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File: e1810b9119450f4⋯.jpeg (12.8 KB, 200x200, 1:1, david_amess.jpeg)

55912d  No.268801

David Amess, leading member of "Conservative Friends of Israel," murdered in knife attack at constituency meeting.


He had a lot of good positions on other issues but that Zionism shit discredits his entire life's body of work.

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be0827  No.268803


>He had a lot of good positions on other issues but that Zionism shit discredits his entire life's body of work.

UK conservatives are even more spineless than many of the cuckservative politicians we have in America. It's pretty much 'democrats' vs full blown Bolshevik commies in the UK (aka no real difference). Even Boris is a joke at this point.

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55912d  No.268805

File: f30ac57628b3d6e⋯.jpg (758.76 KB, 1056x2080, 33:65, _boris_.jpg)


very sad

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be0827  No.268810


I would like to clear something about that not a lot of people truly understand about conservatism…

To be a real conservative you have to have support three basic ideologies: 1) limited government, 2) fiscal solvency / personal responsibility (avoiding insolvent debts) and 3) the right to defend yourself, family and private property. Most politicians are not real conservatives even when they label themselves as such.

What does NOT make you conservative: Supporting unnecessary war or foreign intervention does not make you conservative. Supporting a police state does not make you a conservative. Supporting global hegemony or Empire does not make you conservative. Supporting central banking and endless debt does not make you conservative. Supporting zionism does not make you conservative…. just like supporting fascism, socialism, communism, monopolization or plutocracy does not make you conservative either.

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55912d  No.268815


Makes sense. Definitions are easily changed though, and obviously have been. I can support limited government, fiscal solvency, and gun rights while also rallying for transgendered rights among the pre-teen youth. Am I conservative or liberal in this case?

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14151a  No.269168


I really don't understand America's absolute OBSESSION with transgenders. #1 they are a very small minority. #2 America has always had that very small minority of crazies (recall that 1950s film by Ed Wood mocking them for example?)… #3 these crazie trannies typically adore all this attention, and they would quickly slither right back into their own shadows if we simply ignored them and refused to have anything to do with them.

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55912d  No.269175


Liberal or Conservative?

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b5afb8  No.269209


If you really need to know, rallying for transgendered rights makes you a faggot or a nutcase. Doesn't matter your political views. Sane people don't care and don't want to have anything to do with it.

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55912d  No.269210


But I could support tranny rights while taking a conservative stance on all other matters. Liberal and Conservative are outdated nonsensical terms only useful for dividing the People in a false dichotomy.

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b5afb8  No.269211


Then you might as well say everyone has equal political views. But that's just not the way it really is, people do have different viewpoints and that is how we best can describe them. i consider myself conservative because I want limited government, Constitutional rights and fiscal solvency and responsibility, I desire to be left alone to live how I please as well be able to defend myself, family and property. I don't like living in a nanny police state, or under bureaucracy. That's typically identifiable as being "conservative" at least traditionally.

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55912d  No.269212


You want a limited government but also the ability to live life how you please. That's not unreasonable. But what about all of the many people who want you living life how they please? Communists, Zionists, lobbies of all sorts..? A limited government has no solution to the problem of special interest groups. A limited government is what we have right now – so limited they can't even solve the ANTIFA problem despite their blatant domestic terrorism. How does a limited government and you living how you want work?

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b5afb8  No.269213


A limited government in a country where citizens are free and well armed (yes that really goes hand-in-hand) can deal with those kinds of problems. Besides, when was the last time our government really cracked down on Zionism, or Communism or any of that shit? They flat out promote most of the BS you claim to be against. So how is that working out?

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b5afb8  No.269214


>A limited government is what we have right now – so limited they can't even solve the ANTIFA problem despite their blatant domestic terrorism.

They have the patriot act. They have executive orders at their disposal. They have the NDAA. They have DHS, they have the FBI, they have militarized police with riot control….. and yet…. they twiddle their thumbs….. and yet they want more power? Sure, they want more power alright, they more control over us not their political ally stooges like BLM or Antifa.

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55912d  No.269216


Protection of the citizens is government's responsibility. You shouldn't have your little brother or sister forced to murder communists in black-bloc outfits. Our government is corrupt. All world governments are corrupt. If they're not supporting Zionism they're backing Communism. If you want a government that can handle these problems then it has to be powerful, not necessarily big and encroaching on normal rights, but powerful and supported by the majority. Citizens should consider themselves part of government instead of simply governed.

>They have the patriot act. They have executive orders at their disposal. They have the NDAA. They have DHS, they have the FBI, they have militarized police with riot control….. and yet…. they twiddle their thumbs

Yeah. The potential for power exists but there's no realized power. But imagine all of those things you mentioned being used against the people who deserve it - we'd have no more problems.

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b5afb8  No.269218


Well yes, governments have become corrupted. They always become corrupted. When they are not, other governments typically infiltrate and corrupt them. Maybe the citizens should be the ones with the arms to deal with those who want to harm others and their communities? I don't see how governments have really helped any of the problems we have today, like you admit, they are easily corruptible. Maybe it's time to limit governments, put the power back in the hands of average citizens, declare debt jubilee and abolish the central banks, and go back to Constitutional law and order. (heaven forbid!)

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55912d  No.269219

File: e537502703fb14b⋯.jpg (21.99 KB, 286x269, 286:269, oh_my_yes.JPG)


>put the power back in the hands of average citizens, declare debt jubilee and abolish the central banks, and go back to Constitutional law and order.

sounds perfect

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04b8c7  No.269256


>MPs getting stabbed to death by muslims in churches

wew britbongs

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889ed7  No.271972

File: 2a8df66505c1050⋯.jpeg (1.61 MB, 2150x3200, 43:64, Xmas.jpeg)

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a56fac  No.272024

File: d8fde40b0e58ddb⋯.png (2.38 MB, 2133x1275, 711:425, 1635101246225.png)

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55912d  No.273846

File: b0f9fdfe9740a40⋯.jpg (171.96 KB, 601x900, 601:900, goals_trad.jpg)

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