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My name is Nate Higgers

File: de064fc224f63c5⋯.png (11.56 KB, 868x146, 434:73, neptune_cant_spam.PNG)

File: 7c8350980b4e636⋯.jpg (34.39 KB, 700x420, 5:3, johnny_neptune_having_sex.jpg)

128ad4  No.273160[Last 50 Posts]

"Johnny Neptune" got rekt in debate, trolling, and now spam. That fake Jew is inferior in every way.


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ce19a5  No.273199


Johnny Neptune shilled for the covid clot shots and is likely now among the many millions across the country developing blood clots dying in crowded hospitals suffocated with a ventilator. You'll likely follow his fate in the near future. Enjoy the collapse of the Western World.

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b9f686  No.273242

File: e69e6600aee98a8⋯.png (527.13 KB, 418x581, 418:581, purple.png)

What's up StayDefeated Anon.

Does using one of my posts in your OP picture mean we're friends now?

You get a chance to check out Mein Kampf 2.0?

Our discussions are actually in the book itself as a dialogue.

Every time Johnny Neptune stops posting after I yell at him, I start to feel bad like I hurt his feelings. I don't understand how he spends hours talking to himself in a single thread . lololol.

and that other spammer too. Seriously, what is the motives of these people? I would love to know who exactly it is behind the keyboard and why they decide to spend hours of their life posting randomness every 40 seconds for 3 hours.


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128ad4  No.273247

File: 67db5739ee33a26⋯.jpg (883.66 KB, 3635x2362, 3635:2362, purpleanon_maymay_min.jpg)

File: d9d2a9fa553966f⋯.jpg (386.81 KB, 1125x1047, 375:349, moarpheus_purpleanon.jpg)


I don't think of you TRSodomites/Stormkikes outside of trolling you.

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b9f686  No.273248


that's pretty mean thing to say bro.

do you consider the fact that you are actually a mean person?

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128ad4  No.273249


I don't feel Zio-Bolsheviks deserve any courtesies.

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b9f686  No.273251


Bolshevik? I'm a NAZI. They fought against the russian communism…

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b9f686  No.273253


you know I put one of our conversations about the JQ into my book right? as a dialogue.

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128ad4  No.273254


False dichotomy. Only Zionists profited from the Nazi VS. Communist theater. And you also happen to be a Zionist, right? Imagine that..

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b9f686  No.273255


> And you also happen to be a Zionist,

I'm against Islamic governments anywhere outside of Arabia. What's the difference?

You think all (fake) jews are the highest form demons. I get it. I disagree, but i understand your perspective; and you'd be right if it is true that all jews are demons. I just disagree; but don't doubt my good intentions.

do you want to literally make life a living hell for anyone who self-identifies as a jew? police state subjugation or whatever? or how far do you take it? do you mix the children in with it all?

you make everything a spiteful hateful crud-talk fest. just pin down our disagreement and let it be from there.

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128ad4  No.273256


What they've done to mine is done to them. That's their desired law and I am no respecter of persons but I hate the scepter of peace.

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b9f686  No.273257

File: 4e82a1a6e2804de⋯.jpg (21.21 KB, 500x500, 1:1, natsoc_tough_SS.jpg)


>What they've done to mine is done to them.

Right. You pin the crimes of some jews upon every jew. Just being clear.

I disagree on that judgement, but it's nice just to know where we disagree.

If you're correct, and we're damned if we don't destroy the jews ASAP; then you're going to hav a huge problem with people like me who are determined to protect good jews out of morality. Like, I'm willing to go to all out total war. I will never have the white race be responsible for such crimes. What's your plan. We're just at war?

If I'm wrong, that would suck. But really, you'd be better off less throwing insults and instead trying to talk cooly and logically. This hateful spite is no way of convincing someone.

YOU REALIZE. I want to hunt your kind down, as reposonsible for the white race I can not let you do horrible crimes in our name. You have the most dedicated of enemies. You will not spoil white man's reputation with your jew-derangement syndrome. Not on my watch. You ready for war?

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128ad4  No.273258


There are many Jewish groups and lobbies. Their interests are wide ranging, from pro-Zionist to anti-Zionist, from promoting Jewish culture to seeking to understand non-Jewish cultures.

Name a Jewish group protesting against European Genocide by way of mass third world migration in both Europe and America.

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43d658  No.273259

File: 8765a8081634d35⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1324x1066, 662:533, original_natsoc_vs_neo_naz….jpg)






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128ad4  No.273261

File: 52058c77a65ea25⋯.png (183.94 KB, 1346x291, 1346:291, _gdl_rejected.PNG)


You can't name a single Jewish group opposing White Genocide because there are none. However, there are many non-Jewish groups supporting the well-being of Jews, especially Christian groups. Our relationship is not only one-sided but your side is abusive towards ours. There are no "Neo-Nazi/Skinheads Alt-Right" outside of what Jews themselves construct and orchestrate so they can complain about "Neo-Nazi/Skinheads Alt-Right" – Weev, Anglin, GDL.. I can go on and on.

>pic related

We have always wanted moral and virtuous cooperation between our two peoples but yours prefers debauchery and corruption only to make temporary financial gains. Morality and virtue for your people are employed only when convenient.

Surrender your people and we will protect you in Palestine but not at the expense Palestine.

Surrender your people and we will protect you in Diaspora but not at the expense of your host nation.

Refuse, in your obstinate arrogance, and we will annihilate every Jewish man, woman, and child, or even the totality of the human race if necessary, save those whom HaShem commands us spare.

I was sent here from another place to do war.

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b65ca0  No.273262


>save those whom HaShem commands us spare.


