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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 6bd5ec830c2f42e⋯.jpg (27.65 KB, 750x660, 25:22, cowboy_advice.jpg)

021270  No.273136

“What did the president tell us? ‘If I was in charge of the law, you’d be in jail,” Mr Griffin. “Ok, Mr President, you were in charge of the law for four years. The only ones that were locked up were men like me and others like me that have stood by the president the strongest.”

The founder of Cowboys for Trump turned against former president Donald Trump at a QAnon conference in Las Vegas over the weekend.




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021270  No.273211


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021270  No.273320


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3bd42c  No.273357

Look, y do fags believe in this Q shit? It’s the boomer equivalent of old Pol. But atleast pol was right half the time. As someone who was there and reflected. It’s almost certainly some kind of psy op. And do you guys really think Watkins is smart enough to pull it off? He almost certainly would have left too many bread crumbs. The Q shit is over. Get over it boomers.

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021270  No.273411


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021270  No.273785

File: 1d4e72f3cbfaab7⋯.jpg (223.67 KB, 1080x1067, 1080:1067, goals_redhead.jpg)

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021270  No.273827

File: 8dfa7e3931a3213⋯.jpg (511.09 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, goals_two.jpg)

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