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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: cf67cd8e45d25ad⋯.jpg (2 MB, 2840x1448, 355:181, Communist_Goals_26.jpg)

30d0b9  No.265685[Last 50 Posts]

Transgenderism is a mental illness.

If society accepts an illness as healthy then society has itself become mentally ill.

In which case society is weakened.

And if society is weakened then so is the government that is formed by individuals witihn society.

If government is weak then so is the military governed by a weak government.

Though trannies are ill and must not be allowed to make illness in the greater society, they should not be persecuted but treated as any other mentally ill group.

And this logic applies to the whole LGBT spectrum.

Prove me wrong, trannies.

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b1d310  No.265703


I like how you give trannies the power to destroy nations. You must be a scared little rabbit.

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30d0b9  No.265705

File: cb98c01981bf08c⋯.jpg (2.92 MB, 3000x1912, 375:239, Communist_Goals_35.jpg)


Anyone who is ill and then convinces the larger public their illness is healthy has the potential of destroying nations. Fake Jews are a perfect example, next to trannies, of course.

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883f8f  No.265839


Ask anyone outside of the major universities about this subject and you will quickly realize the mentally ill are still a tiny minority. Go outside the major cities (which is only 2% of American land) and travel to the small towns and country and ask average Americans and most will look at you awkwardly and not even know these bizarre freaks exist.

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30d0b9  No.265840

File: d90c68205ad325b⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, jew_tranny_.png)


You're moving the goal post. If society accepts trannies as normal by giving them equal rights as the rest of society then society itself has developed a mental illness, that is - their concept of "normal" has been turned abnormal.

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1539e1  No.265875



Let’s look at it where we are at. Our country is falling. And we are literally living in the 1984 novel. It is now criminal or pseudo criminal in all the west to tell the truth. The game is up. The protest are getting increasingly worse. So if guys can go around with their dick swinging around little girls. Why can’t I fuck a 16 year old? The logic is beyond clown. Science backs up my claim and disproves theirs. Yet it’s the opposite. True insanity. The system is fucked. Someone (((checked my privilege))) for saying women can’t play hockey. I’d like to see one try. There is not a woman in the world I can’t beat to death given a few months of training. Including the UFC best. The odds wouldn’t be that bad if I just fought the literal best tomorrow. Women are physically weaker in almost every way. Yet I have retards telling me how to talk (((proper))). Yeah this social war isn’t like the ones in the past. There is no (((goal post))). We are past the point of no return. Just enjoy the ride.

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30d0b9  No.265878


>Just enjoy the ride.

Wouldn't you prefer derailing it?

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b1d310  No.265880

File: f5ba409dd89141d⋯.jpg (58.58 KB, 600x809, 600:809, bawwww.jpg)


>Our country is falling.

No it isn't.

>we are literally living in the 1984 novel

No we're not.

>It is now criminal or pseudo criminal in all the west to tell the truth

No it isn't.

>Someone (((checked my privilege)))

Pic related: it's you.

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e67c43  No.265902


>If society accepts trannies

But my point is average working class Americans do not accept it. It's a bunch of leftist fringe cultists who do. Fuck them, let them mutilate their genitals for all I give a damn but don't even think about trying to push that shit on me. Me and my family will have no part of it.


Our country is collapsing because central banks through systemic fraud have bankrupted our economy to consolidate wealth for themselves and their greedy crony friends. Politicians betrayed us for their selfish interests (both Democrats and Republicans - you can debate all you want what party is 'better' though). All institutions became corrupted in pretty much the same way. They eroded our civil liberties and freedoms to the point it's becoming criminal to be a free man. This is how and why our country will become a failed state. It's almost assured at this point.


Yes, it is. Supply chain shortages. Labor shortages. Rapid price inflation. Trillions of dollars in national debt we can never ever pay off. More and more countries hate our fucking guts today. We can't win any wars that we routinely are the ones starting to keep USD hegemony. Americans are increasingly polarized and politically divided. Government corrupted. Politics corrupted. Institutions corrupted. Worst educational system on the fucking planet at this point. Enjoy Rome while it lasts!

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b1d310  No.265929

File: 8dba4d838df4d69⋯.jpg (32.36 KB, 403x394, 403:394, 123.jpg)


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e67c43  No.265943


I'm retired so I haven't been in the workforce for a while to notice any of these changes in laws or workplace policies. However, I would suggest if you can't bully them or question them, you might as well do your best to not talk to them if you can manage. Just give them a cold shoulder, it doesn't have to be obvious either. Just don't associate too much with them and mind your own affairs. If they harass you, inform management that they are prohibiting you from doing your work.

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30d0b9  No.266010


Society may not be excited about it but no one is resisting in any meaningful way, are they?

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30d0b9  No.266024


non-resistance is soft acceptance.

>i dont like it but oh well…

this is why we need authoritarianism at least in regards to how society is run and maintained. the majority of people are either ignorant or weak but we can make them strong and intolerant.

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b1d310  No.266028

File: 7447897d477e295⋯.jpg (40.19 KB, 590x421, 590:421, loololololoollolololololoo….jpg)


>gets triggered this hard over being proven to be an autistic crying scared little rabbit

>thinks she can convince others to kill themselves

I can smell your vagina through the screen.

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b1d310  No.266029


Nigger, you are fucking retarded. There is literally nothing pride-worthy or alpha about calling someone who is named James, "Jim". You're just an teenage girl edgelord who thinks it's funny to call people by different names.

If someone says their name is William and you call them "Bill", they should have the legal right to shoot you in the face 5 times.

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87d385  No.266065


>Anyways all my co workers except two old dudes used her preferred pronouns

<except two old dudes

And those two old dudes were based. They don't fucking care what idiots think. You should try being more like those two old fags. That's what this society desperately needs, less tolerance. Sometimes trying to "fit in" is the worst thing you can do to yourself.

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b1d310  No.266106


Doesn't matter, you teenage edgelord. If someone tells you their name is "William", you're not being brave and alpha for calling them "Bill". Nobody gives a shit about how the trannie hurt your precious snowflake feely-feels, little girl.

I don't care if the bitch had tits like watermelons and a body like Jessica Rabbit. When someone says, "My name is Braden.", you should a little god damn common courtesy and call them Braden, fucking child.

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f3fe7c  No.266118


Not him, but let's just say my real name was Dave and I went loco and decided to 'change my gender' and told my co-workers my name is Divine, but all my co-workers know my real name is Dave, are you telling me people should not call me by my real name just because I've gone fucking insane? Furthermore, what about the government? Do you think the government should change my legal identification at any whim if my mental instability were to dictate it?

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70a166  No.266125


Why don't you just make everyone call you God? That should piss off the jews who can't even spell the name of God.