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128ad4  No.273263

File: 6877d9bdedce041⋯.jpg (63.76 KB, 638x476, 319:238, hillary_wink.jpg)


He hasn't given me any names so far.

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c5d849  No.273273


> I was sent here from another place to do war.

(((You))) have to go back.

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128ad4  No.273291

File: 57f51f250e36f6e⋯.png (802.87 KB, 732x892, 183:223, kvetching_kike.png)


Not this time around.

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34f650  No.273306


>He hasn't given me any names so far (of "jews" who we shouldn't hurt)

hOW about someone like Emil Maurice? let's start there.


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128ad4  No.273327

File: ae1213b05df6ed0⋯.png (73.24 KB, 340x311, 340:311, Abaddon_believe_it.png)


>Emil Maurice

He's dead so I guess he's a "good Jew." I'm kidding.

Remind me again how WW2 ended. Did Hitler and his "good Jews" win? Or did the political Zionists win? Aren't you a political Zionist also? Such a strange cohencidence…

We won't be making the same mistakes Hitler made this time around. Believe it.

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ed5fe4  No.273329


you dodged the question. Someone like Emil Maurice, with a single jewish ancestor, a great-grandparent. What's your policy?


>He hasn't given me any names so far.

I just gave one.

So what's your policy on people with a single jewish great grandparent? Meaning 1/8th jewish. go ahead

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128ad4  No.273331


I've given my policy many times. Self-identifying "Jews" are liars. They are not genetically Jews, they are not historically Jews, and they are not spiritually Jews. They are liars. There are no good liars. We will not be making the same mistakes Hitler made. Self-identifying Jews have no place in politics, banking, or media.

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ed5fe4  No.273332


>I've given my policy many times.

–No you haven't. You've been vague.

So anybody that has a single great-grandparent which was a self-titled jew: You hunt down, arrest, and kill? That's your policy? If not, then what?

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128ad4  No.273333


We're not talking about the "sins of the father." If you identify as Jewish, whether of the Zionist or Communist or Bolshevik or mystical sort, you're a liar and a bad person. But it won't matter, anon. It's the fake Jews themselves who will segregate themselves from good society, they will imprison themselves, and they will kill themselves. A new set of global laws will ensure this outcome, and the handful who avoid the snare will live their lives enjoying the same dignity as everyone else.

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ed5fe4  No.273334

File: 8a550d352f52e06⋯.gif (1018.44 KB, 250x250, 1:1, panda_oh_no_no_no.gif)


>stop being vague


>(jews) will imprison themselves, and they will kill themselves. A new set of global laws will ensure this outcome, and the handful who avoid the snare will live their lives enjoying the same dignity as everyone else.


ok WHAT set of global laws? just spell it out for me.

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128ad4  No.273335


(((They))) can't succeed without crime. They're natural criminals. Political corruption, subverting religious institutions, harming society with divisive propaganda and PSYOP, perverting our financial system. So we make strict laws against each of these things. We outlaw lobbying, propaganda, PSYOP, etc.. If any individual is found corrupt within the sphere of politics we execute him or her. If any individual subverts religion we execute him or her. If any individual runs PSYOP against the public we execute him or her. And so on. How many "Jews" do you think then will remain in politics, banking, or media if they can't subvert and co-opt?There will be no "But Moshe was a good boy who dindu nuffin!" neither will there be riots or "kvetching." By the law we will separate "good Jew" from "bad Jew." And this will be an International affair; there will be no sanctuary for the criminal kike or his golem.

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ed5fe4  No.273336


so what of self-titled jews who have not been caught in any crime? they get to live free?

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128ad4  No.273337


It's not so much that they aren't caught. See, that's the criminal mindset. If you aren't caught there's no crime, right? The fake Jews have used the Intelligence apparatus to spy on non-fake Jews to ensure we don't revolt. We will use that same body of intelligence to ensure that not only are they not being caught but they aren't committing any crimes, not so much as a harmful tweet. They will live in an international police state. Those self-titled jews who follow the law won't be bothered.

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ed5fe4  No.273338

File: 85768a68c4b8c47⋯.gif (3.03 MB, 359x202, 359:202, wow.gif)


>The fake Jews have used the Intelligence apparatus to spy on non-fake Jews to ensure we don't revolt.

Are you saying you're a real jew anon? and your hostility toward fake-jews comes from them impersonating your people?

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128ad4  No.273339


Have I said that I'm a real Jew who is hostile towards fake-jews for impersonating my people? Strawmanning me now? I said they're fake Jews. Simple as that.

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3e591c  No.273340



>to spy on non-fake Jews to ensure we don't revolt.

this "WE" implies that you're a non-fake jew. or did you mean something else by this?

>Strawmanning me now?

Never. I'm a sincere debater. Maybe I'm wrong about some things, but I'm no manipulative type, or troll. I just seek the truth.

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128ad4  No.273341


I just meant fake Jews wage war against all other peoples. As to who the "real Jews" are I think that's a matter for the future to investigate.

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2798ed  No.273342

File: 0f282236e644699⋯.jpg (41.54 KB, 494x622, 247:311, radical.jpg)


>They will live in an international police state.

where? if your angle is that they're fake jews; then why not just turn them over to whichever their true race is, and let them decide what to do with them… aka National Socialism.

>Those self-titled jews who follow the law won't be bothered.

Thank you. That was my major issue, and maybe I misunderstood you at first. White man can't be perceived as punishing people before they commit a crime.


>As to who the "real Jews" are I think that's a matter for the future to investigate.

