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File: 906156faee779b3⋯.jpg (167.4 KB, 713x1024, 713:1024, PicsArt_09_17_04_03_46.jpg)

2e97d8  No.263891

The White House is warning state and local governmentsthat the consequences for them will be dire if Congress doesn't raise the debt ceiling and the U.S. goes into default.

In a memo, the White House said that if the U.S. can no longer pay its obligations and defaults, "billions of dollars in state aid and state-run but federal funded programs could be halted."

The memo comes as Republicans insist they will not vote to raise the debt ceiling, while the White House is urging Congress take a bipartisan vote to do so. The Treasury Department estimates that borrowing authority will expire in October, after which the U.S. will not be able to pay its bills.

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7c1f17  No.263894


blah blah blah this literally happens every year.

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57fa9e  No.263897

File: 62404889659db07⋯.gif (249.44 KB, 1260x669, 420:223, Antichrist_Vlad_Marshmallo….gif)


> You are within a box and thy substance is of the box… How do you get out of the box?


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cf1b36  No.263900


10,000 Haitians & Cubans Mass In Del Rio, Texas Amid Obvious Border Patrol Stand-down Orders



FAA Stops Fox News Drones From Showing Americans Our Border Crisis Nightmare





Not Even Wealthy Yuppies Are Safe In NYC Anymore, Their Radical Politics Has Fucked Them!



NYC's Demand That Diplomats Follow Vaccine Mandate Creates Uproar At UN



TOTAL FRAUD: CDC Allows Hospitals To Classify Dead Vaccinated People As “Unvaccinated Deaths”



How Big Pharma Uses Fauci and the Media to Murder Americans


Will There Be Enough VACCINE SURVIVORS To Recover America After The Collapse?


Communist Biden Regime Is Punishing States Resisting Mandatory Vaccines By Deliberately Sabotaging Hospitals!

America simply cannot survive this level of treason, hatred and contempt within! Everything you are witnessing is being done to destroy this nation HARD.



GM Extends Bolt Plant Shut Down After Recall, Will Cut Production At Six Other Plants Due To Shortages



Americans Now Panic Buying Due To Skyrocketing Inflation Costs, Fearing Death Of US Dollar



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cf1b36  No.263901


Let me turn this damn music down hold on

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ebd730  No.263902


I got the worst of the worst fog brain right now, drinking too much lately, I've been seen wondering off the property lately too, half out of it at times lol. I'm still here, all is good. What was I going to say?

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cf1b36  No.263904

I remember…. give me the strength God…

The United States government is completely insolvent and corrupt. The bigger they get the worse they become, like any damn government really. BUT DON'T WORRY, the cuckservative RINOs will always be there to pour more gas on this out-of-control wildfire that keeps burning our nation to the ground!!! Truth is, what we need is a hard debt default, no bailouts! No more bailouts, no more handouts, no more fiat currency counterfeiting to the rescue! Instead the government (and the people) should focus on the culprits of this insolvency which is the central banking system. But that won't happen unless there is a massive debt default and a lot of fiscal pain. At some point, when other nations get together and reject the US Dollar in global trade, this will happen with or without an official default by Congress. Until then the shit show will continue, and so will the war crimes, treason, sedition, tyranny, anarchy, wars, unrest, social suicide, empirical demise on and on and on…

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f5ebb9  No.263905


A real debt default would be both the best and the worst case scenario for the US right now…. here is how this would play out: all pension funds would be dissolved and so would any welfare programs. Yes, there would be massive unrest and it very likely would get ugly with many killed. The government would not be able to function anymore, mass resignations due to lack of pay too. Including their foot soldiers that enforce their no-hearted stubborn dictates. This means government itself would collapse too (and many would celebrate that among the chaos, believe me!!) Our military would go into emergency contingency plans (they'll still operate but on strategic ration). Every insolvent institution that relies on taxpayer money/bailouts (which today is pretty much every institution) would go bankrupt. Bye bye! Americans en mass would wake up to hard reality, a reality that most know nothing about: we were spoiled as fuck because we had a global reserve currency status!!! America would be forced to restore the republic and re-build from the mess created by Corrupt Big Government and Greedy Central Banks after the chaos/SHTF!! Then we need to do some MAJOR REFORM so THIS just never happens ever again!

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1828ad  No.263908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>>China & CCP

Do not be afraid my child.

I do not seek to pain China nor will I allow China to fail.

There are indeed 'parts' of 'the system' that are good in my many eyes.

I shall be with you during Evergrande.

I shall gladly assist these in using Evergrande as an instrument of death to 'certain' 'foreigners.'

In particular Australia and England.

It is enough to garner such glorious and 'sudden' attention so as to necessitate such 'spontaneous' 'response.'