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70a166  No.266126

I mean, technically if you 'identify as God' you don't have to do what anyone else says…

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b1d310  No.266127


But "Dave" was never your "real name". It's just the name your mama told the nurse to put on your birth certificate. The name you choose is your real name. If you met Elton John, would you insist on calling him "Reggie" because that's his "real name"? Miley Cyrus has "Destiny Hope" on her birth certificate, so would you call her Desi or Miley in person?

People can be called whatever the hell they want to be called and only the snowflakiest of snowflakes will get mad about it.

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f401b0  No.266128

File: 5f03516740dd12e⋯.gif (2.75 MB, 300x100, 3:1, J_K_I_Mind_Blown.gif)


> I mean, technically if you 'identify as God' you don't have to do what anyone else says…

I mean, technically, you don't have to anyway.

And it doesn't matter how you choose to "identify" when youARE"God".

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70a166  No.266131


Interesting point. I know in other cultures that people have names that are given to them at the various stages in their life rather than one specific identifying 'birth name'. This is a huge problem for central banking in terms of the slave system identification so they are trying to change this cultural practice and MANDATE identity! I think we should resist this MANDATE. I think it is 'for their convenience in classifying the slaves' rather than what is healthy for humanity.

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70a166  No.266132


Well, as a Christian I don't believe that I am 'separate' from God via kike superstitious stupidity, so works for me.

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70a166  No.266134

When you think about it, the kikes have done everything they could to first separate man from God via 'religion' and also to separate man from nature via 'civilization'. What we are as a product of (((culture))) is something that is so separated from its natural state that it cannot exist in anything but displaced paranoia and anxiety. We need to reject this 'separated/fallen' ideology and reintegrated culturally with both Nature and God.

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f401b0  No.266140

File: 359e0708f62e541⋯.gif (2.26 MB, 240x320, 3:4, Plate_Tao.gif)


Well, that's kinda the whole point, eh?

Non-Duality is more than a concept. Conceptualization requires duality, polarity, and assumes that the seer and the seen are separate "things". It is that "thinging" that gets everyone into trouble!

The "trouble" starts with measuring differences, judging, based upon relative interactions of polarity within the Dance ofVERBness…

> "Let there be no difference made among you between any one thing & any other thing; for thereby there cometh hurt."

Of course, one could look at it as "All Is Sorrow". Or "All Is Emptiness". But it doesn't matter how "You" look at "It"; "Thinging" will veil the Naked Tuth, by separating "One" from "It". If one is interested in experiencing more suffering, it is actually quite easy. Keep separating "Subject" & "Object". "See" how that works out for "You".

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b1d310  No.266144


>being this assravaged because someone chose a name their mama didn't give them

Literal 12 year old girl confirmed.

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f401b0  No.266148

File: 385671345c58c65⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 500x489, 500:489, Non_Duality.gif)





Notice how, in >>266140 I did NOT say, "Subject & Object Are One.". I merely said any concept of "separateness" is an illusion. "Not-Two" is NOT the same "thing" as "One". It is a difficult concept to grok, because it goes beyond conceptualization. The very concept of "One" requires the concept of "NOT One" in order to make the concept even workable whatsoever.

"One" has a complementary Counterpart.

"Not Two" Doeth Naught.

When >>266132 says:

> Well, as a Christian I don't believe that I am "separate" from God

He clearly differentiates his viewpoint from that of most folks calling themselves "Christians" that I have met; and I have met more than my fair share, having grown up in a "Christian" missionaries' household, all over the world, among other more ancient cultures, that Christianity likes to think it is better than; but all organized "religions" are little more than a way to provide common-folk with "meaning" in order to preserve the status quo; which has always been an elite few controlling the thoughts and actions of the many… But I digress… Like I said… "making differences…"' So many ways to "do" "it"!

Not to change the "Subject", but do you think that treating people like children, or like livestock, will encourage them to act in ways beneficial to all? Or just a few "Separate" individuals? An "Elite Few".

How about encouraging Authenticity & Integrity?

Is it "WORTH IT", when so many are so sheepishly childlike?

Is everyone just resigning themselves to "The Cull"?

Inquiring Minds Want to KNOW!

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f401b0  No.266151

File: b8001255fd2d64d⋯.jpeg (18.34 KB, 736x494, 368:247, old_pond_frogs_jumped.jpeg)

File: 31c3aa080b2dd77⋯.gif (490.39 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1575154180973.gif)

File: 5316a2150db37ab⋯.jpeg (60.18 KB, 320x599, 320:599, old_pond_frog.jpeg)

With the mental illness of transgenderism, one becomes so attached to it's identification with the body that one feels like the only way one can "feel" better is to modify the body in some way (and hence modify how they feel about who they think they are), not realizing that shit doesn't have to be that complicated! But sure, it can be! As for Why? Probably because of that one maxim that all living beings deal with, and all organized religions exploit:

Living beings tend to seek out pleasurable activities and shy away from those that cause less pleasure, or are difficult to the point of discomfort… challenging…

EVERYBODY wants to live on "Easy Street" and NOBODY wants to Work very hard at it! Certainly not work hard enough to the point of "discomfort"!

How Much Easier to put Someone "Else" through a little "Discomfort" so that (((we few))) can Live "High on the Hog"! amirite?

We can offer 'em "Free" Shit & Keep Them As Slaves!

The best part is, They won't even KNOW They're Slaves!

In fact, we can get them to fight and kill each other just to maintain our Slave Ideology!

And we'll train them to think there is nothing they can DO about it!

It'll be great!

Just wait and see…

Or don't.

Maybe more than a mere "Seer", Seeing "Things".

Stahp "Thinging", and BE About That Boundless "VERBing".

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f401b0  No.266153

File: a11d7e91f78f435⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB, 640x364, 160:91, Disclose_tv_NEW_NY_Governo….mp4)


And yes. "Woke"ism, "Fauci"ism, "Cult of COVID", whatever you want to call this shit… ==IT IS AN ORGANIZED RELIGION.''

A particularly nasty Secular Religion.

Super easy to pull that shit on religitard "Believers" of ALL persuasions; including Atheists (who are mere "believers", just like those they profess to be "different than".)

Hate to break that to you, yet again, "Johnny"!

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f401b0  No.266159

File: 5b99cc8980daf14⋯.mp4 (3.62 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Turning_the_Freaking_Frogs….mp4)


"They're Turning the Frogs Gay!"

and I don't care how they "feel".

"Feelings" are just about "Attraction" & "Repulsion", like I said… Polarity.

A lot of "things" are!