IMO, I think none are left. But many are hung up on it. Particularly the ashkenazis, and a growing following of blacks calling themselves Black Hebrew Israelites claiming the true mantle of the ancient jews.

When coming to the issue of "everybody go to their native land and mind your own business" it brings to the forefront the problem of family traditions of people telling them this or that. the only solution i come up with, is to let people work it out for themselves in conflict with each other on the land they claim is theirs by nationality. otherwise, you come to the problem of telling people their family tradition is wrong, not just with the case of jews but anybody. if some negroes want to claim they're the true swedes, then let them go to sweden and debate with the other swedes; for example.

What's your solution to that aspect of National Socialism? I'm assuming you're a national socialist or at least allied with the ideology. Or if you have a different type of National socialism, then tell me.

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128ad4  No.273343

File: 1f7da0678dbb1e2⋯.jpg (333.94 KB, 2014x1018, 1007:509, mfw_her_fate_is_sealed.jpg)


Because they don't respect race. When it suits them they're white, when it doesn't they're Jewish. And besides: They're mixed race and have no ancestral homeland.

Most will not survive the coming war against them and the remaining will be divided between only a few countries. They not be permitted to engage Zionism but they will also not subvert their host nation. They will live and die common, uneventful lives which will not be theatric. Or they will be executed.

In only a handful of generations even the self-identifying Jew who obeys the law will not exist, because from those "good" Jews comes the bad ones… every single time…and we will erase the entire bloodline of the next Soros or Rothschild. They rely on subversion of law to maintain their existence, just like they rely on racemixing to maintain their genetics. Without the ability to subvert of mix they're already dead.

Their fate is sealed.

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2798ed  No.273344

File: a55c38e40f5cdf1⋯.gif (2.73 MB, 600x396, 50:33, lonely_train_pepe.gif)


> They're mixed race and have no ancestral homeland.

You don't respect patrilineal ancestry then? If a German man has a son by a negro woman, or non-white whoever; you say this patrilineal brother of ours, (assuming you're German), is no longer one of us? And if this half negro son of his bred with a German woman to have another son, then this one again with another German woman to have another son; who by this time would look German and be only 1/8th negro; would you tell me this patrilineal brother of ours is not German and has no ancestral homeland in Germany?

There is a sprectrum to the response to these questions, and I'm just wondering where you fall.

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128ad4  No.273345


Europeans mixed among their own, Irish with German for example, are European. The offspring of a German and a negro is neither German nor negro, but a living dilution of both - he is mixed. In the future, miscegenation will be outlawed as a crime against humanity.

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2798ed  No.273346

File: 85d2f8809848b13⋯.png (405.21 KB, 824x452, 206:113, ClipboardImage.png)


>The offspring of a German and a negro is neither German nor negro, but a living dilution of both - he is mixed. In the future, miscegenation will be outlawed as a crime against humanity.

I might refer you to my book Mein Kampf 2.0 then, pages 88-90, which addresses explicitly this issue. TLDR: My advocated policy is unilineal ancestry determines race, and racial purification is possible through viewing race-mixing as ethnicity mixing rather than race-mixing.

What policy do you advocate? Are you German, btw? Or do you associate more closely with one specific white race? Or do you just consider yourself European like how you described? Do you know your patrilineal descent? (assuming you're a male)

Mein Kampf 2.0


pages 88-90

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128ad4  No.273347


>viewing race-mixing as ethnicity mixing rather than race-mixing

Pilpul is not representative of the truth.

>What policy do you advocate?

Ethnicities of the same race (i.e. Norwegian and French) are compatible. Mixing outside of one's race (Negro and Welsh) is detrimental.

>Are you German, btw?

French, Swedish, Scottish (dad's side). English and Irish (mom's).

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2798ed  No.273348





Is there a reason why you keep using jew-associated words?

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2798ed  No.273349

File: be15bda9df3fe92⋯.png (1.42 MB, 768x1000, 96:125, ClipboardImage.png)



Mein Kampf 2.0


pages 88-90 (1/2)

More on this train of thought, is the deciding factor for when someone mixes in such a way that they are no longer to be considered members of White National Socialism. My policy hope for Baden in this matter has much to do with the difference between race and ethnicity. There are some out there who only believe in the existence of ethnicity, and they call it race; and to them there is no difference. They believe that when someone race-mixes, that they become a mixture of the two with no identity. I do believe that race is the body, while ethnicity is the clothing. Race is unilineally determined. the native ethnicity for Baden is White German. However, if a racially Baden man were to breed with a racially black woman and have a son, though while that son may be black ethnically, he would still be racially a Baden. If that man had a daughter with a black negro woman, then she would instead be racially a negro. To look at it another way, it is my belief that the woman is like the soil in which a seed is planted. When that seed grows, if it is a male then it is a continuation of that same seed of the father. If that seed grows into a woman, then it is like a continuation of that same soil of the mother. In this way, it is my belief for my people that each of us has one true race, which never changes, even though our ethnicity may change. This is the theme of unilineal descent. I place an extremely high value on this type of descent as the defining factor of identity.

