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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 8dfc68e95b5adba⋯.jpg (113.74 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Global_Supply_Chains_Falte….jpg)

d3c858  No.266115


Disclaimer: A nuclear superpower has intentionally commit national suicide. Be aware unintentional global chaos may soon arise.

New York Governor Declares State Of Emergency After Tons Of Doctors, Nurses Quit Over Clot Shot

The control freak crazies still think they're serving public interests!



National Guard To Drive Kids To School Amid Bus Driver Shortage In Massachusetts



Police Are Resigning En Masse Over Vaccine Mandates, This Will Lead To A Federal Gestapo Replacement


LEAKED: Big Pharma Executive Admits Covid Vaccines Are Dangerous To Children's Health



'''WATCH: https://www.bitchute.com/video/8D5t0El1SoqF/

Massive Trucker Strike In Italy Over Clot Shot Mandate, 30,000+ Trucks Block Roads & Highways



UK Hit With Gas And Food Shortages, It's Only Getting Worse



Top Apple, Tesla Suppliers Suspend Production Due To Supply Chain Shortages



Criminal Biden Regime Ignoring The Courts On Immigration Rulings



The Crazy Is Very Strong In USSA Today



I Agree With Styx! The Only Way To Stop The Crazies Is To Defund Them!


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af32f6  No.266120

The mandatory vaccine for employees will be the death knell for the US economy. We already have labor shortages, as well as a supply chain breakdown. Just you wait till ~20% (or more) quit their jobs or are fired over the clot shot mandates! You are going to feel it when you go to the store to buy whatever you need. You are going to feel it waiting weeks, maybe months, for something you order by mail. You are going to see institutions and businesses failing. You are going to see massive kvetching for taxpayer bailouts. You are going to see a rise in crime rates. You are going to see a sharp rise in poverty.

So next time, lets say within a year realistically, you think governments should be allowed to interfere in the marketplace on such a dictatorial level, just consider what that has done to you and your way of life….. enjoy this horror show because it will get a lot worse for everyone.

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daa329  No.266121


The good news is, and the government may be too stupid to figure this out yet (all despots are stupid), the amount of tax revenues will sharply decline too as this goes on. A lot of people are going to bail from the system, a lot of people won't have the income to pay taxes. So the government will have to increase debt, and the more they increase it the higher price inflation rates will get, and the angrier people will get and the more that will simply bail because working and paying taxes is not worth their effort or time. The cycle will continue until the corrupt system collapses, USSR style. So remember this: you were warned and you read it here.

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b67b2a  No.266123


And wtf good is that supposed to do for us? I think you have no idea how bad things are going to get. I certainly hope that you are working on developing a parallel society and civilization so that you can survive what is coming and are not 'dependent' on the system as it is now.

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43c359  No.266129

File: e2f36001bd1be44⋯.jpg (51.51 KB, 668x374, 334:187, voting_has_consequences.jpg)


Don't get me wrong, it's not all good, yes you will have to prepare for this collapse and I've been telling people that for over a decade. But you are correct, you will need to learn to become more self-sufficient, you will need to organize with your local community, or form a prepping network with friends and family members, those you know and trust. It won't be easy. Many will die during the collapse.

However, what is good is this modern tyrannical government and corrupt divisive politics we have today will collapse and go bankrupt, and become totally ineffective and impotent. The collapse of the USSR was good news. Just like the collapse of the USSA will be good news too. Many people around the world (including many American citizens) will rejoice that their chains of fiscal slavery have been broken once this Empire collapses. We will have a fresh start, a new opportunity to restore our Constitutional Republic and bring about change so THIS never ever happens again! Central Banking has to be abolished and rejected. Dual-citizenship prohibited. Term limits for all politicians enforced. State and local jurisdictional sovereignty restored, and executive rule-by-fiat rejected and prohibited. We can restore a real currency backed by value, and a real free market that allows equal and fair competition and consumer choice. Get rid of most zoning laws and promote self-sufficiency and homesteading everywhere, etc. Bring back a real economy for the people by the people.

But sorry, lessons will have to learned the hard way first. Then maybe after all the pain and misery people will truly understand the mistakes of allowing government to control every facet of their lives and the economy.

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b67b2a  No.266130


You never mention the problem of corporations or the devastating effects that allowing them to run amok have had on this planet as well…it is always 'muh government' with you types.

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9099d1  No.266138


Central Banks, governments and corporate monopolists/oligarchs work hand-in-hand to fuck us. You didn't notice this yet? Who do you think owns our politicians? Who do you think lobbies government officials to enact corporate-friendly pro-monopolist policies? The vaccine mandates ring a bell? How about all that big tech spying? How about the FCC gutting all the small time radio broadcasters and small local TV networks over the last three decades, turning everything into corporate garbage? How about those government student loan programs that made universities rich at the expense of the youth and their families by legalizing predatory lending?

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9099d1  No.266143


Disclaimer: A nuclear superpower has intentionally commit national suicide. Be aware unintentional global chaos may soon arise.

Third World Washington DC Won't Pay City Workers To Clean Up Trash And Shit In The Streets



LOL!China Forces Other Market Investors To Bailout Evergrande!



Everyday Foods & Spice [Will] Become A Luxury Commodity In The Western World

Solution: stockup what you can in totes, go local farmers markets and make contacts to purchase from them directly!



Our New Normal:Inflation, Poverty, Starvation, Economic Collapse, Fascism, Marxism, Communism and Murder



Over 3,000 Doctors, Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers Of Crimes Against Humanity



The History Of COVID Policy-Maker Crimes Against Humanity Archived



Corporate Media Blackout: Thousands In New York Protest Clot Shot Mandates, Chant "Fuck Biden!"



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577d4c  No.266158


The government also made the military industrial complex extremely rich at the expense of millions of lives (foreign and American), the government bailed out insolvent corrupted banks back in 2008 when they created a ponzi scheme out of mortgage fraud (in any normal society those crooks would get RICO'd and sent to prison), the government were also the ones who ordered medical institutions and credit agencies to store all American personal data in an "Amazon cloud" (even military secrets) that inevitably and predictably got hacked routinely and stolen, lets not forget government also is causing automobile manufactures to be decimated by the supply chain shortages (because they mandated all those digital censor chips in newer vehicles which are increasingly impossible to get anymore)….. there really is an endless history of governmental corruption, interference with markets and collusion with their special interests. The only way you can really solve that is to completely abolish government activity that influences the market place and isolate politics & government from the market. Ban all forms and loopholes of lobbying too. Governments should not influence the economy, only keep a watchful eye out for fraud, racketeering, extortion, criminal activity.

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