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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 4234e67ccf1b885⋯.png (683.57 KB, 1080x1281, 360:427, PicsArt_10_19_11_39_11.png)

b82afb  No.275612

Welcome To 8kun AGAIN

Notice how SALLY is the only one in here who's


now, he's the only person in here who

wants to be made an example of….

we've noticed that you've ceased the sideshow act, and are now effectively blending in…



We're Proud of You….

We Knew You Could Do It

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b82afb  No.275614

File: 857e44876a084da⋯.png (440.87 KB, 1080x1281, 360:427, PicsArt_10_11_07_52_00.png)

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b82afb  No.275615


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b82afb  No.275620

Marshmallow Sally can lick my feces-encrusted balls clean

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b82afb  No.275621

I guarantee you that if I met Sally in real life

and I pretended to be his friend

I could unzip my pants


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b82afb  No.275622

He'd dutifully clean all of Wendy's dried feces off my scrotum

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b82afb  No.275623

IGUARANTEESally would suck balls

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b82afb  No.275624

I've fucked enough women in my life

to know a ballsucker when I see one

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479820  No.275626

File: 4276f4bf039da97⋯.webm (462.82 KB, 240x360, 2:3, Big_White_Cock.webm)


he's been licking killcen's nutsack all day, and i only stirred the /pnd/ a teen tiny bit.

I know he prefers BBC, but I have a white one, so…

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b82afb  No.275631

I know a greasy stinking nigger who REALLY wants


outta Marshmallow Sally

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b82afb  No.275632

He's an ex-golden gloves boxer who went into MMA competition, and he's GAY AS FUCK

and extremely EXTREMELY violent……..

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b82afb  No.275633

His name is Van……

and he likes to physically assault guys

then sexually assault them

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b82afb  No.275634

Van saw Marshmallow Sally's photo

and instantly wanted to rape him

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453a03  No.275636


Killcen here, listen up Johnny.

Purplefag, although could be a bit annoying, wasn't as bad as Sally. Purplefag actually got the hint and decided to leave because he knew this wasn't his own blog and he couldn't control us or censor us or shut us up. He actually GOT IT and he did the curtious, and just left. For that, I don't consider him a bad guy. He just got the wrong ideas about this place and us is all.

Now Sally, on the other hand, is rude! He thinks this board is his own blog, he's openly said it. He thinks he can just routinely bump all his threads to slide other threads and comments. He thinks we should just "shut up" and be good goyim, and let him do all the thinking and talking here. We know how this ends. And THAT is just one fucking thing that AIN'T gunna ever happen!!!

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453a03  No.275637


I would love to see someone like Sally in the real world, he would not be able to get along with many people at all, and a lot of people would think he's a total queer. I could just imagine some 40-something year old asking Sally on the street "hey, why don't you come hang out at the bar with us tonight, we gonna drink us some whiskey and catch us some foxes to settle down with!" And Sally would hesitate, but he'd go to the bar with them out of peer pressure. And when Sally sat down at the bar stool with the guys to get some whiskey, Sally looks over and whispers to the guy next to him "that bartender….. I thinks she's a Fake Jew! She looks Russian! Oh my God, I think we're in a bar with Trump supporters look at those MIGA hats they're wearing at that table! Oh no, these people are all Russian agents dude, they're trying to steal our group secrets and steal our conta-! …." *SMACK* "What the hell you talkin' about you crazy dork!?"

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b82afb  No.275638


The guest formerly known as PURPLE


he didn't leave….

he simply started fitting in

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b82afb  No.275639


Sally wouldn't last 5 minutes in the real world

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b82afb  No.275640


And I think we all owe the guest formerly known as PURPLE a big pat on the back

Unlike Sally, he actually LEARNED

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453a03  No.275642


My new poem about Sally. How do you like it?

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143272  No.275645

File: d94b2092ad4ebaf⋯.webm (1.21 MB, 360x360, 1:1, Not_a_Fucking_Joint.webm)


Purple, like Sally, probably thinks that we are an organized consortium of trolls, but I like to think of us more as addicts, trying to protect the "quality" of the particular substance we are addicted to.

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b82afb  No.275647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


hahahaha YESSS egg zack lee

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453a03  No.275648

Dear Sally, a poem, to you.

Sally the Marshmellow went on a hunt for Fake Jews

then one day be became unglued and started attacking the news

the Jews just laughed, as they became more rich and fat

because Sally did their job to hide the truth

then one day, everyone went away with only Sally here to stay,

but when the economy collapsed, and most died from the vaxx,

Sally was off to the gulags to be another labor slave,

on his way he cried all day, wondering what happened in dismay

if only Sally were to pay attention and prepare,

he never would have ended up a shithole over there,

and he'd protect himself with care, bugging out rural elsewhere

ready to die on his feet for freedom without begging for welfare

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b82afb  No.275650


not bad … …..

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d91359  No.275653

>we're making an example of you by crying about you

fuckin hell you people are clinically retarded

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5adfdd  No.275670

File: bd03036a493a9e7⋯.gif (445.96 KB, 300x186, 50:31, this.gif)


>The guest formerly known as PURPLE IS STILL HERE



>Purple, like Sally, probably thinks that we are an organized consortium of trolls.

More accurately, I consider it a 90% probability that this thread is all the samefag, like laying a spiderweb, just waiting for the next anon to come in here to let you play good cop bad cop to feel like you've trolled another person and further established your personas. which is how you have fun. I get it. But 10% maybe you are all different; like Quantum theory the world is based on probability, not on absolute truth.

Heil Hitler

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453a03  No.275673


>I consider it a 90% probability that this thread is all the samefag

Yah, that's what Sally thinks too and he's delusional. He just said, by the way, that he "conquered /pnd/" last night tooLOL!wew, whatever that means! I do notice 8kun has their DDoS shields up now so maybe Sally's trying to recruit his comrades at 4cucks to bot the hell out of this place. Don't know, don't really care.

So if you want to understand /pnd/ don't bother, no one really knows it's a circus around here. Johnny Neptune is a POS troll, Jerry is the Giraffe memeing Linux-obsessed former-LSD head hippy gone conservative prepper, me (Killcen) a doomsday prepper homestead enthusiast (who Jerry & Johnny used to troll back in the days of /n/ 8chan) and there is you and Sally (he's delusional, he thinks he owns /pnd/ now, he thinks he's the Antichrist out to destroy the Western World and he's always going off about Trump, Fake Jews, Israel and Russia, he also larps as a HAARP operator too and says the world will be destroyed unless we surrender "Fake Jews"). That sums up /pnd/, it's a fucking clown show on acid, cocaine, whiskey and hemorrhoids!

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fb075c  No.284116


nice cock.

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9fdab2  No.284128



>That sums up /pnd/, it's a fucking clown show on acid, cocaine, whiskey and hemorrhoids!

sounds fun though.

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5a45e2  No.284188

File: 0062a546bce0632⋯.webm (5.46 MB, 640x360, 16:9, fat_nigger.webm)


> sounds fun though

Sounds can he deceiving.

And they don't always mean what we think they mean; any more than any of the other meanings we attach to other data-sets gathered by our perceptual tools.

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