Throughout history this type of descent has been a main theme of many peoples. In the same way that cousins are less closely related than brothers, so the same that patrilineal lines are more closely related than with the matrilineal lines they are attached to who may be of an entirely different race. The policy I want for Baden, is that we organize ourselves as far as possible into patrilineal and matrilineal lines as the core of our smallest National Socialist groupings. It is my belief that the purest form of Badens are those who descend from us unilineally. It is in this sense that I desire to define my people. If you are a Baden by unilineal descent, then you have membership in our Baden National Socialism no matter what your ethnicity, and no matter how many generations you were mixed in that ethnicity for. However, the central lands of Baden should be under the authority of those who have the native ethnicity of the Baden race, which is white and German. Those who are of unilineal Baden descent, but of a different ethnicity would take positions of authority in the border regions of our lands. Those who are not Baden by unilineal decent are not to be considered racially Baden, even though they might be ethnically Baden. These people would have much less authority in the Baden social structure, if any, and should actually be encouraged to seek out their true racial identity in the native lands of their true race outside of Baden. However I do not take the stance that these people should be punished or deported. They are to be considered biological guests of our ethnicity, since they are related to us by blood, yet not by race. I do value them like family, but recognize their roots come from another place.

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2798ed  No.273350




Mein Kampf 2.0


pages 88-90 (2/2)

I do value them like family, but recognize their roots come from another place…

Now let us speak of the possibility of ethnic purification. Should someone be considered forever to be denied authority in the central regions of Baden? It is my opinion for my own people, that if you are a Baden by race, then even though mixing may have caused your ethnicity to change and thus lock you out from authority in the central Baden region, still ethnic purification is possible. Ethnic purification can be accomplished through many generations of breeding within the Baden ethnicity, so that eventually the Baden ethnicity could return to your children. The point of return would be decided when your generations become indistinguishable ethnically from other ethnic Badens, paired also with two unilineally Baden parents. At this point you would have purified your ethnicity and be considered a pure Baden once again, and thus be given authority as full member in the central regions of the Baden native lands. The details of how this system would work can be worked out by the intellectuals, but it is enough that I touched on it here. This stance, I feel is a defining theme for Baden National Socialism, and I do recommend it for all the white nations. If we were to be so strict as to exclude anyone who has ever mixed even one drop from another ethnicity to be excluded forever, then there might be very few if any Badens left. This is not to say that pure Badens are not valuable and to be held in high regard, and their children much sought after for re-purification purposes; still it is my belief that unilineal descent is the sacred connection for us all, to be considered of equal value no matter what our maternal mixture. It is a view of the far right on this issue of “not one drop” which I do disagree with, and which is why I place myself in the middle of the spectrum on this issue. It is not my intention to get into heated arguments with the people of other white nations to also take this unilineal policy, but I am strongly clear with my own people of Baden, that you will not exclude our unilineal brothers and sisters from our National Socialism, and I am in fact willing to go to civil war with my fellow Badens who might fall on the extreme right and challenge me on this, if they are not willing to compromise. I myself have patrilineal brothers with a different ethnicity, and so I will not allow you to make them feel like they are not one of us, or to harass or shame them.

Again, the policy of National Socialism towards civil war within a nation is that you are to stay out of it if you are not part of that nation. Do what you will with the far right in your own white nations, but in Baden, if it does come to civil war with the far right on this issue, then I expect other nations stay out of it and to let us Badens handle the matter ourselves. In the same way, even as a leader of White National Socialism, I would not get involved in the civil wars of other white nations.

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2798ed  No.273351


>Mixing outside of one's race (Negro and Welsh) is detrimental.

I agree to an extent; but I don't agree that it's a permanent detriment…via racial purification.

I also believe intermixing the white races is similarly detrimental but much MUCH less so; and many of the sub-white races have historically been hybrids and intermixed with each other, and in that case even that much more less so.


>French, Swedish, Scottish (dad's side)

do you know which is your patrilineal source? if you can go back far enough it's always just one.

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128ad4  No.273352


You fancy yourself Jewish, right? I like speaking in terms we're both familiar with.


>via racial purification

True. In the near future we'll need racial purification, but once miscegenation is placed under the ban and the last mixed-race abomination dies we'll have racial purity.


My father's line was started by Charles XIV John, a Frenchman, with a Swedish woman.

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2798ed  No.273353

File: 193d8387af6ec96⋯.jpg (132.87 KB, 500x251, 500:251, very_nice.jpg)


>You fancy yourself Jewish, right?

quiet. im not jewish. not a drop. deal with it. im German.

>My father's line was started by Charles XIV John, a Frenchman

Charles XIV John. from Pau, within what was the state of Gascony, France. Near the Pyrenees mountains. My philosophy is that you go there; and organize among your peers in Gascony until you've worked things out and chosen a leader or representative. Likewise, I go to Baden in Germany and organize with my peers until we have a chosen leader/rep. Then the chosen reps of all the different areas of France meet and do the same thing to choose a leader/rep; same with Germany and all the other sub-white races. Then those leaders/reps meet with their regional counterparts to choose still further leaders/reps; if union is even possible. Germany and France used to be one nation, one hybrid race of German/Franc/Celtic, before Francia split up; and so the German leader would meet with the French leader; and if one or the other will have it, then there will be a single leader of both Germany and France. So on with all the other races until the regional leaders all meet together and, if it can be done, choose a single leader for the entirety of the white race.


>True. In the near future we'll need racial purification, but once miscegenation is placed under the ban and the last mixed-race abomination dies we'll have racial purity.

vague. does the ban apply to interwhite sub-race mixing? what's your version of racial purification? I'll give you credit, your ideas are well thought out. keep going. i enjoy informing myself with the spectrum of ideas from well-thought-out people. please continue; since you haven't published a book for me to read.

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2798ed  No.273354


>Germany and France used to be one nation, one hybrid race of German/Franc/Celtic, before Francia split up; and so the German leader would meet with the French leader; and if one or the other will have it, then there will be a single leader of both Germany and France.

actually, it's more complicated than this. but you get the idea. it'd probably be best to keep Germans and French separate. French lore claims to be from Troy; which I believe; and once the Turkz are GONE from Anatolia, the french should move back to their Native land and reform the Byzantine State.

but again. many people in both Germany and France, are different combinations of Celtic, German, and French, and Roman. Racial purification is needed to untangle that mess; and then the true french can return to Troy, whilst the celts stick around to make a new Gaul.

