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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 0d68a8c078b74a6⋯.jpg (36.22 KB, 426x462, 71:77, levine4star.jpg)

eb1846  No.270422

If this is a real leak, which chances are it could be real, then you are witnessing a DELIBERATE TAKEDOWN of the United States of America and the rest of the Western World.


As far as our civilian intelligence is concerned:

1) Western governments and institutions have been fully compromised by foreign entities for at least a few decades.

2) Covid spike proteins were created in a Chinese lab in Wuhan which was funded by Western governments and institutions via taxpayer money.

3) Covid vaccinations have the coronavirus bioweapon spike proteins in them to deliberately weaken immune systems over time and slowly kill people off.

4) Covid vaccinations are being used as a weapon to depopulate the Western World so a global totalitarian communist Empire can be created and future resources extracted from the Western World (in same fashion resources are extracted in times of occupational war by force). The new Jew host nation will be China, propped up by the same who corrupted and exploited the United States.

4) The Covid vaccination mandates as well as lockdowns were a deliberate act of treason to destroy Western economies, bankrupt the nation and cause mass supply chain disruptions and labor shortages. This would help cull and weaken Western populations.

5) The next plan is to pit the unprepared vs the prepared, and the vaccinated vs the unvaccinated, all while mass economic and social destabilization occurs. This further weakens and breaks Western Nations apart. Easier to fully concur later through foreign interventions.

6) We are at war. You need to be prepared for war.

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f96e90  No.270430

File: 0765aa2540ef2e4⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1080x1605, 72:107, PicsArt_10_21_07_43_58.png)


if you don't like where America is headed, feel free to pack your toasters & field peas and LEAVE…

I don't remember anyone asking you to be here in the first place.

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f96e90  No.270431

File: 72514319b6ace3d⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1080x1605, 72:107, PicsArt_10_21_07_56_09.png)

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f96e90  No.270432

File: 0d9c7dde1c914b2⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1605, 72:107, PicsArt_10_21_08_11_44.png)

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f96e90  No.270433

File: 4bb684b1d87baf3⋯.png (881.92 KB, 1080x1605, 72:107, PicsArt_10_21_08_16_39.png)

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f96e90  No.270434

File: cf433fd46a13750⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1605, 72:107, PicsArt_10_21_08_25_44.png)

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f96e90  No.270435

File: 5c8ad1b5b4f48e4⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1080x1605, 72:107, PicsArt_10_21_08_30_12.png)

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f96e90  No.270436

File: 5178f033a12c9e0⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1080x1605, 72:107, PicsArt_10_21_08_27_54.png)

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f96e90  No.270437

File: 7c0662e98836cdd⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1080x1605, 72:107, PicsArt_10_21_08_39_10.png)

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f96e90  No.270438

File: 83be8e1e40a7608⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1605, 72:107, PicsArt_10_21_08_40_16.png)

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f96e90  No.270439

File: bbcd7fb15aff542⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1605, 72:107, PicsArt_10_21_08_47_00.png)

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f96e90  No.270440

File: 5c97c39bc2f50db⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1080x1605, 72:107, PicsArt_10_21_08_54_33.png)

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f96e90  No.270441

File: 997e36fc9ad5ec3⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1080x1605, 72:107, PicsArt_10_21_08_59_58.png)

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f96e90  No.270442

File: 47f0dbdd51dc38d⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1605, 72:107, PicsArt_10_21_09_04_38.png)

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f96e90  No.270443


That Rachel chick might be slightly on the chunky side, but she's still pretty fucking sexy

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f96e90  No.270444


>actually believes a civilian can be sworn in as a Four Star Admiral


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f96e90  No.270445




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f96e90  No.270446

File: acde44c51af9db7⋯.jpg (88.75 KB, 916x687, 4:3, imrs.jpg)



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f96e90  No.270447

File: 115b7821b891367⋯.png (862.71 KB, 1080x1842, 180:307, PicsArt_10_21_10_24_41.png)



I bet you're tickled pink

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f96e90  No.270448

File: 3739a1bb736ff82⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1080x1811, 1080:1811, PicsArt_10_21_10_28_42.png)



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f96e90  No.270449


The creature was sworn in as a four Star "Admiral" of theUS Public Health Service, which means NOTHING

I thought you were saying it wasTHE UNITED STATES NAVY

in which case, NO… no the creature could never become a four Star Admiral

By the way, you're STILL unequivocally insane

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f96e90  No.270450

File: 075681e987a24b1⋯.jpg (314.14 KB, 1622x1080, 811:540, PicsArt_10_21_10_36_13.jpg)

anybody… literally ANYBODY can become a four Star Admiral of the patheticUS Public Health Service, no matter how insane they may be

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a23430  No.270452

File: 422686c7431f329⋯.png (804.22 KB, 1080x1842, 180:307, Rachel_Levine_4_Star_Gener….png)




I've no time to play in here today.

But thanks for the morning laughs.

ENJOY This Day!No Matter Where You May Find Yourselves

Meanwhile, I'll Go On About My Development…

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6a4dc9  No.270502



I know I am. That's why I am always warning people to prepare for harder times. If you think problems are bad now you ain't seen nothing yet.

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ac8cb9  No.271491

File: e8aa2e233f177ac⋯.jpg (59.48 KB, 496x700, 124:175, 68.jpg)

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d082d8  No.275785

Your mother had a REAL VAGINA.

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97cbbb  No.275908

File: 5248da5f584697c⋯.jpg (166.28 KB, 960x784, 60:49, image0.jpg)


Uhm, excuse me, sweaty. This festering sore I carved into my perineum with a flathead screwdriver is too a vagina, and several mild acquaintances have called me stunning and brave for standing up to bigoted cishets like you because of it. Maybe think before you speak next time and you won't get so burned.

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8682bf  No.275920


I remember when I was a colonel in the red cross. Bet I could have gotten four stars if I lopped my dick off.

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49b60f  No.275924


>The new Jew host nation will be China

No, it won't. Jews don't have anywhere to go. COVID is fake. All of this nonsense around China is just setting up the patsy.

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a1d110  No.282658

File: d28b2f46c5efa73⋯.pdf (90.08 KB, Aleister_Crowley_The_Book_….pdf)

File: 53fe4594d249840⋯.png (244.75 KB, 401x552, 401:552, X_Men.png)

File: 5f56bca59dccd8b⋯.png (13.97 KB, 180x180, 1:1, Linux.png)

File: 825cc35c3400533⋯.jpg (49.65 KB, 640x960, 2:3, download_20200507_215813.jpg)


> I remember when I was a colonel in the red cross. Bet I could have gotten four stars if I lopped my dick off.

I use the Linux Kernel, so I do not have to chop my dick off.

> Since I am Infinite Space, and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus. Bind nothing! Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt.

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34c51c  No.282666

lol it's not the CCP who are pushing the vaccine, it's ZOG, and that includes Zion Don himself.

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74d09a  No.292756



Hydroxychloroquine and zinc was the first line of treatment mentioned by Trump.

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20700f  No.292791

File: db3a854b5c37781⋯.jpg (54.04 KB, 426x462, 71:77, Levine_4_Star_Fuck_Em_Flag….jpg)

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20700f  No.292792


Definitely the smile of "Woman of the Year".

The Patriarchy Wins Again!

I guess men really are better at everything!

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c6daad  No.292795

File: 2a295b7fea94552⋯.png (2.92 MB, 2289x2289, 1:1, em_Flaggots.png)

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