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File: f2c0b035cf03160⋯.jpg (100.49 KB, 976x734, 488:367, f2c0b035cf0.jpg)

42bfb6  No.272833

Major US Cities Risk Losing One-Third Of Their Police Forces Due To Vaccine Mandates

As crime rates surge, so are vaccine mandates — and resistance by police to those mandates. That means major cities across the United States risk losing one-third or more of their police forces, hesitant about getting the COVID-19 clot shot.

In Chicago, more than 4,500 employees of the Chicago Police Department — about one-third of both officers and civilian employees — refused to disclose their vaccine status. Mayor Lori Lightfoot and the city’s Fraternal Order of Police are in a political standoff.

Chicago Fraternal Order of Police President John Catanzara said last week, “It’s safe to say that the city of Chicago will have a police force at 50% or less for this weekend coming up.”

A real disruption also soon could hit Los Angeles, where the city’s vaccine mandate deadline is in December. Last month, employees of the Los Angeles Police Department filed a federal lawsuit opposing the city’s vaccine mandate. Likewise, Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva told The Associated Press earlier this month, “I don’t want to be in a position to lose 5[%], 10% of my workforce overnight.” He added that he won’t enforce the county-level mandate.

Two-thirds of Baltimore Police Department employees got at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, below the Maryland state average of 85%, Baltimore’s WJZ-TV reported. Those numbers are similar to Chicago’s.

Baltimore police union leader Sgt. Mike Mancuso wrote to members: “Until the city responds to our right to bargain these issues, or the courts intervene, I suggest you do nothing in regard to revealing your vaccination status, as it is outlined in the city’s policy.”

At least 150 Massachusetts State Police officers resigned ahead of the state’s vaccine mandate, NPR reported. Eighty-five percent of the State Police officers are vaccinated.

The Washington State Patrol has objected to the state mandate there, and on Monday, lost 53 civil servants, along with 74 commissioned officers — 67 troopers, six sergeants, and one captain, The Seattle Times reported. That came after a viral final sign-off on Friday from one Washington state trooper, who told Washington Gov. Jay Inslee what he thought of the mandate in no uncertain terms.

Meanwhile, the Seattle Police Department lost more than 300 officers, USA Today reported. Tuesday was the deadline for Seattle municipal government employees to comply with the vaccine mandate. Seattle Police Officers Guild President Mike Solan said he anticipates another “mass exodus.”

Oregon State Police troopers sued to stop or delay the mandate, but lost in state court on Oct. 7.

“This is more than just police officers,” said Johnson, the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund president. “We are seeing this among firefighters and teachers. These mandates were not well thought through.”

Enjoy the collapse.

US Soldiers Speak Out: America Is Under Attack, Prepare Yourself Now!


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52b9e8  No.272837

major BLUE cities risk losing….. FIFY. Only Clutish Covidiot Cities could be so dumb.

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aeec07  No.272846


>more than 4,500 employees of the Chicago Police Department

Oh, cool. 4500 job openings!

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42bfb6  No.272850


With no one in their right mind who would want the jobs, go ahead and sign up if you want to live in those shitholes that have a hard-on to hate cops.

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42bfb6  No.272856


The mass exodus already began in 2020, I never lived in a major city but back in mid-2020 I did move more rural investing in a homestead with my daughter and her husband. It paid off pretty well, no tyranny out here in Missouri, most people mind their own affairs and ignore the whole scare tactic bullshit and go on with their lives as usual.

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5f7140  No.272943

I live in the Chicago area and crime is really as bad as they say. My social worker who directly works with the popo said that crime has doubled. So this is coming from someone who’s job is in part to know this. Chicago is essentially a no mans rape land. Sure certain parts are not as effected as others. But those parts are still way worse. Pretty much the good neighborhoods are the equivalent of the old Meh ones now. And that’s as good as it gets. Essentially you have to always watch your back now. I always bring my trusty 5 inch knife when I go into the city now. Never know when you might need to stab. Before some liberal cuck says what is a knife going to do against a gun? Better than just bending over with no lube faggots. The only somewhat okay spot is where all the cops live. And I still had to intervene while some honestly likely Rapugee men were trying to gang rape a bitch that ended up coercing me into oral sex no joke. God I hate this world. Not that I minded it tbqh. And on top of it one of the guys said he was a “firefighter” that was trying to rape. So like, so much for public safety.

