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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 2e0baecbd1c68ac⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 336x329, 48:47, Real_Revolution.jpg)

File: e2f36001bd1be44⋯.jpg (51.51 KB, 668x374, 334:187, voting_has_consequences.jpg)

File: 1e07314f8433fec⋯.jpg (72.69 KB, 720x712, 90:89, Jesus.jpg)

fde711  No.275795

This is how you conquer America.

You help fund gain-of-function research in another country to create a bioweapon similar to the flu that mutates rapidly. Then you and your crony special interests roll out a wave of new vaccines which have spike proteins that slowly damage the human immune system over time so that these people eventually die from the bioweapon that was released because they're immune systems were too damaged to fight it off naturally. You lobby corrupt politicians and leaders to make the vaccine mandatory. You and your cronies control the corporate media so you silence all dissent and opposition to the vaccine. You silence the deadly results of the vaccine. Same thing with mainstream social media platforms. When the mass die off becomes too evident to hide, then you blame those who refused to take the deadly vaccine. You shift blame to those who resisted your evil. When the vaccine mandates and die offs create supply chain shortages and economic woes, then you blame both the unvaccinated as well as preppers for "hoarding everything." You shift blame to those who also prepared and warned you about all of this. Then you say "for the interest of the nation, we will have to confiscate and ration resources." This will create massive civil conflict, and when some people fight back with force (rightly so) you then shift blame and call them "domestic terrorists." By doing so you create two classes of citizens that war against one another. The result is mass death and economic collapse, a third world hellhole. Destabilization. You then say we need Martial Law! "No more elections, no more Constitution! National Emergency! Military Contingency is now in effect!" This weakens the nation further as many good people in the military defect, bringing their skills (and munitions) into the hands of disgruntled victims (civilians). This creates more destabilization and war, brutal pain and suffering. Then you call for UN intervention (foreign intervention) to "help" and "aid" the country. You give foreign troops the power to seize guns and assets and property in America (a "sweep up"). Once the nation can no longer be recovered, you can sell of all the national resources America has to foreign entities, including the land.

That is how you conquer America.

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ceb01c  No.275797


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c70f60  No.275798


Pretty much simplified the whole thing in one paragraph. You would understand it, if you wanted to.

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c70f60  No.275799

It's the hegelian dialectic for covid and the vaccines. Cause the problem, then propose a 'solution' to the problem you invented, shift blame to undesirables, divide and conquer the population as we are seeing happen today.

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a245ec  No.275801


I love how you people repurpose Trump memes and apply them to Biden. The right cannot meme, only steal and pretend it's original.

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c70f60  No.275803

File: d19b4c6b0a898eb⋯.png (167.76 KB, 500x522, 250:261, corrupt_billionaires_corru….png)


It's just a random meme of many dozens I have. How about this one then?

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c70f60  No.275807

File: b9f97c763d79e92⋯.png (344.53 KB, 516x600, 43:50, 4a0731e66bede270d02298fdc2….png)

File: e9f548b56f2b06f⋯.jpg (71.24 KB, 650x428, 325:214, e9f548b56f2b06.jpg)

File: f2c0b035cf03160⋯.jpg (100.49 KB, 976x734, 488:367, f2c0b035cf0.jpg)

File: e42472ecc99f5bd⋯.jpg (50.16 KB, 600x318, 100:53, Americans_Gaze_In_Horror_A….jpg)

The baked covid with "gain-of-function" research in a Wuhan lab.

Now their feeding it to you with Big Pharma "vaccines" that end up making you more susceptible to that virus.

They profit from it. They also cull and weaken the population, and profit some more as people rely on medical interventions. This also aids their depopulation agenda too as the masses die off quicker and quicker over the next decade or two. Killing two birds with one stone.

Want tyranny? Sure! Mandate these vaccines, then blame the resisters! Blame the unvaccinated for the die off and the preppers for the economic collapse it caused. Next up, target them. Make your enemy be the public enemy. Divide and fucking conquer.

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7b6631  No.275885



Corrode the education system to the low point where Americans become adults who are incapable of differentiating between the words THERE, THEIR & THEY'RE

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7b6631  No.275886


18 months ago I bent over backwards to explain the gain of function research to you

You didn't pay any attention to me

You saw me explaining gain of function, but you didn't think it was important…..

Remember?.. I remember it..

Jerry remembers it…..

Just ask Jerry…..

I tried over and over to explain gain of function research to you, and how important it was to this story

But here you are 18 months later tooting your gain of function horn

you're also making psychotic psychic predictions about Spike proteins killing people in the future

And that's sheer hogwash

You have no medical knowledge about Spike proteins whatsoever, and you have zero evidence to back up your psychotic predictions

Your prediction will be proven wrong, but you'll keep moving the goal post, insisting it will take 10 years for the vaccines to kill you… Then you'll insist it will take 20 years.. then you'll insist it will take 30 years.. and on and on and on

But that predictions never coming true

And you're 18 months late on the gain of function

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86c861  No.275912



ikr? He's like the anti-reddit-spacing-guy.

He's saying:

> create moderate bio-weapon from natural virus.

> create bio-weapon "vaccine" (genetic therapy) that fucks with people's blood and shit.

> bio-weapon(s) cause mass die-offs of grasshoppers.

> Meanwhile, ants were prepping.

> Tell surviving grasshoppers it is the ant's fault.

> Ants were only bugs holding civilization together.

> Some grasshoppers get unbrainwahsed and help ants; most don't.

> Meanwhile Chinese and Israeli dung beetles masturbate to grasshopper-ant fighting.

I dunno that might be a tl;dr I got bored as I was typing.

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a943b7  No.275932



They can't do anything right. An army of boy scouts could do better.

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