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1c8e42  No.276269

from article:

"She says it was an “OK” sign.

Others say it was a symbol of white supremacy.

Though the discrepancy was never resolved, a high school student was kicked out of her hospital co-op placement after flashing the gesture in a social media photo."

original: https://www.thestar.com/ths/news/hamilton-region/opinion/2021/11/09/hate-symbol-ok-hand-gesture-white-supremacy.html

archived: https://archive.md/bWQoM

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b09336  No.276271


This country has gone completely insane. Maybe the high school student should consider joining the trade outside the major cities, seems like the only solution left in (what's left of) America.

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31a2ae  No.276276


maybe its just dangerous being white

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34ca2b  No.276284


You should know who to thank for that then. That's why I stay away from certain occupied territories.

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1e0cb2  No.276292


>launch a massive meme campaign to co-opt the OK sign as a WP symbol

>get shocked and clutch pearls when someone gets fired/kicked out/banned for using it

Just like the swastika no longer means "harmony and balance", symbols change. Meanings change. Adapt or die.

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51bfac  No.276293


I'm not going full stupid just because society or our country goes full stupid. Fuck 'em. I'm living the way I want, saying whatever I want, whenever I want. Society be damned. And I'm not afraid of dying, I'd far prefer death than tyranny.

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1e0cb2  No.276295


No, you're missing the point. You and the whole IOTBW crowd did this to yourselves. YOU decided to make the OK sign mean WP. YOU did this, not "society".

Cry more, Karen.

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51bfac  No.276297


I did not do anything. I never cared about hand signs, you idiots apparently do. Stay retarded, it doesn't bother me.

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