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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: eb51ef7e6c68469⋯.gif (198.44 KB, 257x480, 257:480, PicsArt_10_14_09_53_57.gif)

be9994  No.271346

Maybe it's because he lives with his mother?

Apparently, he's embarrassed about it

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4eb35e  No.271347


I've got a serious question. why does he want to be called the purple spermthroat?

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18fb39  No.271348


every time he calls himself the purple spermthroat, it makes me want to puke. why is he so proud to be gay!

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148e1d  No.271354

He's been busy shilling Zionism on /pol/ and getting BTFO


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