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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 43fb21a657caaf6⋯.mp4 (2.63 MB, 480x480, 1:1, km_20211109_3_480p.mp4)

0d6c44  No.276196[Last 50 Posts]

It's Coming Soon….

Acquitted of One Murder, Convicted on ALL the other counts…

She's Gone….

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1590c0  No.276204


Gaige Grosskreutz pointed a gun at Kyle Rittenhouse first, not the other way around. Furthermore video evidence proves this. You communists know NOTHING about self-defense or rule of law. It is very clear you want to see Constitutional Law flushed down the drain, and it is pretty obvious to most of us why that is too. No matter what the outcome of this trail Americans can and will defend themselves against criminals and thugs. And if Constitution Law is thrown out, all laws will be thrown out with it, and all the more hellish and brutal this collapse will be when no one is to be trusted anymore and anyone can be perceived enemies of Justice.

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20a0dd  No.276228


>Grosskreutz pointed a gun at a known active shooter

Self-defense for me, but not for thee, eh?

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e0c988  No.276239


If Kyle Rittenhouse killed someone who was not attacking him, that would be murder. If Kyle Rittenhouse shot people who were coming after him with the intention to harm or kill him, that is self-defense.

Regardless the outcome, please learn the difference between self-defense and murder. Hopefully they'll have all the footage available to find out exactly what happened….. in the meantime I'm not going near a city past 6 PM anymore, those days are over for me.

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88f554  No.276243


Acquitted of EVERYTHING. Keep coping, you stupid troon.

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20a0dd  No.276245


He killed Rosenbaum, who was unarmed and not attacking him. Thus making Rittenhouse an active shooter. Grosskreutz acted in self-defense against an active shooter.

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20a0dd  No.276246


Little Chub-chub is going to take the stand. He will flash some WP signs and scream about jews and niggers and the jury will put him away for life. Your tubby little hero is going to prison. Cope.

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88f554  No.276249

File: 2459edf18e01246⋯.jpeg (436.27 KB, 1934x2048, 967:1024, CryingOyVey.jpeg)


More fantasies for a lost case that shouldn't have been prosecuted to begin with.

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20a0dd  No.276250


The only one fantasizing here is you. You desperately need him to be acquitted so you can go around shooting protestors and use the little chubster as precedent. Fortunately, the court system is smarter than you and can see you coming a mile away. The little fat fuck is going to prison to enjoy thick veiny black cock for life.

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3070ca  No.276270

File: 8c62f02ea18ef72⋯.gif (415.41 KB, 480x238, 240:119, _You_.gif)


This case has nothing whatsoever to do with Killcen, or any other Trump voter, or any other concerned citizen not wishing to see his country fall into mob rule, BLM & Antifa violence, and looting in the streets; which is what (You) and (You)r kind want continuous permission for from your Socialist Communist overlords that (You) worship and want to continue to sic on everyone "else". Oh yeah, the Courts are watching alright! If this case is decided on the merits, Kyle will walk FREE, and (You) and (You)r kind will have a total meltdown in the streets, and may have to be put down before (You) cause damage to other living beings, like (You) and (You)r kind are wont to do, faggot!

If they find him guilty of ANYTHING besides weapons charges, 'We the People' will not riot in the streets. That would be (You) and (You)r kind that do that EVERY Time (You) don't get (You)r way! We get it. (You) hate young white men. (You) do. (You) hate ALL Humans, and (You) especially hate this country and everything it stands for, ESPECIALLY FREEDOM. (You) have made that more than clear on MANY Occasions.

(You)r opinions mat be safely discarded.

As for the takeaway, if Kyle IS Convicted of Murder or some other such NONSENSE, then 'We the People' WILL NOT FORGET.

(You) may want to remember what happened to Italy when they lost faith in their Courts and justice system.

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aa0f19  No.276272


Jerry, he didn't even respond to me. I really don't care about this whole thing except for the fact it's obvious populated cities are no longer safe and I'm not going to be in any of them past 6 PM for the rest of my short life lol.

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aa0f19  No.276273


If this case is decided on the merits, Kyle will walk FREE, and (You) and (You)r kind will have a total meltdown in the streets.

That would be fun watching. I'll be sitting 60 miles away from the city limits (suburbs) of St. Louis laughing my ass off trying to get this old clunker computer to stream it live (unfortunately without any audio). And the commies wonder why everyone is leaving those commie shitholes? Can't wait to see the next census and demographic data. LOL.

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3070ca  No.276274

File: fe3423ef65417f4⋯.jpg (254.78 KB, 614x758, 307:379, download_20201007_065058.jpg)


Are (You) seriously referring to the idiot who several witnesses testified in court he grabbed the barrel of Kyle's rifle, threatening to take it away and kill kim with it? Or the guy trying to bash him in the head with a skateboard? Obviously the idiot pointing a gun at him deserved to get blown away, and is lucky he didn't get more than merely disarmed.

If (You) can't see past (You)r own hate, and cannot see that Kyle Rittenhouse is NOT a murderer, then (You) Sir, are a dangerous toddler, and should probably refrain from being around other humans.

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aa0f19  No.276277


>As for the takeaway, if Kyle IS Convicted of Murder or some other such NONSENSE, then 'We the People' WILL NOT FORGET.

>(You) may want to remember what happened to Italy when they lost faith in their Courts and justice system.

EGG ZACK LEE as Johnny would put it. Correct. If they ever show their faces around here me and my family would not only batter them with rifles and shotguns, I'd also hang their dead bodies onto the trees in the yards as a message to everyone else: stay away from me and my property or die and be hung to the trees for target practice. That includes pigs and glow niggers too.

