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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 785fe4222a6987c⋯.png (9.9 KB, 320x214, 160:107, cpk.png)

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473120  No.273382

This thread is dedicated to the brave forces of the Khmer Rouge who fought for an independent, socialist Cambodia free from the clutches of Western and Soviet social imperialism.


>Population of 1975 Cambodia: 7.524 million

>Population of 1979 Cambodia: 6.77 million

>Most modern (((Academic sources))) claim that the Khmer Rouge killed 25% of the Cambodian population

>25% of 7,524,000 million is 1,881,000

>7,524,000 - 6,770,000 = 754,000

>7,524,000 / 754,000 = ~10%

>How the fuck did pol pot kill an extra 1 million people out of thin air?

>This is also not to mention the massive bombing campaign lead by America which destroyed the infrastructure and agriculture of Cambodia, causing famines and leading to the deaths of 750 Thousand cambodians

>To say this was all Pol Pot's fault is literally retarded.

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3a2f32  No.273384


Socialists & Commies Will Be Obliterated.

We Prefer FREEDOM.

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473120  No.273623

File: bbd85fadfd1a3df⋯.png (40.89 KB, 787x489, 787:489, dcc6d3k_d064bc1b_0395_4442….png)


Kill yourself amerimutt, you are a subhuman creature with no concept of decency or humanity. Your institutions are all tirelessly aiming to create the perfect urbanite golem mystery meat abominations and you accept this as "Freedom". You will never life in a high-trust socialist agrarian community. Kill yourself.

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1455aa  No.273628

File: 40f1b6f65e6b2ce⋯.jpg (70.52 KB, 850x400, 17:8, if_america_could_be_once_a….jpg)

File: 628ea5837a95747⋯.png (870.63 KB, 718x531, 718:531, THEY_SAY_I_M_CRAZY.PNG)


I agree. Enough centralized control. This has been proven time after time not to work throughout human history.


You may understand some of the modern problems but you don't understand the entirety of the situations or corruption behind it. Read here: >>273624

If we actually want to end the problems they are the opposite of what corrupt politicians, central bankers and governments are calling for. We need to reduce dependency on the current system, we need to go back to traditional living and domestic production, we need to go back to local economies and cut out the middle men and bad actors. Everything in the current system we depend on is run and controlled by the oligarchy & crony governmental interests, calling for more of that does absolutely no good.

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8c7384  No.273647


Alas, communism won't solve any of those problems. Whereas, agricultural co-ops can and historically have thrived under our existing system.

So you can take you raging mad jelly and go stand on the peanut butter line and hope they haven't run out by the time you get to the front.

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d34a83  No.273685


I bet you have undeniable "proof" that ancient Cambodians were Caucasoid whites, too, right?

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