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aeec07  No.272983


So, whenever you go into the city, you bring a knife and look for someone to stab … and you don't think that makes you literally part of the problem?

Chicago is fine. Per capita, Chicago is 17th in crime. Albuquerque, NM is #1. Why don't you fear monger against them?

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aeec07  No.272984


Here's the breakdown:

Per capita, Chicago:

Murder - #17 (St Louis, #1)

Rape - #35 (New Orleans, #1)

Robbery - #8 (Baltimore #1)

Agg Assault - #21 (Detroit, #1)

You don't know anything about Chicago. I bet you're a teenager from Elgin.

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42bfb6  No.272989


What is it with people like you not understanding the meaning of self-defense? Have you ever been a victim of an attack? Pretty damn sure if crime keeps going up and up while we face shortages and hyperinflation, you will at some point living near a populated area.

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6914a4  No.272998

Here are some rants: https://ufile.io/9jy5f3ba

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07a780  No.273097


Which is why it would be better to simply live in a big town rather than a city at this point if you can manage moving. A town with around 10,000 pop are usually pretty decent, lower crime rates, depending the State.

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7ac5e8  No.273117


In the ideal world yes, I would love to look for and stab people like you. But sadly this is easier said than done. I don’t give a fuck what your cuck statistics are. And the fact you are comparing Chicago to Meth head cities that were always shit to begin with. >>272984

For one I am from Niles which is on the border you faggot. 2ndly Niles crime has literally doubled. I know this for a fact as someone from the Niles Admin told me. He said people are walking up on people in their yards and robbing/attacking ect. This was unheard of before. But Wicker Park, a whole neighborhood. Is gone. Go out there at night and see how well you fare fruitcake. I got G checked for trying to record a drug dealer being robbed for World Star. I won’t even go back. And even in Edison Park. Some (((diverse))) individuals were trying to gang rape a chick they likely drugged in the washroom. Not a single off duty pig stepped in to help. Either not there and didn’t care. And this whore was a literal back the blue bitch. Where the fuck the police now? But no me, the schizopho’d. Had to Beta check roughly 8 individuals. Man I love the cities cultural enrichment. Even people I “know of”. Told me the city is fucked. These are people you would be too much of a pussy to even talk to. So fuck off faggot. If you want to prove who is better. Let’s meet up for mutual combatants. I’ll show you what’s up. And if you are a glownigger. Don’t even ask about me. You will rock the boat at best. They hate interacting with me.

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07a780  No.273118

Civilized society is completely collapsing. It's only going to get worse from here on it seems. USSR-style.

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aeec07  No.273120


You're not only a liar, but you're stupidly bad at it.

>I know because someone told me

Was it Nikki Minaj's cousin's friend?

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5fff9a  No.273125


It was your mother in bed last night.

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07a780  No.273130

File: 46831bd423a28d2⋯.jpg (188.28 KB, 600x450, 4:3, Spread_Out_Cans.jpg)


Here’s an example of “filling out” a shelf that would otherwise look empty if not for all the cans of chow mein being spread out.

Making the fake food supply chain collapse scenario even worse, Joe Biden is threatening to force truck drivers all across the country to take the covid clot shots. According to The Epoch Times, nearly one-third of truckers might just quit rather than get jabbed.

Enjoy the collapse.

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07a780  No.273131

File: a8cfcf0f95e2b31⋯.jpg (162.69 KB, 600x620, 30:31, Fake_Food_Grocery_Shelves.jpg)


They risk more than just losing residents and tax payers, they risk losing food too!

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aeec07  No.273132



That shit ain't from America. Nice try, faggot.

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07a780  No.273138


It's coming to America too, you are being warned. I don't give a shit if you don't prep and choose to starve.

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5fff9a  No.273155


We won’t run out of food. It will worst be just enough food to eat lol.

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aeec07  No.273164


>It's coming to America too

No, it isn't.

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aeec07  No.273165


We'll be just fine. Don't worry about what's happening in 3rd world shitholes like Venezuela and the UK.

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e53cd6  No.273166

Maybe a few chimp outs will bring some people back in this dead shithole…

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aeec07  No.273171


Just get a smug white cop to slowly kill a black man on camera and keep his job. But, the winter months aren't very conducive to chimps being chimps.