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aa0f19  No.276280

File: 3d3b4dfc5e2618d⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1415x909, 1415:909, american_hell.png)


Imagine when SHTF and there is no more law and order. These idiots have no idea the HELL that awaits them after an economic and societal collapse.

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3070ca  No.276281

File: 528f01f1ad187d0⋯.jpg (221.68 KB, 959x698, 959:698, download_20200615_132440.jpg)


I'm literally armed 24 / 7 now.

Welcome to Biden's America.

Welcome to American Marxism.

And NOBODY in their right minds goes into ANY cities, day or night, without being armed to the teeth anymore. Being responsible for your own safety, and that of your loved ones, has ALWAYS been the way of a MAN.

Modern-Day Feminists, 'Woke'sters and Faggots want to have THEIR Man, Big Daddy Government, beat up all "other" men. This does not end well for them. They are actually the ones exhibiting the most Toxic Masculinity; while they have Emasculated REAL Men. This does not end well for them. We all create our own reality, then we live in it. Taking care what reality we choose to create for ourselves to love in is paramount.

Many opinions may be safely discarded.

Johnny is about ready to find out that MANY of the opinions he holds dear will soon be Discarded by the majority. He'll probably just go along with the crowd and conform, like he and his kind always do.

That is why it takes REAL Men to lead, or do Anything besides blindly follow the herd right off the cliff.

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3294a9  No.276286


I travel to the city limits just to go to COSTCO and a few other places every month to do a routine stockup and rotate my inventories, typically afternoon hours but I'll start going earlier from now on. And those places are outside the actual city inside safer communities. Otherwise if I go near a city plural, it's not really "in" it's driving past and over there to get to another State. Now their claiming that is racist and they want to knock out certain highways. Well my response would be taking the backroads and old junctions then and completely avoiding a city entirely. It will cost more gas money but hey, deal with it climate freaks!

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3070ca  No.276287


They want to do away with roads altogether.

They'll have cheap flying vehicles soon, probably armored and equipped with plenty of artillery for having fun firing on ground rodents in the country like me and you.

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988605  No.276288


Get an old truck with 4 wheel drive and off-road tires and no big deal, just have to watch for areas that have too much mud. I doubt they'd be able to take out all those roads anyway, too many civilians still live out in the country and those statistics are actually growing not in decline unlike yesteryear. Check out your state map from Gazetteer, you'd be shocked how many old roads exist you can drive from one point to the next, driving around like a puzzle. Plus, after SHTF, dirt & gravel roads are really easy to create too. All you need is a skidsteer to pave way and a gravel truck to lay the gravel down. The hog farmer that lives nearby has both of those, he grates old roads and creates new paths for those who live around the area for a few hundred bucks.

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20a0dd  No.276290

File: 88f4b7fc959968c⋯.jpg (89.58 KB, 1582x884, 791:442, FD2IHhmVUAky_xL.jpg)

My favorite part is watching her cry like a little bitch on the stand.

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20a0dd  No.276291


Your little chubby hero testified, in his own words, on the stand today, that the UNARMED Rosenbaum "threatened to kill him". Your little chubby tubtub bitch killed someone for saying something mean to him. You people are the biggest snowflake faggots in the world and you all cry like little bitches when someone says mean things to you.

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3070ca  No.276296

File: 6866c125eaa6c76⋯.gif (4.4 MB, 400x514, 200:257, 6866c125eaa6c7609fa2f5230b….gif)


Threatened to kill Kyle and anyone else he "caught alone".

Then proceeds to catch him alone and tries to GRAB KYLE'S WEAPON FROM HIM. Grabs barrel. Is executed, like the wannabe Killer he Was.

Rosenbaum = Wannabe Killer.

Kyle = Wannabe Patriot, Actual Killer of Actual Filth in Actual Self-Defense.

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20a0dd  No.276301


When you use a gun to respond to words, it's not self-defense by any State's laws. Little Chubby-chub, your tubby god, is going to prison and you can't do anything to stop it.

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3070ca  No.276307

File: b3e26e8ae8ee359⋯.jpg (651.21 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Judge_Admonishes_Prosecuto….jpg)


Not EGG ZACK LEE(You)r, Day, huh, Haters?


(You) Did This To (You)rselves.

(You) Did This To (You)rselves.

( Y o u ) D i d T h i s T o ( Y o u ) r s e l v e s .

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3070ca  No.276309

File: f32e588b2b7a9fe⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.61 MB, 1024x786, 512:393, PicsArt_11_09_11_34_38.gif)


Mobs, like (You) are part of, cannot dictate the outcome of trials for long.

(You)'ll see.

(You)r view is being shredded; not only by Common Sense, but by The Law (not to mention the Judge.)

ENJOY This Day.

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988605  No.276310



What happened? Didn't watch, was busy finding and posting more REAL NEWS lol.

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988605  No.276311


>When you use a gun to respond to words

Very true, but the question is did he? Or did he do it in self-defense after being charged at, and/or attacked? Honestly, I'd do the same if it were my property and I was defending myself and family.

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3070ca  No.276312


Wew lad, you should have seen it. The judge came unglued on the prosecutor bringing in shit that was already ruled as irrelevant. Prosecutor thinks he knows better. Got told different. I mean REALLY Told. The Prosecution is REALLY Fucking Up! Pretty much just desperate now and have nothing left but attacks on "Persona", as usual with these "Woke" mobs.

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988605  No.276313


I honestly think we should shove all these leftists into one big city, like New York, and let them have their utopia. They could do anything they want. Meanwhile the rest of the nation can go back to living normal lives without this kind of bullshit happening. Would that be fair and kind enough?