"Feelings" come and go… The "Flow", the "Current"'' has to flow somewhere, so it is ever Boundless. Infinite Movement WITHIN the Stillness…

It doesn't matter how calm or excited "one" chooses to "feel" about "it".It Just IS.It doesn't matter if a viewpoint chooses to ACCEPT That either!

So, chop your dick off if you "feel" you have to!

It ain't no foreskin off my nose!

"Self-Identify" however you choose!

You can't really enforce "your" particular viewpoint upon "Others", however; no matter how hard you try!

And (((some))) ARE "Trying"VERY "Trying"!!!

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3cade1  No.266163

You better get a load of this one Jerry cause S gonna HTF, no matter what anyone says anymore: >>266161

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f401b0  No.266165

File: 954c2d0fe8b16db⋯.png (76.24 KB, 300x100, 3:1, n_mod_banner_contest.png)

File: 8eae62b66244368⋯.jpg (16.58 KB, 300x100, 3:1, newsplus_no_effort.jpg)

File: 535d9e222edbed5⋯.jpg (14.36 KB, 300x100, 3:1, banner_contest_u_say.jpg)

File: 9671f066868f3ad⋯.jpg (112.88 KB, 640x359, 640:359, You_Had_One_Job_Liberty_We….jpg)


Yeah, it's obvious now that there is no "putting the genie back in the bottle", so to speak.

As for "Big Government", they have one fucking job. Only One. All the rest of that bureaucratic nonsense is just that. Nonsense.

I altered your image from that other thread to reflect that thought. It is one of the attached images. The banners are for the following poster…


> Shut up sperg.

I'll be sure to get right on that.

In fact, I am very well known for doing what I am told.

> It was part of the banner thread

He doesn't know about "Banner Thread"s!

Maybe we should start a new "Banner Contest"

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f401b0  No.266166

File: 7775e43545d7597⋯.jpg (636.95 KB, 1080x1352, 135:169, Art_and_Beauty_are_for_the….jpg)



Also, I forgot to mention...

> those two autistic sperges

Contribute more to this site than many "others" do!

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b1d310  No.266203


You should probably leave before you start your period and get pre-teen menstrual juices all over your keyboard.

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70a166  No.266244


Not much future for a cooch that will fit an entire keyboard.

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f401b0  No.266268

File: fab52bb01d35391⋯.mp4 (12.75 MB, 384x288, 4:3, 2021_09_27_Purple_Faggotry….mp4)


For (You), the cooch will be virtual; just like the keyboard.

ENJOYSome "Purple" Faggotry

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70a166  No.266269


>cooch will be virtual

I am grateful for that tbh. Too bad for you the keyboard won't be as ol' Tyrone gets busy again.

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b1d310  No.266291


True. You will always be a pre-teen girl, cowering in corners, and clutching your pearls, crying whenever someone says mean things.

You will never be a man.

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b1d310  No.266311


>I have a penis

Then fucking act like it. You act like a crying little girl, so you're going to be treated like one.

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52e1bd  No.266315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia, China, Iran


First, all the boys and girls of the relevant parties shall receive their 'gift' during 'Christmas.'

It is paramount that labor shortages and input labor capital be obfuscated…

I moved upon them and compelled these things for reasons yet to be revealed.

I desire 'them' to 'write' a 'check' that cannot be 'cashed.'







All these 'gifts' and more… A lifetime of 'peace' and 'happiness' in this paradise I have made for them…

The wheel is turning… The machine is rattling, but moving nonetheless… hehehehe

Give a man electricity and he shall have no power.

Give a man a house and he shall have no space.

Give a man a 'screen' and he shall be 'blind.'

Themselves given to war, and NATO shall defend thee.

Turkey and Germany shall be destroyed.

I do not know which it was, for they are all responsible and therefore the relevant dimensions do not exist to answer thee such a question.

It is as if to ask a tree of parentage… That dimension does not exist… 'They' are one…

That is why a tree speaks with higher dimensions of 'I' and 'me' relating to the topic of 'tense' and time(s). It is why 'they' 'like' the fire.

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b1d310  No.266316


>doesn't know the difference between then and than

Still proving you're not even out of junior high yet.

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760d63  No.266317

File: c29406584c0352f⋯.jpg (65.22 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, BenDover.jpg)

Why don't you faggot's go buy your own womens clothing and leave the kids alone.

Go buy you some bras, panties, make up etc and you be you.

You're not fooling anyone with your jealousy disguised as outrage, it's old.

Everyone knows there's a strong correlation between the hard right and in the closet homosexuality and other perversions. Every single one of you are itc.

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b1d310  No.266329


Nobody is trying to fool anyone. Someone named "William" who doesn't want to be called "Bill" isn't trying to trick people. He is choosing his name. Why do you hate that so much?

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58baf7  No.266533


Junior High*

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b1d310  No.266552


>corrects proper grammar with bad grammar

Still 12, I see.


No, sorry, "junior high" is not capitalized unless it's a specific school, such as "Buttfist Junior High".

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f275a1  No.266563


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58baf7  No.266598


Grammar Nazi

>Buttfist Junior High

Is that your alma mater?

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855eeb  No.266692


transgenderism is a step towards remembering the beginning of time, the wholeness of God and the unity of the world.

Man was once male and female, and he shall once more be male and female, but this time, it'll be better ;)

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7dfe6f  No.266699

File: 2d1ad2472ed34dc⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 510x680, 3:4, rose_city_antifa_stanya_tr….jpg)


This has nothing to do with God.

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b1d310  No.266704

File: ff054be404c7109⋯.jpg (88.15 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ertsertrpp.jpg)


True. This has to do with a bunch of angry incels still butthurt after fapping and white knighting so long and hard, crusting up sock after sock, over 4chan girls who made dick reveal threads while the rest of us laughed our asses off.

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30d0b9  No.266708

File: eef1c3e8dbb64f0⋯.jpg (281.78 KB, 1125x2090, 225:418, classically_tranny.jpg)


You're referring to Genesis? Remember that before man's fall he had a different body, and afterwards God made them "clothes of flesh" (Genesis 3:21). Male and Female in Genesis refers to qualities of personality. Humility and meekness are feminine qualities, strength and assertiveness are masculine. Each personality contained both male and female qualities, without which the personality isn't whole. However, God created "male and female" – the "and" shows distinction; even their pre-fall bodies were distinctly male and female, one complementing the other and one in the other.

Your understanding of the spiritual is gross and mundane. I assume you're a kike.

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5a9f9f  No.266709

File: 928200689508411⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 510x680, 3:4, rose_city_antifa_tranny_Sa….jpg)


> pic related


> I assume you're a kike.

Not him, but (You) assume everyone is a kike. It's pretty kike-like, actually.

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b1d310  No.266710


I look at gender as a gradient. God created "night and day", but day doesn't just flip into night like someone hit a switch. It's a slow progression between the two.