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68d96a  No.273187

"But when


a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing

invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce

them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it

is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to

provide new Guards for their future Security. Such

has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies;

and such is now the Necessity which constrains

them to alter their former Systems of Government."


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68d96a  No.273188

"But when


a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing

invariably the same Object, evinces a design to reduce

them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it

is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to

provide new Guards for their future Security. Such

has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies;

and such is now the Necessity which constrains

them to alter their former Systems of Government."


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82062b  No.273189



A lot of people now living in third world shitholes could have never imagined living in a third world shithole in their past…. until their environments finally changed for the worst. Just like lot of people in Portland, Oregon would have never imagined their city being destroyed by riots, crime and lawlessness almost a decade ago. In fact, it is very normal for human beings to deny threats facing them, because it acts as a psychological defense mechanism. By finally realizing that, you too, are just as vulnerable to the consequences of systemic corruption and irrational authoritarianism, your psychological defense mechanism begins to break down. Most people cannot handle this, they turn to alcohol and drugs. It's a very real pain, intense fear causes causes cortisol levels to rise in the body, and that re-wires the way you think leading to a 'human survival mode' of precaution taking and thinking. Prepping. The ironic thing is, the whole breaking of the psychological defense mechanism has both positive and negative side effects. The negative is you have to combat and confront unwanted knowns, a lot. You'll realize just how damn vulnerable you are and your society around you is. How dangerous and deadly things can really get. The positive is by prepping, it will begin to gratify you, you'll learn to start mitigating those threats one by one, one step at a time. Over the years, you'll get better and better, and think of new backup mitigation techniques for each and every threat. You'll also learn to cope with inevitable death much better. You'll learn to embrace the fact that you too will die at some point, but at least standing your ground and not being subjugated. That's a great feeling that will overcome all the fear and evil.

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aeec07  No.273190


>people in Portland, Oregon would have never imagined their city being destroyed by riots, crime and lawlessness

You have to step out of your bubble of confirmation bias. Portland is a gorgeous city. Just because you only choose to look at a few blocks doesn't mean everything outside those blocks is what you're seeing.

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82062b  No.273195


Do you live in Portland, Oregon? Or a gated suburban community outside Portland? Because I can tell you the city itself is a mess if you consider the massive increase in crime rates and societal division. Not to mention all the bullshit covid regulations and restrictions they have now too! Yes, I also factor that in as well for livelihood standards.

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aeec07  No.273201


>I can tell you the city itself is a mess

Yeah, and in the other thread you were claiming to live in Chicago. Nobody will ever believe you.

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82062b  No.273204


I never said anything of the sort. I live in Missouri.

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aeec07  No.273209


Then you're relying on pics from the internet that other people post about Portland. That's called "confirmation bias". A few city blocks got burned up over a year ago and you idiots are still screaming that Portland is a hellscape when, in fact, every block that was burned, every building, has been rebuilt and fixed up.

Stop being a fucking toddler.

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843f19  No.273590


So, in other words, you embrace this new normal? I can't imagine even a single block of my city getting burned down, let alone excusing it. Jesus Christ.

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aeec07  No.273591


> I can't imagine even a single block of my city getting burned down

You live in a city that has 3 "blocks" and one traffic signal. The only actual city in Missouri is St Louis and it is literally the murder capital of the US.

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9f273c  No.273597


I wouldn't want to live in a city run by corrupt scumbags, niggers and Antifa, I don't care how rosy a picture you paint that, sorry!


That's because St Louis is run by Democrats and niggers. I happen to live in rural Missouri and it's just fine where I live.

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9f273c  No.273598


People are pathetic today. They'll excuse corruption. They ignore facts that make them feel uncomfortable. They'll try to whitewash serious problems "nah bro, it's ok, it's just a couple homes and buildings that got burned down, the cops would've done something if they weren't told to stand down." LOL. This is why I no longer trust society, at all. I'm done with the bullshit.

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843f19  No.273650


Pittsburgh has lots of lights and and so many blocks that you have to picture it in 3D because of all the hills and bridges. People come here to study traffic flow (hopefully in the "what not to do" category).

It did experience a massive fire like 100 years ago or something like that from an accident and lack of modern fire safety codes. It's so calm that when BLM tries to start shit most people can't be bothered with it.

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659f1e  No.273796

ANTI-SLIDE 2r42323

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659f1e  No.273873


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659f1e  No.273894


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659f1e  No.273905

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