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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 99a35b5ef7fa987⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1258x1638, 629:819, Mein_Kampf_2_0_Karl_Purple.png)

658458  No.271390[Last 50 Posts]

I humbly present to you…


by Karl Purple

AKA Purple Anon

PDF Files are also attached in thread next.




code: Mein-Kampf

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658458  No.271391

File: d32b8597a1c478f⋯.pdf (147.47 KB, MEIN_KAMPF_2_0_VOLUME_1_BY….pdf)

File: bf601d8bfdfdf9e⋯.pdf (1.06 MB, MEIN_KAMPF_2_0_VOLUME_2_BY….pdf)

File: 16f9dc4700ab4e6⋯.png (328.56 KB, 2187x1738, 2187:1738, mk2_0.png)



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c6488b  No.271392

>download my FUD keylogger, goy!

go back to shilling zionism on /pol/ and failing

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60a29b  No.271397


youve been hiding from me…. Let's do this thang

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60a29b  No.271398


Now I know why they call your SPERMCHUGGER

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60a29b  No.271399


I read your stupid book


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60a29b  No.271400

Now that your embarrassing book has failed miserably…..

Let's talk aboutYOU

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60a29b  No.271401

when I heard your book was COMING OUT

I thought 'COMING OUT' was the title of the book

and I was like "it's about time he admits he's homosexual"…. After all, you dress in drag, and you don't have a girlfriend

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60a29b  No.271408






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60a29b  No.271409


fasten your safetybelt, lavender dicklick

this weekend is gonna be rough for you

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60a29b  No.271410




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60a29b  No.271411









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60a29b  No.271412

lol @ you actually thinking KARL PURPLE sounded cool




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2245d0  No.271413

File: e5c2a3a672ce43d⋯.png (885.21 KB, 1126x672, 563:336, excerpt.png)




1.01: MY HOME

I was born in the North East of the United States of America. If you look at human civilization from very high up, you will notice that the city areas begin to look like a growing of mold on spoiled food. This city mold looks dull grey, like the color of concrete, compared to the lush shades of green around it. If you examine the city mold around my birthplace, you will notice a mold like pattern of spots around a large central growth. The mold grows in a line along highway 95, which starts from New York City and up to Richmond in Virginia. Along the way, the mold grows heavy in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington DC. I was born just outside of the city mold between Baltimore and Washington DC. Looking closer, I was born in a place which had not yet turned to city mold. Yet as moldy food progresses, it is obvious when a place near the spreading mold is soon to be devoured next. I think there is meaning to that observation. The times we live in today are in the same situation of being a time when human civilization has not yet turned to mold, but it seems obvious that we will soon be devoured by it.

I was born into a common family, neither rich or poor, and neither highly educated nor non-educated. I suppose it is both fortunate and unfortunate that me and my family knew nothing about the severe mold like destruction of the times we lived in. If I had known as a youth what I know now, then it may have been impossible to enjoy life at all. Yet had me or my family known the true hell in which we lived, then I could have better prepared and braced myself for it. As it happened, we knew nothing, and I suffered dearly for it. Yet, it is suffering which awakens the eyes of passionate rage. I will not say that a comfortable life denies someone the ability for passionate rage, yet there is a different quality in the kind of passion which arises from suffering. When the suffering of life makes the loss of your life of little care, even preferable, then there arises a type of energy and focus which is found nowhere else. Maybe there is some weakness to it, which can be balanced out by the kind of passion rage born from empathy in a comfortable life. Yet, in the beginning phases of a battle between good and evil, it is past suffering which becomes the ammunition which can turn the tide of victory.

Suffering is symbolized by blood. In that meaning, I have a large resource to draw from, and I have already given much of my blood for the cause of victory against this great evil which stands before us in our modern time. I am focused. I am full of passion and rage; I will not deny it. Yet, I have mastered this emotion like the control of a burning fire deep in my heart. Outwardly it is expressed through pressed lips, a wrinkled brow, locked eyes, and a serious expression. As much as my life has improved since the worst of my misfortunes in the past, and as much as I have gained since those days when I had nothing to lose; still the fire of that time burns in me the same as if I were still in that sad case. I do not value my life. Aside from the worship of God, the least I seek in this world is the honor of resisting that evil with courage, and to contribute at least triple what would be needed for victory if everyone did their fair share. After that, it does not matter what happens, because I have washed myself of the responsibility for defeat. I seek the subjugation of those evil people, and the destruction of their power. I will not rest. My mind lives in a state of war. These feelings rise and fall like the pulse of heat in a furnace. It is a source of energy. I do not pretend to fully understand it, but I know through it that I am no longer a child, and I have become a man.

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31a79e  No.271415


>I was born in the North East of the United States of America.

You have my sympathy.

>Yet had me or my family known the true hell in which we lived, then I could have better prepared and braced myself for it.

You still have a little time left, not much, but if you think things are bad now? Holy shit, just wait till a complete collapse of the global supply chain and lack of inventories hit all those stores, the 2019 nigger riots were just a tiny little drill! That was over 1 nigger who got killed by a cop, imagine when all those free gibs have absolutely no value and neither will your savings. All hell will break loose in the most armed nation on the planet! If you don't get your ass out of the city by now and prep, you are almost guaranteed to be dead before the next decade.

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31a79e  No.271418


>My mind lives in a state of war.

That is the first step, now what you need to do is prepare for war! Total utter warfare, and coming to the reality there is a slim chance for most of us to survive a SHTF mad max scenario.

Mike Adams has a great new podcast, he talks about what you might see after the collapse, what it will be like having to restore local communities, having to live under a "salvage and barter" economic system for a while, having to re-build and network with others, dealing with dead body disposal, etc, give it a listen:




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f43ad6  No.271422

File: 3e5b1c55e6571a8⋯.jpeg (55.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, do_not_lose_faith.jpeg)


>there is a slim chance for most of us to survive a SHTF mad max scenario.

What don't you understand about that I'm putting my energy into preventing the mad max scenario?

I'm not a defeatist who has given up and puts all his energy into prepping for after the defeat.

,,,and thus, my book. give it a look.

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c5232e  No.271465

anti-flood-spammer bump

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c5232e  No.271505


and again. the trolls are working hard today.

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c5232e  No.271525


and again

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968081  No.271527

File: 0f57ccc2097e244⋯.gif (363.58 KB, 90x90, 1:1, 0f57ccc2097e244a5c9ce4ff0c….gif)

> fasten your safetybelt, lavender dicklick


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0fa77e  No.271551


and again

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968081  No.271562

File: 44db819e6a30ec4⋯.gif (4.43 MB, 2333x4156, 2333:4156, purple_panzy_is_a_poser_Ki….gif)


> and again

> purple-panzy-is-a-poser_Killcen-is-Fuhrer-Here.gif

> GIF related

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9bebda  No.271572

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968081  No.271580

File: ec8d8191af8ec29⋯.gif (2.21 MB, 1488x2651, 1488:2651, Purple_Panzy_IS_a_Poser_Ki….gif)


> quiet


Merely editing to reflect changes.

Much like (You)

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e2dfc1  No.271705


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e2dfc1  No.271810


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610fe0  No.271815

"Russian intelligence is siding with the Mossad against the European Union and the US government, fellow Whites!"

"Here is another nofap thread!"

Shills in maximum slide mod!

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610fe0  No.271816



"Trans-women" are mentally ill men.

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c36622  No.271856


>Shills in maximum slide mod!

Seriously, I've been on this board for awhile, and never seen any extreme sliding attempts like this excepting the gore porn flood spammer.

coincidentally happening at the same tie as this book release thread.

if this board is just a handful of people, then why does anyone care?

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015711  No.271860


1) You don't understand Johnny Neptune. 2) No one should take this board too seriously. 3) If you want to debate about stuff and stream things, that's fine, but be rational and stop with the "fuehrer" stuff, there is no leader on 8kun. It's not like 4cuckistan (which is full of control freak censorship). 8kun, is however, a honeypot, so careful with your OPSEC.

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c36622  No.271862

File: 9cd87827930298a⋯.png (891.88 KB, 1126x672, 563:336, Purple_Mein_Kampf_2_0_Chao….png)




Thus I'll continue that this is how I came into the world. To a

set of parents who knew nothing other than the reality which was

set before them. To overcome an entire world wide system of

deceit was a task that took me over 30 years at which point I

only persevered alone, awake in a world of sleepwalkers and

half-sleeping intellectuals. Of course some things may be

written off as a matter of opinion, yet as you observe more and

more the inconsistencies of the world in which you live, it will

slowly dawn on you that there exists only one possible

explanation for it all. Chaos. Complete, and utter chaos. In

Greek legend it was from Chaos which the order of our world

descended; and maybe it did for a time until chaos regained its

place. It is the chaos of every man for himself. It is the

chaos of no true individual power existing strong enough to

defeat the beast that is this disorganized primordial chaos of

our human world. It is a beast which can only be defeated by the

mind of a single individual empowered by an evolved set of human

intellectuals who deliver that power to the individual. This is

because the source of chaos comes fundamentally from the mutual

destruction which is guaranteed by every man doing what they

personally decide is best. All of the great historical

advancements of civilization were born from great individual

leaders exercising deep absolute power, strong enough to defeat

the chaos beast. Of course the chaos beast speaking through the

mouths of disunified men who tell you stories of great suffering

caused at the hands of those powerful leaders. This is because

the chaos beast a truly a real spirit within the hive mind of

humanity. It is the most powerful foe of humanity, and to speak

lies is one of it elemental powers. It is enough to understand

that a chosen leader with absolute authority amongst his people

will steer from error to error, gradually perfecting himself as

time and wisdom build within him. This is a far better

alternative than the continued reign of the chaos beast. And at

some point it should be acknowledged that being lost in the

woods requires the choosing of a direction and sticking with it.

To choose a leader and stick with them. To change your direction

when lost in the woods prevents the success of that direction in

favor of a different direction which is equally unknown. You

might as well pick one, stick with it, and then let fate deliver

its decision. At worst you will have chosen the longest way out

of the woods, which is better than going in circles forever;

which is what human civilization has been doing lately.

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015711  No.271865


You have to let the human chaos beast choose their leader naturally, not start declaring yourself one out of nowhere. And while some may want leadership, others do not or may not want you as a leader. If you want to lead, set an example of good leadership and get people to follow what you are doing to better society… but simply saying "I'm the leader and you will obey and respect me!" is going to plunder your reputation and the human chaos beast will often mock, ridicule and reject you. Much like what is now happening now under the Biden presidency. Welcome to the wonderful world of civil disobedience.

