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786bd4  No.276252

Can someone here explain the meaning of symbology? What is the difference between using symbology or not? For example, if the sum of a day is 10 or 11, that will have no apparent difference for me to do something. There is a phrase attributed to Confucius in which he says symbols control the world, but I do not catch it.

Can someone explain me what is the deal with symbology?

Also could you please give me material on symbols that celebrities and wicked people use? I want to make a list and know about them. Here are the ones I can list:

1- Tongue outwards (like Einstein): Kali tongue.

2- Goat: Baphomet.

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9d169a  No.276253


It's called "being a batshit lunatic who sees conspiracy in everything". I literally saw a woman freak the fuck out in a store because two people were speaking in ameslan and she thought they were throwing gang signs and about to shoot up the place.

You faggots need to calm your tits.

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