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File: fcb12a7cb2b9e57⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1524x1785, 508:595, 1635013252935.png)

a9798f  No.271570[Last 50 Posts]

Who is this faggot? Kill yourself. As if there wasn't enough losers on this board

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5375a2  No.271586

File: d4d7d6c9e32fc18⋯.jpg (578.63 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 54.jpg)

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a9798f  No.271622

File: bf064a1e7629ac0⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 1024x534, 512:267, 1634757181096.jpg)


You will never be a woman

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5375a2  No.271625

File: 3dc2d8cb8569152⋯.jpg (131.06 KB, 1095x1400, 219:280, 58.jpg)


You will never be a man.

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d0fb4b  No.271632


I lol'd


>giving fags attention

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5d6ebd  No.271640

ANIME : the opposite of creativity

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5d6ebd  No.271641


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5d6ebd  No.271642

ANIME : a not-so-thinly veiled recruiting tool for closet homosexuality millennial outcasts

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5d6ebd  No.271643

ANIME : the most profoundly effeminate homosexuality sales pitch in history

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5d6ebd  No.271645

ANIME : IveNEVERmet someone who watched ANIME that was COOL

never . . ..

they've ALL been complete fucking losers

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5d6ebd  No.271648

ANIME : absolutely THE gayest fucking shit ever

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5d6ebd  No.271649

"of all the homoerotic horrors, anime is by far the most repugnant"

Herman Melville

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5d6ebd  No.271650

"I'm pretty sure anime is half the reason I'm gay"

Karl Resident

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5d6ebd  No.271651

"I can personally thank anime for helping me realize I'm a complete fucking faggot"

Marshmallow Sally

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5375a2  No.271656

File: e0472e8cc0d447e⋯.jpg (190.36 KB, 1280x530, 128:53, 022.jpg)










So very, very assravaged. The butthurt is so strong in you. Thank you for giving me a purpose on this board. Every thread will now become an anime thread.

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a9798f  No.271683

File: 941fed0188d3662⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 266x240, 133:120, EwrVvpH.gif)


Dilate your head with a gun tranime loser

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a9798f  No.271685

File: 9f1b19708a519fe⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1544x1761, 1544:1761, 1635001684235.png)


Well i have a penis. That's all you need to be a man. Just cause you cut yours off doesn't mean you're anything more than just a delusional sad pathetic male loser. Now suck shit from a straw!

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64d7c3  No.271696

"I can honestly say I've never met a heterosexual anime fan."

said every woman on earth

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64d7c3  No.271697




"you like anime ? That's so cool !"

said no woman… ever

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5375a2  No.271699

File: f7de3bd8e814418⋯.jpg (101.23 KB, 672x900, 56:75, 90.jpg)


A little boy you were born and a little boy you will forever remain. You will never be a man.

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64d7c3  No.271700

"hey…… cool anime, dude"

yep you guessed it.. . nobody

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64d7c3  No.271701


I heard that in high school, you were voted "Most Likely To End Up Being An Anime Faggot Who Substitutes Boring Chatrooms for Experiencing Interaction With Other Humans In Real Life"

I guess I'm not really surprised

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64d7c3  No.271703

"when Jupiter is in the seventh house, there shall be an Asian Menace, with high pitched voices that talk way too fast, and horrible unoriginal animation, and it shall turn men into little girls"


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a9798f  No.271754

File: c642f76070adf3a⋯.jpeg (12.24 KB, 177x285, 59:95, download.jpeg)

File: f3b58c522027fc0⋯.gif (906.21 KB, 220x391, 220:391, 1630975566473.gif)

File: b90f38bc4996760⋯.jpeg (9.96 KB, 242x209, 22:19, images_2_.jpeg)


>being a man is a state of mind

Trannies annoy the shit out of me

Good thing with trannies, and weebs (as if there is a difference) it's just a waiting game. You'll skip into that noose soon enough. And avatar gagging or frankly spamming low quality "art" will not make any friends. So far you've only made enemies. Again, just a waiting game. You'll be gone soon enough. From here and this world

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5375a2  No.271764

File: 272a3f7f7c257f0⋯.jpg (47.71 KB, 511x627, 511:627, 89.jpg)


You will never be more than a little boy. Cope.

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a9798f  No.271770

File: f740d5242246397⋯.jpg (99.73 KB, 960x742, 480:371, f740d52422463973224d11838c….jpg)


Read the sign tranime loser

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a9798f  No.271784

File: 1e2a1c951db689f⋯.jpg (66.19 KB, 600x737, 600:737, 505.jpg)


>thousands of anime pics

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5375a2  No.271790

File: 782d8635087c0e6⋯.jpg (860.83 KB, 839x1200, 839:1200, Cat_Girls.jpg)



You will never be a man. Senpai will never notice you. Daddy will never be proud of you.

