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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 9d0347486f1818d⋯.jpg (110.45 KB, 1096x767, 1096:767, TF_PNCS_SpecialEducationIm….jpg)

b6112d  No.264251

Why I Don’t Want You to Send Your Son or Daughter to My School

From almost the earliest time I can remember, I had always wanted to be a teacher. Any time I learned something new in grade school, I was the person who immediately shared what I learned with everyone, helping others to grasp concepts if they were having difficulty. Often times, I seemed to know more than my teacher and I was frequently the first to volunteer when we were given an opportunity to write something on the chalk board.

No one want surprised when I pursued a Bachelor’s in Education upon graduating High School near the top of my class, and I didn’t stop there. I had already decided that I wanted to help children with special needs as my older brother had a neurodegenerative illness, and so I also pursued certification in Special Education and worked on my Master’s while cutting my teeth as a teacher’s aide at the same alternative school where I am still employed.

Upon receiving my Master’s in Education from Swarthmore College in 2017, I started moving up the ranks at my school and enjoying better pay and benefits, began making substantial progress toward paying back student loans, and even got married in that time.

Most people have not even heard of alternative schools, and if they have, they don’t know what they are, who they serve, or what prompted their creation in the United States. While the concept of special education dates back to a mandate created by, you guessed it, the federal government through the Education for All Handicapped Children Act in 1975, prior to this point in time, schools were not required to make special accommodations for disabled students unless already required to do so by legislation passed in individual states. The EHA of 1975 was the law that brought “Special Education” to every corner of the country. That year saw the beginning of disabled students getting their own separate classrooms rather than being denied an education, which had been fairly typical prior to the development of Special Education requirements.

Something called the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act passed in the U.S. Congress by a wide margin in late 1989 and the very next year, public schools across the country were required to go much further to meet the demands of educating the physically and mentally disabled. Under the IDEA legislation, school districts were, for the first time, required to create Individualized Education Programs for handicapped students where parents could demand that students are bused to any private school specializing in the education of the disabled regardless of tuition or transportation cost. The decade of the 1990s also saw a staggering acceleration of the diagnosis of all sorts of new mental conditions that no one knew existed. Whereas special education heretofore had only really been intended to provide a space for “slow” students or students with physical infirmities such as the inability to walk where they would not disrupt the general functions of their school, the IDEA of 1989, combined with the staggering over-diagnosis of conditions such as ADD, autism, and mood disorders of all stripes meant that by the end of the decade, there was substantial appetite for privately-run schools that would specialize exclusively in educating those with emotional disturbance.

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b6112d  No.264252

The 1990s saw the establishment of my school, The Lifeworks School, which grew from a a converted office space meant to support the administrative functions of a mental hospital on the same grounds with only a half dozen students in 1996 to a school with over 100 students today ranging from elementary age to 12th Grade. The campus, featuring Lifeworks, various in-patient hospital units, a “partial hospitalization program” in the basement where students may leave at the end of the school day, a gymnasium, a residential treatment facility for long-term care of juveniles whose parents have simply given up on them, and multiple trailers, (yes, the kind that people live in) which have been converted into classrooms where students from our “lower” or grade-level school spend much of their time in a space with little or no air conditioning. Although the gymnasium is sometimes used by students, its primary function is to afford the use of exercise equipment to the campus’s security staff which are frequently called upon to break up fights which happen most days of the week. Excessive force has been used by these security guards more than once and nothing has been done about it. In many cases, there is no fight, simply a person having some sort of hysterical fit where they are hurting no one, but the so-called “crisis team” is called anyway, and when they arrive, there is a tendency for them to lay hands on students whether it is called for or not. Last year, a student’s upper arm bone, one of the strongest bones in the human body, was split in two purposefully by a member of the crisis team. That individual was asked to be more careful in the future and still works here.

For this sort of lovely service, school districts from around the area must shell out, with little federal subsidy, for the 2021-2022 school year, $42,840 for each student they send to Lifeworks or a similar facility. They must also cover the cost of transportation for students, which varies based upon the distance they have to travel. An average student here travels about 10 miles at a cost of $5,000 per annum, making for a total cost per student approaching $50,000 annually. One of our students commutes from Media, Pennsylvania to our school in New Britain, Pennsylvania, a distance of 36.4 miles each way at great expense to their home school district.