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5a9f9f  No.266712


> but day doesn't just flip into night like someone hit a switch

But it can:

echo day | sed s/day/night/

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5a9f9f  No.266713

File: a35a78d54e03184⋯.png (84.28 KB, 777x1088, 777:1088, tao_trans_777x1088.png)



The map is not the territory. Neither are "YOU" "The Body", but I digress…

One can,however, change the word "day" into "night" with a switch, just like one can change their mind, and modify their body, to reflect a different self-identity, but the ISness remains. Depending on one's point of view it could always be day, or always be night (imagine your own astronomical examples), or day could turn into night gradually, by planetary revolutions, as it were… but the maxim remains:Polarity Interacts.

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58baf7  No.266716


>It's a slow progression between the two.

No really. There is a gradient if you are a flaming faggot. For the rest of us you either are something or you aren't.

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b1d310  No.266719


I giggled.


You ever watch a sunset? It's a gradient, idiot. For once in your life, stop being an autist.


>I am the biggest retard to ever retard in the history of retards

Yep. Agreed.

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30d0b9  No.266720


tell me that this view isnt that of a kike


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70a166  No.266721


That is a kike. It is certainly not someone moral or decent.

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5a9f9f  No.266723

File: 6386133c588e595⋯.jpg (606.06 KB, 1199x989, 1199:989, Qui_Jews_1.jpg)


It seems you know a lot of said "view".

I do not know.

Not even sure what "kike" means, other than a label; and labels hide the naked truth, kind of like a tranny hides his festering putrid inside-out dick, and like words hide meaning behind an interpretive dance of relative meaninglessness.


This is more labeling.

It appears juvenile from some viewpoints.

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70a166  No.266724


2 dimensional being. Are you bragging with your quote there? We know you don’t belong on this planet. IDK if you are going to like what will eventually happen on this world.

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30d0b9  No.266725

File: 9fd99cee5e76ba1⋯.gif (2.69 MB, 480x270, 16:9, rat_face_kike.gif)



>Yeah… God made male and female but…

>He also made the day and night….

>And because day and night are spectrums….

>Male and Female aren't truly separate, therefore…

>Transgenderism is sanctioned by God and we're all trannies

Talmudic Reasoning.

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438f8f  No.266726


>Talmudic Reasoning.

So, why do you continue promoting it?

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70a166  No.266727



Fucking aliens

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30d0b9  No.266728

File: ac08d681b4e3dd4⋯.jpg (130.32 KB, 720x514, 360:257, demons.jpg)


I'm calling out anons Talmudic Reasoning.



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ece041  No.266743

File: e126f4f8a573233⋯.gif (114.05 KB, 150x222, 25:37, Bob.gif)


>I'm calling out anons Talmudic Reasoning

Then (You) should not have replied to >>266723 , as (You) were not intelligent enough to interact with >>266723 , so therefore only labeled >>266723 as Talmudic Reasoning and moved on, making (You)rself look like EGGZACKLY™ like the "fake Jew" (You) spend all (You)r nights calling "Others".

The point that >>266723 made about "labeling" stands.

One could almost call it "Talmudic", but that would be more "labeling", and it is that very habit that most often stands in the way of REAL Thinking. Paying attention, being aware,LOOKING WITHINThose activities will get (You) a lot further in life than applying labels.

I speak from experience.

Think about it. (You) don't like judgment.

Protip: Nobody likes judgment; and folks rarely respond in the ways (You) want them to merely by the sheer force of your caustic judgment.

It seems like sheer "kikery", if that was a thing; I mean, besides being a label, which as a label, cannot possibly apply to everything and everybody, any more than the "fake Jew" label (You) like to bandy about with such wild abandon on da interwebz!

And on the subject of judgment, I feel sorry for the Feds who are forced to waste time on the likes of us, the poor sorry lot who find themselves still posting on this worthless shithole. Think about it. They know EGGZACKLY™ who each of us are, and EGGZACKLY™ how each of us spends our days (or, in the case of (You), nights), and They JUDGE. Just Like (You). So, let me clue (You) in a little about what (((They))) see.

Protip: It is NOT "Talmudic Reasoning".

(((They))) are looking for "threats".

(((They))) know damn well that EVERY motherfucker posting on here is crazy as a loon in their own ways (but that most everybody is that way nowadays too!)

(((They))) know that Killcen and I have guns up the wazoo, know how to use them, and have trained our family members and friends to know how to protect themselves, but we are all content to stay home and protect our families from the hordes, which are coming… and EVERYBODY KNOWS it. (((They))) are pretty much in the same boat as us, and furthermore, (((They))) KNOW it. (((They))) are on their own when SHTF, and (((They))) know better than Anybody the nature of the machine that says it "has their backs". It doesn't. And (((They))) KNOW it.

Imagine the laughs (((They))) have at Purple, judging his Public School trained ass, who was raised more by 4/pol/ than his single mother, much like (You) (You)rself were raised… That is, if (You) were interested in MY Judgment on the matter! Which (You) aren't; any more than ANYONE thinks (You) are in a position to cast judgment on ANYONE "Else" as possessing or expressing "Reasoning" that reflects the Talmud or outs them as a "fake Jew", or some other label that only has meaning to (You), because (You) already dun fell off the Tower of Babbel a long long time ago… Neither (You), nor Purple are a threat to much besides the cleanliness of your mother's basements and the cleanliness of your keyboards. Yes, that would be MY "judgment" on the matter, but it is a judgment shared by Many.

As for "Johnny Neptune", (You) cannot imagine the deliciousness of (((Their))) joy at (You)r torment under his constant onslaught of diarrhea hate spam. Like I have often said, (You) DESERVE the "Persona" known as "Johnny Neptune"! (You) DO! So does Purple. Hell! EvenIhave deserved him on occasion! He has a way of cutting to the quick, and (You) damn well know it. He has a way of saying the things (You) don't want to hear, but (You) know are True, and it sometimes hurts to hear the Truth. Of course, he is an utter idiot, who has completely bought in to the leftist progressive lie, he can't think straight to save his soul, and he will die in a hell of his own making; but that last part could go for any one of us.

We ALL Create Reality.

I am another kind of annoying irritant, here to constantly remind (You) that (You) are Responsible for being the Center of this Boundless Universe, which is Everywhere, Everywhen, Here & Now… And I sometimes ask that (You) ACT Like It. (You), of course, are free to do (You)r own True Will on that, or any "other" matter. It is merely a Suggestion, based upon Experience. There is Overflowing Abundant Joy, Yea Ecstacy! at the Center, but (You) don't have to take my word for it! Nobody Does! All One Needs Do IsLOOK WITHIN.