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c36622  No.271869

File: 40fbd01c812fb4f⋯.mp4 (9.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, purple_joking_and_serious.mp4)


>be rational and stop with the "fuehrer" stuff, there is no leader on 8kun.


>not start declaring yourself one out of nowhere

dude. the whole Fuhrer of PND thing was a joke.

I was literally trying to make people laugh.

and I did. I addressed this already and provided evidence of the lolz of joy I was spreading here: >>267144


video embed related

In my opinion, I feel an aspect of comedy combined into this whole thing is extremely important because our people are so depressed; we have to lift their spirits... and thus, bath towels. heh

but it'd be better characterized as half joking. because it's combined with the foundation of the real seriousness.

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015711  No.271870



Another big issue with the human chaos beast: when governments become corrupted and despotic, the very last thing the human chaos beast wants is more government or centralized leadership. Instead, as you see today, the human chaos beast will balkanize away from such corrupted systems as they continue to collapse, and THEN once everything collapses they seek to find a new type of unity…. all very locally at first. This will happen all over again. Maybe the human chaos beast should finally address the big elephant in the room: corruption and greed. Make some Constitutional reforms to prevent that from happening in government at all cost: Abolishing and outlawing central banking. Term limits for all representatives, and mandate public contracts so they are legally held accountable if caught lying. Banning dual-citizenship. Repealing all gun control laws. Establish multiple currencies backed by physical commodity and resources. Promote local salvaging and bartering economies as well. Promote homesteading and self-sufficiency. Etc.

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968081  No.271872

File: 4891d2a0c3b8f17⋯.gif (2.58 MB, 474x296, 237:148, We_re_ALL_Crazy.gif)


> I read your stupid book


Johnny can always be counted on to cut one's ego down to size!

I personally value this aspect of his character, in his interaction with "Others", and I laughed my ass off when I read this comment!

Unlike Johnny, however, who never read a word, I skimmed Purple 's entire book and carefully read much of certain passages.

I'm not here to critique any of it. It was enlightening and informative, but probably not in the ways Purple intended.

I do not mean to come off as insensitive, but Purple has to know what I'm going to say…

I agree with the assessment of his mother, his older brother, and the professionals at the psychiatric hospitals, about the condition of his mental health. That is not to say that there is such a thing as sanity vs. insanity, or "sick" vs. "well". It's all on a spectrum, I suppose; especially in relation to "other" stances.

Besides, we're all a little "sick" here! (Some more willing to admit it than "others".) [Sally? We are waiting for (((You)))r Manifesto next!] Pseudonymous image boards bring out the very best and the very worst in human interaction. But most chan interactions have a certain level of honesty and authenticity to them that is largely unavailable in the world-at-large, which is why folks whose thoughts do not fit in so well with what the majority would term as "normal" thoughts often find their home on the chans, with other social rejects and those who the vast majority of "normal" society would deem as "mentally ill".


We all like to bandy them about, as though they had anything but Relative Meaning. And relative to What?!

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

Nonetheless, here we are… All of us "crazy as loons", in our own ways…


I'm going to have to say that Killcen is actually probably the "sanest" of any of us here on /pnd/.

I think even Johnny will have to concur.


Get him to tell you about the time I got him so worked up over the bump & slide, resurrecting dead threads with crabs, propane and raccoons, and generally being a nuisance to the threads he was so attached to keeping at the top of the Catalog, that he kicked his alcohol consumption into high gear for awhile, and began hearing demons coming out of his computer and talking to him, and I suggested he blow them away with his gun, and well… yeah, you can let him tell the story, what little he remembers of it… but yessirree, we're all crazy as loons.

Like I said, though, that only has relative meaning.

As for Johnny, who likes to pretend he is the only "normal" one around here, and spends his life beating "Others" up, who he finds as his "Inferiors", or at least more "mentally defective" than him, well, his behavior speaks for itself. Why don't you ask him why he is receiving Supplemental Social Security Income?


You'll be writing Quatrains next.

There is actually much that can be learned by watching the self-styled "Antichrist"'s behavior as it relates to your own. Johnny, Killcen & I have learned much!

> inb4 we are all the same person, or working for some kind of "group"

> inb4 megalomaniacal fantasies about one's role in this world

> inb4 someone tries a different tack, and decides to…


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c36622  No.271873


>You have to let the human chaos beast choose their leader naturally


>the very last thing the human chaos beast wants is more government or centralized leadership

I think you're confused. I'm fighting AGAINST the human chaos beast. Which is like trying to manage a rowdy group of children; I'm trying to be the adult in the room; not pander to the out of control children. they need an authority to take control, and be their parent; which takes some manner of shutting them down when they're misbehaving; not always trying to give them exactly what they want, which isn't always what they need.

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968081  No.271874

File: aa9f60276da27c0⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, chaos_star.png)


So I'm guessing you have no love for the Illuminates of Thanateros ?

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015711  No.271875


Good luck then. All bureaucrats see themselves as best to lead and unify a whole nation "for the greater good!" but do they respect individual freedom and sovereignty? Most bureaucrats do not and thus will have to fight the human chaos beast (and like history has proven, time and time again, guess what really happens?).

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015711  No.271876


>guess what really happens?


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015711  No.271877


>I'm going to have to say that Killcen is actually probably the "sanest" of any of us here on /pnd/

That is a travesty but likely true, and the only reason true, is because I pay attention to unwanted & undesired realities.

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968081  No.271879


Yeah, we get it.

You're into hierarchy, and you see yourself as way higher up than in that hierarchy than the majority of "Others".

In that respect you are no different than the majority. They all think that way.

That, however, is an immature stance.

That you don't know that yet makes you as dangerous as the majority are. A dangerous immature child, armed with nothing more than an air of intellectual superiority. I know. I've been accused of it myself. That's how I recognize the stink of it. You won't convince anyone to your "side", or to "go with your thing", as Johnny puts it, that way!

All good, though. You're still not quite yet 40. I didn't start growing up until my mid 40s. See? Arrogance doesn't look good on anybody!

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c36622  No.271880



>guess what really happens? SHTF

Quiet, defeatist.

Run to make a life-raft out, while the rest of us go all hands on deck to steer the ship and defend against pirates. This ship will not go down under our watch, and you apparently won't share in the glory of our victory.

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015711  No.271881


Let me put you to the test, if you desire to be a true leader for We The People (please take this test):

1) Do you support total centralized control over the economy and central banking?

2) Do you support mandatory vaccination or vaccine passports?

3) Do you support gun control?

4) Do you support the right to self defense?

5) Do you support freedom of speech?

6) Do you support the right to travel freely in person?

7) Do you support prepping and self-sufficiency?

8) Do you support personal responsibility?

9) Do you support the right to privacy?

10) Do you support the US Constitution?

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015711  No.271882


You and every other image board dweller have absolutely NO control over what happens (especially during a collapse). The US Constitution & Bill of Rights assured that since signed into law, which is why authoritarian despots HATE our Constitution and want to gut it completely.

If you are an enemy of freedom and sovereignty you would be an enemy of We The People (a beast indeed to be messed with!). And we are very well prepared and armed for war.

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968081  No.271883


> inb4 "Johnny Neptune" reminds everyone to gently support his testicles and scrotum while they slurp noisily on his knob

This Place!

I've gotta go. Big day today.

More Scorpios are celebrating special days in my neck of the woods, and I must attend. Much joy will be had all around. But much work goes into making events enjoyable, rather than merely "eventful", so I must be about that work…


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c36622  No.271885

File: 95277d10b89bf7d⋯.png (41.6 KB, 762x530, 381:265, purple_interview.png)


>Let me put you to the test, if you desire to be a true leader for We The People (please take this test):

Thanks for my first serious interview question!

>1) Do you support total centralized control over the economy and central banking?

I support our leader's decision; though I would council him no; and resist him if we proceeded to far down the wrong path; but I would permit his error to proceed a little ways in hopes he recognizes his error before I degrade his power and begin to resist him.

>2) Do you support mandatory vaccination or vaccine passports?

No. If our leader did this, I would resist him at the outset, and respectfully inform him "this is a command I cannot obey." yet still profess my allegiance to him and claim my disobedience as evidence of my loyalty, because I believe the taking of such a fundamental right to refuse vaccination would surely make the people rise up and overthrow him; and destroy his credibility.

>3) Do you support gun control?

same answer as #1. I would also emphasize that National Socialism, Family Socialsm, states that each Family Nation should get to decide their policies for themselves. Government should not rule over the powers of the family.

>4) Do you support the right to self defense?

same answer as #3. but more directly, delf defense is not a right, it is an instinct; a law of nature. you can't NOT support this. but i think the technical answer you're look for is the same as #3.

>5) Do you support freedom of speech?

same answer as #3

>6) Do you support the right to travel freely in person?

same answer as #3

>7) Do you support prepping and self-sufficiency?

same answer as #3

>8) Do you support personal responsibility?

same answer as #4

>9) Do you support the right to privacy?

same answer as #3

>10) Do you support the US Constitution?

I should read it again. but last time i read it, it disturbed me in that it seemed to me to be purposely written in a confusing way for some purpose/advantage.

but i support the common folk associations with it as a general idea, which is what you're referring to. and in so in that sense of how you're asking the question, then I would reply the same answer as #3

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968081  No.271887


(You) are quite literally the definition of a "fascist".

(You) believe in Big Government.

(You) believe in a fucking Despot Ruler, just like the Jews. A Benevolent Dictator.

I say this with all seriousness…

FUCK (You).

(You) are as bad as the extremists on the Left.

(You) think (You) know better than everybody "else" what is best for them. (You) are a Dangerous Toddler, just like Johnny. (You)r approach may look different, but it is quite literally the same.


I'm with Killcen on this.

> same answer as #3

Which is:

> same answer as #1

Which is:

Everybody supporting a fucking dictator, like (You) do.


FUCK (You).


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968081  No.271888


Left & Right look the same to me.

Extreme Positions.

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968081  No.271889


And that was your Hitler Trips of TRUTH for today!


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015711  No.271891


OK, so in other words, you do support freedom as long as the dictator allows it but you if not, you still remain loyal to that government?

That is where there is a huge disconnect because, right now, our current government is trying to oppress us. Why would I be loyal to that government? I'm not, because of that!

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908812  No.271893

File: 37867fc24ec0b04⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 176x172, 44:43, thentheresthisnigger.gif)


>(You) are quite literally the definition of a "fascist".