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3070ca  No.276314


The prosecutor is trying to impeach Kyle on his "beliefs and attitudes". Literally. On his BELIEFS. On what the mob conjectures was in his mind.


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753e23  No.276315

File: 26c3f30c7693853⋯.webm (3.77 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Documentary_on_2020_Kenos….webm)

File: 4965ed839f62255⋯.webm (3.91 MB, 640x360, 16:9, shekel_shuffle.webm)

File: eebad3331959542⋯.jpg (127.19 KB, 962x641, 962:641, 1.jpg)

File: dbcf7f48e8dac06⋯.jpg (1.31 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 2.jpg)

File: 015ea036b7ab772⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 3.jpg)


You pedos really can't help youeselves, can you?

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3070ca  No.276316

The Prosecutor and the Woke mobs are trying to taint the jury and threaten the jury.

True Story.

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988605  No.276322


Who would have thought politically-motivated violent people would threaten violence for political motivation?

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20a0dd  No.276324


He admitted on the stand that Rosenbaum threatened, using words, to kill him; but was unarmed. Thus, he admitted for the record that he used deadly force in response to words. That means everyone's actions following - such as hitting him with a skateboard and pulling a gun on him - were done in self-defense - REAL self-defense - same as you would do if you saw someone shoot another person over words.

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20a0dd  No.276325


Except it's not inadmissible and the judge is wrong. He's trying to get a mistrial so that it has to go to another court. That's fine, but it's going to be hilarious to watch all you dumb faggots believing that "mistrial" means "exoneration".

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753e23  No.276329

File: 377a4a301046126⋯.png (567.06 KB, 730x529, 730:529, been_caught_buttering.png)

File: 06f6f95b4290374⋯.png (830.36 KB, 1050x650, 21:13, 1636577245283.png)

File: edb491e04fc45d8⋯.jpg (82.68 KB, 716x943, 716:943, 1636488168340.jpg)

File: f812aa022304b65⋯.jpg (313.51 KB, 1080x952, 135:119, 1636567064191.jpg)

File: 191cb0fc4e2d0a3⋯.jpg (178.33 KB, 944x607, 944:607, 1636577451061.jpg)


If anyone is running towards you, threatening to kill you, and grabs you (even a dwarf) while gunshots are coming your way from the same direction any reasonable person would call shooting them self-defense.

Which is what will happen here.

Seethe more, impotent loser.

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20a0dd  No.276330


If you're brandishing a rifle and wearing gloves do you don't leave prints, bashing your skull in with a hammer is literal self-defense.

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753e23  No.276331

File: 1918f1ec3db4df0⋯.mp4 (315.94 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1918f1ec3db4df0edd95b9b8ea….mp4)


>incoherent rambling

Lrn 2 English, dipshit.

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5cb77b  No.276334

File: c407433222cc6aa⋯.webm (1.61 MB, 854x480, 427:240, c407433222cc6aa9518b0ee3f….webm)

File: ac0fdde70030fec⋯.mp4 (1.74 MB, 640x352, 20:11, antifa_meets_Mr_Watercanno….mp4)

File: f5966994e161410⋯.png (518.37 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Portland_Halloween_Riot_64….png)

File: b08ac589b990cee⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB, 272x480, 17:30, Just_unbelievable_Coming_s….mp4)

File: 3207209860041c3⋯.jpg (165.22 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 3207209860041c3b0efb26a064….jpg)

Fact is, Leftard 'Woke'sters and Democrats worship Riots and Mob Violence. They Hate Law & Order. They have made that ABUNDANTLY Clear.

They should not be surprised when a young man, a lifeguard, a Police Ranger, decides to come to the service of his country, and the people, by serving the community, helping people, cleaning graffitti and riot-trash (in more ways than one.) Leftard Mobs should not be surprised. This is what they WANT. More Mob Violence in the Streets. Wait until they Chimp Out Yet Again over Kyle's Just Aquittal on ALL Charges except some piddly firearm charges related to being a minor.Watch them CHIMP OUT!They WILL, and EVERYBODY Knows It.

Some young men will ALWAYS be willing to protect and serve their community. Leftards like Johnny HATE the Community and ANYONE who would protect or serve the community. They Hate Humans. They tear down "Personas", Statues Unto Insubstantiality.

Their Opinions May Be Safely Discarded.

Pay Attention to the Climate You Are Creating. The Socio-Political Climate Affects the Stance Young People Take, and How They Expend Their Energy.

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988605  No.276336

File: 3207209860041c3⋯.jpg (165.22 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ffd1a6b99aa0770.jpg)


Thanks for this picture, their hypocrisy is very ironic. The truth is they don't want average Americans and police to own guns, they want their own communist federalized gestapo to be the only ones with the guns to police the rest of us, police us into obedience. Obedience of what? Their endless power grabs: land grabs, theft, arson, their tearing down of statues, their burning of flags, religious persecution, their carbon taxes and their future plans to outlaw all productivity, their re-education centers they'd love to force us into, their vaccine passports and covid camps (what they do in Australia they wanted done here!), you name it, that's the only people they desire armed: those who are willing to force draconian communistic policies against the rest of us. Thank God enough of us know not to ever give up those guns (or live in those shitty cities for that matter).