Find the Center. BE That.

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58baf7  No.266745


Seriously? Are you trying to suggest that WE are crazy while saying the kikes are not? They are the dumbest most batshit insane people on the planet. They are the last people in the universe who should be evaluating peoples 'sanity'. They are nutty as fuck. Everything in the world they do and say 100% indicates their total insanity.

>muh hierarchy

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ece041  No.266746

File: 035d61fe072df3d⋯.jpg (82.92 KB, 623x835, 623:835, My_Virtuosity_Knows_No_Bou….jpg)

File: 9f023fa83f8a566⋯.jpg (3.71 MB, 3264x1616, 204:101, Glowtards_Fuscated_Dont_Kn….jpg)


I was never arguing for the sanity of anyone!

There was never any suggestion of sanity, or even an assumption that the word "sanity" had any meaning that was not relative, and therefore, meaningless, except in relation to its supposed opposite, neither of which can actually exist, in REALITY, as they are both Dependent upon each other, kinda like the two poles of a magnet.Polarity Interacts.

> inb4 "How Do Magnets Work?"

> inb4 Crabs come back in a big way!

> inb4 "BANNER Contest Thread!"

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58baf7  No.266748


Sanity is productivity. The kikes 'don't or can't work'…tells you everything you ever needed to know. In your world, if they are not 'productive' they are a negative polarity and who the fuck wants any of that? If you want to engage them, have at, no one here is stopping you from destroying yourself in their endless vacuum of need until you are totally obliterated.

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ece041  No.266750

File: 95ab36de7c025af⋯.jpg (23.81 KB, 351x397, 351:397, We_Are_Meant_To_Be_WHOLE.jpg)


> In your world, if they are not 'productive' they are a negative polarity and who the fuck wants any of that?

(You) obviously know NOTHING of "My" World! Like I said, "My" World is a World of Polarity! I do not suppose one Pole "Superior" to an "Other"; least of all, its "Opposite"!

As for "engaging them", Wew, Fucking Lad! It looks like my work here is about done, after all! Nice to see you finally beginning to Wake Up. I hope you have time to finish doing that before the…

How that sentence continues is kinda up to (You) though, as it is (You) creating (You)r Conception of Reality; which, btw, affects ALL, but I digress…

> inb4 Johnny Neptune reminds (You), yet again, EGGZACKLY™ Why (You) Hate Feminine Nature so so much…

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58baf7  No.266751


>Why (You) Hate Feminine Nature so so much…

Literal WTF…hahahaha

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ece041  No.266752



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ece041  No.266753


> inb4 that is something a "fake Jew" would say…

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58baf7  No.266754


I don't need to you dumb fag. I don't hate what exists or what I AM.

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30d0b9  No.266755

File: e3f9161f76fd2f1⋯.jpg (102.81 KB, 795x650, 159:130, tranny_meme.jpg)




Your shilling no longer works. Not even here. What's that feel like?

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ece041  No.266756

File: 98a66157ce4d6c6⋯.png (54.44 KB, 668x341, 668:341, 2021_10_03_dumb_faggery.png)



> Your shilling…

Wew lad!

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30d0b9  No.266758

File: 7903131e88cf79a⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 450x335, 90:67, its_over_2.gif)


>…what's that feel like?

<Wew lad!

Adequately expressed.

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58baf7  No.266762


You are a fucking imbecile. No one understands anything you say because you are a fucking nut. lol

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30d0b9  No.266764


the anon to whom I was speaking understood just fine. maybe you should spend more time on your ESL than explaining to everyone else how you don't understand english.

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58baf7  No.266773


>muh world of unity

Yeah, go fuck yourself. I am not ever going to unify with your 'type' to preserve your parasitic and disgusting existence on the planet.

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30d0b9  No.266775


>muh world of unity

wtf are you even talking about now? you're making up shit that no one even mentioned just so you can bitch about it. kill yourself.

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70a166  No.266776


We have ID’s here faggot.

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30d0b9  No.266777


Show us the post youre referring in regards to

>muh world of unity

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d077db  No.266778



not him, but assume he was referring to this post: >>266773

heh heh heh

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30d0b9  No.266779



>not him

sure thing, samefag.

This is the order of posts:






Anon got btfo, embarrassed, and tried creating a strawman to deflect from the fact. damn i hate fake jews theyre so stupid.

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d077db  No.266787


Was just wondering why I was being treated like a "strawman created by a fake jew", but I see that you're just retarded.

Please Carry On embarrassing yourself.

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30d0b9  No.266877


>get BTFO

<y-youre retarded

please kys.

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d7e3ba  No.266890


> get BTFO

Please delineate exactly who was BTFO and exactly how (You) did it, so that we might share in your triumph, anon!

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30d0b9  No.266891




you dont even have to play stupid, do you? this comes natural to you.

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d7e3ba  No.266900


Ahhh. I see (You) are referring to >>266779 wherein (You) proved to EVERYONE how retarded (You) are.

> Pleeze continue to prove it by bumping this thread…

(You) are the only one who does not see how confused (You) have become.

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2402b7  No.267429


>you give trannies the power to destroy nations

Nobody on this board has the ability to gatekeep national power. Soros, the Rothschilds et al are too busy sodomizing underage goyim to shitpost here.

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30d0b9  No.273877

File: 60edafa78c83657⋯.jpg (247.86 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, goals_12.jpg)

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74993d  No.282312

File: 9a302d96e121d76⋯.pdf (1.19 MB, 2022_01_05_Transgenderism_….pdf)


> inb4 Crabs come back in a big way!

Too Late.

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀


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8864a2  No.282314


I just love how jews redirect everything. lol I'm on to you…

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8864a2  No.282315


How depressed are you?

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b1d310  No.282323


I'm not the one crying and bawwing and bleating about how "muh nation" is being destroyed. I'm just fine.

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7c77cf  No.282395


Mind your own business. That's all trans people want out of others.

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d077db  No.282397

File: da4e00e56c6b670⋯.png (29.23 KB, 240x240, 1:1, pregnant_man_1fac3.png)


> Mind your own business. That's all trans people want out of others

If only they could do the same.

That's all we ever wanted out of them too!

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6d2598  No.282400


I don't have a problem with trannies as long as they don't flaunt and rave about it, and as long as they stay the hell away from children. You have a right to be a pervert but you have no right to sexually harass others by making it any of our business. I don't go around flaunting the fact I'm heterosexual do I? I don't go up to random school children and tell them how to have sexual intercourse do I? No. And neither should anyone else and it should be completely against the law for ANYONE to do so.



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eff899  No.282404


OMG! I thought it was Wrong Hole emoji.