Fascist literal comes from the word meaning "fascine together". Yes; I believe in fascining our people together through a great leader. And don't buy into all that propaganda slandering of trying to associate all that bad stuff with the word fascism; It means nothing more than what I said."

>(You) believe in Big Government.

I believe a single ruler is THE SMALLEST and simplest government possible… so no.

>(You) believe in a fucking Despot Ruler. A Benevolent Dictator.

Read the Chaos Beast excerpt: >>271862

I believe we need a powerful leader; who we need to care for like a friend even when he makes mistakes; like raising a child into a responsible young man; who can wield that power for the sake of our people; else we will be easily destroyed.

If we had chosen any of those Roman Emperors of the past, and stayed loyal their line of succession; we would have already had raised the responsible leader long ago, and we'd not be in the predicament we're end; and endless wars.

But again. national socialism is the guiding light of the office of the Fuhrer. Each family does what is right for them individually. You don't want to have a powerful leader in your family, THEN DON'T. But don't tell my family what to do. Don't tell me how to raise my kids. Don't tell me if I'm allowed to confiscate my children's guns or not. MIND YOUR OWN BUSINES. STAY OUT OF MY FAMILY. Heil Hitler.

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015711  No.271894


I believe in a system where there is no dictator, at all. Where we have a very minimum government who's sole focus is national security issues (such as protecting our borders and making sure there is military defense from any foreign aggressors, as well protecting the power grid from EMP attacks). Otherwise, we have local representatives, which should be held more accountable than they are today. I believe in Constitutional law, although I think we need more strict reforms to keep our representatives from abusing their authority (which they often do today). I believe in a free fair market economy without centralized control, with fair competition and consumer choice, no bailouts or unnecessary governmental interference.

I am all for nationalization and patriotism, but that has to come with individual freedoms, sovereignty and personal responsibility. I'm not going to declare my loyalty to anyone or any form of government WITHOUT that mutual contract.

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908812  No.271898


>OK, so in other words, you do support freedom as long as the dictator allows it but you if not, you still remain loyal to that government?

Read again #1, #2, & #3:

Being loyal to an absolute Monarch involves a lot more than just obeying everything he does. What kind of loyalty obeys a command that would get the king killed?

But the Fuhrer is not simply a king. He is the head of National Socialism philosophy. See #3


I support our leader's decision; though I would council him no; and RESIST HIM if we proceeded to far down the wrong path; but I would permit his error to proceed a little ways in hopes he recognizes his error before I degrade his power and begin to resist him.


If our leader did something egregiously wrong, I would resist him at the outset, yet still profess my allegiance to him and claim MY DISOBEDIANCE AS EVIDENCE OF MY LOYALTY, because his bad policy would surely make the people rise up and overthrow him; and destroy his credibility.


I would also emphasize that National Socialism, FAMILY Socialism, states that each Family Nation should get to decide their policies for themselves. Government should not rule over the powers of the family.

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015711  No.271900


Jerry, you I and Johnny grew up in a much, much more free world than these kids sadly. They are taught and indoctrinated today to believe government knows what is best for everyone else. FACT: In the 40s, 50s and even early 60s our public schools taught students the EXACT OPPOSITE. And we had more personal responsibility back then too, for example, if you fucked up your business or institution there are no government bailouts for you, you learn life lessons. Government didn't micromanage everything like they are doing today.

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015711  No.271901


Take a look at the grim horror show that public school is today (hint: it is all OBEY OBEY OBEY!): >>269818

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908812  No.271902


>I believe in a system where there is no dictator, at all. Where we have a very minimum government who's sole focus is national security issues (such as protecting our borders and making sure there is military defense from any foreign aggressors, as well protecting the power grid from EMP attacks).

Yeah, how's that system working out for you right now in upholding that responsibility?

That system doesn't work. It worked for a time; but it was defeated… dying a slow painful death ever since the civil war. So really, the most you can say is it lasted a solid century. Merely a band-aid on the open festering wound of society.

What I propose is a solution that actually heals the wound, not merely stops the bleeding. Heil Hitler.

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015711  No.271905


We don't have a system like that anymore. Everything is controlled by government even the economy, the stock market is completely fraudulent and rigged. For Christ sake the government is now dictating medical policies for employees! Is that limited government to you?

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908812  No.271906


The point is, your ideal government was defeated which has led us to this point. Re-establishing that ideal government of yours will be defeated again in the same way.

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015711  No.271909



Do you know the government now controls whether you have the right to air travel after 9/11? Do you know the government now mandates what technology new automobiles have today (like GPS systems and sensors for everything to seat belts to tire pressure)? Do you know the government decides what businesses will survive or not via lockdowns to endless bailouts for their cronies? Do you know the government decides if you can enter certain places without a vaccine (like courts and federal buildings and they currently talking about expanding it to all aspects of our lives)? Do you know the government can now legally, in many States, seize firearms if they suspect you might be a danger to someone else (red flag laws)? Do you know the government (department of education) completely controls what kind of curriculum schools teach today (like common core & CTR)? Do you know student loan programs are FEDERAL and they no longer allow students to declare bankruptcy even if insolvent? It goes on and on and on…. we have MASSIVE centralized control today, MASSIVE! Hows that supply chain working out? Oh, you don't know that the government took control over the trucking industry in California where all the port problems are now? I rest my case.

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015711  No.271911


We need to go back to Consitutional law and have a few reforms is all, it will happen after the collapse of this stupid pathetic corrupt government we have today. And that collapse is inevitable, I look forward to it.

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908812  No.271913


all this you mention happened because the constitution was defeated. why go back to again? so this can happen again once every 200 years? no thank you.

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015711  No.271930


It was never defeated, it is still the law. We just have a Constitutional crisis, and we need to enforce that Constitutional law again. We will when the current insolvent economy collapses, and the government is rendered defective as the USSR was. We will go back to Constitutional law and when we do, we will have the necessary reforms so this will not happen again. No more central banking. No more stock market, those days are over too. We'll go back to a REAL economy, economies on the local level, decentralized. Term limits. Politicians will be bound by legal contracts so they cannot lie without breaking the those legal contracts (or face imprisonment if they do), there will be some legislative reforms (no more packing budgets with other legislation either!) A total ban of dual-citizenship. We will repeal all past gun control laws too.

If you are lucky enough to survive the collapse, you may get the chance to be a local leader, but you better respect other people because they'll be armed and dangerous best believe. Good luck.

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968081  No.271940


> the constitution was defeated.

Not yet.

No matter how fags like you attack it.

Take your "King" - Worship and fuck off back to Israel with it.

This Constitutional Republic is still a pretty young experiment, in the ways of social organization.

All the rest of that shit (You) mention has been tried and soundly "defeated" more times than (You) can count.

I will support the System that so many are trying to destroy. I will support ideas like Individual Liberty, FREEDOM, Self-Autonomy, Self-Reliance, Self-Responsibility, Authenticity, Integrity… And I will Support those things EVERYWHERE.

If (You) and your "Allies" stand for something "Else", and wish to stand in the way of the Free exercise of my will,I WILL DESTROY YOU, just like I will destroy the Leftard Mobs and their "Allies" when they attack Individual Liberty & FREEDOM. And make no mistake, (You)HAVE, "Purple" . (You) Have.EVERYCentralized Control Mechanism Does That. ESPECIALLY the Fucking Dictator Despot types. (You) fancy yourself an intellectual, but (You) look like nothing more than a regular almost-40-year-old "chantard" to most folks, and like a literal nutcase to the entire "normie" world, that you can't fit into enough to even go in public without finding yourself in a psych ward wondering how you got there when all you did was brandish a wooden sword and bible, calling yourself Jesus Christ, and signing your name as such when you checked YOURSELF into the psychiatric hospital…

Did you even READ Your "Book"?

Why am I wasting my time here with (You) at all?

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!


Killcen… I feel like we are wasting our time here.

I know I am.

I've got to get back to work.

This place is more exhausting than my work sometimes!

It used to be fun.

Now I see what there is to work with and I am ashamed I have been one of these "worthless" individuals myself, for years; so here I still sometimes frequent… Doing Penance, as it were.

ENJOY This Day!

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908812  No.271944

File: 250f76ba50db206⋯.gif (1.43 MB, 400x643, 400:643, throw_out.gif)


>We will go back to Constitutional law and when we do, we will have the necessary reforms so this will not happen again

that's what they thought when they first made the constitution. you've got tunnel vision. can't even hear what I'm saying because you're emotionally attached to the constitution. It served its purpose for its time. But this isn't the 1800's anymore. Time to move on. The Roman Empire days were among the best times of our civilization; known as a bastion of freedom in the wilderness of the chaotic world.

>If you are lucky enough to survive the collapse,

May I speak a little cruely to you? without offending

You are a defeatist coward which cowers behind prepping and leaves the job of fixing this mess up to the real men. You've given up, surrendered in your heart. Your constitution failed, and you want to wait til half the population dies in SHTF and so happy with yourself that you prepped. People like me will save the day before SHTF occurs; or if we fail it'll be because people like you didn't step up and help out.

you're so hung up on jealousy you can't stand to see another person in power. all the anti-authoritarians like you at the end of the day are jealous. however my kind sees nothing shameful about serving a leader. MEN traditionaly serve an alpha leader, and we're different than women not bickering and squabbling all the time.

your constant SHTF prepping wisdom is endlessly annoying; like C3PO robot in star wars constantly complaining "THE ODDS OF SURVIVAL ARE 35,758 TO 1


forgive my rudeness. I assumed you wouldn't mind if I spoke frank.

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015711  No.271946


The US Constitution is a damn good ethical system and has granted us not only freedom but for many generations wealth too. We are NOT going to go back to some dictator who can strip us of our freedoms and dignity at will. You are being warned in the real world, right now, there are millions of us armed, in the real world, and people like me are willing to kill and die for our God-given freedoms. Inb4 telling us to do something stupid right now, no. Not is now the time to make knee-jerk decisions…. we will wait out the collapse first, when our enemies are weakened, and then we defend our local communities if need be while we restore our liberty and sovereignty.

>and you want to wait til half the population dies in SHTF and so happy with yourself that you prepped

More than half will die. Sorry about that but there is nothing much we can do about that, strategically. This is a war afterall and don't forget it.

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908812  No.271948


>the constitution is NOT YET defeated.

They are forcing vaccines on the public.

1984 style surveillance

gun rights have disappears in all but name, except for a few southern states.

they've been PRINTING money based on nothing

they give your daughter a free abortion and birth control without her parent's knowledge or consent in the public schools.

they go to war without congressional approval

how is the constitution not defeated?