Without exception, every student at the school has been prescribed medication for any one of a variety of mental issues, and the only ones not medicated are those who have rightly or wrongly chosen not to adhere to the recommended course of treatment. Our staff, although consisting titularly of teachers, in reality serves as babysitters and observers and are required to file page-long monthly synopses for each student they see for class, describing any difficulties they may have, any odd behaviors they may be exhibiting, and whether they are involved in any romantic relationships, the identities of the persons they are romantically involved with, and whether the relationship is homosexual or heterosexual in nature. All in-patients in our neighboring intensive care facility are, in fact, routinely asked if they are homosexual upon admission despite the APA not considering it a mental illness since 1973.

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b6112d  No.264253

The school, formerly independent, has for the past several years been a part of a conglomerate that owns a number of alternative schools. However, regardless of ownership, the name of the game has always been to maximize profits and minimize costs. This means cramming as many students into uncomfortable, cramped spaces as possible. It means recommending unnecessary hospital stints for students which parents typically assent to unquestioningly, which earn the company 10x the money per diem that simply attending the outpatient school would earn them. These hospital stints are frequently used by the administration of the school as a form of punishment for any emotional outbursts in class, which happen with great frequency despite the practice of medicating these children, many of whom are not severely mentally ill but are in fact victims of abuse in the home or have a mild condition such as ADHD. Teachers are privy to personal psychological records of their students despite no release being signed and these records are frequently the topic of gossip amongst staff. Predatory staff have on many occasions taken advantage of emotionally vulnerable young girls who have attended over the years. Some have been caught, others have not. In most cases, if inappropriate behavior is observed (only if it is observed multiple times) a teacher will be allowed to continue working through the remainder of the school year rather than being immediately let go, something which saves the administration from the trouble of hiring a last-minute replacement. In the case of one staff member, a 36-year-old female teacher, our faculty began receiving reports from multiple sources that this teacher was allowing a female pupil to sit in her lap behind the teacher’s desk nearly each and every day. Remarkably, rather than terminating the employment of this teacher instantly, she was given a warning. She insisted that allowing the girl, a junior in high school, to sit in her lap, was therapeutic for the student. She was told that this was not an acceptable form of therapy and would not be tolerated. Nonetheless, it WAS tolerated for the entire remainder of the school year, with the teacher only being removed after butting heads with other faculty members over contrived issues such as her claims that she was the only one who did any work. I believe that if it were not for this personality issue, she would have been allowed to retain her position for even longer. The same staff member was responsible for a great deal of gossip both concerning faculty and students, and would frequently discuss the personal business of students with other students. One student, whom she knew to have a proclivity for dressing up as a “furry” animal, was gossiped about leading to no small amount of humiliation for that student, who was permitted to wear a “furry tail buttplug” to class on most days.

90% of our female students have a history of being molested prior to coming to Lifeworks. Currently, nearly half of the student body in the upper school (grades 8-12) identify as something other than cis-gendered, a rate much higher than the general student population in an ordinary school. Studies show that children who have previously been molested are much more likely to fall victim again in the future. Often times, students are being taken advantage of both in the home and in the school environment.

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b6112d  No.264254

For all of these reasons, I do not want you to send your children to my school. The fact is, if you send your children here, they will not be getting an education. They will not be receiving quality therapy. There is little upside to their spending 6 ½ hours per day in our school other than the break you would get from the obnoxious behavior of your children. For many parents, places like this are a dumping ground for children that seem to be broken beyond repair. The parents have thrown their hands up. I can’t blame them; not entirely. However, when these schools time and again prove to be dangerous places for children, we have to ask the question: Is the cost of an alternative education really worth it when only a small fraction of our graduates will go on to graduate from college? There are no “alternative colleges” where students may engage in the kind of mental vacancy exhibited here on a daily basis and still receive passing marks. Some of our graduates do attempt to pursue a college degree but quickly become overwhelmed when they realize that the Lifeworks curriculum did not come close to preparing them for college-level work. Furthermore, our school does not offer the SAT except by request, with few families being willing to pay the $50 when college is not part of their plans for their children. It simply does not make sense to spend more money educating a disabled person than to educate an exceptional student. In fact, in many cases, schools wind up spending less to educate exceptional students as graduating a year early will save them that year’s tuition. I think it’s a fair assessment that half of the people who graduate from grade 12 at our school would not be able to pass a GED exam at that juncture. I don’t know anyone who thinks that a GED is the equal of a High School Diploma, but somehow we are cranking out students who are actually BELOW GED-level and their home school districts are issuing diplomas for these students that are wholly unearned. Any faculty member of any alternative school you may speak to, if they are being honest, will provide a similar assessment. Some may say that these schools are really all about making these kids feel adequate and that making them feel good about themselves is more important than academic standards, but the reality is that educating someone with special needs is actually a very challenging thing to do, and most are not committed enough to the task, and so they give up on the academic side and hope to get through the day without the classroom descending into a brawl.