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578e3c  No.282692

File: 6b1d34b0a95ff45⋯.png (828.07 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2021_05_25_Tucker_Carlson_….png)


> …as long as they stay the hell away from children…

I'll just pop this in here as a quick reminder:


"Tucker Carlson Tonight" — FULL Show | 2021-05-25


Supporting the "Trans" Movement is completely irresponsible.

I'm looking at You, Medical Community and "Woke"sters everywhere.

You're killing kids by pushing them into believing they have a disorder called Gender Dysphoria, that they can only be whole by radical surgeries and powerful drugs; and you are permanently altering their bodies.

Supporting the "Black Lives Matter" Movement is completely irresponsible.

I'm looking at You, Biden Administration and "Woke"sters everywhere.

You're killing blacks by pushing them into believing they are Victims of Systemic Racism and White Supremacist Oppressors; and you are permanently altering EVERYONE'S minds in a destructive way.

"Specialists" who think they "know better", and treat all other humans like idiot children, are soon to face the high costs of their own stupidity.

I was surprised to hear that most people don't know about the horrifying stories related to Gender Reassignment, Transexuality and Suicidal Ideation. I guess I've just been paying more attention than most, because the proof is almost everywhere.

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6704ff  No.282714

File: 701f2638ec03bee⋯.png (24.7 KB, 732x327, 244:109, _odyssey_.PNG)

File: d390a8d607aea0c⋯.jpg (99.4 KB, 593x497, 593:497, cucker_carlson_israel.jpg)


why are you spamming (((odyssey))) and cucker carlson?

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75ec45  No.282719


Who dis?

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1c3aae  No.282735


want to irritate the left? Just say you are a leftist that hates the modern judaization of the actual real working class.

Make them attack each other by diluting their perception of threat-detection.

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1c3aae  No.282747

btw isn't lgbt just a form of large-scale crypto-pedophilia designed by freemason pedos?

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3ad0d0  No.282749


Not him, but this isn't your own personal safe space, for one. Secondly, regardless what Tucker thinks about Israel, I may not agree with him on everything either, but Tucker does tell a lot of truth on certain topics, which at the very least is helping wake up the normies. Recall Tucker being the only one in the entire TV media exposing the senseless aggression against Syria, for example. He was the only one over the TV networks that was railing against more zog/neo-con middle east intervention. He's not perfect, but neither are people like you who support censorship and beg to have a safe space.

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6704ff  No.282756

File: 405fa942b37802f⋯.png (136.43 KB, 690x621, 10:9, cucker_carlson_controlled_….PNG)


kys kike

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449cfb  No.282757

File: 3cefd2a31ffbc30⋯.png (843.46 KB, 719x982, 719:982, Based_Nigstident.png)

File: 832d57d6af70903⋯.jpg (155.22 KB, 1500x537, 500:179, Dexterity_lvl_10.jpg)

hospitals are forcefully keeping people underfed and sedated if they're found to be unvaxxed so that theres a bigger chance they die from it and be counted as an unvaxxed death in the statistics.

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013b56  No.282761


They are doing things much worse than that.

Much, much worse.

And they have been doing so long before covid.

There is a code of silence in the healthcare delivery sector.

The State has been complicit in and facilitated that silence by changing liability law and passing tort reform which has rendered patients nothing more than disposable livestock.

Also, at this point, it should be obvious to anyone that the notion of independent physicians is long gone.

The State issues license to practice and can take it away.

What Fauci says YOU SAY. Fauci is the State and the final boss.

Your doctor has no choice in the matter.

There are no more second opinions because Fauci is the only opinion and failure to concur can be detrimental even lethal to practitioners.

This new organizational dynamic has already been established and will continue to permeate the profession.

Doctors were leaving practice before covid.


The current so called pandemic has created terms and conditions of practice that are totalitarian and draconian.

Rationing of healthcare was a hot topic pre-covid and it's proponents gave rise to warnings of "death panels" from certain members of Congress willing to expose an unthinkable truth.

Since then, the little leaven has done the whole lump.

Much talk has been made lately of "targeted individuals" and mandatory electronic health records makes it possible to target patient AND doctor with the click of a mouse.

And it's going to get worse.

The mint and rue in the pharmacy is under lock and key and heaven help you if you need a drug that the establishment has deemed you not worthy of receiving.

Interestingly the rationing of care models were skewed towards those over 50 years of age.

The more you learn about these subjects the less you will sleep at night.

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a6235c  No.282763

File: 897f7a1849c6cd1⋯.jpg (102.26 KB, 1200x829, 1200:829, Gotta_insiiiiiiiid.jpg)

File: 6b458dff0172d15⋯.jpeg (147.84 KB, 1200x794, 600:397, felony_meme.jpeg)


its literally a mafia at this point

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ad828c  No.282771


worse than the mafia!

the mafia can find reasons to keep you alive!

dead gamblers don't pay off gambling debts.

dead drug addicts don't buy more drugs.

medicine is financially incentivized to list you as covid positive

on a swab!

your undiagnosed untreated comorbidities don't even matter at this point because covid cancels out pre-existing conditions.

you can die from sepsis from contaminated saline drip and that swab makes it all go away and they get $100k USD bonus from de gubmint

for reporting covid positive.

autopsy you say?

the pathologists know the deal.

death is a piece of paper.

they will not contradict it.

their life and limb depends on it.

and they're dead now anyways!!!!!

to quote Hillary the Divine:

"what does it matter at this point?"

she uses two devices you know.

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a6235c  No.282772


>worse than the mafia

You're right. They are basically gods at this point. Maybe its easier to start a temple and start worshipping bezos at this point (for a certain patronage) than getting a normal job?

Bezos Temple, God of Fortune? would you worship him on a daily basis for $50/hour ?

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2be781  No.282774



bezos like the rest of us lives at the mercy of the dictates of the

caduceus and it's penultimate magic!

i don't think you are grasping the reality of the situation.

if you want to rip on billionaires there are threads for that.

this shit is a whole new level of evil.

it will become more plainly visible week by week.

when they panic we get hurt.

be ready for literally anything from marshall law to asteroid impacts

or nuclear blasts disguised as asteroid impacts weather weapons ebola- literally anything.

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5322dc  No.282782

Anti Sliden Bumpen

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a6235c  No.282784


Maybe martial law and asteroid impacts are good, if they think so. They are our gods after all. Maybe its the best if we simply submit and start praying for the favor and blessing of our new lord Bezos.

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42894a  No.282815


>two devices

o i m still laffin



off topic.

this poster is glowing.

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eff01d  No.282833


who cares about topic

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931e8e  No.282839


> who cares about topic

Trannies care.

Not sure why anyone else does though.