>If (You) and your "Allies" stand for something "Else", and wish to stand in the way of the Free exercise of my will,I WILL DESTROY YOU

just like you destroyed this current government that already did all those things listed above to you??? I'm sooooo afraiiiddd…

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015711  No.271951


>They are forcing vaccines on the public.

Wrong. I never had one covid vaccine or test. They are trying to enforce it with OSHA regulations on employees but are facing massive disobedience, strikes and lawsuits over it and it's not even law yet! Southwest Airlines was forced to bail because more than half their well trained pilots would have quite!

>gun rights have disappears in all but name, except for a few southern states.

LOL, proves you don't own a gun. Not at all true, not at all. Even in commie States like Illinois most counties have 2nd Amendment sanctuaries. Even Commiefornia, as commie as you can get, has millions of gun owners! In 2020 alone there were over 5 million NEW gun owners according to FBI firearm sale checks.

>they've been PRINTING money based on nothing

TRUE. Which is in violation of the US Constitution as it specifically states Gold & Silver is the only legal tender!

>they give your daughter a free abortion and birth control without her parent's knowledge or consent in the public schools

True. Because government took over the school system, because government got too big and too powerful.

>how is the constitution not defeated?

We will surrender if it is defeated. It is not. And we will NOT surrender, come hell and high water SHTF total collapse mad max nuke the whole fucking world apocalypse don't give a shit all dead if absolutely necessary!

Is that crazy? Fuck if I care.

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908812  No.271954


>We are NOT going to go back to some dictator who can strip us of our freedoms

You prefer to have your freedoms to be taken from you by a majority vote of normies who've been brainwashed by war propaganda.

This is an occasional problem in dictators; but is easily fixed… being only ONE person. These democratic instuitions are a thousand headed dragon, almost impossible to slay: as can be seen by "we the people"'s inability to do ANYTHING about a SHT collapse coming.

–but really. single dictators are people at the end of the day. protests are much much more effective to change his mind. our current system is tied up


>We will surrender if it is defeated. It is not.

Oh I get it. You haven't surrended! Just like a man about to be hung tries to run away before the walk him up to the block. In this sense, not defeated.

>And we will NOT surrender, come hell and high water SHTF total collapse mad max nuke the whole fucking world apocalypse don't give a shit all dead if absolutely necessary!

ok ok. but forgive me if I attempt to put some dictator common sense to prevent all that from happening in the mean time. might as well try it if you think it's inevitable; maybe i'm right. it seems like you WANT it to SHTF.

tunnel vision. you've got a serious case of it. you can't hear reason. snap out of it. I'm not disrespecting the constitution or what the USA was. But I'm saying it's not going to prevent SHTF at this point, and you've acknowledged that.

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908812  No.271957


>–but really. single dictators are people at the end of the day. protests are much much more effective to change his mind. our current system is tied up

CORRECTION:–but really. single dictators are people at the end of the day. protests are much much more effective to change his mind than trying to advocate to a thousand corrupt represenatives corrupted from the print money financiers. our current system is tied up with red-tape (red-rape voted into constitutionally!); and the very worst case scenario, "we the people" can gang up on one dictator and have a chance at victory. with this current system, it's next to impossible precisley because there is no single enemy for us to focus on; and you've already said it IS IMPOSSIBLE, and that SHTF is definitely going to happen.

which is it? you logic is folding up in on itself. your point of view isn't making sense. where am i wrong?

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968081  No.271974



All (You)r opinions may be safely discarded.

Go worship your Alpha and leave us alone to live our lives in peace. We will not worship your Alpha, Beta Boi!

> just like you destroyed this current government that already did all those things listed above to you??? I'm sooooo afraiiiddd…

If (You) aren't, then (You) are an idiot. This war, which was started by all those who are taking the same stance as (You)…

(You) & (You)r Antifa butt-buddies, who want all the very same things as (You),WILL BE DESTROYED.

(You) should be Prostrating (You)rself before Killcen and BEGGING His Forgiveness!

Also, both Killcen and I have daughters. (You) only speak of, and judge the daughters of "Others". Johnny has a daughter too. (You) have ZERO Rights to Pretend that (You)r Opinions regarding the human race and how it should be organized have ANY REAL Value. (You) are a kid. a Dead Weight on Society. (You) Never Grew Up. (You) Refused; and (You) Continue to Refuse. Now (You) propose to Know Better Than Those With ACTUAL EXPERIENCE at Social Organizations and Control Mechanisms, what works, and what doesn't? Why? Because (You) learned to Conform to a Toxic Image-board Culture like 4/pol/? I would LOVE to pound (You) and Sally into the Pavement with ONE FUCKING BITCH SLAP!

All anyone needs do is Read Your Book.

"Stay Defeated" should be its Title.

I'll leave (You) to the capable hands of Sally and "Johnny"

But (You) best leave Killcen ALONE!

(You) (You)rself trained him to shoot at all Purple-Masked Invaders!

(You) train EVERYBODY how to interact with (You).

It's an "Education" of sorts, so yeah, you're a Great Leader.

(You) lead everyone to go in the opposite direction, and to shoot (You)r kind if they get too uppity and Controlling… "Authoritarian", I believe , is the word (You) like! Because (You) have made (You)rself theENEMY OF FREEDOM.

Good Luck With That Stance.

(You) Best Not take it around Me & MY Kind!

(You) will find (You)rself on (You)r knees, which is, as it so happens where (You) LIKE to Be! But (You) won't be forcing ANYONE "ELSE" to Bend the Knee to ANYONE, or ANY IDEOLOGY (You) Support, BecauseFUCK YOU!That's Why!

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015711  No.271978


>might as well try it if you think it's inevitable

>it seems like you WANT it to SHTF.

I not only know the current system will inevitably collapse. I do want collapse. Collapse of the system is not necessarily a bad thing if the system has been corrupted and subverted. Many Russians cheered the collapse of the USSR. Many Chinese cheered the collapse of Mao's dictatorship. For the same reasons too. It became unfair and despotic and not in the peoples' best interests. Dictatorships and democracies have been tried and they fail. They always fail. They always will fail. However the United States is neither a democracy or a dictatorship no matter how hard control freaks claim otherwise. The United States is a Constitutional Republic. It's being attacked from within is all.

>You haven't surrended!

Nope, nor have millions of other Americans. We are fed up and not conforming to any of the bullshit, I don't care what laws or dictates or what the government says anymore, I'm living my life how I desire to live it. I'm not getting vaccinated. I won't be told how to live my life. I'm not giving up my guns. I'm not giving up my private property. I will be dead before that happens and would take others with me if need be. I will not surrender my freedoms and neither should you.

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908812  No.271987


>I do want collapse. Collapse of the system is not necessarily a bad thing


>More than half will die.

You're fine with more than half our population dying? You don't want to try a dictator out, to see if it can prevent that? The Roman republic even had a provision to allow a dictator in emergency times.

>However the United States is neither a democracy or a dictatorship no matter how hard control freaks claim otherwise. The United States is a Constitutional Republic.

quit it with that linguistics trash. the constitution of THIS republic has VOTING as the basis of most of its institutions and procedure. that makes it a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.

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015711  No.271989


Just two new victories for gun owners recently by State Supreme Courts, both in commie States. Pennsylvania & Illinois lol. And as we speak, tens of thousands of Americans are buying a firearm right now, some of them for the first time. Feels great. We will fix this system no matter how bad it has to get. And I really don't care how bad it gets.

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968081  No.271991



NOT The "White Race", hurr durr, or some immature, and yes, insane, bullshit ideology (You) want them to fight for, or against!

(You)r thinking is institutionalized. It's like (You) just walked out of prison. (You) can't even Fathom FREEDOM, much less ALLOW Anyone "Else" to PRACTICE IT. (You) are much like "Johnny Neptune" in that regard. (You) only see the fake facade. (You) Refuse toLOOK WITHIN.

> Skin Color. Race

(You) sound just like AOC, and Antifa. (You)AREthe Same. Two sides of the same fucking coin.

A coin that "We, the People" are about ready to toss. It won't matter which side lands upright. The coin will have been discarded in favor of FREEDOM.


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968081  No.271992


Highly recommend the Philster Enigma Concealment System.

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015711  No.271993


>You're fine with more than half our population dying?

Not exactly fine with it, but I face the harsh reality we are dealt with. I warn others to prepare, and I did prepare for myself and family, so I did my part. A collapse of a corrupted system sometimes is necessary because it also collapses governmental order too, and face it, our government is corrupted. So if there needs to be some pain, well….. so be it.

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015711  No.271996


Will check that out, thanks. Not that I need more guns, but then again, more is better than less!

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908812  No.271998


>NOT The "White Race", hurr durr,

refers to is extended blood related family as "hurr durr". i rest my case.


>Not exactly fine with it, but I face the harsh reality we are dealt with.

okay. go build your life-raft while the rest of us try to save the ship.

go AWOL while the rest of stand our ground and fight the enemy.

when we win the day, you'll be remembered as the coward that didn't help, and stacked up his toilet paper while we toiled to save that "half" of the people you've given up on already in your defeatist attitude.

-when we win the day. just remember right now how you gave up on OVER HALF the population; whilst we stood strong. Promise me, if my kind wins the day; that you will voluntary banish yourself as a slave to our order and admit you were wrong by getting tattooed on your chest.–


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968081  No.271999

Purple thinks that if we accept Authoritarianism we can prevent billions of people from dying!

Wew Lads!

They sure did mess these kids up!

Like I told Johnny a couple years ago… The War already began, long ago…

We will all prepare for it, and the ways it presents itself in our lives, for the rest of our lives.

This is a Spiritual War, of sorts.

A War for Minds.

WE Create Reality.

EVERYBODY Knows This Now. Especially the Psychopaths.

They Want to CONTROL HOW YOU CREATE REALITY. HOW YOU PERCEIVE IT. They want to Enforce Conformity, and They Want YOU to Enforce Conformity on OTHERS.


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968081  No.272001


It's not a gun. It's a Universal Holster System that makes any handgun literally disappear, even under gym shorts and a t-shirt.

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fe5f58  No.272006


How exactly do you intend to fix this broken system, and how many supporters do you really have, IRL (besides family)? How is it you plan to save people when you can't even prep for the crisis coming down upon you and millions of others? I'm not giving up on America or the Constitution, what I am giving up on is the major cities and this corrupt centralized government we have. The Amish are smart people, I admire that they survive and thrive every day without such a corrupt system in their lives. Have you heard about how the Amish defeated covid? Oh boy! You need to read about that…. they had no medical intervention, no government intervention, took no vaccines, no tests, no lockdowns, kept working… caught covid… fought covid together, and survived it just fine! So please tell me again how big government makes anything better for us.