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128ad4  No.273355

File: 1881ed89d2275b5⋯.png (158.14 KB, 527x351, 527:351, muh_war_face.png)


>im German

My mistake.

He can not come by way of election because the majority, especially the well intended, are corrupted either by Zionism or Bolshevism. So he will rise by power of the minority, through war and leading into war. It's about divine right, but first mimickers and copycats have their hour to prove to that very same minority that their mimicking and copying can't compare.

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128ad4  No.273413


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da229e  No.273432


What? You didn't really reply to anything I said, so I thought the conversation was over.


>(the leader of all whites) can not come by way of election

I didn't say election, but just implied a group gathering. So I agree with you. The alpha of a pack is not chosen by vote, but it just becomes slowly apparent to all the obvious choice as his superiority wields itself among his peers… what you would call divine right. A measure must be added at the end of this process to quell trolls who would make a disturbance against any leader that arises simply from jealousy or from being a race-traitor.

But even with the leader of all whites; each region should have their own local leader; chosen in the same way. I do believe the local leaders must come first before the Leader of all Whites can be found amongst them. A leader allows a region to be communicated with like a human intelligence.

In your case; your local region is Gascony. Mine is Baden.


>but once miscegenation is placed under the ban and the last mixed-race abomination dies we'll have racial purity.

My entire close family is white, non-mixed, but I have 2 distant cousins on my Patrilineal line: one mixed with a ashkenai "jew"-ess, and another mixed with a negro. What is your policy toward them? Many other whites are in the same situation. Again, what policy exactly do you advocate toward patrilineally white men mixed with a non-white?

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128ad4  No.273435


Before fake Jews started pushing immigration coupled with race-mixing propaganda families policed their own people. Race-mixing was shameful and community disgrace prevented it. The concept of "family" has been degraded. We should take pride in our household, raise our children to be better than we were – more educated, more class, more virtue. When the concept of family is elevated racemixing won't be an issue. As for an ashkenazi "jew"-ess and another mixed with a negro this is a failing of the entire family. Mixed-race offspring comes with any number of physical and mental defects. Mixed couples are selfish and aren't thinking about the next generation, which is again a failing of the whole family. But if it's a failure of the family then it's also a failure of government which is supposed to promote healthy family values through media.

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da229e  No.273436

File: 12800c45d0fe92a⋯.png (33.07 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, white_national_socialist_f….png)


>Again, what policy exactly do you advocate toward patrilineally white men mixed with a non-white?

Again, what POLICY exactly do you advocate toward patrilineally white men mixed with a non-white?

I advocate school segregation and the loss of their power in the central capital regions of the race, whilst they run the border regions as a buffer state against race-mixing. And of course, I believe in a path toward re-purification for their children, which I already laid out. This is MY ADVOCATED POLICY. What's yours?

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128ad4  No.273437


Preventing race-mixing is the obstacle. Jew-ISH persons are the only pseudo-race I care about limiting within government, media, banking, and so forth. This generation of race-mixed individuals will one day die off, and the next will not be mixed, permitted we're successful in re-dignifying the family. And the few who slip through the cracks will be the insignificant and disgraced minority, as they once were. Nature will work itself out.

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da229e  No.273438


>Preventing race-mixing is the obstacle. Jew-ISH persons are the only pseudo-race I care about limiting within government

So describe to me the life my distant half jewish patrilineal cousin would live, according to your advocated policies?

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128ad4  No.273440


>half jewish

He wouldn't work in politics, lobbying, news or media. Your cousin would be under State surveillance, like every other fake Jew, and the moment he ran propaganda designed to weaken the State or any class or race therein, or otherwise commit any other act of subversion, he would be blackbagged in the night and never seen or heard from again.

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da229e  No.273441

>Your cousin would be under State surveillance

vague. describe the extent of that surveillance?

>He wouldn't work in politics

I actually agree with this. the jewish race is controlled by an elite that are in declared war with National Socialism, and often their organized crime falls in line with the stereotypical ways you describe. Thus, until they stop persecuting Hitler and National Socialism, they should not be in any leadership positions. But this same idea would apply to any race that generally declared a state of war upon us; and I wouldn't consider it an anti-jewism of any sort; but just an anti-enemism.

But my policy is to give them their piece in a border region of Baden, to form their half-jewish community. and there they could participate only in their half-jewish community politics.

Just to feed your rage. Let me also state, that I would advocate propagandizing against race-mixing with jewish races; precisely for the reason that they have declared war with us and it's not a good idea at the time. But this same idea would apply to any race that generally declared a state of war upon us; and I wouldn't consider it an anti-jewism of any sort; but just an anti-enemism.

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128ad4  No.273442

File: 322a2bf50cbf4b1⋯.jpg (134.77 KB, 1086x983, 1086:983, chabad_NSA.JPG)


>vague. describe the extent of that surveillance?

The same extent that fake Jews use on everyone else right now. Every text, every computer, every Tor exit node, every VPN, every private proxy.. all cyber activity would be monitored. All offline activity would be monitored. If your cousin so much as posted a pro Zionism or Bolshevism meme on 4chan he would be taken.

Anyone who declares war on us will be met with war unto total annihilation. I don't agree with segregating fake Jews into their own state. As long as they're under our laws they're subject to our prosecution.

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da229e  No.273446


>All offline activity would be monitored.

vague. describe. cameras in their houses? what?

