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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

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09ac60  No.266747

I don't really need to say anything. This video says it all, really. China is going to have to return to its cannibal ways in order to survive what the kikes/bug people have done to them.

"Communism is the heart of Judaism." Look everyone and marvel at 'the heart of Judaism'.

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8359e1  No.266757

File: 2c199c26c732e0a⋯.png (243.83 KB, 648x480, 27:20, _zeihan_.PNG)

He's right about China, he's wrong about WW2.

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09ac60  No.266768


They sure are good at murder. You would think it would violate their 'no work shall ever be done by a kike' rule…but murder, cannibalism and their 'other traits' see to exempt from the 'no kike-work rule'.

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