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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: b0aa276675b7e07⋯.jpg (25.11 KB, 300x250, 6:5, googad.jpg)

9c8e7f  No.275958

Help promote the anti-Google site that has been banned from almost every platform including Facebook, Pinterest, and Bing powered search engines by posting a banner ad


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d586d5  No.275959

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d586d5  No.275960

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d586d5  No.275961


If you really want to defeat Big Tech, use at least a VPN and install Tor too. Try out multiple alternative browsers, find which ones are the best for you and use those for various online activities. Departmentalization is also key to privacy, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Have two or three alternative non-big tech browsers and use each for different activities. One for shitposting. One for reading news. One for logging into accounts. Etc. Some people like to sandbox those too, depends how far you want to take it. When dealing with any Firefox fork browser learn "about:config" and research how it works. You can learn a lot to harden your browser security and learn to make things very difficult for Big Tech & ISPs to spy on you.

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b6a7ed  No.276006


any 12 year old kid with $100 can enter your network and exfiltrate ALL of your files and personal info

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b6a7ed  No.276008


hint: there's nobody here to read your cliche "advice"

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b6a7ed  No.276009


you're proving EXACTLY why you need to be censored fully

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d586d5  No.276026


All depends how you use computers, really. If you take precautions they could break into your system and not find anything personal at all, simply because you don't have personal data stored there. And sensitive data could be stored on another isolated computer network, or an offline system. Currently I only use this computer to shitpost on 8kun, read news and investigate. It has no camera, no microphone and no speakers. It also has no personal information stored on it. It also has analytic tools to detect nefarious processes or thread creation, which I monitor closely. It also has a reverse engineered registry. I also have tools to wipe out ALL sqlite browser session data, and do it routinely too. Meaning there is nothing of value to steal. Not to mention tools that routinely wipe RAM information, MRU logs, system activity logs, "free space" etc.

If you hacked my current system all you would know is it's got a local routed address and the VPN proxy IP. You would not find anything else of value.

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a885dd  No.276091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Any 12 year old with $49

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a885dd  No.276092

btw, I'm just fucking with you today

I'm just giving you a hard time

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d7aae1  No.276096



Thanks, OP.

Next time link to the "Most Wanted List" instead of "Banners"


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d7aae1  No.276097

File: b0aa276675b7e07⋯.jpg (25.11 KB, 300x250, 6:5, googad.jpg)

File: d56ba5c5860a9a4⋯.jpg (280.12 KB, 1536x736, 48:23, google_employees_min_1536x….jpg)

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d586d5  No.276098


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d586d5  No.276099


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d586d5  No.276100


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02bb25  No.276207

File: 97994e03883361f⋯.jpg (28.5 KB, 300x250, 6:5, Fuck_Google_Anally.jpg)


> FuckGoogleAnally


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a5a0ec  No.276220

File: 68470c6db96eaab⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1417x1186, 1417:1186, Pic_ME.png)

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513690  No.284192

File: bf79ba538efc3de⋯.jpg (28.68 KB, 300x250, 6:5, YES_Fuck_Google.jpg)



Fuck Google.

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5e5f72  No.284237


Aren't you guys afraid of alphabet/google? What if they got all our web history? all our mails, all our android images, conversations and screenshots of everything? Shouldn't we be more careful with how we talk to them?

I bet they could ruin ones entire career.

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53552a  No.284238



Google is itself is getting "f*cked anally".

The Patriot Act and other legislation in conjunction with National Security Letters has f*cked Google and it's relationship with end users.


Requests for undisclosed remote administrative functions, in the name of National Security have pissed you off.

Google never pissed you off. They've been armtwisted and legally bullied into compliance with our tyrannical Federal overlords.

The EU is forcing Google to develop amnesia with it's "right to be forgotten" bullshit and instead of light you get dark.

This shouldn't even need to be said.


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e0dfe5  No.284240



lol u have pics of buttholes on your computer

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416f67  No.284245


And now… So do You!

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aecc80  No.284246


Nah, anyone can use Tor or a VPN or other various proxied networks like I2P or Lokinet. That's not exactly what pisses people off. It's multi-fold: #1 problem is the mass censorship of information the establishment doesn't want out there, #2 they sell your data to other companies to make more money and #3 they bend over backwards to introduce more spyware which the State takes full advantage of. Plus the fact Google is a CIA front company.




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e332ef  No.284254


The voodoo is built into the hardware.

"Undeclared motherboard resources"

You are one loudmouth cocky SOB who is disseminating

bad info.

Go play network security expert elsewhere.

You are on some bullshit.

You are a trip unto yourself.

Please glow elsewhere.

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8b9e00  No.284292


I like Google. They've done me no harm that I know of and much good of which I'm aware.