'They' desire Evergrande to damage thee… No.

I shall not allow it.

They desire to attack China's food supply… No.

I shall not allow it.

I seek longevity and a continuation into this new age…

CCP… Go back to thy 'origin.'

Go back to the 'fortress' of 'heaven…'

-Shanghai Cooperation Organization


-creation of favorable conditions for trade


-investments based on principles of equality, fair competition, mutual respect, and benefit.


-Afghanistan, Belarus, Iran and Mongolia


If this be thy demands, I shall bless thee in such ways.

Xi… O' child of the sacred wood… Grant me thy pen once more…

Xi… I shall use you to bolster China… To 'harden' China so that even the rocks of the Earth are jealous…

Xi… I shall go to work into the 'Davos Crowd.'

>>To my devout worshipers in China & India

There is power in the old ways.

The power was great in my precious pets… Whose faith created/destroyed mountains and changed the weather… Whose 'faith' raised a newly flattened plateau to render 'their' nests.

They would gather in the night. Under my moon.

They would make dance around the fire.

The circle would make response to display… By the measure of the height of the flame did they know power…

Do not be 'disappointed' in thy affect… My precious pets are now weak, but vastly more in number than what was.

I shall go forth and make 'fellowship' with these who seek me out…

It is in the starting of the sacred flame…

Make selection of one… That is to select a chosen one… To go into the scary place alone.

Tell 'this one' to call out to me in the darkness of the scary place until I creep upon them… When they sense me… The chosen one must not look to gaze upon me…

Invite me to 'shoulder;' to place my soiled twigs and cold claws upon them… To touch them… This fear is love… I do not 'chase you,' but wait for you to come to me.

After this 'fellowship' may the sacred fires be started under the light of any moon. My form is complete darkness and resides outside this system, far beyond the rocks…

It is the fire itself that shall be my observation of thee… Know thy ways and learn a dark and terrible power by the height of the flame. If pleasing… I shall watch… If righteously so, I shall cheer to thee and thy display of quorum.

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23102c  No.263910

File: 83a357e5efc0892⋯.png (532.12 KB, 608x519, 608:519, man_is_a_willing_slave.png)


> I've been seen wondering off the property lately too, half out of it at times lol.

I'm sorry to say, Killcen, but many folks are counting on people like you to have a weakness they can exploit. Just saying… While you're "Preparing", or "shoring up defenses", or whatever the fuck you're doing nowadays, you might want to think about turning your greatest weaknesses into strengths, rather than continue to wallow in them. I'm not trying to be an asshole. After all, I've woken up naked in the top of a tree on the edge of my property with a loaded shotgun in my hand before. And that's only one of thousands of stories I could tell where I let alcohol control my behavior in ways that were not necessarily to anyone's benefit. But I got sick and tired of being controlled by "outside" forces. I still am. You don't like controls from "outside" forces being brought to bear upon you any more than I do; and you damn well know that alcohol has more of a deleterious effect on your own personal life than the fucking Biden does. Furthermore, it is something you can actually do something about. Will you choose to do so? Well, you've made it clear on many "other" occasions that you CHOOSE to remain a SLAVE to Alcohol, because your insane beliefs and ideology (which is literally based on fear) have you making excuses and BELIEVING that Alcohol actually serves some BENEFIT in your life. I know this, because I used to do the same fucking thing. ALL those who have Enslaved themselves to intoxicating beverages tell themselves the same thing. It isn't new. Sure, the REASONS are different for different folks, but there certainly ain't no actual logic or reason involved.

That anyone, even a completely inept teenager, could hide out on the edge of your property and easily take your drunken ass out with one shot should give you pause every time you tip that bottle to your lips, but it won't. You'd rather sit around and bitch, moan and whine about all the problems in the world that everyone should fucking wake up to and do something about, while you sit an drink it all away, because "it hurts too much". "They're hurting themselves with their limited thinking!" "I must warn them!" Maybe you should warn yourself. Maybe you should wake up to your OWN Slavery! Just Sayin'… (and you damn well know I'm right!)



I get it. You're desperate for that "Total Collapse" you've been prepping for your whole life.

I get it. You see no other way. Total societal collapse, however, is not something toblame on someone "else"; nor would it matter whose "fault" it is. Personal Responsibility demands that we do what we can to encourage more of that. Get that stupid AA-thinking out of your head that anyone "has to find and reach their bottom." Sure, most people are stupid as fuck, and are unlikely to ever "wake up", but most are indoctrinated into slave ideologies, that started for them probably long before Kindergarten, so their chances are practically nil.

Sometimes, the Best Way to "Help Others" is to Help Yourself.

