate a coup against such a hostile treasonous government. Therefore they must weaken the US military and get rid of those that will not conform to such tyranny and despotism. Once the US military is hardly weakened, and they completely break down our supply chain (as they're in the process of doing now) then they'll stage their crisis (maybe a real false flag terror event similar to the Vegas shooting, or stage actors like Sandyhook). We need to be prepared and ready for that. This war is going to be very unconventional, and it will balkanize America to the extreme. However, that's what they want…. because the next step is foreign intervention and a "sweep up" and full blown sell-off of national resources and land.

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2b7661  No.276410

File: 2458e7e49f58da9⋯.jpg (58.07 KB, 568x335, 568:335, 18jwl2.jpg)


I hate to admit it, but Killcen Was Right!

I'm so sorry it be that way, but IT IS.

Most will never even know what actually happened to them, and we'll make all the same mistakes, over and over, in different ways, ad nauseum ad infinitum.

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