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15b5a6  No.276337

File: 5a48a2b70ccc27f⋯.jpg (12.03 KB, 200x200, 1:1, you_had_one_job.jpg)

File: 2e0baecbd1c68ac⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 336x329, 48:47, War_Criminals_Shut_Down_Pr….jpg)

File: 530a7146f2cf94b⋯.jpg (187.31 KB, 1593x450, 177:50, Barras_Vol_2_page_18.jpg)

File: d2af503597d13d7⋯.webm (1.14 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Shoot_ME_Nigger.webm)

File: 21e28d3d857cf59⋯.gif (233.36 KB, 220x143, 20:13, Cry_Moar.gif)


I am willing to die and I am willing to kill to protect the divine right of the people to keep and bear arms, backed up by the U.S. Constitution. We won't be going the way of Australia.

We won't be giving up our only means to defend ourselves against Tyranny.

Appealing to us, Threatening us, or Killing us, will NOT be enough to get Americans to give up their guns. You can see why now. Look what happened to Australia.

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988605  No.276338


So did they find solid evidence Kyle murdered someone who did not try or attempt attacking him or had violent intent to do so? That's the key question that needs solid proof…. did Kyle shoot an innocent man for no reason? The reason I doubt that - unless solid evidence proves otherwise - is that he was in the middle of a fucking riot. A violent mob riot. Trying to put out flames? So the question I have is this: if someone wanted to do a mass shooting of protesters, why not go do it for real and go all out? He could have killed dozens if he wanted to, and could have killed cops who tried to nab him too, as violent criminals tend to do. He didn't. So that's why I have my doubts. I think this kid was afraid for his life. Hell, I would be if I were around those riots too!

A lesson for fellow conservatives: never bother going to those chimp outs. Stay away from the cities during hostile riots. Stay at home, lock your doors and load your guns up. Don't try to police these thugs, just defend your own private property if need be. If you don't agree with me, perhaps you need to move to a safer place with more friendly people and uncorrupted leadership. The politics in the cities are hostile to decent people.

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988605  No.276339


>I am willing to die and I am willing to kill to protect the divine right of the people to keep and bear arms, backed up by the U.S. Constitution.

>We won't be going the way of Australia.

The first statement explains why.

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15b5a6  No.276340

File: e5c2ae35594eae5⋯.jpg (148.43 KB, 700x778, 350:389, TGnAOC.jpg)


Owning a brick and mortar business in any American big city right now is idiotic.

Few American big cities will protect their citizens, or businesses, from the violent hordes that are cultivated by City-Dwelling Policies.

Certainly NO Democrat-Run Shitholes Will Protect OR Serve the People!Most Democrats, and ALL 'Woke' Leftist Progressives, are Self-Serving Ideologues.

Their Opinions May Be Safely Discarded.

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988605  No.276341


True, I am proud of my State, after the George Floyd riots we started seeing businesses putting up signs on their properties "You Loot, We Shoot!" and there was even a big billboard too on I-44 but I think that was taken down over controversy (St. Louis county complaints lol). in the rural county I live in new businesses are actually booming in some towns, so are the populations of those once-smaller towns too. Americans are looking for places to live without all the lockdowns, without the riots, lower taxes and less regulation, away from all this leftist crap. I tell you what, the major cities in America run by these commie bureaucrats are all going to lose tax revenues and a healthy worker base, they'll all end up like Detroit within the next decade or two.

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20a0dd  No.276343


>did they find solid evidence

He … literally … admitted it … in open court … for the record. What the fuck more evidence do you need? Jesus, you people are dumb.

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20a0dd  No.276344


I own a brick and mortar business in a "blue city" and I'm doing fine. The fact that you aren't means you're proving the "pull yourselves up by bootstraps" was a lie.

We're doing just fine. If you're not, it's your fault. Personal responsibility, faggot.

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15b5a6  No.276345

File: f663cf6fd46dee5⋯.jpg (79.57 KB, 650x612, 325:306, Peacefully_Protesting_Here.jpg)


> He … literally … admitted


Say it with me…NOT GUILTY by Reason of Self-Defense.


> I own a brick and mortar business in a "blue city" and I'm doing fine

No (You) don't; but even if (You) did, "The Hordes Are Coming". And furthermore, (You) know it; which is why (You)'re planning on getting the fuck out of there, as (You) have previously stated. Just because (You) think it will be better out West, in Portland, OR, does not mean it will.It Won't.

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20a0dd  No.276346


Does it hurt having a smooth brain?

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15b5a6  No.276350

File: 0648cdba5155db2⋯.jpg (53.09 KB, 800x450, 16:9, GTFO.jpg)


You are so wrong it hurts.

It is SO OBVIOUS TO EVERY THINKING PERSON that the Prosecution in this case has done such a horrible job prosecuting, and has destroyed any semblance, or chance, of a fair trial, even instructing witnesses to lie under oath and scornfully shitting upon both established law and the judge's previous rulings in this case, IT IS THE PROSECUTOR WHO IS TRYING TO GET A MISTRIAL,NOTTHE JUDGE, YOU IDIOT!

It's all he has left. He has fucked up so bad, and he never had a case to begin with. He literally did the whole case based on emotion and mob rule. There never was any evidence pointing ANYWHERE but Self Defense in this case. But back to my point… The Judge wants the Jury to decide this case, and have Kyle rightfully acquitted by them; but the Prosecutor is trying for a Mistrial.SO OBVIOUS.No wonder the judge is pissed. The chances of him just Dismissing the case With Prejudice (no chance of a Retrial) are increasing. Prepare your anus, Johnny. The hordes are coming. You Leftards will burn down your cities over this, and everything else, because you are miserable fucks who hate humanity andyou are the very reason we can't have nice things.

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15b5a6  No.276351

File: 92b26cb43dd51aa⋯.png (495.25 KB, 800x600, 4:3, donald_trump_transparent_i….png)

The entire Rittenhouse Narrative, from Day One, was "Fake News", as part of a narrative to help steal an election.


