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File: 8f19802e61a68ce⋯.jpg (20.63 KB, 300x225, 4:3, austria_1.jpg)

e584bc  No.267868

>Prosecutors believe chancellor masterminded illegal effort to pay off pollsters and journalists in his rise to power.


What happened to these Zio-Bolshevik elite pricks? Is this the best Kosher Nostra, Freemasonry, Illuminism, et al have to offer? Embarrassing. They came into power only to be exposed, shamed, and thwarted. What a waste of money, time, and planning. I wonder what comes next?

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b8005b  No.267968

…And gone (as chancellor).

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8268b6  No.267978


what comes next :

you…. while watching anime….

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8268b6  No.267981


who told you to bring your BORING POLITICAL BELIEFS in here?


take it to 4chan

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8268b6  No.267983


If you've got political beliefs, go change the world


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8268b6  No.267984


we didn't ask for your 'contribution', because WE DON'T CARE

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8268b6  No.267985


There's lots of things I like and don't like


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b8005b  No.267986

File: a572e66fee7e96a⋯.jpg (87.26 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, safe_haven_dawn_289319_1.jpg)


To add to that. The blacks paid 'the media' to shill hard for them, to push bubi to chancellorship. Not that the reds did this (also the greens), plus the reds hired a (((pro))) for manipulating the public years before (Silberstein).

Yeah: And the black gang had convos brought to light, about posting their minions into places, and networking. Who would have thought… Nooo wayyy the other parties would do such, too…

These are the most controversial things that came out, as of now. Austria is still a save haven compared to those shitholes in a sea of piss which they call 'countries' anywhere else in the world.

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4bba9b  No.267992

Does anyone have the leaked texts?

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b8005b  No.267996


Newest ones? Nothing outstanding imo. Just some cockplay and gay boi jib jab. And it is in German, if you can read it.

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4bba9b  No.268008


I can read German. Just keep seeing people post pictures and excerpts as if they have the whole thing; could you share a magnet link if you have it?

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b8005b  No.268013


https zackzack.at/2021/10/06/das-ist-die-anordnung-zur-oevp-hausdurchsuchung/

Down the bottom, 2 links. official file, with chat samples included (p 19 ff). not sure if it's all tho. This is the newest, and is what most ppl reference to right now afaik.

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4bba9b  No.268016


>https zackzack.at/2021/10/06/das-ist-die-anordnung-zur-oevp-hausdurchsuchung/

Thanks, I'll combine them and create a torrent in case that weird file sharing site goes dark; please do let me know if you ever happen to stumble across the full dataset!

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4bba9b  No.268237

File: 2b937575caebaf8⋯.png (2.51 MB, 1864x1049, 1864:1049, kapitalist.png)



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691f69  No.271781

File: 88e0ee75e936a67⋯.jpg (798.59 KB, 2300x1698, 1150:849, 81.jpg)

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e584bc  No.273862

File: 3228d89ac349d13⋯.jpg (122.02 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, goals_2.jpg)

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