I have seen our office spaces are used by students as make-out closets, with students being caught in extremely comprising positions more than once in my tenure. The residential treatment facility run by my company is far worse. Violent attacks by patients against staff there have resulted in staff being beaten nearly to death, with the incidents being covered up and kept out of the local papers and TV network coverage. Female in-patents living in all-female quarters have turned up pregnant with male orderlies being the only plausible father to their children… and it has been covered up.

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b6112d  No.264255

I have survived by keeping my head down, not engaging in gossip or sharing personal information about myself at work, talking about politics, or what have you. I have tried reporting some of the things I’ve seen to appropriate agencies and it never results in more than a cursory visit to our school, announced in advance so we can prepare, and someone is always retaliated against as they are suspected of “ratting out” the school. Eventually I stopped doing this as I felt guilty for doing something that caused someone else to lose their job for utterly no reason.

The reason I bring this here is because it will get the name of the school indexed in search engines and hopefully, parents who are considering sending their child to this school will think twice after finding this posting.

The number of children being ground up in alternative school regimes in the U.S. continues to grow as children become even more heavily medicated and the profit motive gives multiple parties a reason to exaggerate the extent of emotional disturbance in youth. While I continue to work in this field and at this school in order to meet my own financial needs, I no longer do it because I want to do it. I do not feel like I am able to help these students at all because the system simply does not allow it. I can’t protect a given student except for the 45 minutes they are in my class, and after that, I have no way of knowing what they’re doing in the other classrooms, with the counselors, and after school. What I can be sure of is that my company is not permitting me to provide these children with a quality education and perhaps the most offensive thing of all is the culture of telling these kids that they have a future, because realistically, most of them do not. Rather than explaining to them that the school they go to isn’t a “real” school and that they should make plans for the future that are realistic for a person in their situation, they make the students feel like they ARE recipients of a proper education. We don’t have extracurriculars, we don’t have after-school activities, we don’t have sports, we don’t have after-school detention and we don’t even have homework. For students and staff alike, the “school” simply does not feature virtually any of trappings of a typical school. We are on the receiving end of an awful lot of money and rather than providing a world-class educational and therapeutic experience, we are taking people with no social skills and throwing them in a room with other people with no social skills, allowing them to keep their head down on their desk all day, and repeating the process the next day. This can never result in the development of social skills.

Making money is the only priority of my bosses and I want to do everything I can to deter any parent from putting their children in this or any other alternative placement. A handful of people worth educating have passed through our halls, but when curricula are tailored to the function of “not stressing out” the slowest student in the class, it is impossible to teach High School level math, or anything else. If your children are healthy and free of emotional disturbance, you should count yourself as lucky, because there are now millions of American families going through something very difficult and each of them thinks they are alone in their struggles. I want those families to know that they are not alone.

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8740b4  No.264256


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223808  No.264260


Listen to me please, I'm a drunken son of a bitch right now, I dropped out of school many decades ago and joined the trades but you should be able to understand what I have to say. This system they have installed is killing both good people like yourself and those students. This is all a massive drug racket today, a massive big pharmaceutical and student loan racket that bankrupts families and warps minds until nearly half work for slave labor in their (gulags) prison industrial complex! The USA is the USSR today! Literally. You need to talk to your husband, let him know this whole system is intended to bankrupt everyone on pensions! Everyone who is saving in retirement or savings! That is what crooked communist governments do, so prepare yourselves! Get out of dodge, liquidate your savings ASAP because this future is NOT meant for people like you or me! You'll need some property outside major cities, basic essentials to live off of and to learn some skills like becoming self sufficient! Good luck and take care!