>I don't agree with segregating fake Jews into their own state.

Do you believe in partitioning the land of Gascony to local communities that are native to specific regioins of Gascony… like your Pau region? If so, then where would the half-"jews" live? If not, then what is your cut off for partitioning the various white races into their various locals, if not as local as Gascony and Baden…?

and what of re-purification? What of Emil Maurice? What of 1/8th "jews"? 1/16th "jews"? 1/32nd "jews"?

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128ad4  No.273448


>vague. describe.

We would hold them to the same standard as any other potential terrorist.

>If so, then where would the half-"jews" live?

You can't be a half Jew. To self-identify any portion of yourself as Jewish is to embrace a lie. You aren't a Jew in whole or in part. "Half Jews" have chosen to embrace the lie of Jewishness and will therefore live under the same ban as "full Jews."

>What of Emil Maurice? What of 1/8th "jews"? 1/16th "jews"? 1/32nd "jews"?

They will be held under the ban.

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cc2c08  No.273450



You two will do nothing of the sort. If you ever consider trying to bring that level of tyranny to America you will deserve being shot and killed.

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da229e  No.273451


Is it possible for me to ask to stop being coy, and just give me the information I'm looking for; rather than me constantly having to refine my questions to slowly squeeze it out of you? You're smart, you know what I'm looking for. Just out with it already.

>the same standard as any other potential terrorist

What standard is that?

>To self-identify any portion of yourself as Jewish is to embrace a lie will live under the same ban

>(anyone with "one drop") will be held under the ban.

What of people with "jew" ancestors that recognize it is a lie and don't self-title themselves jews any longer?

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128ad4  No.273455


I don't know what you want me to say. There's roughly 20 million "Jews" world-wide. They will be taken and sent to only a few countries. They will live under so many laws that for them it will amount to an International Police State. They will be monitored by the Intelligence Agency of their host nation in cooperation with the United States, permitted the country survives these next 10 years. They will be treated like potential terrorists. Each and every one will be monitored, like we monitor potential Jihadists living in our countries.

>don't self-title themselves jews any longer?

The study, practice, and teaching of Talmud, Kabbalah, Judaism, and "esoteric Judaism" such as Western Occultism will be outlawed. Secret societies, like the Freemasons, will be outlawed. Anyone participating or teaching these things will be blackbagged. If you're of fake Jewish descent but aren't engaging these practices or studies, and you aren't working to subvert, then you may be under surveillance but not bothered.

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be223b  No.273459


>The study, practice, and teaching of Talmud, Kabbalah, Judaism, and "esoteric Judaism" such as Western Occultism will be outlawed. Secret societies, like the Freemasons, will be outlawed. Anyone participating or teaching these things will be blackbagged.

Slippery slope. What of freedom of religion? Have you any experience with children to know that if you make something "off-limits" it attracts them to it and risks them hyper-focusing on it?

I like to research all things, and would like to read the Talmud, Kabbalah, whatever. Are you going to ban the books?

What you propose is unenforceable except through a slippery slope police state on our own people.

What you propose is tantamount to exactly what the "jews" accuse NatSoc of in the holohoax. Do you even believe it was a hoax?

And what if, in Baden for example, we decide on a different policy? We let half jews live in their corner of Baden; free from tyranny. Are you going to invade us and attempt to subjugate our patrilineal ashkenazi "half jews" by force?

My national socialism makes it clear that in Gascony, do WHATEVER YOU WANT with "jews". Each nationality deciding its own social policies. What is your take on different white nations having different policies than your draconian ones?

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128ad4  No.273464


>What of freedom of religion?

Judaism isn't a religion. It's a cleverly disguised system for subverting nations.

>Are you going to ban the books?


>We let half jews live in their corner of Baden; free from tyranny

Did they let half Europeans live in their corner of Europe; free from tyranny?

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be223b  No.273467


>Did they let half Europeans live in their corner of Europe; free from tyranny?

I don't care what other people do. I do what's right by God.

And thus I ask, would you invade Baden? Sir Gascony

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cc2c08  No.273468


You and what army will enforce this? Do you have the man power, arms and wealth needed to change the nation in such a way? It's taken Bolsheviks decades to finally fully take America and undermine our Constitution. That also was aided by powerful foreign entities (and not just Jews but many international power brokers including from Europe, China and Russia). Decades of subversion and infiltration. The only way we are going to fix this, in my opinion, is to wait out and survive the collapse, and protect our communities. And it's up to average Americans what new Constitutional protections reforms we will put into place. I'd like to see a ban on dual-citizenship, term limits for all representatives (and mandated public contracts for all representatives to outlaw lying on campaign promises), abolishing and outlawing all central banking activities defining it treason, abolishing all modern gun control laws, legalize whistleblowing in government and institutions to prevent and punish corruption, I'd also like to see the public school system reformed or better yet abolished and parents re-organizing local homeschooling networks all across the country. There are many reforms possible that would completely prohibit the ability to corrupt a system so deeply. But it won't be up to a dictator or totalitarian government, it will be We The People that restore and reform Constitutional law AFTER this current hellish corrupt state of affairs collapses from insolvency and policy failures.

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128ad4  No.273473

File: 00e690c80005842⋯.jpg (164.43 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, black_and_gold_war.jpg)


God is a God of justice. The Synagogue of Satan will get exactly what they've given others.


Why do you make this about me? What I've outlined is the only reasonable solution to the Jewish Problem that doesn't involve genocide. This is the future whether someone like myself or a better man realizes it. And if the United States stands in the way, God forbid, it will be God Himself who destroys us so that this outcome might be produced. My army is the Heavenly army, the damned my Legionnaires.