LOL ok, I will check it out regardless.

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fe5f58  No.272014


Here's the forbidden story about how the Amish - without government or it's medical system - defeated one of the most feared virus of all time:


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908812  No.272015

File: 4756d23813e5c9c⋯.png (608.6 KB, 1126x672, 563:336, Purple_Mein_Kampf_2_0_Chao….png)


>How exactly do you intend to fix this broken system,

–thread related.


read it.

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908812  No.272035

File: 9d00af8505b3744⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB, 1328x720, 83:45, time_to_fight_8kun.mp4)


>>How exactly do you intend to fix this broken system,

>thread related.


>read it.

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fe5f58  No.272036


I have been reading some of it, and skiming over some because it is very, very long. Almost too long lol. I just want to ask you a basic question, why not just form a White-only commune in a "red" (conservative) state, somewhere that values freedom and leaves innocent people alone? Missouri has communes all over rural counties for example, poor people and sometimes friends and relatives will get together, split the costs of a nice homestead and team up to live life how they desire to live. There are others that choose the RV option (Jerry needs to know something: there are places in Missouri that allow people with RVs to temporarily park for free overnight to camp out ;), some just live on the road, go from one small town to the next and visit places they feel more comfortable in. Why bother staying in a big city that is crumbling, full of niggers and all when you can still be poor and live in more secluded area with your own kind? You could even rent a mobile home out with a like-minded friend in a small tiny town. Start your own "national socialist club" lol. Just one thing: if you do move to our "red" States, don't vote for Democrats!

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fe5f58  No.272053



There are a lot of good police and sheriffs out there who don't enforce things like gun control or mandatory vaccinations, it's typically more populated areas where they are so compromised. You would be surprised how many law enforcement agree and are even connected to Constitutional militias. The bad apples in law enforcement thrive in corrupted cities because they have an upper advantage in those places, whereas small low populated areas everyone knows each other and more people are armed too. It would be harder for a cop to do something very mean where many in town knew who he was and where he lived. What you do not address is that it is governmental policies that put a lot of police in these situations, as well as the civilians. Why not consider the fact that, maybe, authority should be limited rather than used carte blanch?

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fe5f58  No.272059



A true good leader does not want to manage people, or their lives, all decisions would be solely based on defense of that community or nation. If a "Fuhrer" is being disobeyed by his fellow community chances are that he is out of line and should not have centralized authority like that in the first place. Furthermore, if a "Fuhrer" has absolute power and lusts for control like an addict, what makes you really think that "Fuhrer" would surrender and step down once he starts abusing his authority? This kind of scenario doesn't tend to happen in human history!

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fe5f58  No.272075



>The only thing that makes sense is the freedom for each of us to do what we want, which is exactly what anarchism claims to be.

I think you believe that individual freedom is anarchy which is absurd. Anarchy is no rule of law, no government at all. You can have limited government, individual freedom and Constitutional protections without having anarchy. Think of Constitutional law as a balance. The balance being people treat the government with respect and allow it to exist as long as the government respects the freedoms of their citizens and lets them live their own lives as long as no one is physically harming others.

>Go argue with your parents and aunts and uncles about their right to interfere in your life; or absurdly claim you are free and that your parents have no right to bother you.

I have done that before at times, when I got older before leaving home. Yes, it is the right of adults to make their own decisions and live how they desire to live. Once a kid grows up, around late teenage years they will do what they want to do and it's not up to the parents. It certainly was not up to me who my daughter married. But that was her own affairs and here we are, we deal with it, it's individual liberty and I respect that.

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fe5f58  No.272077



OK, that's it. There is no hell of a way I'm ever taking a microchip so the Fuhrer can scan my thought waves! No fucking way, not never ever! Not happening, just like giving up the guns, ain't gonna happen! That's about it for me, time is up and I got to clean the rest of my garage up now.

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3ad03a  No.272673


>implying anyone gives a fuck what barneyLARP has to say

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908812  No.272685


>There is no hell of a way I'm ever taking a microchip so the Fuhrer can scan my thought waves!

what the heck you talkin bout anon

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bd30f9  No.272694


Sorry but once you started to rant in your book about remote mind control and the Fuhrer I stopped reading. I started thinking you were one of those techno-fascist geeks who want society under technocracy, I see so much of that propaganda today and it makes me recoil from it.

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bd30f9  No.272695


The fears of mind control you are describing in 8.2 is called "Future Shock" and has been long discussed even as early as the 70s. It's nothing new. Future Shock is the idea that technology will rapidly advance so fast that humans cannot keep up with it and it ends up destroying progress rather than creating progress. And yes, that's very true, it could. That is why I have my lines in the sand and I live more traditionally, rural and homestead. That is also the reason many generations of people in the past and present form off-grid communes too. Just talk to the Amish about "Future Shock", they'll have a lot to say to you about it.

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bd30f9  No.272697


After reading a lot of it, mind you not all of it, a lot I had to skim through because it is way too long; (you should release a much shorter version if you want more people to take it seriously); I'd still say the best you can do is to form some like-minded group of people with the same ideologies, pool some savings together to buy a home somewhere outside the city and prepare for a lot more chaos to come. If you guys survive, then you will be able to network with a community of people locally, and gradually influence decision making on the local level. Mind you, there will be a lot of us preppers who are loyal Constitutionalists who will be heavily armed as well, so you'll have to respect other Americans' freedoms outside your group. Realistically, that is the best case scenario.

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4952c2  No.272773

File: 49d314b58f53c63⋯.gif (721.8 KB, 216x288, 3:4, sauce_sudden_.gif)


>Sorry but once you started to rant in your book about remote mind control and the Fuhrer I stopped reading. I started thinking you were one of those techno-fascist geeks who want society under technocracy

Where do I say that?

It was about the Fuhrer helping to destroy that tech remote mind control state…. not to take part in it….

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af65f0  No.272779


There is no need to "destroy it" if you simply reject using that technology, and that's the ironic thing about freedom rather than rule by diktat, individuals would get to decide whether or not they wish to participate in something like that, and many like myself would not. Those that desired a technocratic dystopia could bug themselves if that's what they wanted to do but it would be their own free will. On the other hand, what limitations are there that a Fuhrer couldn't dictate the use of that technology? Then what? We'd be faced with similar dilemmas that appear today and that have in the past too.

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4952c2  No.272786


>There is no need to "destroy it" if you simply reject using that technology

The idea is that they can read your thoughts by remotely scanning your brain waves and fingerprint your thoughts as you talk to be able to read your thoughts afterward.

That 1984 was an account of real technology.

… so yes, destroy it…

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62a4b0  No.272787

File: 8d50d03f0100e24⋯.jpg (178.52 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Purple_s_Butt_Plug.jpg)

File: c84dbeb24051131⋯.jpg (10.13 KB, 300x300, 1:1, purple_bunny.jpg)


(You) have to go back.

to the psychiatric ward.

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d15a43  No.272825


Currently there are only two ways to actually do that and both require actual human intervention and participation. EEG technology, which doesn't exactly read detailed thoughts but can detect basic emotion (such as fear, happiness, sexual stimulation, etc). EEG tech must be wired to the skull of a human being, as in an electrical helmet. There is also nano-technology but it must be constantly consumed and interacting with WiFi. This is one reason I choose not to use anything WiFi other than an old flip phone. However, you can simply de-activate nano-technology by regular consumption of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) and wearing magnets (or having them in your pockets). Nano-technology can be rendered inactive through pH detoxing and magnetic interference.

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7dba78  No.272950

File: 51548f35bbfc04c⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 250x220, 25:22, ehh_no_definitely_not.gif)


>Currently there are only two ways to actually read minds and both require actual human intervention and participation

You are mistaken to underestimate the hidden developments of technology. A simple cell phone in close range of you should be assumed to be sufficient to read your thoughts.



Excepting possibly those who are born on the furthest outskirts

of society, or who have the power and wealth to prevent it, the

rest of us are born into a world of complete surveillance and

human tracking. This is accomplished through maximum technology,

which is an idea that technology has developed in a way of

strategic concealment for military advantage which forces

intellectuals to acknowledge the likely existence of any and

every technology imaginable. Maximum technology is a starting

point of thought which seeks not to leave any stone unturned in

the development of strategy and the approaching of truth based

on likely possibilities, rather than impossible to know absolute

truths. Thus, it is through maximum technology that we are

continuously monitored, tested, and sorted; just like any other

livestock operation, yet on the grandest scale. And even those

doing the watching and manipulation can also be expected to be

watched and manipulated by another nested level above them.



There is the idea that technology at some point in history

became maximum. Maximum technology means the idea that we must

assume technology has reached such an extent as to make most

anything possible and especially possibilities of surveillance

and mind control manipulation….

…mind control technology extremes (reading minds):

technology to read thoughts based on brain wave scanning finger

prints synced with particular language, like English…

…maximum technology theory

states that mind reading combined with mind control techniques

have reached a peak of effectiveness, that even someone inducted

into all the secrets would not be able to resist their sway, and

thus anyone after a certain amount of time can be broken made to

do or think just about anything or be driven completely insane.

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fd09ac  No.272988

File: 5438ad4df3cd72b⋯.png (636.14 KB, 534x546, 89:91, not_afraid_to_die.png)


> thus anyone after a certain amount of time can be broken made to do or think just about anything or be driven completely insane.

Still blaming "others" for your mental aberrations, I see! (You) are literally no different than any Antifa or BLM member. (You) want all the same things, and (You) have taken the EXACT Same Stance. A Stance Where (You) Blame.

(You) Be VERY Lame.

And there is no one to Blame but (You) .

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d15a43  No.272996


>You are mistaken to underestimate the hidden developments of technology. A simple cell phone in close range of you should be assumed to be sufficient to read your thoughts.

If that were possible then you would not only have destroy every cell phone and cell tower, you would need to destroy all computers, laptops, all gadgets, all TVs, video game systems, pretty much everything down to modern off-grid power inverters for the suspicion of eavesdropping. Good luck with that endevour today. There would be billions of kids around the world eager to kill your ass in no time. That includes many millennial age people like yourself too lol.

The only way to prevent that would be a nuclear world war MAD scenario that involved many EMP attacks across the world to fry the power grids and utilities. Only issue: certain doomsday preppers, militias and the military have EMP/EMI resistance whole-facility surge protection systems that can withstand heavy kW surge loads to protect their utilities from frying during the event of EMP attacks! You don't think all this shit hasn't been thought out already?

