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f1cae1  No.275712

this is how we deal with you "patriots"


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f1cae1  No.275717

welcome to what happens when you decide that you're a "patriot" with a constitutional right to take the law into your own hands….

what happens is we bury you in a prison cell

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f1cae1  No.275719

there aren't any "marauders", there aren't any mobs

you're not a cop

you're not a medic

you're not a soldier

so take your stupid guns…..

and insert them up your ass……

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f1cae1  No.275721

if you think you're going to be

treated like a 'patriot'

you're wrong




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3ae447  No.275723


You are full of shit, there was a mob that came directly towards him and tried attacking him, and he did what he needed to do, shoot back or be beaten or killed.

The fact he was trying to play cop in a communist-run corrupt shithole city during the riots is what got him into trouble. Corrupt prosecutes and politicians.

However, if he were somewhere that had decent leadership, this would not have been a problem. Take that couple from St. Louis during the riots, they're charges were dropped and that couple were able to buy new rifles because Missouri has good decent Americans in leadership! Unlike the commie shitholes.

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3ae447  No.275725


FACT: when you travel outside the cities of Missouri you'll start seeing signs on buildings and some billboards saying "YOU LOOT WE SHOOT!" It's common knowledge in our Free State we have the Castle Doctrine (which communists HATE). The Castle Doctrine gives you the right to shoot someone who attempts to destroy or harm your private property: including B&E attempts, arson attempts, anything that is a direct threat to your private property. It does NOT grant you the right to shoot anyone who threatens another person's private property unfortunately (as far as I remember). But in many, States outside hardcore commie-run States, private property can be defended by means of force. As it should be.

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3ae447  No.275726


Question: in what State did Rittenhouse shoot the violent mob? This will be a tell tale sign whether he can get off with self-defense laws, or not. It really all depends how many commies control that State, as well the judicial branch too. Some States are certainly better than others, far more fair than others.

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fc25fd  No.276143

File: a865c8fff1358c6⋯.jpg (171.06 KB, 2304x1296, 16:9, xm552ivnqtj51.jpg)

The faggots process has begun: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj2asmXcirk

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c259d8  No.276144

File: 2b56bc3d7a65b71⋯.jpeg (119.3 KB, 1024x815, 1024:815, B720FC9F_5AF6_4354_BA84_E….jpeg)


good times

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c259d8  No.276153

File: 28ea22fdf154fae⋯.jpeg (138.39 KB, 664x833, 664:833, 19A4C6C4_DAA1_49D6_9FD6_5….jpeg)

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45b76c  No.276181


The troon that created it is probably contemplating suicide methods as we speak, LOL.

>Just one of the many mistakes that troon made.

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571e78  No.276186


Trial ain't over yet, son.

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616dc6  No.276188


It really should be, and I'm saying that with no bias. I mean the thug admitted under testimony in court that he first pulled a gun on Rittenhouse, before Rittenhouse drew a gun on him and fired back. That is self defense. And that does happen in most self-defense scenarios. The person who first draws a gun is the aggressor, the person or persons who draw their guns on the aggressor are doing it in self-defense. Clearly some Americans do not comprehend the meaning of self-defense. You should because in most areas in the nation (outside a few despotic shitholes) self-defense is completely legal and protected under Constitutional Law. My own State even goes further than that, in my State we also have the Constitutional right to defend our private properties too.

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88f4e8  No.276200

File: 9022adec22a5fcf⋯.mp4 (5.84 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 9022adec22a5fcf9fcf5aa6867….mp4)

Dis Gun B Gud!

Watch the Prosecution finish making Kyle's Defense for' him today!

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571e78  No.276211


>the thug admitted under testimony in court that he first pulled a gun on Rittenhouse

True, but that's not the only charge Rittenhouse faces. He's not just on trial for blowing a dude's arm into paste. There's also the whole, you know, murder thing.

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571e78  No.276212


Should also point out that Rittenhouse already shot an unarmed man in a parking lot prior to the crowd following him. Grosskreutz pulled his weapon on who he believed to be an active shooter. If you shoot someone then run away and someone else draws on you, it's not really self-defense to shoot that person. Rittenhouse already committed a crime by shooting Rosenbaum and you don't get to claim self-defense when you've already committed a crime.

It would be like someone coming to your house with a gun, breaking in, and you pull your weapon on him and he then claims he shot you in self-defense.

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5947d2  No.276213

File: 6ca31a7b2750853⋯.jpg (77.73 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, IMG_20211108_101523.jpg)

Kyle's gonna walk lmao. They had the kangaroo court all lined up and then the star witness admits he advanced on Rittenhouse with gun drawn. It got so bad that the prosecution tried to discredit their own witness

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5947d2  No.276214


The man who was pasted is the same who admitted he drew the gun on Kyle, admitting self defense. And if one is defense, then the rest were as well. The video evidence even corroborated this, as do other witnesses who were brought to testify against him but ended up admitting that he wasn't doing anything threatening before he was attacked. The prosecution's only shot at putting him away (legally) was Grosennose, those who died cant stand to lie in court

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39f03c  No.276216


Self-defense is not considered murder, even if the aggressor(s) are dead. However, killing someone who does not pose a deadly threat to you is murder. So they'll need to have proof that those he shot were not about to attack him. If there is evidence of them trying to mob attack him, then there would be proof of self-defense.

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39f03c  No.276217


>Should also point out that Rittenhouse already shot an unarmed man in a parking lot prior to the crowd following him.

If true and that unarmed man did not do anything to him, that would be murder.

>It would be like someone coming to your house with a gun, breaking in, and you pull your weapon on him and he then claims he shot you in self-defense.

The issue is he was not in anyone's home or private property, this was public square. Plus he was not breaking and entering, he ended up being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Perhaps more Americans should learn to just stay away from the cities at night after this. Yah, many jobs and businesses be damned, but if this is how these cities are then tough luck.

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f3b836  No.276218

File: b2b56a5b8b84b75⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 973x700, 139:100, uncle_joe_biden.jpg)

In other news, Alec Baldwin says a law should be made.

A police officer should be in every movie set that has a gun, dummy or not…

> Because hurr durr only a police officer knows how to safely handle, or be responsible for, a weapon.

> Because hurr durr only specialists, or actors under the guidance of specialists, should be anywhere near a device capable of harming or killing someone

> Because hurr durr "Guns Are Killing People!" They have got to be stopped! Only by placing all responsibility for societal safety in the hands of an "outside force" can we be safe from this threat that guns ARE. amirite?

Personal Responsibility should be more widely cultivated.

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9592bd  No.291435

File: 383726f8d610d62⋯.jpeg (138.4 KB, 1061x1544, 1061:1544, JoyousSmile.jpeg)


> LOL this thread sure did age poorly

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9592bd  No.291436

File: 7335d598c47f025⋯.pdf (388.29 KB, 2022_03_10_Watch_LIVE_Ritt….pdf)


🦀 Crab PDF 🦀



> 2022-03-10_Watch-LIVE_Rittenhouse-Goes-To-Prison_in_johnny_neptune-s_wet_dreams_from_8kun_pnd_2022_11-05_No.275712.pdf

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571e78  No.291441


>this thread sure did age poorly

Like his mom.

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67e39a  No.291446

File: 2f731d40a166f19⋯.jpg (345.51 KB, 1028x1236, 257:309, Ron_Displays_Persona.jpg)


> Like his mom.

(You)r's thinks (You) should find something better to do with (You)r time and energy than playing board games as a BO or BV on a Mongolian Deep Sea Basketweaving Forum.

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