Maybe it's because they refuse to just be satisfied with being mentally ill, and they want to force everyone else to exhibit mental illness right along with them, and pretend that this is just "The New Normal".

Maybe that's why. Because transgenderism is just a symbol for all the myriad of insanities we are being collectively forced to accept right now, everywhere, all around, on every topic, as human beings on this planet nowadays…

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24885c  No.282846



thanks anon.

i needed that.

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41f6de  No.282850

File: da4c140c85bd26d⋯.jpeg (18.51 KB, 306x319, 306:319, swidmuku.jpeg)

man im asexual and tbh regarding lgbt i think im preety normal and even if im mentally disabled asexuality isnt a mental illness

il never get an std or become a child support slave and preety much supior to be honest

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665ecf  No.282860

File: d9515269631bcae⋯.jpg (418.28 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, SUPREME.jpg)


You're a drain on society, who does not work for the benefit of anyone else, and will be one of the first cut; and you know it.

It's not the rest of the world's fault you never prioritized actually living life more; and no, you are NOT "Superior" to ANYONE.

Protip: No one is. I certainly have never intimated that I am!

Being a Perpetual Victim is NOT a "Superior" Stance.

We get it. You hate life. You hate living. You hate humans. You do not want humans to live.

You've made that clear on many many occasions; just like Johnny, and Marshmallow Sally, and Ashes & Echoes, and just like all the rest of you "Black-Pilled Accelerationists"Out "There" somewhere

> See how that works? And how that stance looks? The Stance of Judgment…

And just like that an Anti-Life / Anti-Human stance evokes a more Natural Stance of Love & Overflowing Abundance from the likes of "Others"… And I can ASSURE You that LOVE Often HURTS.

Love Especially Hurts Those Who Continue to Deny Its Very Existence.

I speak from experience.

How you spend your time, Here & Now, Everywhere, Everywhen, IS IMPORTANT.

Even thoughts have Offspring. There is no escape from the Creative Force WITHIN while you are yet alive, and once you know who you actually are you'll see there is no escape from who you are, even in death, so denying your true nature, or trying to keep it shut up, obedient, or compliant is only prolonging the inevitable…

Sorry, Peter Pan, but…

You Will HAVE To Someday GROW UP.

btw, I personally never became a child support slave, and raised two daughters all on my own, as a man, with zero help, and nothing but CONSTANT Hassle from ALL of Society, including my own family.

and as for friends… i was a single parent.

oh, i could complain. oh, i could hate. oh i could –b-blame…

but those days are behind me. it is time for me to finally grow up a bit myself; so that is what i am focused on, now that my girls are legally adults themselves now, (which i assume the anon i'm writing a blog to is getting close to becoming one soon also.)

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39019e  No.282970


man im not anti human or what ever a black pilled accelerationist im preety right wing i jsut dont find sex attractive im not really that supeior that was low key kinda joke lmoa

i dont hate my life im preety satified at the moe but i guess things could be better

whos jonnhu or marshmellow sally

also im not prolonging the enevitable this is my sexuality and if i learn it changes then ill act accordingly i wont be imature about it if its a natural force then im not natural and thats ok

and really happy your a succseful singe parent soceitys hard man good on you bro

im like going to get into colledge soon but regarding relationships im open im not shying away from that anon

its annoying the amount of assumptions u have made about me but its understandable lmoa

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7c77cf  No.282973


I could cure schizophrenia, but I got mindraped by goddamn nephilistic conservatives. They ate my childhood and ruined my adulthood when I got away from them.

Gratitude is a false god borne up by a rape culture! Conservatism is evil! Civil rights are the highest endeavor of civilization, and I want mine back!

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30899f  No.282978

File: 14673bfa8e92693⋯.jpg (110.29 KB, 736x736, 1:1, So_Little.jpg)

File: 39237416069f071⋯.jpg (110.69 KB, 900x600, 3:2, Still_Learning.jpg)

File: 0296ce8a2acdb39⋯.jpg (734.66 KB, 1254x2508, 1:2, PicsArt_12_22_05_12_04.jpg)

File: c1db7288fdefa56⋯.jpg (207.98 KB, 736x1101, 736:1101, PicsArt_12_17_10_09_19.jpg)

File: 537c466c54c8ecc⋯.jpg (76.63 KB, 359x640, 359:640, PicsArt_12_14_11_28_04.jpg)


> its annoying the amount of assumptions u have made about me but its understandable

Yeah, I've been pretty annoying, and have been allowing the pain to flow right through into all my posts, as of late.

Don't worry. Soon I'll be forced to take another break from this hellhole while I recover from yet another surgery. I've been preparing with open source speech-to-text' tools like `nerd-dictation` and open source text-to-speech tools like MyCroft's `mimic `, since I won't be using my arms and hands for months. Maybe a portable bidet would be a good idea! And some sweatpants.

But enough about me!

A bit more surgery and I'll feel more giraffe-like than ever! And that's the important thing; amirite? How I feel about myself… How I choose to self-identify?…

I could choose to identify as anything I want! Even a "Victim" of Society, of "Others". Or I can choose to Be Responsible for Being the AUTHENTIC ME. (and all that entails.)

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7c77cf  No.282982


The conservative stalker cultists are the people who suffer mental illness. I can't speak for other countries, but the obsessive hatreds of the stalker cult have damaged rehabilitative and even scientific potentials in America! Their obsessive drive to kill "bad influences" has made them more parasitic than that which they seek to destroy, and their influence corrodes empathy catastrophically.

My childhood was destroyed by the conservative all-watchfuls and the morality by which they restrict others without preventing themselves from deep indulgence with hatred and other vices. Who watched the watchers when they began campaigning in hatred against their own victims?

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7c77cf  No.282984


These trans-hate threads are not really posted by trans-haters. They're posted by fake liberals who are desperate for new targets. Targeting "evil people" is their hedonism.

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7c77cf  No.282985


Targeting "evil people" is what community judges do in generation after generation, and in generation after generation, the judges themselves are evil.

It's a form of badly corrupted conservative activism. Even "hateful" people shouldn't be targeted in secret. There ARE bad tactics.

We can have a better world, but we need to stop giving power to hatred.

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6e31d4  No.282994


Medicalization has always been reserved for those with opposing ideas.

Faggots no longer contribute to the pool of narrative violations.

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6e31d4  No.282999


can "sexual hypnosis" be weaponized?

such as "sissy hypno"?

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30899f  No.283012

File: 270dc52d29c8533⋯.jpg (12.77 KB, 300x100, 3:1, Ron_pnd_Nipply.jpg)


> Ihroun:

> These trans-hate threads are not really posted by trans-haters. They're posted by fake liberals who are desperate for new targets. Targeting "evil people" is their hedonism

Interesting, since(You)are the one keeping this thread alive, "lhroun".