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a9798f  No.271793

File: f46d6acb8436d02⋯.jpg (130.81 KB, 892x1024, 223:256, 1631162904230.jpg)


>You will never be a man. Senpai will never notice you. Daddy will never be proud of you.

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1745bf  No.271794


The person who has thousands of gay porn pics to be posted in every Purple thread probably shouldn't be calling out someone else's pic collection. Just sayin'.

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5375a2  No.271797

File: ef01912c0e8bc40⋯.jpg (88.72 KB, 900x720, 5:4, 1442d.jpg)


I don't want to be a woman, but you try desperately every day to be a man. You will never be a man.

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a9798f  No.271798

File: 21baa952c08fab0⋯.png (87.89 KB, 500x732, 125:183, smug_pepe_and_moonman_can_….png)

Retard. You're talking to the wrong person. The autistic sperg is in this thread, but you're clearly not very observant if you can't seem to notice his style of text.


Large spaces

And stupid


Autistic ramblings

Is his tell tale sign

Such as









I'm glad he agrees that weebs are cancer but again, you're talking to the wrong person. Now if you're not gonna belittle the tranime retard than fuck off

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a9798f  No.271799

File: 9e06d3ecb55ebb8⋯.jpg (109.91 KB, 997x1024, 997:1024, 1631124409872m.jpg)


I don't want to be a woman, but you try desperately every day to be a man. You will never be a man.

>Oh vey I've been found out

>I I was just pretending to be a tranny! I was just trying to fit in

>continues to spam tranime pics

You will never be a woman

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5375a2  No.271801

File: e54ffe5caee4ba1⋯.png (133.96 KB, 840x642, 140:107, 1242s.png)


>literally posts pics of actual literal IRL trannies

>says someone else is spamming tranny pics

You will never be a man.

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a9798f  No.271802


>what's the difference between a weeb and a tranny


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5375a2  No.271803

File: 677c9b23e556eec⋯.jpg (596.14 KB, 1003x1212, 1003:1212, 27.jpg)


You've been caught. Keep posting trannies and gay porn. You will never be a man.

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a9798f  No.271804

File: fb7a4b24ae20486⋯.png (224.82 KB, 858x658, 429:329, 0da.png)


>You've been caught. Keep posting trannies and gay porn. You will never be a man.

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a9798f  No.271805

File: c82b2a20d224672⋯.jpg (137.53 KB, 1024x636, 256:159, c82.jpg)

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b99e50  No.271806


No, I know exactly who you are. I'm the new BO. I see 100% of everyone's post history and you have a LOT of gay porn you keep photoshopping. It's funny stuff, but you see to really enjoy some man on man action. Hopping IP won't help. We now have tools to detect it.

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5375a2  No.271807

File: 08b7d5d34b487cd⋯.jpg (155.75 KB, 638x842, 319:421, AudreyCat.jpg)


Sooth as fuckin' silk.

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a9798f  No.271808

File: e96abc72ef3849a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1024x898, 512:449, 83b.png)


>Sooth [sic] as fuckin' silk.

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a9798f  No.271809

File: 7ef7521286a12b7⋯.gif (2.35 MB, 200x200, 1:1, 1634207827629.gif)



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389d47  No.271821


> Hopping IP won't help. We now have tools to detect it.

Yes, exactly what I thought before. So 8kun is now officially a honeypot for feds, right?

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a9798f  No.271890

File: 3f4a3e815942cc9⋯.gif (517.29 KB, 760x704, 95:88, 1635045265043.gif)


He's just pulling my dick. All chans show mods users local IP. Haven't you ever been banned from 4chan? That weeb cock sucker is just sperging because I brought his tranime boyfriend to his knees and put a shotgun in his mouth.

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5375a2  No.271892

File: a3a3aa90d67b93c⋯.jpg (70.57 KB, 717x829, 717:829, 1326874975801.jpg)


You haven't brought anyone to their knees. You have no power here and you will never stop me.

You will never be a man.

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a9798f  No.271908

File: 7309a46586002af⋯.jpg (293.93 KB, 1880x1124, 470:281, 730.jpg)


>You haven't brought anyone to their knees. You have no power here and you will never stop me.

You will never be a man.

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389d47  No.271934


Both Sally and Purple think they're the boss, lol! No, they ain't. Only in their own little made up fantasy land.

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71dc86  No.278721

File: 47fabc6ea6c8471⋯.jpg (224.51 KB, 613x839, 613:839, 1622386510511.jpg)



Not him but keep seething lol

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71dc86  No.278722



Why are you posting all these selfies tho

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71dc86  No.278723


>his ego revolves around women.