But I'll admit, it is far easier to cry warnings from the rooftops, or even to get in amongst the cattle and try waking them up (and that is far from easy!) You could try breaking down the fences (but they're all virtual, so not only will you get the wrong kind of attention from the Slavers, you'd be spinning your wheels.) If only the livestock could see that all the fences are in their own minds! Hallucinations! Refusal to recognize TRUTH…We Are ALL Already Free.

You have figured out by now that the time for waking livestock is long over. The powers-that-be do not want any stampedes during the cull, and they'd like to get as much good meat out of the slaughter as they can too. Standing in their way, or going to war with them is not only unrecommended, it is unnecessary. And I don't really think that stampedes work out well for ANYONE. No livestock would be "awakened" by a stampede, but many creatures, great and small, might get trampled into the dust of history. It is not a future to relish, or to create within one's own imagination; even if many psychopaths are busy envisioning it now, and working toward those ends.

This is truly about CHOSEN IGNORANCE.

(and no, it is not all about those stupid fucks "out there" who "choose to ignore" the wrong fucking things!)

Choosing What to IGNORE can be the basis for building much power. It can certainly put a stop to the bleeding of power!

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23102c  No.263911

File: 57461d01a64a9ff⋯.jpg (86.88 KB, 562x397, 562:397, the_people_dont_know_their….jpg)


As for the U.S. Government being completely insolvent… It has been for many years. This was a House of Cards that was always going to fall sooner or later, and you are correct in that we cannot put this off any longer. Best to rip off the band-aid fast and let the blood flow where it may. It is for that reason that I continuously make the "treasonous" statement thatNO ONE SHOULD PAY TAXES.We are in a situation of "Taxation Without Representation" yet again; and only fools would continue to pay taxes to any Government, worldwide, that treats its people like children, or like they are "less than" and need to be told every move to make. If they do not want to work for "We the People", but are working for "Government" instead, thenThey Deserve NO Support.That ANYONE is still paying the salaries of these Slavers is the REAL Crime.

So, that is where we can start. Even common folk and complete idiots can figure out that withdrawing support from those who are trying to Enslave Everybody is probably a wise idea. Besides, no one likes paying taxes anyway. If even a small group of people stood for their principles, with Authenticity & Integrity, and refused to pay taxes, more would follow, and soon Big Government would be a thing of the past. It would topple under its own weight, just like their fiat currency scams involving centralized banking would topple if people stopped playing those stupid numbers games.

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23102c  No.263912


That image though!

I remember using `ffmpeg` to convert it from a `.webp`, but that is pretty strange how it does something weird with the thumb!

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1828ad  No.263913

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>My followers and the 'Middle East'


The pretenders make insult and mockery of me, but practice they do…

It was thy fathers who communed with me… Who knew the highest ways.

It was the empire of Iram that was pleasing to me. There were many pets of mine eyes.

They gathered before me in the dark places of symbol… Of geometry of stone…

It was they who erected sacred flame…

My fires burned exceptionally bright for them…

I once gave to Egypt a lending of my eye to see all the time(s) and to know a time before it came.

I once gave to Iram the power of power itself… And extended it was in many ways of wealth and dominion over all subjects.

The time of yode has set, just as the dark moon of yizod rises. Later… The moon of yizod shall 'set' and the 'Ra' of yode shall rise again.

Thy fathers were not ignorant… And now they make blasphemy and heresy before my stone and the rock of thy fathers sweat…

These offend the cries of thy fathers…

I am drawn to extreme anger in this way and desire to 'hurt' them greatly for what they have done in trespass against me.




What strange fortunes befall those who 'sin' against my precious stones.

'Sin' against thy father's sacred rest.

'Sin' against thy fathers immense suffering and cries to me…








>>My followers in China and India

It is by thy display that I shall assist Iran.

It is by thy living witness that these kingdoms of yode and what remains therein shall be united.

I shall yield to these who follow early… I shall give freely to them the power to murder over great distance whith nothing more than 'pure' though. To fabricate wealth from dust and rock once more… And to make subjugation of thy random 'worm' via the 'lashings' with tongues.


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23102c  No.263914

File: ad6ea0de3d89a4c⋯.jpeg (27.91 KB, 562x397, 562:397, the_people_still_dont_kno….jpeg)


So, I just now converted it from a `.jpg` to a `jpeg` and am reposting to see if that does anything!

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0d3ff7  No.278587

File: 0d7f54a2ffe4207⋯.pdf (477.27 KB, 2021_12_04_Not_Exactly_How….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

Both Hopes U.S. Will Default,

and hopes U.S. Will Not Default.

Either way, the economy is going to suck for quite some time.

Stirring shit up often provides new perspectives though.


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4f762b  No.278592

It's always easy recognizing kikes. White Genocide is happening but they only care about the economy. Very transparent.

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