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2c1c03  No.273162

File: ec569f7f5b622f8⋯.png (1.75 MB, 989x1280, 989:1280, hitler.png)


>If (it were possible to read thoughts with a nearby cell phone) then you would not only have destroy every cell phone and cell tower, you would need to destroy all computers, laptops, all gadgets, all TVs, video game systems, pretty much everything down to modern off-grid power inverters for the suspicion of eavesdropping. Good luck with that endevour today.

Very good Anon. You are correct.

Follow that logic. The next logical step, is the establishment of tech free zones. Since it is not reasonable to seek to eliminate all tech everywhere.

The secret inner workings of an order should be guarded within a tech free zone. And from there we can set to our work of destroying the mind control technology; where we need not destroy every piece of technology, but simply hunt down the people who do it and destroy their equipment; and in the end destroy the knowledge of how to do it.

But if they have really reached the level of such great tech advancements to read minds and vicious manipulation techniques… it can be understood that this will make very difficult, as any of our leaders can fall victim that mind control tech; as well as the potential for paranoid schizophrenia to develop in people who have direct knowledge of the full extent of the mind control tech apocalypses which means a creative solution is needed.


PART 2, 8.2

–Think about it, if a

fully awakened for forcefully illuminated king were to come to

power, or even just the outer layer of the fully awakened secret

society, they would be burdened with having to hold this secret

knowledge to themselves. They would be burdened with having to

work with a minimal number of people who have this knowledge so

that the truth does not get out, and thus work toward defeating

these evils would be an uphill impossible struggle. Not so with

the self-illuminated lucid dreaming king who is capable of true

sleep only because of the fact that he is self-illuminated and

never entirely sure of the truths he has stumbled upon. Only the

self-illuminated king is able to perform the Grand Mission of

destroying the mind control technology by communicating with

those on the outer layer about how to go about destroying the

mind control technology and the dystopia. Because the truths of

the dystopia might be eventually easier for a person to

understand and deal with, the grand mission mostly applies to

the first truth of the mind reading technology.

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6624f1  No.273175

File: 6f8de97f655a6e5⋯.jpg (126.25 KB, 480x720, 2:3, when_purple_tried_to_be_a_….jpg)


> The next logical step, is the establishment of tech free zones.

No. The next logical step, Mein Fluffy Purple Führer is to establish a free-flow of information and ideas through this /pnd/, washing the Purple Stain out!

It has already been established that (You) are a Dictator Worshiper, and that (You) want to see Autocratic Rule from a Centralized Authority.

(You) sir, are anENEMY TO FREEDOM.

It is (You)r kind that will bring about the "Mad Max" scenarios that (You) claim to be against; thinking that only your precious Dictator can "save us" from a complete collapse of society. It's like (You) can't even see through the fog of (You)r public-school-trained mind, radicalized by 4/pol/ into hate and blame of "Other", that (You) Already HAVE (You)r Precious Dictator Situation playing out in every Democrat-run City and State in this Nation; not to mention how it is playing out WORLDWIDE! Autocratic Rule! The very kind (You) like! Oh No? Well, too fucking bad. That's the way it is. ALL Dictatorships. ALL OF 'EM. Including whatever Fantasy World (You) are living in. It's Literal HELL.'''

"We. the People" Will Have NONE of It.

(You) can fuck right the hell back to halfchan.

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231eaa  No.273183


Dude, seriously. Do you even comprehend how MASSIVE the United States really is? For starters, there are already plenty of areas around the country with no electricity, no internet, no industry etc. There are already off-grid communes out there, even in my State. There are already rural areas you can go, even old ghost towns or even tiny existing towns with 19 pop that don't have modern luxuries or utilities. You just need to know how to get by and live without them is all. I live pretty rural and in some areas around here there are people who never had a computer or internet before. It's more common than most city dwellers could even imagine. You need to take some time off someday and travel around the boonies sometime, take the old junction roads, visit old small towns and hick communities innawoods on the dirt roads. Places like you said do still exist in America, they are just ignored and in many cases forgotten.

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231eaa  No.273184


Stop trying to steal my attire, Jerry!

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18eb62  No.273244

File: 32164fef38b094a⋯.jpg (108.21 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, kansas2.jpg)


Did you know I put one of our conversations in the book?

Toward the end of part 2.

What are you even talking about. I think if you spent more time writing more clearly, rather than all the formatting…. it might work out for you.

You don't like monarchs. Got it. if you feel like arguing actually against any of the logic I'm making, it'd be helpful if you just get straight to it; the insults in between ever sentence you write makes it hard to follow.

I think you're stupid dude. just being honest. like, you're not good at talking. lololol. but if you take my advice it might work better for you. lololol.

you must be trolling. your talent at writing resembles that aluminum foil super hero. he's standing there attempting to look serious, but he's wearing super hero alumunium underwearrrrrr. qahahahah.

seriously. learn how to type.


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18eb62  No.273245

File: dbad6c63dbdf225⋯.jpg (96.59 KB, 603x778, 603:778, purple_approved.jpg)


aRE YOU making a point against me, or agreeing with me? I can't tell.

I doubt any of those places have a systematic method of enforcement so that no cell phone or ANY circuit board exists within miles. That's the kind of tech free zone we need.

We'll also need to develop technology to scan for and clean out nano-tec; including smart dust I've heard about. It'll be a slow process; but destroying the mind control tech and technologically castrating those who have knowledge of it; is the bigger goal here.

I swear you people have a neurotic need to disagree just for the sake of disagreeing.

Just lose a debate once in awhile; its not the end of the world.


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c66c06  No.273271


> alumunium

> talent at writing

Wew Lad!


> Just lose a debate once in awhile

No one is debating you. You're being dismissed.

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273629  No.273272


I agree with some of what you say, but certainly not all of it. I'm trying to put your fears and ideas into perspective is all. Like I said, to be able to destroy so much technology already out there you'd literally have to destroy the infrastructure, and by doing so you'd have not only military-grade protections already in place as well becoming an easy assassination target but also be subject to angry mobs of people. Even if you were to utilize several EMP nukes in the upper atmosphere to fry the power grid and all electrical appliances, like I said, most of the military, government and doomsday kooks like myself have EMP/EMI resistant whole-house/whole-facility surge protection (my FS140 can withstand 140kW of surge load per nanosecond for example and that only cost me around $500). That's residential EMP/EMI protection lol, now imagine what the military has! wew….

>I doubt any of those places have a systematic method of enforcement so that no cell phone or ANY circuit board exists within miles.

All depends where they are and the population (or lack of) in those areas. Some towns out there are so small they are on the brink of becoming ghost towns, and existing residents so poor there is no concern for government or ISPs to aid them technologically. Many may, at best, get a satellite connection like I have. Most will have access to power if they can even afford it, but some don't even bother because they are used to being dirt poor and living off whatever they can salvage to get by. Other areas that are almost completely deserted have nothing at all, not even power for miles and miles and miles. States like Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico would be a perfect examples, there are areas where if you drive off-road for a while you may not be finding your way back alive lol. Now those are the places you could check out, if you really want to "live off the land" with no electrical grid or internet lol.

>We'll also need to develop technology to scan for and clean out nano-tec; including smart dust I've heard about.

That concerns me too, but at this point, if it exists and they sprayed it everywhere there is almost nothing that can be done, other than detoxing your pH level with sodium bicarbonate, wearing or carrying magnets around and unplugging from all WiFi. Absolutely no other way to stop billions or trillions of nano-dust unless there was a major nuclear EMP event.

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273629  No.273278

File: 6cfd068382468aa⋯.png (1.34 MB, 799x600, 799:600, 12V_Sol_Inverters_800x600_.PNG)


Jerry, I like debating "Purplefag" when it comes to End Times scenarios because I have been prepping for this shit for over a decade as you know. Pic related: 2x 2500W inverters & 2x 1000W inverters to charge 2 deep freezers and power LED lighting and outdoor night vision/motion detection camera monitoring in the "bunker" (our basement) with 12V deep cycles on the rack (not in use currently). That's IF all other mitigation fails like Solar & Propane generation. This does NOT include all the other off-grid mitigation I have at my disposal, some systems which have been Faraday caged inside boxes to withstand an EMP event if a nuke were to hit within range of (off-grid) electromagnetic interference (~50 miles from target, 360° perimeter).

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71a9e9  No.273286

File: caa211014fbe14a⋯.jpg (287.74 KB, 1440x1471, 1440:1471, 20211029_170317.jpg)

Is this you OP


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f74cb3  No.273310

File: ef6c6ceb5d17c9d⋯.png (351.34 KB, 471x648, 157:216, ClipboardImage.png)


>you'd literally have to destroy the infrastructure, and by doing so you'd have not only military-grade protections already in place as well becoming an easy assassination target but also be subject to angry mobs of people.

There definitely would be a need to have a high tech perimeter surrounding the no-tech zone; to protect it; and if hostile enemy tech breaches it, then they'd have to be charged with entering with tech in order to remove the threat.

but if the no-tech zone remains intact, then inside would be security measures comparable to what people used to have before high tech. Bows and arrows…etc. So how would easy assassination or angry mobs be an issue that couldn't be solved like countless cultures have protected themselves in the non-tech past?

I'd image there might even be a nucleus of the whole no-tech zone where even the most simple tech like bow ands arrows would be banned, and perhaps be a place of meditative retreat where the highest level discussions of the order could be had in attempt to re-connect with the ancient non-tech roots of our biology.

>Other areas that are almost completely deserted have nothing at all, not even power for miles and miles and miles.

perhaps those places would be a good starting point since there is low tech to begin with. but if you're presenting them as some type of current solution; um what's the point of setting anything up like that when you live within a government that will WACO anything as soon as it gets off the ground. We must secure a power base as a foundation Can't build a utopia inside a dystopia. first the dystopia must be destroyed.

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7be76c  No.273311


You won't be able to ban somebody slapping you upside the head, hoping to knock some sense into you!

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f74cb3  No.273312

File: fc4df72871a747a⋯.png (594.84 KB, 1004x915, 1004:915, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 565e3f20608567e⋯.png (726.92 KB, 877x867, 877:867, ClipboardImage.png)


>Is this you OP


funny. I think someone is trolling me because there is also this "femboy" on twitter that goes by the name truly purple anon: https://twitter.com/TrulyPurpleAnon

which is one of the top search results if you ever search for purple anon on internet search engine.–

some queer that does live streams with an virtual avatar, and goes on and on about how "really soothing voice" which his fans say they like to "fall asleep to" lol.