They needed a target, a "Persona" to tear down and destroy, to associate with Trump; and, of course, with Racism; because EVERYTHING is about Racism, amirite?

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988605  No.276357

File: 1665ca4ddd7b72d⋯.jpg (60.7 KB, 650x366, 325:183, 1442438905430.jpg)


Well I haven't been paying much attention, I'm on an old computer that doesn't even have a speaker system even if I wanted to stream it. I'll just wait for the results to come, either way, I've made up my mind after this, and that's to stay the fuck away from populated areas as much as I can especially at night or when there are rumors about riots lol.


That's good to hear honestly. Here's the issue you might someday have as a result of this: what if someday You had to defend your business from "protesters" who were not being very civil? What are You going to do if at some point a mob rushes to loot, destroy or even burn down your business in rage? Would You shoot them or let them ruin everything You worked so hard for? Better think about that.

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15b5a6  No.276367

File: fb6ff893c08b98d⋯.jpg (67.51 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Don_t_Get_Brazen_With_Me.jpg)

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20a0dd  No.276413


>What are You going to do if at some point a mob rushes to loot, destroy or even burn down your business in rage?

Probably let them. There's this magical thing called "insurance". Look it up.

However, that's not what the little chubster did in Kenosha. He wasn't there to protect his business or his property or his family or his home.

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36ea20  No.276558

File: d58c49b50981c11⋯.jpg (174.68 KB, 1000x554, 500:277, 459_1000.jpg)



Cry More.

Loot & Burn Your Cities.

We know (You) want to.

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1e858e  No.276562


Did the other small businesses get insurance for their businesses being destroyed by a riot? How many family-owned companies went under after those riots that didn't get enough money to start back up? You'd be lucky if you were to break even in that event.

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1e858e  No.276563


Not him, but I'm not holding my breath. I know the Justice system today is 100% politicized just like everything else corrupted has been. I'll wait for the whole thing to wrap up and the trial to end. THEN maybe I'd post something about it. Either way, no matter what, half of America has lost their minds and I can't see much of a future for anyone still trusting this system and going along with all of it. Glad I keep my distance afar.

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f9997e  No.276565

He's gonna walk. OP BTFO.

Also, you niggers need to stop posting at this shit hole and pick another splinter board.

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20a0dd  No.276572


What the other small businesses do isn't my problem. If they're not insured, that's on them. I'm not going to sit outside someone else's business with a rifle in the event of a riot in that area of my city.

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1e858e  No.276590


>I'm not going to sit outside someone else's business with a rifle in the event of a riot in that area of my city.

Neither would I, I get the fact he shouldn't have been there due to the risks but he did legally own the gun and his father lived in that State too from what I've heard about it. What else is someone supposed to do if they are trying to put out fires and are attacked by angry 'protesters'? If this is what cities have become in America, and no one is allowed to have a gun or defend themselves in a city, then it's pretty fucking clear to most freedom-loving Americans that those cities are indeed death traps and no-go zones. This is only going to accelerate 'white flight' out of those cities. After this whole fiasco I myself have decided not to go near any populated cities past 6 PM. I'm sure there are others like me thinking the same thing right now too.

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20a0dd  No.276591


Well, first of all, I wouldn't call Kenosha, WI a "city". Fewer than 100,000 people live there. Also, he didn't actually legally own the gun, but those charges were dropped, so it's a moot point. He also wasn't trying to put out any fires. He had no firefighting equipment, training, or anything of the like.

If he were a trained firefighter or a member of a volunteer firefighter squad who traveled from IL to WI in order to help put out fires, then I could see a reason for his being there. That sort of thing happens all the time. What happened, though, was a 17 year old kid got his mommy to drive him to Kenosha so he could kill people he didn't like. That is an indisputable fact. Whether he goes to prison for it or not, well, I suppose we're about to find out.

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36ea20  No.276593


I wish dumbass leftists like (You) understood that it doesn't matter WHY he went to Kenosha.

Self-Defense occred there. That simple.

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1e858e  No.276598


> I wouldn't call Kenosha, WI a "city". Fewer than 100,000 people live there.

I consider any community with over 30,000 residents to be a city. To me St. Louis (the city most near to me, 60+ miles away, is a pretty big city and they have under 300,000 residents and currently in decline).

>Also, he didn't actually legally own the gun but those charges were dropped

They were dropped because he did not illegally obtain the gun. In most States in America it is perfectly legal to own a gun, even as a minor as long as the parents consent to it. Did you know that?

>What happened, though, was a 17 year old kid got his mommy to drive him to Kenosha so he could kill people he didn't like

You don't know that, you may have been told that but there is no solid evidence of that, what there is solid evidence is he was attacked by someone, why is still being debated, and we'll just have to see what the jury thinks upon the evidence they do have. What I do know is this: this just gives more Americans all the more reason to move out of those damn populated cities. So the white exodus will likely continue.

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8c5e52  No.276601

if i understood everything, literally any secret service which are enemies of the united states could possibly easily destabilize the us. if kyle goes to jail they could kill the prosecuter and all juries which voted for it. if he goes free they could kill the jury which voted for it and kyle. the most important part would be creating a "we vs them" situation for both sides. i wonder if the american secret service is prepared for this, probably not

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2ee5e5  No.276602

The dude posting the Kyleen memes is a fed. Don't fall for it

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20a0dd  No.276604


>there is solid evidence is he was attacked by someone

The first person he shot and killed didn't attack him. He yelled mean things at him, but he didn't attack him physically. Nobody attacked Kyle physically until after he killed an unarmed man in a parking lot for yelling at him. At that point, the people attacking Kyle were using self-defense legally. Kyle was not.