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71dc86  No.278724


Why did you post a selfie bro

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5375a2  No.278734

File: d148abe52060772⋯.jpg (54.58 KB, 680x452, 170:113, 116.jpg)


Nice pic. Taking it for future use. Have some yuri in exchange.

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71dc86  No.278856

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a9798f  No.278942

File: c15303b039b4070⋯.jpeg (783.55 KB, 1649x1649, 1:1, aviary_image_163863884309….jpeg)



Lol….there are ids….id's…. this thread is old. Kill yourself, fag enabler.

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a9798f  No.278943

File: c5d85c559850092⋯.png (2.41 MB, 2133x1275, 711:425, 1639007163727.png)


>Nice pic. Taking it for future use. Have some yuri in exchange

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fb1ad0  No.278970


now you got your whole family in on the selfie!

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5375a2  No.278971

File: 09d66d6bf41e7a0⋯.jpg (76.4 KB, 489x680, 489:680, 114.jpg)


My IP doesn't change, thus my ID doesn't change within thread. You hide by IP hopping because you're a scared little rabbit. I post from my naked IP. You lost. Go ask your mama to abort you.

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5375a2  No.278975


I think it's nice that you admit publicly that gender is about appearance and presentation.

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035b92  No.278993


> I post from my naked IP.

Imagine being this proud of being this stupid.

Anime seems about your speed.

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5375a2  No.278998

File: 4c51240582b6868⋯.jpg (85.29 KB, 680x541, 680:541, 108.jpg)


Hiding like a scared little bunny isn't the flex you think it is.

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a9798f  No.279194

File: 1695132b4500833⋯.jpg (64.92 KB, 750x946, 375:473, 1636895901367.jpg)


Gender is your biological make up. Being feminine doesn't make you female. When that man's dress comes off he will be left with the naked truth.

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a9798f  No.279195


Lol we have our very own elsa of duzzind pass here on 8kun. Your death will be delicious.

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5375a2  No.279197

File: 5dc3f7ba781f0c6⋯.jpg (175.55 KB, 756x1057, 108:151, 115.jpg)


>too dumb to know the difference between gender and sex

Mmmmmm, delicious smooooth brain.


>it thinks I'm ever leaving

I was here before you and will be here long after, kid.

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a9798f  No.279319

File: 9bb605c2a02d7a4⋯.png (524.77 KB, 700x820, 35:41, 1635343800872.png)


Your sex are your genitals. The thing between your legs. That's why it's called having sex, moron. You would know that if you ever had sex. Gender is what makes you male. Is what makes your female. You don't have to leave. You will die one day. You wil leave one day. It's just a waiting game.

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a9798f  No.279323

File: b0dc95bfdf4e5f2⋯.png (518.7 KB, 489x720, 163:240, 1635177332087.png)


>>anal sex is bringing your sex and anus together

Which you love

>Oral sex is bring your sex and a mouth together

Which you're always the mouth peice and the sex is always a penis and your gender is always male

>masterbation is touching your own sex

Which you do, or did before you cut your dick in a vain attempt at being a freak (never female because you need proper biological functioning to be a female. not a festering wound)

You're not in good company. This website is not for you. The only person who remotely defended you was someone who started posting his dumbass thoughts in old threads months later. And than you cope by accusing me of IP hopping. You're a pathetic piece of shit in the wrong place.

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5375a2  No.279419

File: c6fa4b469cea1fd⋯.jpg (57.33 KB, 525x680, 105:136, 113.jpg)


>sex is a verb ONLY

>sex is genitals

That's why you call a ship a "she", even though a ship doesn't have a vagina, right? Idiot. "Gender" is literally a construct, usually formed by language. For example, the word "agricola" in Latin means "farm". It is a "feminine gender" noun. So, a farm, in Latin, is a "she" regardless of your personal feely-feels and that farm can use the women's restroom.

See how fucking retarded you are? Maybe you should stop fearing education and actually get one.

>It's just a waiting game.

I'm younger and healthier than you will ever be, son.

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a9798f  No.279428


>muh ship analogies

Lol men say she because they control it. It's their bitch. It's not supposed to be taken literal retard. A ship isn't literally a she. Most people use words to describe things that dont literaly relate to the word. Niggers do it all the time. This is a perfectly good example of a tranny grasping at straws to justify his delusional world view. Please live steam your suicide hun

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71dc86  No.279431


You type like an esl

> Gender is what makes you male. Is what makes your female.

Yes, specifically it refers to the characteristics that differentiate men and women that are socially constructed, not the biological ones.