And then he complains about gay men who assume that just cuz he's gay it doesn't mean he wants their dick pics. LOLOL, sounds like something johnny neptune would put together.

every once in awhile a internet search myself again, and see the update on that guy. looking now again, it looks like he's expanding his brand and has a merch site, music site, and a few more links I don't even have the interest to check out:







to be expected. even Hitler was constantly trolled and even today accusations of homosexuality. what can you do.


someone else even made a website "the purple life" which goes off talking about "how to blog anonymous like a SECRET AGENT"


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f74cb3  No.273314

File: 8375a36bde9753a⋯.png (282.28 KB, 1684x898, 842:449, ClipboardImage.png)


>(in a low-tech zone) You won't be able to ban somebody slapping you upside the head,

how do you think roman consuls and emperors protected themselves from such things? it's not complicated.

For example the Lictors were the traditional body guards of the leaders in Rome:


pic related

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7be76c  No.273326

File: f72e80bca37baaf⋯.jpg (71.02 KB, 526x526, 1:1, Look_WITHIN.jpg)


Imagine needing or wanting another man to "guard" you.

Imagine unironically posting a wikidpedoa link for any reason!

Imagine looking fondly upon the Roman Empire, as the current Empire crumbles around you.

Kinda like the Romans harkened back to the Greeks, I guess, whilst debauchery and weakness rotted out the center of the empire, but the periphery everywhere suffered first and recovered first…

Again, I digress…

Find the Center; wherever you may be.


Let "Others" Do the Same.

Imagine a Virtual Bitch-Slap Upside the Head.

We all need one once in awhile. I've needed MANY… Still Do… Still Get 'Em Too!

As for all that gay "Persona" stuff, "Johnny Neptune" could teach you a LOT about how well that shit goes over!

Your words should speak for themselves.

You know, like MERIT-Based Systems!

> inb4 "Equity" of some kind…

Anywho, "Persona" has limited value on a psuedonymous image-boards, imho.

Of course, that's just an opinion, expressed from this current stance, and the "Persona" known as "Johnny Neptune" will most likely COMPLETELY Disagree. You are welcome to disagree too.

You are welcome to be disagreable; for that matter!

"Persona" Knows"I"Have Been on Occasion!



The Center ain't "Out There" Somewhere. RECENTRALIZE

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802b97  No.273330

File: 09ecc365bd92b9f⋯.png (248.87 KB, 432x633, 144:211, ClipboardImage.png)


schizo post

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3af228  No.273377


>perhaps those places would be a good starting point since there is low tech to begin with. but if you're presenting them as some type of current solution; um what's the point of setting anything up like that when you live within a government that will WACO anything as soon as it gets off the ground. We must secure a power base as a foundation Can't build a utopia inside a dystopia. first the dystopia must be destroyed.

Exactly. For that to happen, SHTF. It's not going to happen without economic collapse, some civil unrest, some pain and hard work to restore our Constitutional Republic. I know there will be death involved, and maybe war, and that's why I prepare so much and have moved away from populated areas.

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3af228  No.273378


Americans will guard themselves and their own local communities during and after the collapse. Our Freedoms will be restored when we take them back and defend them, it will take time, and it may be brutal for a while, but if it takes total collapse of the system so be it. Our Constitutional Republic will be worth it (and we will make reforms to safeguard from what is happening to us today too!).

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83c816  No.273379

File: 102208c56cc9979⋯.jpg (190.46 KB, 768x935, 768:935, Pearls_b4_Swine.jpg)


That's rich, coming from (You) !

I mean, considering only one of us has ever been admitted to a psychiatric hospital, or been diagnosed with any mental problems, and I think everyone is well aware which of us that is!

Ya know what they say about glass houses and casting stones…

Nonetheless, I've never tried to get anyone to see things my way. (Nor do I show respect for that stance. I never have. I was, after all, raised a missionary kid, all over the world!)

I have, however, used every tactic to sometimes kinda force folks to think for themselves! It's a stance"I"often employ. (You) should try it sometime. It sure beats trying to get folks to see things your way! Wouldn't you rather cultivateAUTHENTICITYin "Others"? Wouldn't you rather that they let you cultivate a little Authenticity of your own? It's a Stance. A Stance of Live & Let Live. Be & Let Be.

You should try it sometime. I like to try out many stances myself! Whatever works, amirite?

Being EFFECTIVE Has Merit.

I wish you well in life. I don't apologize for my abrasive stance toward the stances you have chosen to take, nor should you apologize for yours; especially if it had purpose.

These will be tough times ahead, for everybody.

All One Must Do to Find Authenticity, Personal Responsibility & Integrity is toLOOK WITHIN.

Highly Recommend.

Good Luck to you, sir.

It may be awhile before you are blessed with another of my

> schizo posts

ENJOY This Day!

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3af228  No.273380


When the economy collapses so will our energy grid too. The only ones who will have functioning tech will be those with old outdated machinery, those with solar panels, those with propane, gas and/or diesel generation, and those who have the resources and wealth to generate their own power locally on the residential level in some DIY-rigged manner. If you have enough 12V deep cycles or L-ion batteries with solar trickle chargers and inverters that too can produce energy (although at heavily rationed levels).

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83c816  No.273381

File: 9a1f2663c17a7f0⋯.jpg (91.03 KB, 499x333, 499:333, Thank_You_All.jpg)


Sorry about your Missouri thang goin' on… But we have hydro-power out here in the NW! I wonder if I can get my own little set-up to toss in a river? It might be nice for the RV.

You're welcome for the bump, Purple . This is now aPrepping Thread.

I only saged earlier because it was appropriate, considering Killcen had just bumped. I think that he also may still be under the mistaken impression that aSAGE!is a downboat! lol

What good times we've had in here through the years! My time will be limited here for, well, awhile; maybe a long while, maybe a REALLY Long While!

I wish y'all well.

happy sˠəun!

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83c816  No.273383

File: 32772a6980aaec5⋯.png (100.11 KB, 1321x980, 1321:980, portable_hydro_power_gener….png)


Oh Shit!


> Unlimited Energy

> We develop small hydro power stations, which can be used immediately and universally to produce electrical energy in harmony with the environment.

> Blue Freedom Portable is our smallest powerhouse. With its compact size of 20 cm, it fits easily in your backpack.

They have a bunch of other, heavier-duty ones too. Looks interdasting.

Got any streams or rivers running near your property, Killcen?

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d5aee9  No.273386


>you hurt my feelings by calling me a schizo poster.

Are we not conditioned to not be oversensitive here? Relax. I was more so just stating that your way of communicating is unclear. I think you need to improve how you communicate ideas. Your thoughts are all over the. Try grouping common ideas together. Try cutting back on bigger words and the quatity of words if you can. Your formatting is distracting. You are vague. You think you are being some kind of spiritual higher wavelength, but in my opinion it comes off as philosophical pomp. But hey, whatever stand your ground, maybe your right. I'm just giving you my piece of mind: learn how to communicate your thoughts clearer. have a good day ms. sensitivity.


Can I be allowed to have just one moment of immaturity, to just say that you ARE ANNOYING AS ALL HECK with the prep stuff. It's becoming more and more obvious that you are just another personae troll, and this obsession with prepping is supposed to your realistic troll. nobody keeps saying the same tired stuff 20 times per thread and relates everything to prepping, unless its a trolI. consider 90% likely that you and giraffe anon and johnny neptune and kilcen, are all the samefag. hah. but i guess go ahead and respond with: "im real, not a troll. prepping is important that's why i keep talkin about it. my 12 V 15 milliAmp quad deluxe space inverters will power my off grid night vision crypto generator for 3.5 days given enough sunlight for my solar core LX panels. ive done the tests to 13 bowls of soup to last me 13 month if i my calculation in the flux capacitor are correct so that ill be very safe in my hut"


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c1b0d3  No.273387

File: da5854b1c6a15cf⋯.mp4 (7.45 MB, 384x288, 4:3, 2021_09_30_Purple_Cringe_2….mp4)


>maybe your right

Maybe I should take writing and formatting advice from someone who does not even know the difference between "your" and "you're".

As for not liking Killcen, or the fact that he is prepared for most any eventuality, and the fact that that makes him feel better about his life… tough luck! Whatever floats your boat!

Not everyone is insanely obsessing on their role in some National Socialist Fantasy Utopia World!

As for you and Johnny thinking that "Spirituality" (for lack of a better term) is "Fake" or "Pompous", well I DID, on NUMEROUS Occasions, tell you toLOOK WITHIN.It's not my fault if you don't like what you see! It is far easier to look at and judge "Others", recognizing what you see as their "Faults". Yet you forget they are looking at -(You) ! The one who sports Purple Towels on your shoulder, and has a book like yours, and a thread like this!

Like I said,=This Is Now a Prepping Thread.

Prepping 101: The Ultimate Zero to Hero Guide to Prepping [+ Downloadable PDF Checklist]


too easy*

> consider 90% likely that you and giraffe anon and johnny neptune and kilcen, are all the samefag.


go down that path.

sally did!

you'll be back in the psychiatric hospital in no time!

they'll take care of your every need in there (until they are no more.)

you don't need to prepare for ANYTHING.

just let shit happen.

> inb4 you're gonna "make" shit happen!

Meanwhile, I'll Go On About My Development."

SAGE!because it goes so well with this dish!

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c1b0d3  No.273389

File: b8a7255daea55d7⋯.jpg (105.26 KB, 640x637, 640:637, Sage_Whine.jpg)

File: 4eb2490fdf71352⋯.png (35.63 KB, 808x515, 808:515, PP_BlueFreedomWirbelShadow.png)

File: e8ffaab6c1fd3ab⋯.png (38.54 KB, 808x515, 808:515, PP_BlueFreedomRohrShadow.png)



I particularly like the Blue Freedom Vortex

> Sustainable electricity generated by mountain waterfalls or through the flow of a river.

And the Blue Freedom Tube

> Power generation inside of water pipes while preserving the safety of the drinking water.


