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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: cc564679053b3e5⋯.jpg (9.21 KB, 225x225, 1:1, bug_man.jpg)

cdf4a7  No.266806

What if the Elite from both goyim and fake Jewish sects have agreed that Hitler's vision wasn't faulty and the Zionism VS. Bolshevism struggle was a mistake? What if the NWO is set against the majority of fake Jews and other non-European, non Elite peoples and the "Great Reset" is the resetting of history to produce a desirable future? Man… you guise would be fucked, huh? Zionist, Bolshevik…liberal, conservative… your own petty and subversive behavior would prove such a scenario favorable.

Although unlikely, it would be entertaining. Either way there is very little chance (((you))) make it into the New World Order which must come even if only because kikes have sought to establish it at the detriment of others.

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