The other guy is right that gender is not the same thing as sex when it comes to the definition of the terms. The idea of gender identity is still made up tho. Wearing a skirt doesn't make you a woman, even though its associated with women.


>This website is not for you.

Anyone can post here

this is prime ground for trolling since you fags get assmad over a few pictures

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a2a8b6  No.279436

There are only two biological genders, male or female. It doesn't matter if a male wants to be a female or vice versa. It doesn't matter if a male or female mutilate their genitalia either, that does not change what you are and who you were born as. As far as being gay, that does not really change your gender either, it just means you are not exactly normal and your brain is sexually confused. Many things can do that too, like hard drug use, pornography addiction, sometimes trauma from child molestation, or trauma from being raped in prison, or sometimes bad parenting or subversive indoctrination (a form of mind control).

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a9798f  No.279441

File: 9e06d3ecb55ebb8⋯.jpg (109.91 KB, 997x1024, 997:1024, 1631124409872m.jpg)


Gender is what makes you male is concise

If you're wise enough you'll understand with those few words. That tranny spams his delusions all the time. I can't be bothered to explain what words mean to him all the time. And of course wearing a skirt is associated with women, it's how we separated the genders. Men and women are the same species, they're going to have similar features. In a time before constant grooming and shaving and bathing and make up, men most likely had a hard time staying interested and erect for a dirty hole by a chick with a face like a dump truck hit her. It was made for the man's benefit. To sate his desire. But none of that is gender. Gender for men is what makes you a man. Your biology. Your testicle, prostate, Adam's apple, natural flowing testoerone among other things pretty much exclusive to males. For women its her womb and ovaries and natrually flowing estrogen. And other things i cant be bothered to type out because im not your 4th grade teacher. Women dressed feminine and men dressed masculine to seperste the genders. Clothing, behavior, those are all learned. But in a society that's becoming increasingly gay, it's becoming increasingly directed towards accepting gay men, but even gay men can't stand masculinity. That's why trannies exist. To give gays the femininity they so desire but act like it's not something to come naturally to them and those men who suck with talking to women or are jaded by women still have desire and they see that even man have an asshole and mouth, but they don't want to be labeled gay so they perform mental gymnastics to call men they fuck women. And women are stupid so they'll follow that. If you don't get that dude than you're an idiot

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5375a2  No.279445

File: 4667e766860a361⋯.jpg (255.19 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 15376228903_eac67c8692_b.jpg)


>wearing a skirt is associated with women

Yeah, just look at this chick.

Face it, faggot, you have a stupidly narrow world view and absolutely no sense of culture or history. When you die alone and afraid, I will be standing over you laughing my ass off.

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a9798f  No.279448


The context faggot. There is context behind what the two skirts mean


go enable more faggots to get AIDS and die

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5375a2  No.279461

File: ca8d4a8f0797b00⋯.jpg (148.91 KB, 563x800, 563:800, 110.jpg)


You see the world in black/white and either/or and you dare lecture me about context? It's only context to you when your feely feels get hurt by seeing a man in a skirt.

You're a useless faggot and will die alone, afraid, and everyone will be glad you're gone.

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a9798f  No.279466

File: 50b5f38824f854f⋯.png (406.38 KB, 760x704, 95:88, 1636049497630.png)


Contextually speaking from your incessant weeb posting you're giant faggot who's projecting when he tells others they're gonna die alone

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a9798f  No.279471

File: bf064a1e7629ac0⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 1024x534, 512:267, 1634757181096.jpg)


Lol you gonna share your noose with your waifu pillow wearing your moms panties? Get the FFFFFUUUCK outta here loser

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71dc86  No.279534


>But none of that is gender. Gender for men is what makes you a man. Your biology. Your testicle, prostate, Adam's apple, natural flowing testoerone among other things pretty much exclusive to males. For women its her womb and ovaries and natrually flowing estrogen.

What you are describing are sexual characteristics, not gender. Gender is a relatively new concept which refers to masculine / feminine aspects that are socially constructed. Like clothes, behaviours, etc.

This is the definition you will find in modern dictionaries

Its BS, ofcourse since behaviours are often linked to sexual hormones and stuff, but you still have the wrong idea of what the term means. The only aspect of masculintity / femininity that are 100% socially constructed are clothes and pasttimes, inconsequential stuff

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71dc86  No.279536



Why are you so butthurt lol

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5375a2  No.279550

File: 3eb0448d99ef8c8⋯.jpg (182.88 KB, 800x1252, 200:313, 112.jpg)



I like how you feel the need to reply to every post twice as though anyone actually read the first one. Nobody here reads your posts. We just laugh our asses off at you.

Isn't it time for you to hop IP and pretend to be your defender some more? It's funny how you don't think we know.

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