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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 88d9d14a247e478⋯.jpg (149.51 KB, 691x475, 691:475, russia_wedding.jpg)

File: 15fb8e4c904ae82⋯.png (788.86 KB, 718x527, 718:527, russia_wedding_3.PNG)

File: f92e07ed3fa4c6f⋯.png (782.39 KB, 722x516, 361:258, russia_wedding_4.PNG)

7bd724  No.266632

Tsar Nationalism is rising. Judeo-Bolsheviks get the rope. You diaspora, along with Israelis, are being forced into a corner, first by the force of public opinion and soon by the public itself. Samson Option baby! Let's do this.

>For the 40-year-old George Mikhailovich Romanov, the decision to wed his Italian fiancee in a lavish ceremony at St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg — in Russia’s first “royal” wedding in over a century — carried a complicated history.

>On the one hand, St. Petersburg, once the capital of the Russian Empire, was built from scratch when the House of Romanov ruled from 1613 and 1917. St. Isaac’s is one of its grandest buildings, just across from the old imperial residences.

>On the other, it is where the Romanovs’ rule over Russia came to a bloody halt after revolutions in 1917. The last czar, Nicholas II, was imprisoned in the nearby Alexander Palace. Nicholas Romanov, a distant cousin to the groom and the last royal family member to be married in Russia, was later shot and bayoneted to death, along with his wife and five young children, in Yekaterinburg.

>Still, Friday’s party went on.

>Roughly 1,500 people attended Romanov’s wedding to Rebecca Virginia Bettarini, 39, who now goes by the new name Victoria Romanovna Bettarini, with aristocrats and dignitaries from across Europe. According to Russian website Fontanka.ru, roughly 50 royals from European countries attended. Romanov uses the self-styled title of grand duke.

<Not all Russian officials welcomed the opportunity. Dmitry Peskov, spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin, told reporters Friday that the Kremlin had no plans to congratulate the happy couple. “This marriage does not belong on our agenda in any way,” Peskov said.


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970b3d  No.266638

I don't think there is anything such as non-kiked royalty anymore.

There is no more nobility.

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eaaea4  No.266639

File: 17c2d4ebea2bb95⋯.png (52.72 KB, 404x790, 202:395, ClipboardImage.png)


>House of Romanov

these people change their names to hide their true identity.

they're ACTUALLY the House of Oldenburg, by direct patrilineal descent.


the current royal family of england, the husband of queen elizabeth, are all also from the House of Oldenburg. but they hide it too.

Oldenburgs belong in Oldenburg, which is in Germany. They shouldn't be ruling russia or or england. they know this, which is why they hide their name.


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727cca  No.266646

File: c007cf33c9b7513⋯.jpg (142.02 KB, 1160x629, 1160:629, looooooooooooooooooooooooo….jpg)


>Putin will allow the Tsar to rise again

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7bd724  No.266649

File: 57f51f250e36f6e⋯.png (802.87 KB, 732x892, 183:223, kvetching_kike.png)

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7bd724  No.266759

File: dbb30f2c391b45a⋯.png (183.94 KB, 908x680, 227:170, bump_2.png)

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970b3d  No.266774


Why would you want to get a paper cut on your tongue?

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4554f7  No.266781


>>Russia & China

It is because I desire to attack the waters in Europe.

In Europe the water supply is tied to energy.

I shall plight hospitals and educational institutions next…

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