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File: 7d038203b248341⋯.jpeg (54.4 KB, 722x1280, 361:640, 9C6F435E_A752_404C_8532_2….jpeg)

627996  No.273206

Im a transgender girl and im bisexual

Ask me anything.

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363820  No.273208


So who really convinced or influenced you to mutilate your body based on the false assumption that you are someone you naturally are not? Was it the corporate media? TV? Public educational system? Government officials? Psychiatrists? Hospitals?

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bf6dc3  No.273215

File: db664e0b7eab392⋯.jpg (46.99 KB, 700x686, 50:49, No.jpg)

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a5f345  No.273233

Fuckin' 8Coon Faggots ain't asked OP toLEAVEyet?

That's what I'd be askin'…

For faggot OP to leave!

It has to go back.

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dd48d7  No.273252

Take a timestamp handwritten note picture; or you're not real and just a troll.

always happy to discuss and preach against transexuality with transexuals in respectful form. if it's sincere.

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c5578d  No.273305

File: e96abc72ef3849a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1024x898, 512:449, 83b.png)

What video streaming platform do you plan to use when committing suicide?

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6b0a58  No.273542

is there any corner of the internet where you're not compelled to impose yourself? representation is one thing, but what you're doing is more like saturation. you can't let anyone even get away from your narcissistic deviance. it's basically an agenda of endless harrassment upon the entire population. then you complain of abuse & discrimination. well no shit. nobody would bother you if you just minded your own grotesque demented business in private

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bf6dc3  No.273546


You literally just described /pol/fags, Furries, MAGAts and White Nationalists.

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66efd2  No.273548


And you literally just described /leftypol/, Antifa, trannies and SJWs too. Everything on the internet has become a safe space for political ideology. Name one place on the internet that is not.

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bf6dc3  No.273552


Well, first of all I didn't describe anything. As for the rest, I'm not the one crying like a little bitch that he can't scream "NIGGER" on Facebook.

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66efd2  No.273553


I would never be stupid enough to make a Facebook account. Try harder statist shill.

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bf6dc3  No.273561


Nigger, please. You're the whiniest, most snowflake, pearl clutching SJW baby on all of 8kun. I'd bet my entire liquidity that you have not only a Facebook account, but at least 5 sock-puppet accounts to make it look like you have friends.

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6b0a58  No.273575


>You literally just described /pol/fags, Furries, MAGAts and White Nationalists.

if you say so. meanwhile this is a thread about asking a tranny anything

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