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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 71c0fab57e603cc⋯.jpg (404.67 KB, 1712x1080, 214:135, PicsArt_10_05_06_14_49.jpg)

b5c8a8  No.266941

It's been an entire day since Johnny Neptune formally announced his candidacy in the big upcoming election for /PND/ FÜHRER.

Today Neptune released his official campaign slogan :


He has also already begun listing his campaign promises… If elected /pnd/ führer, Neptune promises to :

Make appearing in 8kun and announcing that you are running for führer a crime punishable by death

And basically that's it.. that's the only campaign promise…

A promise to make sure this never happens again, and to make sure that psychotic lonely men like the Purple Polesmoker never come in here bothering us again with their desperate attempt to make friends, pretending as if they are already popular…

Other than that, his only promise was to get things back to normal after we get rid of the Purple Polesmoker

Not a bad day if you ask me….

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6e039b  No.266945

File: 24f27aa7dd610ed⋯.gif (6.16 MB, 777x777, 1:1, vote_killcen_fuhrer_of_pnd….gif)


That doesn't work for Killcen. He would make a better Führer than "Neptude" , obviously.

Killcen also agrees with the policy against announcing one is running for Führer. I don't exactly speak for him, and I'm not even sure he knows there is an Election coming up, but preliminary polls conducted at the Polesmoker Hall lead to the inevitable conclusion that Killcen already has the title of "Führer of /pnd/" in the bag.

Killcen also has better `.gif`s.

> GIF related

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