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20a0dd  No.276605


>it doesn't matter WHY he went to Kenosha

You heard it here first, folks. These smooth brains don't think premeditation or intent matters. I bet you're a Medal of Gravyry recipient in Meal Team 6 just like your chubby little hero.

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1e858e  No.276622


Kinda sick of this whole debate but I'll reply anyway.

This is something the prosecutors need to prove. Is there any footage of him killing a man who did not attack him? If so, please link it because clearly it's not being reported very much.

If what you say lacks solid evidence, then it's pretty difficult to prove his intent for being there because 1) owning and carrying a gun for self-defense is not illegal in most States, 2) his father lived around the area thus his reason being there and 3) the footage that has already been released of an attacker. So at this point all you can wish for is an intimidated (or hardcore leftist) jury. Unless there is more evidence to prove intent?


Why do I have the strangest feeling this is another attempt to undermine our 2nd Amendment? Enemies of America would like to do that too.

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20a0dd  No.276624


>Is there any footage of him killing a man who did not attack him?

Kyle himself, in his own words, on the stand, between fits of crying, openly admitted that the first person he killed was unarmed and only used words.


If that's not good enough for you, I don't know what else can be said.


1) He didn't own the gun. It was given to him AFTER he crossed state lines. (on court record)

2) His dead beat, refuses to pay child support, meth head alcoholic, wife beating father is who you want to defend? lol.

3) The footage of Kyle getting hit with the skateboard exists, yes, but that is AFTER he already killed the guy in the parking lot. The guy smacking him with the skateboard was bravely trying to stop an active shooter.

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988605  No.276631


Well if true and he did shoot someone who was not attacking him then he deserves to go to jail for that. What I would like to know is why have these rioters been allowed to commit similar violence against other bystanders and their properties? Why is the Justice system so slanted against gun owners but allows rioters to burn down property and loot without intervention or prosecution. Even if Kyle is guilty and convicted for killing an unarmed man who did not attack him, why have we not seen the 'Antifa' scumbags facing the same kinds of court trials too? Why are the police allowed to stand down and not intervene? Why don't the police protect these cities if politicians won't allow citizens to? All of this would have never ever happened in the first place if politics were not so corrupted and police were allowed to do their fucking job with mob control, and people like Kyle would have been approached by cops and told to leave the damn area or face arrest like everyone else. Maybe it's not just Kyle who is guilty. Whatever happens I'll just keep away from populated areas at night from now on, too dangerous and wayyyyy too risky for being a gun owner.

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20a0dd  No.276635


>why have these rioters been allowed to commit similar violence

They haven't. They have been arrested, tried, and convicted over the last 18 months. ~20,000 arrests in total.

>why have we not seen the 'Antifa' scumbags facing the same kinds of court trials

Well, first of all there's a world of difference between smashing a window and shooting a person. The window smasher would get arrested, but it's a misdemeanor and would get maybe 10-30 days in jail and fined. Not very exciting new coverage, but there are places keeping track.

>allowed to stand down and not intervene

For the same reason they were told to hold back on 1/6 or during other riots. To protect the cops. If 5,000 rage-filled people are storming a city block, the order is "contain, but don't interfere". Perimeters are established to stop the crowd from surging to other city blocks and then it's allowed to run its course. Video is taken, people are identified, and then - one by one - cops show up at their house and arrest them.

>Why don't the police protect these cities


It's not their job.

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ba4b30  No.276638

File: 3207209860041c3⋯.jpg (165.22 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 3207209860041c3b0efb26a064….jpg)


Again, (You) are an idiot.

> The first person he shot and killed didn't attack him. He yelled mean things at him, but he didn't attack him physically. Nobody attacked Kyle physically until after he killed an unarmed man in a parking lot for yelling at him.


The first wannabe-dead-person, Rosenbaum, not only threatened to kill Kyle if he caught him alone, he did catch him alone, chased after him, and tried to grab the barrel of his gun, before he was killed, like he had been begging everybody to do to him all night.. It was Self-Defense, plain and simple. Fuck You and your lamestream-media anti-white-male divisive BLM Antifa narrative. Chimp out some more and see what happens.


In this case, it literally does not matter why he went to Kenosha if intent to commit bodily harm cannot be established, and it cannot; so no, it does not matter why he went to Kenosha.


> Kyle himself, in his own words, on the stand, between fits of crying, openly admitted that the first person he killed was unarmed and only used words

Again, (You) are an idiot.

(You) get (You)r analysis from MSNBC and CNN, who are trying to spark a civil war, and have been for years. (You) accuse "others" of not paying attention to the evidence, butALL ( You) SPOUT ARE LIES.Just like MSNBC and CNN. It's unconscionable. (You) want to provoke Division & Hate. (You) are WRONG. The EVIDENCE bears that out. The VIDEO itself proves (You) are an idiot, a Religious Zealot, a Believer in (You)r 'Woke' Religion of Hatred and Divisiveness.(You) Are WRONG.


1) He DID own the gun, and LEGALLY. That's why the Judge threw out that charge. Kyle should never have been charged with ANY crime.

2) It is not illegal to have parents who are less educated than some, nor does it look good for one meth-head, like (You) to be impugning ANYBODY'S Character!

3) None of (You)r Antifa pedo faggot butt-buddies were there to "stop an active shooter". They were violent felonious thugs who just wanted to touch more young boys before they died. They died the way they lived. Violently attacking communities and the people that live in those communities.