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b93b12  No.273392

File: 85d2f8809848b13⋯.png (405.21 KB, 824x452, 206:113, ClipboardImage.png)

EXCERPT FROM Mein Kampf 2.0



Pages 88-89

More on this train of thought, is the deciding factor for when someone mixes in such a way that they are no longer to be considered members of White National Socialism. My policy hope for Baden in this matter has much to do with the difference between race and ethnicity. There are some out there who only believe in the existence of ethnicity, and they call it race; and to them there is no difference. They believe that when someone race-mixes, that they become a mixture of the two with no identity. I do believe that race is the body, while ethnicity is the clothing. Race is unilineally determined. the native ethnicity for Baden is White German. However, if a racially Baden man were to breed with a racially black woman and have a son, though while that son may be black ethnically, he would still be racially a Baden. If that man had a daughter with a black negro woman, then she would instead be racially a negro. To look at it another way, it is my belief that the woman is like the soil in which a seed is planted. When that seed grows, if it is a male then it is a continuation of that same seed of the father. If that seed grows into a woman, then it is like a continuation of that same soil of the mother. In this way, it is my belief for my people that each of us has one true race, which never changes, even though our ethnicity may change. This is the theme of unilineal descent. I place an extremely high value on this type of descent as the defining factor of identity.

Throughout history this type of descent has been a main theme of many peoples. In the same way that cousins are less closely related than brothers, so the same that patrilineal lines are more closely related than with the matrilineal lines they are attached to who may be of an entirely different race. The policy I want for Baden, is that we organize ourselves as far as possible into patrilineal and matrilineal lines as the core of our smallest National Socialist groupings. It is my belief that the purest form of Badens are those who descend from us unilineally. It is in this sense that I desire to define my people. If you are a Baden by unilineal descent, then you have membership in our Baden National Socialism no matter what your ethnicity, and no matter how many generations you were mixed in that ethnicity for. However, the central lands of Baden should be under the authority of those who have the native ethnicity of the Baden race, which is white and German. Those who are of unilineal Baden descent, but of a different ethnicity would take positions of authority in the border regions of our lands. Those who are not Baden by unilineal decent are not to be considered racially Baden, even though they might be ethnically Baden. These people would have much less authority in the Baden social structure, if any, and should actually be encouraged to seek out their true racial identity in the native lands of their true race outside of Baden. However I do not take the stance that these people should be punished or deported. They are to be considered biological guests of our ethnicity, since they are related to us by blood, yet not by race. I do value them like family, but recognize their roots come from another place.

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b93b12  No.273393


EXCERPT FROM Mein Kampf 2.0



Pages 89-90

I do value them like family, but recognize their roots come from another place…

Now let us speak of the possibility of ethnic purification. Should someone be considered forever to be denied authority in the central regions of Baden? It is my opinion for my own people, that if you are a Baden by race, then even though mixing may have caused your ethnicity to change and thus lock you out from authority in the central Baden region, still ethnic purification is possible. Ethnic purification can be accomplished through many generations of breeding within the Baden ethnicity, so that eventually the Baden ethnicity could return to your children. The point of return would be decided when your generations become indistinguishable ethnically from other ethnic Badens, paired also with two unilineally Baden parents. At this point you would have purified your ethnicity and be considered a pure Baden once again, and thus be given authority as full member in the central regions of the Baden native lands. The details of how this system would work can be worked out by the intellectuals, but it is enough that I touched on it here. This stance, I feel is a defining theme for Baden National Socialism, and I do recommend it for all the white nations. If we were to be so strict as to exclude anyone who has ever mixed even one drop from another ethnicity to be excluded forever, then there might be very few if any Badens left. This is not to say that pure Badens are not valuable and to be held in high regard, and their children much sought after for re-purification purposes; still it is my belief that unilineal descent is the sacred connection for us all, to be considered of equal value no matter what our maternal mixture. It is a view of the far right on this issue of “not one drop” which I do disagree with, and which is why I place myself in the middle of the spectrum on this issue. It is not my intention to get into heated arguments with the people of other white nations to also take this unilineal policy, but I am strongly clear with my own people of Baden, that you will not exclude our unilineal brothers and sisters from our National Socialism, and I am in fact willing to go to civil war with my fellow Badens who might fall on the extreme right and challenge me on this, if they are not willing to compromise. I myself have patrilineal brothers with a different ethnicity, and so I will not allow you to make them feel like they are not one of us, or to harass or shame them.

Again, the policy of National Socialism towards civil war within a nation is that you are to stay out of it if you are not part of that nation. Do what you will with the far right in your own white nations, but in Baden, if it does come to civil war with the far right on this issue, then I expect other nations stay out of it and to let us Badens handle the matter ourselves. In the same way, even as a leader of White National Socialism, I would not get involved in the civil wars of other white nations.

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a4c776  No.273433

File: 349ae3d80562897⋯.png (151.73 KB, 415x311, 415:311, ClipboardImage.png)

Final Bump, before I let this thread retire.

Thank you, to those of you who actually did take a look at the book and reply here. I appreciate the feedback.

According to the timeline of how Uncle Adolf released Volume 1 and 2; this was Volume 1; whilst I will release a volume 2 in March 2023.

Heil Hitler.


code: Mein-Kampf

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3af228  No.273445


Certain property and personal information is highly confidential but I am always looking for alternatives, if not for actually using, then for investing for high quality future bartering options. Remember, We The People are at war, our governments have been infiltrated by enemies of our Constitutional rule of law. Their whole goal is to kill off 80% to 90% the human population (slowly through the endless covid vaccine rollouts), and then they intend to hunt down us resisters and enslave us, or kill us off in a "sweep up" across the country. This information is now well known to all doomsday preppers and militias across the country, now is the time to be making the last ditch efforts of strategic defense during kinetic warfare (if we fail to restore our Constitution we will die fighting, in a scorched Earth kill 'em all scenario, as our enemies likely intend to do if they lose). This is about to get very ugly. The results could go MAD which would bring us all back to the Biblical ages and second coming.

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3af228  No.273447


You can believe whatever you feel like if it makes you happy, but too much happiness in a mad world can get you easily caught off guard and killed. As for that little hint, I will provide you one more tip, when this insolvent corrupted subverted system collapses (and it will, history proves so), the last thing surviving Americans are going to put up with are control freaks and wannabe bureaucrats, they'll all be walking targets, government is very very much resented today. Just wait till the mass vaccine die-offs due to those employee mandates as well the children dropping dead from them. Anyone working in government today is painting a big target sign on their back that says "TRAITOR" these days, once this system collapses they best go into hiding and those who want big government best keep their mouth shut for their own life sake. That's the harsh reality whether you like it or not.

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3af228  No.273449


What I would like to see is what kind of wattage it can produce for consumption use. That makes all the difference in the world when it comes to rationing energy or what kinds of utilities can be used.

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772fe1  No.273461

File: ec42d684aa62f08⋯.png (513.75 KB, 400x550, 8:11, ClipboardImage.png)



pic related. im done with you two. go back to boomerville.

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3af228  No.273463


Like it or not, most of America is what you would call "boomerville" and that won't change even during and after the collapse of the current dying Empire. In fact, you'll be surrounded by armed angry boomers, so you better get used to it.

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b96255  No.275662

File: b6223c94c820da1⋯.mp4 (12.62 MB, 1200x668, 300:167, Fallen_Republic.mp4)


>if it takes total collapse of the system so be it. Our Constitutional Republic will be worth it


>It's not going to happen without hard work to restore our Constitutional Republic.


>Remember, We The People are at war, our governments have been infiltrated by enemies of our Constitutional rule of law.

"You were deceived. And now your republic shall fall."

embed related

actually I'm in favor of maintaining a republic in the USA, but the republics in Europe must fall. Empire is the natural order of Europe.

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456cab  No.275671


Anything could happen from now on, we are at war and this war is very unconventional. This war is a gaggle of powerful influential authoritarian despots vs We The People (the common folk like you and me). This is not really State vs State which is traditional warfare.

If our Republic falls there will be mass balkanization and a (economically forced) return to local communities and the economic collapse would also bring this totalitarian government down with it. They will no longer have consent of the governed, nor will there be anymore tax revenue flowing because of the collapse (this disables their operational functions as government as well paying for law enforcement), not to mention that America is so well armed it would be very likely to see a rise of local armies forming in communities to protect locals and their markets from sabotage. The question is, how will other corrupted nations respond? Another question is the military contingencies and who run them, will they side with We The People or make war against "defectors" or "rebels"?

I don't know how this ends to be honest, everything could completely collapse and Russia & China takes over the US and it's resources, sweeping us up without nuclear MAD world war, and that's worst case scenario.

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456cab  No.275677


>actually I'm in favor of maintaining a republic in the USA, but the republics in Europe must fall. Empire is the natural order of Europe

The ironic thing about Empires is the fact that even though they are so powerful and centrally controlled, they always collapse eventually. The European Union is an Empire right now, the EU has enormous centralized (unelected) bureaucratic control over Europe today. Most Republics of Europe have fallen to the EU Empire already. There is a European Empire, it's the EU.

The United States government has largely forgotten or dismissed Constitutional law too, and has fought for global hegemony (Empire) around the world for decades proceeding WWII. Right now China is forming an Empire throughout Asia, taking over sovereign territories like Hong Kong and next Taiwan & maybe even Japan. If Russia wants an Empire, they'll take over Ukraine and re-establish the USSR.

The issue with Empires is they always are determined to stranglehold power and build hegemony for their own selfish interests, not for the peoples' interests or interests of sovereign nation states. The British Magna Carta (less potent) and US Constitution (more potent) were installed into law to undo Empirical control over their subjects (citizenry), giving the citizenry some level of personal sovereignty, responsibility and human dignity, aka freedom.

Look at all the fallen Empires in the past for an example how they never work as intended in the end (Aztec Empire, Babylonian Empire, Ottoman Empire, Roman Empire, first and second Mexican Empires, British Empire, Nazi Germany seeked an Empire too, et al the list goes on and on). There will always be citizens and their Nation States (Republics) that desire freedom, that desire sovereignty and desire to make their own economic and political decisions and Empires that seek to destroy or conquer them too. That about sums up why most wars are fought. Republics come and go, but so do Empires.

That said, this is the reason I think our country needs to read the Constitution over again, in entirety, and bring back that Constitutional law as it was intended (perhaps reform it to make it more secure from subversion and corruption within the State).

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c1476b  No.281187

This book is being passed around in underground elite circles.

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7a3ff3  No.282450


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754f8b  No.282484


> This book is being passed around in underground elite circles.

This is true.

The particular elite circle of which I am a proud member has a copy of this book inlaid with purple howlite into thick gold tablets.

I'm not allowed to speak of who gave them to us.

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b16f19  No.283364

File: 7b796aea49e51fd⋯.pdf (1.23 MB, 2022_01_13_MEIN_KAMPF_2_0_….pdf)



🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

Has a Copy

of This Thread!


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6ec8d5  No.285786

Yo, I think this book is blowing up at the moment actually. I've seen subtle references to its growing popularity in mainstream culture.

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