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be223b  No.273474


>it will be We The People that restore and reform Constitutional law AFTER this current hellish corrupt state of affairs collapses

quiet "muh constitution" anon. the adults are talking here.

as much as I disagree with anti-jew anon here; still, he appears to be somewhat reasonable; unlike you. i already shut down all your constitution crap. you were unable to follow along. go read the constitution section of my book again.

im sure nothing at al could go wrong with all the millions of complex ways you want to reform your constituion! yes go get al that passed by a legislature. hilarious. serious. leave. we don't have time for children in a serious discussion.


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be223b  No.273475




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128ad4  No.273476


>will you retaliate if we protect terrorists

Yes. That's what you're really asking, right? If these "Jews" can live happy lives so long as they don't subvert or practice subversion, Judaism included, then what do they need protecting from exactly? You want to protect subversives? Then you are a subversive.

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cc2c08  No.273477


If you don't support the US Constitution, the freedoms and sovereignty America was founded on, you are not going to get much support for your cause around the country. You'd be better off begging Antifa commies in the cities to join your efforts. Good luck with that.

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be223b  No.273478


>what do they need protecting from exactly? You want to protect subversives?

The hypothetical scenario I'm giving you here…

…is that someone DISAGREES with you; if you can't wrap your head around that.

And for example, if in Baden, we disagree with you; about considering them terrorists. And we protect them from people like you who want to tyrannize them; and they have their own little place in Baden.

>If these "Jews" can live happy lives so long as they don't subvert or practice subversion

they'd be under the same laws as anyone else in Baden; not permitted to commit crimes. But they'd live as free as anyone else in their little half-jew enclave in Baden. No police state. just regular people.

>i'll retaliate if you protect terrorists

So yes, according to YOUR OPINION, we'd be protecting terrorists. So your saying the case would be war with Baden in such a scenario?

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cc2c08  No.273479


I was just curious about the larping here is all. Anons may call me a coward for prepping for SHTF, but at least I am prepping for war and conflict and getting ready for these hardcore scenarios. If we want any chance to save and reform this nation then we need to be ready for the worst to be thrown our way (because it will be!)

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be223b  No.273480

File: ea83736d275026c⋯.png (24.2 KB, 744x1340, 186:335, trollin_fail.png)



This is one of "Johnny Neptune" personaes that hyper focus' on prepping and constutioin and SHTF. He gets his giggles by disrupting conversation by acting like a tard. Ignore it.

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128ad4  No.273481


>…is that someone DISAGREES with you

That's irrelevant. Do you think the majority.. the billions of regular people… will disagree once they learn all the fake Jews have done against them? They will call for blood. And without my solution they will have it. There will be a legitimate holocaust, one that actually happens. And it won't matter if you're a religious Jew, 1/4 Jew, a self-hating Jew, or whatever. They will tear each of them apart. As the world falls further into political anarchy there will be no law enforcement or military capable of stopping them.

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128ad4  No.273483



So yes, in such a scenario there would be war. If you can even call it that. Imagine 3 billion people around the world hunting a mere 20 million "Jews." It wouldn't really be worthy of being called a war. It would be a slaughter that would end within 30 days.

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cc2c08  No.273484


Go ahead and LARP all you want then, faggots. You're losers.

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be223b  No.273496

File: 444fb6748b86d49⋯.jpg (4.84 KB, 226x223, 226:223, tips_fedora.jpg)


>So yes, in such a scenario there would be war.

Well, I mean, what can I say? You have to do what's right according to how you view things. I understand. But yet, there would be war between your kind and mine. You want to make one of my patrilineal brothers live a life of a living hell, and then invade our OWN lands on top of all that? After being given the courtesy and respect to persecute jews on your own Gascony soil?

>That's irrelevant. Do you think the majority.. the billions of regular people… will disagree once they learn all the fake Jews have done against them?

–LOL. It's like a foreign concept the idea to you that someone disagrees with you, and doesn't see that same process of reasoning. It's a shame, that you can't process a better solution for disagreements, which will come in all shapes and sizes within the white race, not just this topic; you throw away a lot of potential allies; we agree on so much, but just this one topic, and you decide to invade Baden lands to enforce YOUR opinion. How would you feel if Badens invaded Gascony to FORCE you to treat better your half-jew / half-Gascons? I honestly suprised you can not see the beauty of National Socialism in this regard.

>There will be a legitimate holocaust, one that actually happens

In Gascony? I'll cringe, but I wouldn't interfere with your national homeland.

In Baden? Well, then I guess I'll just see you on the battlefield then.

haha, laughing at the idea of you trying to torture and police state surveil my 20 year old cousin who is just a run of the mill normie that hasn't hurt anyone.

Nobody would agree with you on any of this anyway. None but bad jews larping as jew-derganged nazis with the sole purpose of making nazis look bad by giving them a bad rep. you'd think your role playing your fantasy real-halocaust, without realizing that all your nazi friends are larping half-jews getting ready to hang you at the right moment the larp has finished its usefulness.

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128ad4  No.273497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're welcome to disagree. I'm only saying that regarding this it doesn't matter. Look at what I've done:

Zionism is dead. It's not a solution. We used Trump to ensure this outcome.

Nazbol is dead. It's not a solution. We used ecelebs to ensure this outcome.

National Socialism is dead. It's not a solution. We allowed Hitler's failure to ensure this outcome.

Judeo-Christianity is dead. It's not a solution. We allowed the smoke of Satan to ensure this outcome.