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591b68  No.264264


ignore the shill, saved this as pdf

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75332e  No.264270





Control Freak Neo-nazi Feds Think They're Ready To Go Door To Door In America!

With over a trillion rounds of ammo and over 100 million armed disgruntled citizens, good luck with that!



WATCH: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Js66snmGnKRr/

Third World Communist Australia Deploys Terror Squads To Gulag, Torture And Kill Unarmed Protesters



World Leaders Are In A Death Cult To Destroy All Human Rights And Freedoms Across The Planet!



Iraq War Veteran Confronts War Criminal George W. Bush



Actor Johnny Depp Calls For Revolt Against Cancel Culture, Warns That 'It Takes One Sentence' To Destroy Someone



Biden Pushing For Dishonourable Discharges, Court Martials For Troops Who Refuse Vaccines

So much for the "fighting for freedom" propaganda! There is no reason to join the US military anymore!



The Most Important Video Will See This Year

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Pz0SBTvKrDrV ←– This is how American hospitals get away with murder!

Has A Fake Pandemic Really Conquered America?



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70d78a  No.264301


"No one want surprised when I pursued a Bachelor’s in Education upon graduating High School "


so…. you claim to have "graduated high school"?

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70d78a  No.264302




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70d78a  No.264303



sorry, pal…….

nobody is interested in "life advice" from a man WHO HAS DESTROYED HIS LIFE WITH ALCOHOLISM

your addiction IS NOT CHARMING

your addiction IS NOT CUTE

……….it's NOT FUNNY




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70d78a  No.264304



your posts are a sad & pathetic documentation of a final downward spiral…

a man who is drowning in a boat that he intentionally sank


nobody did this to you

you're not a victim


and NOTHING you say has any merit at all

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70d78a  No.264305



your entire repertoire consists of nothing more than PRETENDING THAT "EXTERNAL FORCES ARE CONSPIRING TO DESTROY YOUR LIFE"

while it'sYOUwho destroyed your life



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70d78a  No.264306



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70d78a  No.264308


Fuck you and your thread.

go back to 4chat

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b6112d  No.277743

File: 46e3bf2ae155325⋯.jpg (70.76 KB, 377x601, 377:601, Untitled.jpg)

Plot twist:

The school in question has been engaged in a back-and-forth battle of sorts in which they attempt to mark their own business as "permanently closed" in order to get negative reviews taken down. Since their business is generated by school district referrals, they don't really need to have the Google Reviews page, as they are learning. The business would have to be permanently closed for 90 contiguous days if I am not mistaken in order for it to be permanently removed, and it can be marked as open at any time in that period. The way it works, when they mark their own business as closed, the status shows as "closed" instantly, but if it's marked by a member of the public as "open" then a Google employee has to look at the flag and change the status, something that can take up to a week. I have been marking it as open any time they mark it as closed.

So, obviously someone in an administrative role was told by the owner that if they got one more negative review they'd lose their job. Well, the business has to be open in order for reviews to be submitted and so I simply submitted yet another review during one of the windows when it shows as open.


THIS TIME, rather than simply posting the usual boilerplate message "we're sorry you weren't satisfied with us" message, they included a link to an IP STEALER in a Google "Owner's Response."

Do not click the link unless you are comfortable with the Lifeworks School knowing your IP address. Clearly they intend to do something with information (perhaps something blackhat-ish) so be sure to proxy up. If nothing else, they will receive a lot of useless information if a few people visit the link.

Every parent with a child attending here deserves to know what is going on with this place. Only a shady AF business would do something like this.

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bc5b10  No.277744

America has truly fallen. The question is just how bad will this all end for us?

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b6112d  No.277747


I am just wondering what can be done about this legally now that we know they're employing dirty tactics simply to track down someone who wants to expose them.

There it is in black and white, a major business trying to trick someone into clicking on an IP stealer. I think it's high time they were made infamous.

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