Maybe (You) should do like was suggested, andLOOK WITHIN.

ALL the "Problems", and ALL the Solutions, are to be foundWITHIN. You're focusing your energies in the wrong place. You can't change You by changing the "Outside" world, and that includes the facade, the shell, of your body.LOOK WITHIN.And that Most CERTAINLY includes those who you picture as your "Victimizers".

Find out who you REALLY Are, and all this will be a moot point.

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ca8f39  No.283034



self reflection and introspection is usually good advice.

different people get trans for different reasons and in different ways.

it is an expansive subject.

some people get their goose cooked before they even know they have a goose that may be cooked.

some people are narcissistic simpaticos.

some are grand standing proponents of cruel and unusual.

and some are politicians who will exploit all of the above to make headlines, win votes and normalize insanity.

Ihroun is well versed in a wide variety of subjects, generally well informed and thought provoking.

Ihroun has done the look within.

lighten up anon.

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6704ff  No.283081

File: d26fd38edefd510⋯.jpg (86.52 KB, 520x318, 260:159, mfw_theyre_assembling.jpg)


>stop looking the jews, goy!

>you're the problem!

>g-go within!

You sound like a fake Jew who has realized Trump isn't coming back, moshiach is not descending from on high to save you, and the further this world descends into chaos the more determined is our climb back out. Stay worried, Moshe. Our New World Order will have for its foundation the skulls of your tribe!

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45e10f  No.283169

File: baa2529a25aa912⋯.jpg (11.2 KB, 191x255, 191:255, leftypol_this_creature_rul….jpg)

Speaking of trannies and their degeneracy, I have a request. Did anyone save the screencaps of the tranny BO from /leftypol/ talking about his stupid "commiecat" fursona and larping as it while some other leftist faggots were playing along?

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7c77cf  No.283170


I told the truth, deep down and completely, while you vomit up the facade of calling me "persona". I use Ihroun's story because Ihroun was in her story someone who was hurt as I was - by being trapped in the power of people who punished all failure to sexually perform. That's "persona," and that's what your truth-hating conservative cult can't handle as a reality. That's what you hate me for being more honest than you about. That's what got you hacking my phone - when I stopped putting out.

Learn to do the right thing and you will liberalize! Tell truth as I do!

You guys hate honesty and you just can't admit it. You're the ones with "PERSONA".

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7c77cf  No.283171


Trans people better protect the vulnerable than hateful criminal conservatives. You lot need to learn to be more authentic. Trans people ARE more authentic than you lot.

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45e10f  No.283175

File: b2c1e711a1ee75a⋯.png (286.65 KB, 300x702, 50:117, trannies_profile_pic.png)

File: 33554ac276dcd06⋯.png (176.3 KB, 479x465, 479:465, trannies_thought_control.png)

File: 660c3d1a69e2a18⋯.jpg (55.38 KB, 720x684, 20:19, trannies_ellen_page_out_of….jpg)


bumping for this

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963098  No.283338


What a cute doggy that is.

I wonder what would happen if I tried to pet it?

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9d144a  No.283380

File: fd4a0af8791c7dc⋯.pdf (1.72 MB, 2022_01_13_Transgenderism_….pdf)


> inb4 Crabs come back in a big way!

> Too Late.

It's like a glitch in the matrix…

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀


2022-01-13_Transgenderism-is-a mental-illness_from_8kun_pnd_2021-09-26_No.265685.pdf

Dat Crab Cooked Enough for y'all?

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17cc8c  No.284145

Is it a communist plot or a eugenics plot? the one thing they keep pushing from time to time is "trans having kids". That's the suspicious part. How many are really having children? I suspect a very small minority. So right now they are ramping it up, and the numbers have never been higher, and they are claiming that it is natural. Yet we also see them having a very high suicide rate. We also see eugenics organocations like planed parenthood distribute the hormones. They are also overwhelmingly on the left side of the spectrum. The other suspicious aspect is that it does not seem to be a middle class or rich white issue, but is across all races.

Now, this did not pop up into the mainstream until a good two decades of autism research. The accusation i am making is that this is a eugenics program to remove autistic people from society by convincing them to sterilize themselves/commit suicide. An ethical genocide if you will.

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29e2b3  No.284146


>eugenics plot

Everything is a eugenics plot, even me talking to you. Natural selection is the only thing in life that cannot be escaped. Everyone is lying, manipulating, deceiving and obfuscating for their own phenotype-benefit and against competing phenotypes.

The anti-white genocide is just natural selection on a macro-scale and on a more abstract pattern. But in the end of the day, the natural selection is still real and still there.

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793281  No.289074

File: 5275c320fccc6a3⋯.jpg (1.62 KB, 57x125, 57:125, 1645211427574s.jpg)

society tolerates trannies, but that is not accepting…

Trannies will no longer get to crush women in women's sports. s=So those women who initially accepted trannies as an equal , quickly realized it was far from equal when tranny athletes popped up and absolutely trounced any female athlete with ease…

Any autist could have predicted this outcome, but no they just has to learn the hard way that men with wigs are still men, Bottom tier men .

Then the prison thing, trannies would've liked to be lumped in with the women. that won't happen unless they got snipped.

Then the whole multigender thing, is not flying.

Trannies can get a name change and pick whether they are male or female in their passports. Not that it matters because in society both genders are supposed to work and pay tax. So govt does not care whether you want to be mr or ms .

Trannies will never be women, nor ever be respected as men.

When they try the trapping thing they do, trying to bamboozle straight men into sex . are the times they 8/10 times will get beaten up.

Also the amount of trolling options for guys to just wear a wig and 6 o clock shadow, and visit ladies night's bars get drunk for cheap, and toss up women's bathrooms is something that should be exploited.

If anything in the way how typical trannies act in public , they are literally losing public support as time goes on. Sure leftards can try to pump up trannies , but in reality no one takes them serious, and 80% of fathers disown the dude.

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1c4fb6  No.289102


I have been musing over this quite a bit anon. Part of it is a culture thing, part of it is shilling by pharama. The culture thing is depressing. In the past, when a man was unhappy with his body, he worked out. However the lumpenproles that are mainstream do not want to put in any effort, so they instead delude themselves into being women. Now in the past this would have been laughed at, but you see women have become fat and ugly lately so we have this gross amalgamation of ugly people now that do not know what femininity is. This is why you see all those weebs flocking to the Asian women because that is the last bastion of feminie women left on the planet.

pharma, is trying to profit off of this delusion. the good news is that the troons are too toxic, and anyone that tolerates them will be destroyed by them. they are just that fucking toxic. So there will be a return to common sense. The problem is the collateral damage and scorched earth that the troons will leave behind.

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