There is no place for (((them))) to hide, no hole into which they might scurry. The future will unfold as I've said or 20 million +/- fake Jews will perish. I care not which outcome present itself.

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128ad4  No.273499

File: eb8322a258373fb⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 224x150, 112:75, goodnight.gif)

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be223b  No.273500


>National Socialism is dead. It's not a solution. We allowed Hitler's failure to ensure this outcome.

What ARE you then? What do you call your ideology? Or, assuming you'll answer something vague and "I have no label"-tier answer; then what would other people call you?

You seem like some kind of nihilist. This whole time I thought you were on board with a NatSoc view.

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128ad4  No.273502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


i told you before that i came here from another place to do war. what is it my business which cube people box themselves into, whether natsoc or libertarianism or communism? these cubes are unfolded and laid bare; i have murdered these systems. you advocate for your cousin who has bothered no one but what about those europeans attacked by his type who have no idea of the true war being waged? it's a little too late to claim innocence now. it's true that i did come here from another place and i am here to do war and i have already begun. and when this all over i will take my own into a place the others cant go.

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be223b  No.273503


>assuming you'll answer something vague and "I have no label"-tier answer


>gives me EXACTLY a vague "i have no label"-tier answer.

maybe elaborate more later, after you've gotten some sleep. heh, you love making me refine my questions when you already know exactly what I'm asking. You just want me to ask it specifically in the way you require.

What government system do you support? start there

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128ad4  No.273504


I want all people healthy and not attacked by fake Jews. You only want to label that very simple and reasonable agenda so that you can slither in, the fake Jew, and say

>I'm here to help!

Just like Emil Maurice and the others.

I told you that I've destroyed all "outs" for your so-called people. You may surrender or go to war with the world. But the Jewish State in Palestine will fall first and soon.

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be223b  No.273505


>so that you can slither in, the fake Jew,

oh so we're back to that now. lol

being anti-jew is an idea. you're on that. but your idea of government is next important because it guides you on how to apply that idea; and also guides me on how to proceed next in our debate. but if you refuse to answer and just accuse me of being a jew; then i guess this conversation is over.

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128ad4  No.273506

File: d9d2a9fa553966f⋯.jpg (386.81 KB, 1125x1047, 375:349, moarpheus_purpleanon.jpg)


I know exactly what you are. In regards to government, the nations of this world will be shattered. Hasn't this already started? You want to debate what exactly? Things already in motion?

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be223b  No.273508


>refuses to answer what system of government he supports

Means you don't have a thought out answer, and can't defend it. so you just refuse to answer. understandable.

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128ad4  No.273510

File: 5f56e65388d9871⋯.jpg (2.22 MB, 1784x2256, 223:282, PurpleAnon_Maymay_1.jpg)


I don't support any of man's systems. We will shatter the nations, destroy many people through war, natural disasters, sickness, and hunger. We will erect a New World Order. And we will teach the people how to govern themselves, which won't be such a difficult thing, once you fake Jews no longer exist in this reality but live behind prison doors or the grave.

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128ad4  No.273511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Have a nice night.

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73b7cf  No.273545


Are you actually suggesting government wants people to govern themselves? I'd agree it's a damn good idea anon, but governments are notoriously corrupted and used against those who break away from their lust for population control. As for the "New World Order" well the neo-con Zionists have called for the same thing. It's the same thing as their "UN Agenda 21", "Green New Deal", "Great Reset", "Build Back Better", "Sustainable Development" bullshit. All of that is the same damn agenda to destroy our way of life as well make people fully dependent on government. Heck, even a few of my lefty-slanted friends know their agendas are the opposite of what they claim to promote. If we want to stop the corruption it's more than just the Jew/Zionist problem that needs to be addressed, it's the human nature to corrupt and the addiction to power grab, if we can adopt a set of policies to prevent that then Constitutional reform would work well. Think about term limits and a total ban and crackdown on all political lobbying, donations or "gifts" or "job offers" (aka bribery). Think about banning foreigners and dual-citizens from working for government. Think about abolishing central banking and restoring real currency of value and a real market of fair competition and consumer choice (opposite the rigged stock market). Think about making it impossible for any official to simply dictate policy too, make it so any damn law or regulation must pass a majority vote from the States, or better yet, each State decides whether to adopt such law or not, and we could add further stipulations to prevent abuse too. As for those "fake jews", anyone who tries to subvert or undermine the US Constitution should face serious consequences for doing so, as in, prosecuted for treason against America. Do away with them in that fashion, lynching upon military tribunal. This can be done, We The People simply need to organize, demand it and enforce it after the current corrupted system collapses. I think you will witness many Americans who agree with such reforms too, those who end up surviving the collapse that is.

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128ad4  No.273563


Governments exist to ensure that the People can govern themselves. This includes protecting the People from foreign and domestic threats. The "governments" we have now are not governments but enemies of the People. They control the theater of politics in which you may vote for one of their candidates while enjoying the illusion of choice. They control media and news which are nothing less than propaganda outlets. They control finance and investment, you are a slave to capital and the lack of it. And it just so happens that "they" are and have always been "Jews."

In regards to the U.S. Constitution, it's only applicable to those citizens who choose to live under its authority. Jihadist sleeper-cells, for example, are not given Constitutional protections because they're enemies of the State. The same is true of those belonging to the Jewish identity.

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128ad4  No.273699


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128ad4  No.273786

File: a44db18bf96101f⋯.jpg (113.83 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, goals_redhead_2.jpg)

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128ad4  No.273831

File: 1fa2ecfa59b7832⋯.jpg (141.92 KB, 700x693, 100:99, goals_184.jpg)

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