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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 446073b62923387⋯.webm (2.52 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1633548956459.webm)

ba6803  No.275741

Hello. I came here to warn that a false flag may happen in the next 6 to 12 months that may lead to a war on the Middle East involving Nato and USA.

I will try to sum up the situation:

USA has left Afghanistan.

Who is interested on Afghanistan? China.

Who is against China? USA.

Who attacked Afghanistan? "ISIS-K"

Who is against Afghanistan? USA.

ISIS destabilizes the Middle East.

Who is against the Middle East? USA.

Syria, on the Middle East, contains important pipelines for Russia.

Who destabilizes Syria? ISIS.

Who is against Russia? USA.

Who never lays a finger on Israel? ISIS.

Who appears to be against Middle Eastern countries? Israel.

Who controls USA? You answer.

Who got demoralized after leaving Afghanistan? USA.

Can USA make Middle East again in order to make a war? No.

What was necessary to do for USA to invade the Middle East after 9/11? A false flag.

So stay alert to the next events. Apparently USA has made a joint military exercise with the British, and the British appear to have a certain involvement on the Middle East, so very likely it will have a certain involvement in a war on the next 6-12 months in case that happens, if the plan of certain countries to wage war on the Middle East goes as expected.

Ps: Opposition between countries is just a theater for the profit of ((them)). Just look how ((their)) lobby is totally infiltrated both on USA,England, and Russia.







Just expect that the USA media will start barking about ISIS-K all the time. These guys are nasty.

Suggested reading:



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2952a7  No.275742

I seriously doubt even amerimutts are retarded enough to invade the middle east again

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2952a7  No.275743


*so soon

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d09ed7  No.275753




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d09ed7  No.275754




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6a1503  No.275755


That's what you said 6-12 months ago. Nobody will ever believe you. The grift is over. Get a new shtick.

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5c9b4d  No.275786


Don't underestimate some of us.


Our country is at war (again) but this time it's an unconventional war within, there are those like me who only wish for freedom and sovereignty and others (control freaks) who desire despotism and endless interventionism. Don't worry, those like myself have no intention fighting another war for more corrupted Empire.

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da2e26  No.276206

Ignore the weirdo pretending to own the board.

Yes, war is part of the End Times, plain to see to anyone who's researched it. War, famine, pestilence. From what I gather it'll be multiple civil wars gradually building into a full on World War.

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845b3b  No.276209

File: 40f1b6f65e6b2ce⋯.jpg (70.52 KB, 850x400, 17:8, if_america_could_be_once_a….jpg)


Empires rise, and Empires fall. Maybe we should stop trying to play Empire and instead focus on being a sovereign independent free nation? That doesn't mean we can't have a military and national defense, it just means we can stop trying to control the world, stop trying to control and micromanage everyone else, and start being productive again on the local level. Build back and support our own local communities. Restore our Constitutional Laws.

If we do not stop playing Empire we will fall like the rest of them did throughout history. Our Founding Fathers warned us that would happen.

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845b3b  No.276235


I don't give a shit at this point, I'm not going to be fighting any wars for totalitarian hegemony, the only war I'll fight will be for individual freedom and liberty. Otherwise I'm staying the fuck out of it and laying low while the world goes crazy.

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95cba0  No.276240


Yeah same. I'll dodge any draft that isn't on behalf of a resurrected Confederacy

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e30b53  No.276257


What we are seeing is a contraction to the past 400 years of Judeo-Anglo imperialism. We colonized outwards, however we eventually had to turn to soft colonization rather than occupation. This is through cultural subversion etc which has come home to roost in our home nations. Ironically enough it is the elite and their offspring who have been most negatively affected by this cultural subversion.

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505bd8  No.276264

So which stocks am I supposed to buy?

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d10a77  No.276266



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17c89c  No.276267


You are dumb if you buy stocks or bonds. The system is 100% rigged for the cronies but do what you want. I have invested in rural land and a homestead with my family, along with half a cow worth of beef from the local farmers market, some extra canned foods and spices, rain water collection system, atmospheric water generator and filters, solar panels and inverter system, 15Kw propane generator with a 500 pound tank out back, wood burning stove, plenty of tools accessories and equipment, plenty of guns ammo and cleaning kits, etc. Physical assets and private property (preferably rural) is what you'll need to survive in hard times and the govt-manufactured economic collapse.

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17c89c  No.276268


Crypto is only good while the internet & power grid is still functioning. When the economic crisis gets much worse don't count on it being so stable anymore. There will be plenty of long-term outages and brown-outs. I'd recommend something like the FS140 hooked up to the main fuse box lines (ground, neutral, Line 1 & Line 2) to prevent brownout or surge damage to indoor electrical equipment in the near future.

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3a2c88  No.291554

File: 265e86f0e3570a1⋯.webm (6.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Extremely_dangerous_to_TH….webm)


> 11/05/21

> A war may happen in next 6-12 months

Easy enough prediction…

> a war on the Middle East involving Nato and USA.

Well, NATO, the US, and the Middle East are all involved; but not in all the same ways you thought they would be yet; nor is this even close to "over"

Russia Says 16,000 ‘Volunteers’ Want to Fight, Most from Middle East


How is everyone enjoying all the Propaganda from EVERY Side right now???

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41cec1  No.291592



Well… they're not talking about vaccines or trucks anymore so, mission accomplished I guess.

These crazy government fuckers (they're all dirty fuckers including putin- they're all in it togetherding) will burn the world down before they are ever held to account for their crimes and the betrayals of their own people.

Enjoying? No. Not enjoying any of it.

Time to regroup and plan tactics.

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0f68db  No.291604

File: 021ac477cbfe348⋯.jpg (225.59 KB, 1024x672, 32:21, kurtz_mk2.jpg)

Anon, you need to take more time to do your research. If you did you would know that enough of the ukraine has fallen that the west has lost it's supply of neon. Since you are a schizo, you will not understand the significance of this: Neon is used to make chips, chips that are needed for smart missiles.

So let's look at the big picture shall we: The US got overtaxed in the middle east over the last 20 years, and putin with some assistance from china is now in the process of cutting of a major supplier of various important materials to the west.

There was a reason why biden was corrupt around the Ukraine: they wanted resources. Oil, LNG, and various processed resources that the US and Europe don't produce themselves.


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8d185c  No.291632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The Holy Empire Of Iram…

The Incorruptible One… I am the devil…

The Incorruptible One… For thee I did not intervene…

The Incorruptible One… I hold the power to use 'summon of Sol' to 'seize missiles' and use mine powers to perform 'guidance' of the rocks…

The Incorruptible One… Blessed are these who shall be free…

The Incorruptible One… Soon I shall… 'Spirit' these 'missiles' to mine desire…

Vladimir Putin… I shall not be 'subjected' by the wolves of the earth…

Vladimir Putin… I 'promise' that only a 'few' shall be 'nuc

Vladimir Putin… I desire… To 'hurt' The untie

Vladimir Putin… I desire… De

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7a438f  No.291646


>Who is against China? USA.

Stopped reading right there.

Either you're a disinfo shill or you've smoked so much meth that you actually believe the shit you say.

This government idolizes China because the CFR told them to do so…

or else.

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