> inb4 Kyle didn't live in Kenosha

His dad did.

I'm not saying he wasn't a foolish young man. He was. But ==He Did NOT Commit Murder.


Anyone saying different is a LIAR, and everyone should question their Motives For LYING. The motives of the Media couldn't BE more clear. They want "Bloodshed in the Streets", as their BLM heros dictate. Ask why BLM is making suc, a huge deal out of this case? Ask why MSNBC and CNN try to make this case about RACE? WHY IS EVERYTHING ABOUT "RACE" TO THEM? EVERYTHING! WHY?

"Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!"

Most are just whipped into a frenzy by emotional absurdities and lies.

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ba4b30  No.276639


> Police have no duty to protect you.

You do, however, as a living being, have the duty, and the right, to protect yourself.


Remember that when (You) start chimping out and attacking folks. I'm asking (You) to remember that later today, when (You) and your ilk begin to, yet again, chimp out and destroy, using mob violence, (You)r favorite tactic, whenever (You) don't get your way.

If the police are told to stand down, but (You) and (You)r mobs do NOT Stand Down… There will be a thousand Kyle Rittenhouses out there "policing" our streets. Everybody knows that. I get it. That's what (You) and (You)r ilk want.''

'We, the People' do not want that.

Control (You)rselves.

Calling for "Bloodshed" will only get (You) what (You) want. Death. That's what Rosenbaum wanted too. He had the same stance (You) do. Then he was no more. Let that be a lesson to (You).

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988605  No.276643



We might need to bring back the policies during Kent State soon, I know how a lot of people would sob "police brutality!" and all, but if there are riots they should be dealt with. I am all for peaceful protesting, and even armed resistance when absolutely necessary to defend basic Constitutional freedoms and persons, but what I look down upon is people trashing their own communities and mugging bystanders which these 'Antifa' clowns have done time and time again, that has to stop and if they were in the 1960s at Kent State University those police would have dealt with them on the spot. There would be no need for law-abiding citizens to get involved in any way or be put into harms way either, the thugs would be told to disperse or they get smacked down and vanned away in handcuffs or body bags. Honestly it's sad that would ever have to happen. It's sad that they think their own communities are guilty of prejudice but we can't keep having insane people ruining their local communities. I blame a lot of this on the bias media, those assholes are the ones adding fuel to the fire all for their sick publicity and ratings. God damn them.

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20a0dd  No.276648


Your brain is so smooth that even basic literacy slides right off!

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20a0dd  No.276649


>to protect yourself

Your little chubby hero didn't go to Kenosha to protect himself. You know how I protected myself during the BLM riots? I stayed home.


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20a0dd  No.276650


>later today, when (You) and your ilk begin to, yet again, chimp out and destroy

Is there something happening later today? Soros forgot to CC me in the memo.

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ba4b30  No.276680

File: 038b2e6483b6f60⋯.jpg (53.81 KB, 666x666, 1:1, Black_Lives_Do_NOT_Matter_….jpg)

File: 8bc91125935aa54⋯.jpg (55.98 KB, 1280x549, 1280:549, Amy_Can_Draw_Too.jpg)

File: 072ad5460a8faa8⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PicsArt_07_05_08_34_00.png)

File: 9084898593ef9f3⋯.jpg (79.06 KB, 640x653, 640:653, Its_My_Party.jpg)

File: 9fb91c6919e348a⋯.jpg (142.85 KB, 900x900, 1:1, PicsArt_06_26_08_00_09.jpg)




I have done more with two fingers today than (You) will do in a lifetime; and have the experience to prove it.


> You know how I protected myself during the BLM riots? I stayed home.

(You) were, however, more than happy to participate in the "Antifa" riots, we noticed.


> Is there something happening later today?

There usually is, for most. Maybe not for (You).

Dunno about the rest of y'all, but this board, and especially this thread has become sort of like an occupational and pain therapy center to me as of late, so you're welcome for letting me use y'all in the same ways "Johnny Neptune" does… y'all know what I mean…

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283df5  No.276700

File: 8aa9afcd8981715⋯.jpg (58.92 KB, 550x550, 1:1, Occupational_Therapy.jpg)

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20a0dd  No.276702


>I have done more with two fingers today than (You) will do in a lifetime

True. I will never in my lifetime fingerbang a trannie in its boipussy. Weird flex, though.

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cc0b61  No.276749

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cc0b61  No.276750











Controlled opposition glownigger

Nobody talks like this. Go start a fucking tabloid and fuck off with your "Opinions may be safely discarded" MKultra autism.

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2ee5e5  No.276817

Everybody stop responding to this Fed Poster.

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0ecdcd  No.276822

File: 8bb771c7385f2b4⋯.jpg (63.48 KB, 850x400, 17:8, right_crisis.jpg)


Poor Disturbed Sally (or someone with Sally's stance), actually having the gall to apply the "autism" label on someone "else"!

> MKultra autism.

> Nobody talks like this.

(((You))) don't have to look at (((You)))rself as a "Nobody".

Even if (((You))) do, however, (((You))) can always find solace in the clarity that the "Persona" known as –"Johnny Neptune" provides for (((You))) whenever he reminds (((You))) that"NOBODY CARES."


> Everybody stop responding to this Fed Poster.

Your post actually looks like Fed-bumping to me.

I refuse to respond to it.

> inb4 moar "autism"

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8128bb  No.276986

File: e113d0ddc2fe8f4⋯.jpg (127.24 KB, 720x810, 8:9, Fake_Adult_Males.jpg)


> fuck off with your "Opinions may be safely discarded" MKultra autism.

So, the button still works, eh? Cool!