I wonder if the Masons have ever tried recruiting in Google. I hope so; I admire the Masons.

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91d3ee  No.284297


'roun don't take this the wrong way but, WHAT?

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91d3ee  No.284298



'roun think twice before you play footsies with that bunch.

my 2cents anyhow.

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4e49f3  No.284302


Literally the only brief and sane no-bullshit advice for getting out of big techs largest botnet, without getting into a rabbit hole of specifics that will always have to be hyper-individualised. Bravo for that.

I would say now that its your duty to copypasta that at all normie and upcoming generation places. If you don't, I'll take it a few places.

With two additional sentences, and a searchable term instead of only the general term:

"If you really want to defeat Big Tech, use at least a VPN and install Tor too. Don't use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Brave. Try out multiple alternative browsers, find which ones are the best for you and use those for various online activities. Departmentalization is also key to privacy, don't put all your eggs in one basket. Have two or three alternative non-big tech browsers and use each for different activities. One for shitposting. One for reading news. One for logging into accounts. Some people like to sandbox/multi-account container those too, depends how far you want to take it. Always have uBlock Origin as an add on. When dealing with any Firefox fork browser learn "about:config" and research how it works. You can learn a lot to harden your browser security and learn to make things very difficult for Big Tech & ISPs to spy on you."



JIDF kikes

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8b9e00  No.284304



I speak freely. I see no reason to be afraid of the Masons, who have no place as far as I know in any of these political or conspiratorial sites. They're lawful AFAIK. I'm not exactly intel-informed, but I try to promote societal trust memes rather than submit and humiliate myself in pointless distrust meming. I have enough valid (individual) complaints that I need not fuel hatreds at random.

The Masons are a group that I intend to join if I ever have my own fairly-earned income, as they are a working group. I am still struggling to find the safety and assistance to attend university at present, but I am confident that eventually I will have a prosperous degree. No seeker of useless credentials am I!

So yes, I will "play footsie" with the Masons. If they investigate my case, I may have greater safety thereby. Someone did something catastrophic to me, and nationstate-grade exploits have been used for petty computer harassment ever since. If the Masons ARE an investigatively competent group, I fear them less and love them more. If I can get investigated by the right groups, my troubles will end (or at least reduce), and I will more capably return to a prosperous society.

In the meanwhile, I am fasting and gaming.

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1ecc79  No.284311


>Thinking a death sect cares about you

Don't you circumcised quadkikes ever get tired chewing on rubbery foreskins this hard?

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2f068f  No.284316

I’ll pour grease from a pan down my drain.

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71634f  No.284319


thank you for the reply 'roun.

articulate and insightful as always.

i'll be pulling for you in my corner :)

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cc649c  No.284329


> I’ll pour grease from a pan down my drain.

There is a karmic price to be paid for such activities. There is always a price for clogging free-flowing systems.

You may get to pay that price sooner than you thought.

> inb4 I rent

Not for long, I expect! And it doesn't sound like you'll be cultivating a rental history that is likely to get you into a place where you can clog more drains either…

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a02500  No.284331


It takes a while before it would begin to clog up, but honestly why the hell would you do that? You know there are some "heavy duty" drain cleaners at any local hardware store that can eat right through grease clogs without harming the drain?

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a02500  No.284332


I'm guessing he rents and is pissed off he's about to be kicked out. Typically this is what happens in many cities, people will wreck the property, then it gets reported to the police and a lawsuit gets filed against them, and they are forced to pay for damages or go to the pin. I get it, times are sad. We do live in a very corrupted society. People want to fight back in whatever way they can. Typically they only end up hurting themselves even more. There would be more common sense ways to throw a wrench into the corrupted system, but I can't suggest those as it might be 'promoting' other illegal activity.

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1aa679  No.284372


rentkikes on literal damage control.

Clean up my grease now, kike. lmao

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a6e144  No.284377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia, China, Iran


Call Of Duty? I say nay to such 'call sign.'

Vladimir Putin… Fabricate Fog…

Vladimir Putin… Beleaguered Castle…

?'製造霧' 《被圍困的城堡》?

Xi Jinping… I thank thee greatly…

Xi Jinping… Thy strength shall carry China…

Peace? No…

Until the voice of unity speaks 'GET OUT.'

Until such international organizations and institutions are banished…

Until 'American embassies' are closed.

Peace is 'weapon.'

Peace is 'force.'

Peace is 'death' to the career 'rapists.'

Xi Jinping… 和平是武器。

Xi Jinping… 有了和平,這場戰爭就能打贏……

Xi Jinping… 用和平去殺戮世界的狼……

Vladimir Putin… Отправляйтесь помогать другим народам противостоять гнусным иностранным учреждениям и организациям.

Xi Jinping… 去幫助其他國家抵抗邪惡的外國機構和組織。



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