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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 91aaffa19c49bed⋯.jpg (276.93 KB, 1422x1080, 79:60, PicsArt_10_09_06_57_51.jpg)

de61a8  No.267993

I am not particularly happy about having to hear your political beliefs and opinions all the time on this board so I would greatly appreciate it if you would refrain from posting any more of your boring political bullshit.

Thankyou for your cooperation

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de61a8  No.267994

it's gotten old…. it got old a long time ago…..

……..take that trash to 4chat…….

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de61a8  No.267995

Nobody comes here to read about politics…..

If we want news, we sure as fuck don't need THIS SHITHOLE

and debate?….. hahaha FUCK DEBATING

we don't want to her your opinion to begin with

and we sure as fuck don't want to protract it by

debating your boring ass

we'd prefer if you'd simply STFU

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ed5663  No.267997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




B-B-But WHY not???

pls dude, do educate urself, srsly, else u end a cocksucker (vr). I'mma be genuinly worried now… not.

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45af1f  No.268015


The board is literally titled; Politics, News and Debate. Are you fucking stupid?

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dd2dd6  No.268023

File: 30d2c9bf2b6e3f2⋯.jpg (39.47 KB, 640x645, 128:129, tranny_maymay.jpg)

Why is Johnny Neptroon so sensitive?

>P-please leave muh safe space!

I've noticed he has two primary personalities:

The crying woman and the "im the abuser here, bucko!" tough guy. I assume the tough guy persona is his damage male ego that cant cope with feeling like a woman, which is not only why his male persona is such a tryhard but also why his female personality cries and complains all the time. It must be hard living in herm's world.

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