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Rules Log Spot Those Who Glow Protect Yourself
I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 40486c9b4939737⋯.jpg (98.4 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, Wahhabism.jpg)

5b3d09  No.264112

I was reading some content and I have figured that:

1- Wahhabism was founded by a Jew. Now it makes sense that the so called Wahhabists a.k.a ISIS in the Middle East benefit Israel by destabilizing Middle Eastern Countries And also destabilize European countries by invading them.

It makes sense that Rabbi David Touitou told Islam is the "broom of Israel."

So apparently Wahhab Islam is a sort of Judaism.

In relation to Islam:

I was dazzled that Alawite Islam appear to veneer the Mary figure. The so called Wahhabs appear to persecute Christians even if the Quran supposedly talks about the miracles of Mary.

I heard Afghanistan was the "country of flowers"; something like that, before the USA tried to subvert it.

So maybe Islam is not a problem, despite (if I am not wrong), Taliban told that Islam must conquer the world.

The Saudis must be Donmeh Jews. That is why they appear to be allied with Israel.

What about Erdogan? Is him a Turkish Donmeh Jew?


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04ac0d  No.264113


Insolvent Keynesian Economic Policies Always Destroy What They Pretend To Protect



Persisting Supply Chain Issues Could Complicate Thanksgiving Grocery Shopping



Wuhan Mad Scientists Planned To Release Chimeric Covid Spike Proteins Into Bat Populations

https://archive.md/a0h3J // https://archive.md/Hc2q8



JIM STONE: CVS Now Hiring 25,000 People???

What happened? Did they kill them all? Did a bunch find their morals and quit? That's a hell of a walk off or die off, I know one thing, it was not due to attrition, something big happened at CVS and it has to be something like "I just can't do this anymore" or "the shot got me" x25,000 because CVS is paying WAY TOO MUCH for people to just walk off the job now. They are not all suddenly gone for no reason.

CVS ought to call all the super max prisons and death rows for their new employees, absolutely anyone can operate the plunger on a syringe and stab things, why not be honest and pay a few confirmed killers well? Can't let morals get in the way of "progress". I am sure a lot of them are already familiar with injecting drugs, they'll do just fine.


Up To 65% of San Diego’s Police Force Might Quit… Guess Why!?



Deadly Dan Anderson's Latest From Australia: Vax Passports REQUIRE Regular 'Boosters' - In Other Words, It Won't End Until You Are Dead

They're killing off the White Western world! Notice how many so-called "white nationalists" cover all of this up, or worse endorse this White Genocide! They're controlled opposition!



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6c93a6  No.264156

Muhammad himself was part of the tribe. But while Quran denies the divinity of Christ he's at least respected, unlike within Talmudism. There's no reason why traditional Muslims and Christians can't purge the fake Jews from their respective traditions and cooperate as things pertain to ethics. However, any religion that conquers the world must do so because it's intellectually and spiritually superior, not because it's been forced at gun point.

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1be5a3  No.264161


The gun was not made to force anyone to do anything. The gun was made as a tool to better defend oneself against other aggressors and in times for national defense. Governments are the ones who decided weapons should be used to enslave others, kikery in it's most pure form.

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6c93a6  No.264162


yes. agreed.

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