I'll probably push it some more sometime soon…

Be Prepared.

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20a0dd  No.277068



You may not glow, but you are a nigger.

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5aa43f  No.277076


You, sir, are the one that seriously glows.

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20a0dd  No.277082


At least I don't have a smooth brain and I'm not a nigger who sucks kike cock like you do.

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2ee5e5  No.277093

Hi fed poster

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04a02f  No.277098

File: f32a70d24fbbd10⋯.jpg (95 KB, 828x827, 828:827, Yeah_I_m_an_FBI_Informant_….jpg)




newfag proves newfaggery, talks to self, tells everyone else to stop talking to self, bumps thread, and is himself voted most likely to BE Fed ITT.

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5aa43f  No.277116

Unlike most people, I actually remember reading reports during the Bush, Obama and even Trump years about our federal government hiring trolls and propagandists to combat "online disinformation" "conspiracy theories" and "hate speech." Does anyone really believe glow niggers don't get paid to sabotage threads and attempt to discredit those that post about criminal conspiracies? Think about the British government's JTRIG that worked with the US government for example, they too did the EXACT SAME THING and it all leaked out. Spooks are going to spook.


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20a0dd  No.277125

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20a0dd  No.277127


Not Guilty.

Arm up, boyos. It's open season on protestors! Someone protesting something you disagree with? SHOOT THEM! It's self-defense now!

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5aa43f  No.277129


That is NOT true at all. This simply means you can't just attack anyone you disagree with or pose a deadly threat to them without risking the consequences of someone being able to defend themselves with force. The leaked FBI drone footage exposed what the media lied about all along.

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5aa43f  No.277131


People like you will actually go to prison for attacking other people if it is not self defense. Kyle defended himself and that is all there is to it. The evidence proved it. The FBI drone footage that leaked out proved it, it was self-defense, he was attacked every single time he fired shots.

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c0a373  No.277140

File: a964ef00870cb8d⋯.jpg (66.68 KB, 728x546, 4:3, FREE_AS_FUCK.jpg)


This is just not your day, is it, OP?

Is that why you've made yourself scarce today, ''"Johnny"''?

Kyle Rittenhouse found Not Guilty on All Counts!


(((You))) actually make some of Killcen's Conspiritardery look sane. We get it. (((You))) think EVERYONE is a"Fake Jew", out to get (((You))).

Furthermore, (((You))) magnify (((You)))r own importance to such a magnitude that (((You))) actually believe people are "paid" to interact with (((You)))!

Protip: They Aren't.

Oh the levels of irony…


Imagine linking to NBC News, which was so shitty they weren't even allowed in the Courthouse! (You) must be a "Woke" "True Believer".


Idiot Confirmed.




Chimp out about this, or anything else, and there will be consequences. There will always some sort of consequences for all our actions. Not all will agree with the way consequences work themselves out over time, but all will agree that consequences for our actions do exist;' therefore, we should all keep that in mind, whenever we choose to act, and wherever too.

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20a0dd  No.277142




The Proud Boys, right now, are putting on their "Antifa" disguises and getting ready to fulfill Kyle's legacy tonight.


>linking to NBC News

It was a live feed, you moron. But, I guess since it was on NBC and not from the Desk of MyPillow, that means it was fake news and Kyle was declared guilty.

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c0a373  No.277146

File: a4dcece02f798b5⋯.jpg (326.32 KB, 1826x1317, 1826:1317, PicsArt_02_16_08_44_32.jpg)


(You) Antifa types never stop accusing others of doing what (You) (You)selves are actually doing, do you?

Furthermore, (You) blame.

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20a0dd  No.277148


I guarantee you that we will no longer bring a skateboard to a gun fight.

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5aa43f  No.277151


I don't think you understand the point. Due to this court ruling it is better not to pick a fight with fellow Americans and stop being thugs in the first place. Be peaceful and you won't put yourself at risk of dying.

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5aa43f  No.277152


Proud Boys and Antifa are FBI traps. It's best to stay away from both groups if you want to stay out of the prison industrial complex and/or stay alive. ;)

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2ee5e5  No.277179

Who's the Kayleen now faggot.

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00efc9  No.277360

Op is a faggot.

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3b431a  No.283341

File: 89fa0605b8f1623⋯.pdf (1.23 MB, 2022_01_13_Sweet_Butterbal….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

Quietly Posts a PDF

Without Bumping


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707402  No.289075


>Imagine when SHTF and there is no more law and order. These idiots have no idea the HELL that awaits them after an economic and societal collapse.

They think they will me like the madmax punks , roaming around in spiky cars.

In reality they will be marauders that loot and pillage eachother first. until they get to the wrong house and get swiss cheesed.

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05d7a0  No.289098


Everyone here is a larper. The breakdown does not happen overnight, it does not happen right away, but it is a slow frog boil. It all depends on when the break down hits. Break down in the summer? more violence. Break down in the winter? more starvation.

The truth is that during the breakdown, the loss of the infirm and the mentally deficient will stabilize things a lot. Look at how many people have to take insulin and are on government assistance. Those people can not survive outside the system. We spend 21 billion keeping aids faggots a live every year. A breakdown means those faggots, the fat fucks, and all the other vulnerable people die off in 3 months. Combine that with the starvation and diseases from the bodies piling up and there will be a lot of death.

You saw the covid supply chain disruptions. did you know we almost lost the supply chain for cancer and aids drugs? the feeder chemicals all come from china. We almost ran out due to covid disruptions.

It's not the violence that people should be worrying about, it's the lack of food, heat and infrastructure. yet no one preps for those things.

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